Page 1: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

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Small Cell | BCR4.3

HDM Alarms Reference Guide


Issue 4 | November 2013

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About this document

Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................................................... xviixvii

What's new .................................................................................................................................................................................. xviixvii

Intended audience ..................................................................................................................................................................... xviixvii

Supported systems .................................................................................................................................................................... xviixvii

How to use this document ..................................................................................................................................................... xviixvii

Conventions used ....................................................................................................................................................................... xxixxi

Related information ................................................................................................................................................................. xxiixxii

Document support .................................................................................................................................................................... xxiixxii

Technical support ..................................................................................................................................................................... xxiiixxiii

How to order ............................................................................................................................................................................. xxiiixxiii

How to comment ..................................................................................................................................................................... xxiiixxiii

1 The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-11-1

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2001_00001 - actionsaborted ................................................................................................................................. 1-81-8

HDM_2002_00001 - actionsfailed ..................................................................................................................................... 1-91-9

HDM_2003_00001 - actionsqueued ............................................................................................................................... 1-101-10

HDM_2004_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsaddobject .......................................................................................... 1-111-11

HDM_2005_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsbackup ............................................................................................... 1-121-12

HDM_2006_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsconfigurationdownload ............................................................... 1-131-13

HDM_2007_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsconfigurationupload ..................................................................... 1-141-14

HDM_2008_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsconnect .............................................................................................. 1-151-15


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HDM_2009_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsdeleteobject ..................................................................................... 1-161-16

HDM_2010_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsfactoryreset ...................................................................................... 1-171-17

HDM_2011_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsfirmwareupdate .............................................................................. 1-181-18

HDM_2012_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetoptions ........................................................................................ 1-191-19

HDM_2013_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetparameterattributes ................................................................. 1-201-20

HDM_2014_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetparameternames ...................................................................... 1-211-21

HDM_2015_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetparametervalues ...................................................................... 1-221-22

HDM_2016_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetqueuedtransfers ........................................................................ 1-231-23

HDM_2017_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetrpcmethods ................................................................................ 1-241-24

HDM_2018_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsreboot ................................................................................................ 1-251-25

HDM_2019_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsrestore ............................................................................................... 1-261-26

HDM_2020_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsscheduleinform .............................................................................. 1-271-27

HDM_2021_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssetparameterattributes ................................................................. 1-281-28

HDM_2022_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssetparametervalues ....................................................................... 1-291-29

HDM_2023_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssetvouchers ...................................................................................... 1-301-30

HDM_2024_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssnmpgetparametervalues ............................................................ 1-311-31

HDM_2025_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssnmpsetparametervalues ............................................................ 1-321-32

HDM_2026_00001 - actionssucceeded ......................................................................................................................... 1-331-33

HDM_2027_00001 - cpeauthactiveconnectionscurrentcount ................................................................................ 1-341-34

HDM_2028_00001 - cpeauthactiveconnectionshighcount ..................................................................................... 1-351-35

HDM_2029_00001 - cpeauthcurrcapacity .................................................................................................................... 1-361-36

HDM_2030_00001 - cpeauthfailedreserverequestcount ......................................................................................... 1-371-37

HDM_2031_00001 - cpeauthleakedconnectioncount ............................................................................................... 1-381-38

HDM_2032_00001 - cpeauthwaitingforconnectioncurrentcount ......................................................................... 1-391-39

HDM_2033_00001 - functionsaddobject ...................................................................................................................... 1-401-40

HDM_2034_00001 - functionsbackup ........................................................................................................................... 1-411-41

HDM_2035_00001 - functionsconfigurationdownload ........................................................................................... 1-421-42




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HDM_2036_00001 - functionsconfigurationupload ................................................................................................. 1-431-43

HDM_2037_00001 - functionsconnect .......................................................................................................................... 1-441-44

HDM_2038_00001 - functionsdeleteobject ................................................................................................................. 1-451-45

HDM_2039_00001 - functionsfactoryreset .................................................................................................................. 1-461-46

HDM_2040_00001 - functionsfirmwareupdate .......................................................................................................... 1-471-47

HDM_2041_00001 - functionsgetoptions ..................................................................................................................... 1-481-48

HDM_2042_00001 - functionsgetparameterattributes ............................................................................................. 1-491-49

