


April 22, 2016


HDI Membership: Now More Connected Than Ever

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What’s Hot at HDI Get Your Seat at the Next HDI Forum Roundtables They’re filling up fast! Join us to learn about HDI Forum membership as you collaborate with your peers to share thoughts, discuss challenges, learn the latest best practices, and more. Best of all, they’re FREE to attend:

–  April 12, 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. EST at HDI 2016 Conference & Expo –  May 17, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. EST, Virtual Event –  Register today at

Save the Date! FUSION 16: The Next Generation of Service Management November 1-4, 2016 | MGM Grand | Las Vegas Succeed in the new age of IT service management. Join us for all the latest on consumerization, virtualization, the cloud, mobility, security, SaaS, and so much more. Register by 5/20 for the best conference pricing . HDI Technical Support Professional certification course now available in our online, self-paced format! The HDI Technical Support Professional certification is designed to help every member of your extended team better connect with your customers. Not just first level support staff, but anyone who may have to step out of his or her normal role and temporarily join the tech support team. Price: $695 - Members save $50! Learn more at

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New Membership Model Features Improved Benefits, Lower Price Based on feedback from those in the tech support industry, HDI has overhauled and simplified its membership model! No more unnecessary member levels, no more confusing pricing structure, and no more unclear benefits. We now have one membership level available for the new low price of $295 with a streamlined and improved set of benefits. Check it out at

Thank You HDI CA 2016 Sponsors!!

Today’s Agenda

Agenda 12:00 Noon to 12:30 PM – Lunch and Networking 12:30 PM to 1:50 PM – Program 1:50 PM to 2:00 PM – Survey, Prize Drawing 2:00 PM – Meeting Ends

Today’s Speaker

Measuring Success: An Introduction to Metrics!

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Edward Gray, UMW

Measuring Success: An Introduction to Metrics Edward Gray

Systems Integration and Support Specialist

University of Mary Washington

About Me

´  Systems Integration and Support Specialist

´  16 years at UMW

´  MS in MIS

´  Certifications

´  CompTIA: A+, Network+, i-Net+


´  ITIL: Foundations, Service Strategy

´  Community Manager, itSMF USA Higher Ed SIG

´  More on my website,



´  Terminology

´  Defining

´  Selecting

´  Cataloging


´  What is not defined, cannot be controlled.

´  What is not controlled, cannot be measured.

´  What is not measured, cannot be improved.

´  What cannot be improved cannot, continue to provide value.


Terminology 13


´  Measure, Metric, Baseline

´  Lagging/Leading

´  Polarity

´  Metric Types

´  KPI Kinds

´  KPI Categories


Measure, Metric, Baseline

´  Measure ´  Quantifiable expression of performance collected during the

execution of activities

´  Metric ´  Specific measurement or calculation associated with


´  Applied as references for assessing variance as compared to a defined target

´  May reflect Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

´  Baseline ´  Known state or performance level that is used as a reference

for subsequent measurements

´  Set of well characterized and understood measurements including all the phases of a process and the results



´  Lagging (Trailing)

´  Measures focusing on results at the end of a time period, normally characterizing historical performance

´  Historical – How did we perform?

´  Examples: Total Customer Contacts, Total Incidents, Customer Satisfaction

´  Leading

´  Measures that drive or lead to the performance of lag measures, normally measuring intermediate processes and activities

´  Predictive – How are we likely to perform?

´  Examples: Average Speed of Answer, Average Handle Time, First Call Resolution



´  Whether a desired/target value is high or low on a scale

´  Some metrics (such as Average Speed of Answer) are usually better when the value is lower – 30 seconds compared to 120 seconds.

´  Other metrics (such as First Call Resolution) are generally better when the value is higher.

´  May require dual polarity: too low is bad, too high is bad, searching for the “sweet spot”; example is resource utilization


Metric Types

´  Technology Metrics

´  Component and application metrics

´  Crucial for effective and efficient service delivery

´  Little interest to customers

´  Process Metrics

´  Overall health of a process

´  Indicates how well individual processes are performing

´  Service Metrics

´  End-to-end service performance

´  Customer’s view of a service


KPI Kinds

´  Quantitative

´  “Hard”

´  Data, numbers

´  Such as financial, operational, ratios

´  Qualitative

´  “Soft”

´  Intangibles, subjective

´  Such as comments, perceptions


KPI Categories

´  Compliance

´  Are we doing it?

´  Quality

´  How well are we doing it?

´  Performance

´  How fast or slow are we doing it?

´  Value

´  Is what we are doing making a difference?


Defining 21

Define Your Metrics

´  Measure name

´  Description

´  Lag/Lead

´  Unit Type

´  Polarity

´  Formula/Query

´  Data Source


Selecting 23

Metrics Tree Vision














Balanced Scorecard

´  Financial: Corporate Contribution

´  Customer: Customer (user) Orientation

´  Internal/Employee: Operational Excellence

´  Learning and Growth: Future Orientation

´  Should contain a mix of lagging and leading indicators

´  Should have a mix of Categories (compliance, quality, performance, value)



´  Target audience

´  Internal operations

´  Management

´  Executive leadership

´  Regulatory oversight

´  Formats

´  Text

´  Tabular/spread sheets

´  Charts and graphs


Cataloging 27

Metrics Catalog

´  Scorecard Goal

´  Measure name

´  Category

´  Type

´  Owner

´  Strategy

´  Objective

´  Description

´  Lag/Lead

´  Frequency

´  Unit Type

´  Polarity

´  Formula/Query

´  Data Source

´  Data Quality

´  Data Collector

´  Baseline

´  Target

´  Target Rationale

´  Initiatives


Questions? 29



´  The Definitive Guide to IT Service Metrics

´  ISBN: 978-1-84928-405-9

´  ITIL Continual Service Improvement

´  ISBN: 978-0-11-331308-2

´  ITIL Practitioner

´  ISBN: 978-0113314874

´  Ten Steps to ITSM Success

´  ISBN: 978-1-84928-456-1

´  A Reference Guide to the Balanced Scorecard Service Model

´  HDI Metrics Guides


´  There are many things we can measure in IT, but which things should we measure? And which should we report? This session will present an overview of what metrics are, why we need them, and how we should (and should not) use them. Learn the types of metrics, how to define your metrics dictionary, and how to select and develop the right metrics to tell your story.

´  Key Takeaways for Attendees

´  Better understanding of different kinds of metrics

´  Mechanism for cataloging metrics

´  Framework for selecting, developing, and reporting metrics and KPIs


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