HDM_2043_00001 - functionsgetparameternames ................................................................................................... 1-501-50

HDM_2044_00001 - functionsgetparametervalues ................................................................................................... 1-511-51

HDM_2045_00001 - functionsgetqueuedtransfers .................................................................................................... 1-521-52

HDM_2046_00001 - functionsgetrpcmethods ............................................................................................................ 1-531-53

HDM_2047_00001 - functionsreboot ............................................................................................................................. 1-541-54

HDM_2048_00001 - functionsrestore ............................................................................................................................ 1-551-55

HDM_2049_00001 - functionsscheduleinform .......................................................................................................... 1-561-56

HDM_2050_00001 - functionssetparameterattributes .............................................................................................. 1-571-57

HDM_2051_00001 - functionssetparametervalues ................................................................................................... 1-581-58

HDM_2052_00001 - functionssnmpgetparametervalues ........................................................................................ 1-591-59

HDM_2053_00001 - functionssnmpsetparametervalues ......................................................................................... 1-601-60

HDM_2054_00001 - gccollectiontimeavg .................................................................................................................... 1-611-61

HDM_2055_00001 - gccount ............................................................................................................................................ 1-621-62

HDM_2056_00001 - gcfullcollectiontimeavg ............................................................................................................. 1-631-63

HDM_2057_00001 - gcfullcount ..................................................................................................................................... 1-641-64

HDM_2058_00001 - hdmworkmanagercwmpservletcompletedrequests ......................................................... 1-651-65

HDM_2059_00001 - hdmworkmanagercwmpservletpendingrequests .............................................................. 1-661-66

HDM_2060_00001 - hdmworkmanagerdefaultcompletedrequests ..................................................................... 1-671-67

HDM_2061_00001 - hdmworkmanagerdefaultpendingrequests .......................................................................... 1-681-68

HDM_2062_00001 - hdmworkmanagernbiservicecompletedrequests .............................................................. 1-691-69




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HDM_2063_00001 - hdmworkmanagernbiservicependingrequests ................................................................... 1-701-70

HDM_2064_00001 - httpacceptcount ............................................................................................................................ 1-711-71

HDM_2065_00001 - httpconnectionscount ................................................................................................................. 1-721-72

HDM_2066_00001 - httpmessagessentrate .................................................................................................................. 1-731-73

HDM_2067_00001 - httpreceivedmessagesrate ......................................................................................................... 1-741-74

HDM_2068_00001 - httpsacceptcount .......................................................................................................................... 1-751-75

HDM_2069_00001 - httpsconnectionscount ............................................................................................................... 1-761-76

HDM_2070_00001 - httpsmessagessentrate ................................................................................................................ 1-771-77

HDM_2071_00001 - httpsreceivedmessagesrate ....................................................................................................... 1-781-78

HDM_2072_00001 - informall ......................................................................................................................................... 1-791-79

HDM_2073_00001 - informboot ..................................................................................................................................... 1-801-80

HDM_2074_00001 - informbootstrap ............................................................................................................................ 1-811-81

HDM_2075_00001 - informconnectionrequest .......................................................................................................... 1-821-82

HDM_2076_00001 - informdiagnosticscomplete ...................................................................................................... 1-831-83

HDM_2077_00001 - informdownload ........................................................................................................................... 1-841-84

HDM_2078_00001 - informkicked ................................................................................................................................. 1-851-85

HDM_2079_00001 - informlatency ................................................................................................................................ 1-861-86

HDM_2080_00001 - informlatencymax ....................................................................................................................... 1-871-87

HDM_2081_00001 - informlatencymin ........................................................................................................................ 1-881-88

HDM_2082_00001 - informperiodic .............................................................................................................................. 1-891-89

HDM_2083_00001 - informreboot .................................................................................................................................. 1-901-90

HDM_2084_00001 - informrequestdownload ............................................................................................................ 1-911-91

HDM_2085_00001 - informscheduled .......................................................................................................................... 1-921-92

HDM_2086_00001 - informscheduleinform ............................................................................................................... 1-931-93

HDM_2087_00001 - informtransfercomplete ............................................................................................................. 1-941-94

HDM_2088_00001 - informupload ................................................................................................................................. 1-951-95

HDM_2089_00001 - informvaluechange ...................................................................................................................... 1-961-96




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HDM_2090_00001 - invalidloginattemptstotalcount ............................................................................................... 1-971-97

HDM_2091_00001 - jdbcactivecurrentconnectionscount ....................................................................................... 1-981-98

HDM_2092_00001 - jdbcactivehighconnectionscount ............................................................................................ 1-991-99

HDM_2093_00001 - jdbccurrcapacity ........................................................................................................................ 1-1001-100

HDM_2094_00001 - jdbcdbsize .................................................................................................................................... 1-1011-101

HDM_2095_00001 - jdbcdevicecount ......................................................................................................................... 1-1021-102

HDM_2096_00001 - jdbcenabledetpolicycount ...................................................................................................... 1-1031-103

HDM_2097_00001 - jdbcenableditpolicycount ....................................................................................................... 1-1041-104

HDM_2098_00001 - jdbcfailedactications ................................................................................................................ 1-1051-105

HDM_2099_00001 - jdbcfailedloginrate .................................................................................................................... 1-1061-106

HDM_2100_00001 - jdbcfailedreserverequestcount .............................................................................................. 1-1071-107

HDM_2101_00001 - jdbcleakedconnectioncount ................................................................................................... 1-1081-108

HDM_2102_00001 - jdbcmanagementpolicycount ................................................................................................ 1-1091-109

HDM_2103_00001 - jdbcpendingactivations ............................................................................................................ 1-1101-110

HDM_2104_00001 - jdbcwaitingcurrentconnectionscount .................................................................................. 1-1111-111

HDM_2105_00001 - jmsconnectionrequestcurrentcount ..................................................................................... 1-1121-112

HDM_2106_00001 - jmsconnectionrequestpendingcount ................................................................................... 1-1131-113

HDM_2107_00001 - jmsconnectionrequestrate ....................................................................................................... 1-1141-114

HDM_2108_00001 - jmsdarcurrentcount ................................................................................................................... 1-1151-115

HDM_2109_00001 - jmsdarpendingcount ................................................................................................................. 1-1161-116

HDM_2110_00001 - jmsdarrate ..................................................................................................................................... 1-1171-117

HDM_2111_00001 - jmseventsrate ............................................................................................................................... 1-1181-118

HDM_2112_00001 - jmsinformeventscurrentcount ............................................................................................... 1-1191-119

HDM_2113_00001 - jmsinformeventspendingcount ............................................................................................. 1-1201-120

HDM_2114_00001 - jmsnbiinternalcurrentcount .................................................................................................... 1-1211-121

HDM_2115_00001 - jmsnbiinternalpendingcount .................................................................................................. 1-1221-122

HDM_2116_00001 - jmsnbiinternalrate ..................................................................................................................... 1-1231-123




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HDM_2117_00001 - jmsnbiobalarmcurrentcount ................................................................................................... 1-1241-124

HDM_2118_00001 - jmsnbiobalarmpendingcount ................................................................................................. 1-1251-125

HDM_2119_00001 - jmsnbiobalarmrate .................................................................................................................... 1-1261-126

HDM_2120_00001 - jmsnbiobcurrentcount .............................................................................................................. 1-1271-127

HDM_2121_00001 - jmsnbiobeventcurrentcount ................................................................................................... 1-1281-128

HDM_2122_00001 - jmsnbiobeventpendingcount ................................................................................................. 1-1291-129

HDM_2123_00001 - jmsnbiobeventrate ..................................................................................................................... 1-1301-130

HDM_2124_00001 - jmsnbiobpendingcount ............................................................................................................ 1-1311-131

HDM_2125_00001 - jmsnbiobrate ............................................................................................................................... 1-1321-132

HDM_2126_00001 - jmsnbiobresultcurrentcount ................................................................................................... 1-1331-133

HDM_2127_00001 - jmsnbiobresultpendingcount ................................................................................................. 1-1341-134

HDM_2128_00001 - jmsnbiobresultrate .................................................................................................................... 1-1351-135

HDM_2129_00001 - jtaactivetxcount .......................................................................................................................... 1-1361-136

HDM_2130_00001 - jtacommittedtxrate .................................................................................................................... 1-1371-137

HDM_2131_00001 - jtarolledbacktxrate .................................................................................................................... 1-1381-138

HDM_2132_00001 - jvmfreeheapsize ......................................................................................................................... 1-1391-139

HDM_2133_00001 - jvmheapfreepercent .................................................................................................................. 1-1401-140

HDM_2134_00001 - jvmheapsize ................................................................................................................................. 1-1411-141

HDM_2135_00001 - jvmmaxheapsize ........................................................................................................................ 1-1421-142

HDM_2136_00001 - multicastclustermessageslostcount ..................................................................................... 1-1431-143

HDM_2137_00001 - multicastcompletedrequests .................................................................................................. 1-1441-144

HDM_2138_00001 - multicastpendingrequests ....................................................................................................... 1-1451-145

HDM_2139_00001 - nbicapturedevice ....................................................................................................................... 1-1461-146

HDM_2140_00001 - nbicapturedeviceavg ................................................................................................................ 1-1471-147

HDM_2141_00001 - nbiclearalarm .............................................................................................................................. 1-1481-148

HDM_2142_00001 - nbiclearalarmavg ....................................................................................................................... 1-1491-149

HDM_2143_00001 - nbicreatedevice .......................................................................................................................... 1-1501-150




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HDM_2144_00001 - nbicreatedeviceavg ................................................................................................................... 1-1511-151

HDM_2145_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceoperation ............................................................................................ 1-1521-152

HDM_2146_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceoperationavg .................................................................................... 1-1531-153

HDM_2147_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceoperationbydeviceguid ................................................................. 1-1541-154

HDM_2148_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceoperationbydeviceguidavg .......................................................... 1-1551-155

HDM_2149_00001 - nbifinddevicebyguid ................................................................................................................ 1-1561-156

HDM_2150_00001 - nbifinddevicebyguidavg ......................................................................................................... 1-1571-157

HDM_2151_00001 - nbifinddevices ............................................................................................................................ 1-1581-158

HDM_2152_00001 - nbifinddevicesavg ..................................................................................................................... 1-1591-159

HDM_2153_00001 - nbigetactivealarms .................................................................................................................... 1-1601-160

HDM_2154_00001 - nbigetactivealarmsavg ............................................................................................................. 1-1611-161

HDM_2155_00001 - nbigetcacheddatamodelparameters ..................................................................................... 1-1621-162

HDM_2156_00001 - nbigetcacheddatamodelparametersavg .............................................................................. 1-1631-163

HDM_2157_00001 - nbiinitiateconnectionrequest ................................................................................................. 1-1641-164

HDM_2158_00001 - nbiinitiateconnectionrequestavg .......................................................................................... 1-1651-165

HDM_2159_00001 - nbiraisealarm .............................................................................................................................. 1-1661-166

HDM_2160_00001 - nbiraisealarmavg ....................................................................................................................... 1-1671-167

HDM_2161_00001 - nbiregisterdevice ....................................................................................................................... 1-1681-168

HDM_2162_00001 - nbiregisterdeviceavg ................................................................................................................ 1-1691-169

HDM_2163_00001 - nbireleasedevice ........................................................................................................................ 1-1701-170

HDM_2164_00001 - nbireleasedeviceavg ................................................................................................................. 1-1711-171

HDM_2165_00001 - nbireruneventtriggeredpolicy ............................................................................................... 1-1721-172

HDM_2166_00001 - nbireruneventtriggeredpolicyavg ........................................................................................ 1-1731-173

HDM_2167_00001 - nbiruneventtriggeredpolicies ................................................................................................ 1-1741-174

HDM_2168_00001 - nbiruneventtriggeredpoliciesavg ......................................................................................... 1-1751-175

HDM_2169_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebydeviceid ................................................................................................... 1-1761-176

HDM_2170_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebydeviceidavg ............................................................................................ 1-1771-177




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HDM_2171_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebyguid ........................................................................................................... 1-1781-178

HDM_2172_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebyguidavg .................................................................................................... 1-1791-179

HDM_2173_00001 - osavailableprocessercount ..................................................................................................... 1-1801-180

HDM_2174_00001 - oscommittedvirtualmemory .................................................................................................. 1-1811-181

HDM_2175_00001 - osfreephysicalmemory ............................................................................................................ 1-1821-182

HDM_2176_00001 - osfreeswapspace ........................................................................................................................ 1-1831-183

HDM_2177_00001 - osmaxfiledescriptor .................................................................................................................. 1-1841-184

HDM_2178_00001 - osopenfiledescriptor ................................................................................................................. 1-1851-185

HDM_2179_00001 - osprocesscputime ...................................................................................................................... 1-1861-186

HDM_2180_00001 - ostotalphysicalmemory ........................................................................................................... 1-1871-187

HDM_2181_00001 - ostotalswapspace ....................................................................................................................... 1-1881-188

HDM_2182_00001 - periodicinformpercentage ...................................................................................................... 1-1891-189

HDM_2183_00001 - socketcount .................................................................................................................................. 1-1901-190

HDM_2184_00001 - threadidlecount .......................................................................................................................... 1-1911-191

HDM_2185_00001 - threadpendingrequestcount .................................................................................................... 1-1921-192

HDM_2186_00001 - threadqueuelength ..................................................................................................................... 1-1931-193

HDM_2187_00001 - threadstandbycount .................................................................................................................. 1-1941-194

HDM_2188_00001 - threadthroughput ....................................................................................................................... 1-1951-195

HDM_2189_00001 - threadtotalcount ......................................................................................................................... 1-1961-196

HDM_2190_00001 - userlockouttotalcount .............................................................................................................. 1-1971-197

HDM_2191_00001 - reachabledevicecount .............................................................................................................. 1-1981-198

2 The OAM Alarms descriptions

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-12-1

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager alarms

OAM_0222_00305 - Loss of supervision ....................................................................................................................... 2-22-2

OAM_0225_00305 - Supervision inhibited by operator ............................................................................................ 2-32-3




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A Reference

Reissue history .......................................................................................................................................................................... A-1A-1




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List of tables

1 Issue 4, November 2013, What’s new .............................................................................................................. xviixvii

A-1 Issue 3, November 2013, What’s new .............................................................................................................. A-1A-1

A-2 Issue 2, October 2013, What’s new ................................................................................................................... A-1A-1

A-3 Issue 1, September 2013, Reason for reissue ................................................................................................. A-2A-2


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List of tables



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List of figures

1 Alarm Manager ........................................................................................................................................................ xviiixviii


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List of figures



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About this documentAbout this document


This publication contains the alarm descriptions and maintenance actions required for

Alcatel-Lucent Motive Home Device Manager (HDM).

What's new

The major changes introduced in this issue of the document are described in the following

paragraphs. Changes introduced in prior issues of the document are shown in Appendix

A, “Reference”.

Table 1 Issue 4, November 2013, What’s new

Feature/enhancement Description Location

Documentation changes

Improvement of the

conventions used in this


Updated description for

generic product terms.

“Vocabulary conventions”

(p. xxi)

Intended audience

This publication is intended for operations and maintenance personnel, and all those who

want to know the principles of HDM corrective maintenance.

Supported systems

This document applies to Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell system release BCR4.3.

How to use this document

The general principles and messages required for maintenance are described in

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless Management System Small Cells - User Guide,



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Network maintenance is based on graphical supervision of the network. It is also based on

the identification and replacement of faulty items of equipment, using the alarms.

Description of an alarm sheet

To display a HDM alarm help sheet, from the Alarm Manager window, right-click the

alarm row and select the Selected Item Help command.

For the other Alarm manager options, see Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless Management

System Small Cells - User Guide, 9YZ-05614-0623-TCZZA.

An alarm sheet contains a description providing the short explanation of the alarm and a

table detailing the following information:

Alarm name: the specific problem of the alarm

Alarm Code The alarm code, based on the faultCode field as displayed in

the Alarm Record Viewer. See Alarm Code format

Object type Object Class as it appears in the Alarm Manager window

Figure 1 Alarm Manager

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Equipment Type Equipment Type of the alarms.

Alarm Type Alarm type which depends on the causes of the alarm. See

Alarm Type - Probable Cause.

Probable Cause Probable cause per alarm type. See Alarm Type - Probable


Severity Urgency of the maintenance action. See Severity

System impact Description of how the service is affected.

Reason Possible origins of the alarm.

Remedial Action List of recommended responses which correspond to

corrective maintenance procedures (depend on the release).

Alarm Code format

The alarm code uses the faultCode field as seen in the alarm record details. It specifies the

alarm type according to the following generic pattern: [Equipment type]_[Alarm code

on 4 digits (0-9)]_[MO Object Id on 5 digits (0-9)]


• "Equipment type" is HDM or OAM

• "Alarm code" is the alarm code of the equipment type

• "MO Object Id" is the Managed Object Id of the alarmed component.

Alarm Type - Probable Cause

Alarm Type Probable Cause


an alarm of this type is mainly

associated with the procedures

and/or processes required to

convey information from one

point to another.

• Communications Protocol Error

• Configuration Or Customization Error

• Communications Subsystem Failure Degraded Signal

• Framing Error

• Loss Of Signal

• Remote Node Transmission Error


an alarm of this type is

principally associated with a

condition relating to an

enclosure in which the

equipment resides

• Enclosure Door Open

• Heating Or Ventilation Or Cooling System Problem

• Temperature Unacceptable

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Alarm Type Probable Cause


an alarm of this type is mainly

associated with an equipment


• Adapter Error

• Equipment Malfunction

• File Error

• Input Device Error

• Power Problem

• Receive Failure

• Timing Problem

• Transmitter Failure

processing error:

an alarm of this type is mainly

associated with software or

processing fault.

• Communications Protocol Error

• Configuration Or Customization Error

• Corrupt Data

• Out Of Memory

• Software Program Error

quality of service:

an alarm of this type is mainly

associated with degradation in

the quality of a service.

• Corrupt Data

• Queue Size Exceeded

• Receive Problem

• Software Environment Problem

• Threshold Crossed

• Underlying Resource Unavailable

• Version Mismatch

Operator: • Version Mismatch


The HDM uses the following perceived severity:

• CRITICAL: indicates that a service affecting condition has occurred and an immediate

corrective action is required.

• MAJOR: indicates that a service affecting condition has developed and an urgent

corrective action is required.

• minor: indicates the existence of a non-service affecting fault condition and that

corrective action will have to be taken to prevent a more serious fault.

• warning: indicates the detection of a potential or impending service-affecting fault,

before any significant effects have been felt.

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Conventions used

Vocabulary conventions

Generic term Refers tor

AAA Authentication, Accounting and Authorization Server

aTCA Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture

BSG Small Cell Gateway

BSR Small Cell or Femto Cell

FGW BSR Gateway

IPC Iu Protocol Converter

NTP or NTS The Network Timing Server

SR Alcatel-Lucent 7710 Service Router (7710 SR) and

Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Service Router (7750 SR)

SAR Alcatel-Lucent 7705 Service Aggregation Router (7705 SAR)

Typographical conventions

The following typographical conventions are used in this document:

Appearance Description

italicized text • File and directory names

• Emphasized information

graphical user interface text Text that is displayed in a graphical user interface or in a

hardware label

variable A value that the user supplies

key name The name of a key on the keyboard

command-syntax Command names that the user types

input text Text that the user types or selects as input to a system

output text Text that a system displays or prints

IP reference, IP number Related document that is referenced in the document

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Related information

For information on subjects related to the content of this document, refer to the

documents listed in the following table:

Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell -

aTCA Alarms Reference

Guide , 9YZ-05614-0639-



Provides alarm descriptions

and maintenance actions

required for the ATCA.

Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell -

IPC Alarms Reference Guide ,



Provides alarm descriptions

and maintenance actions

required for the IPC.

Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell -

BSR Alarms Reference Guide,



Provides alarm descriptions

and maintenance actions

required for the Small Cell.

Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell -

Service Router Alarms

Reference Guide,



Provides alarm descriptions

and maintenance actions

required for the 7750 SR.

Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell -

NTP Alarms Reference Guide,



Provides alarm descriptions

and maintenance actions

required for the NTP Server.

Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell -

HDM Alarms Reference

Guide, 9YZ-05614-0640-



Provides alarm descriptions

and maintenance actions

required for the HDM.

Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell -

AAA Server Alarms Reference

Guide, 9YZ-05614-0636-



Provides alarm descriptions

and maintenance actions

required for the AAA Server.

Document support

For support in using this or any other Alcatel-Lucent document, contact Alcatel-Lucent at

the following telephone numbers. These numbers apply for document support only. Please

see the section “Technical support” for details about product hardware, software, and

technical support.

When using this type of


From within the United

States, dial

From outside the United

States, dial

Cellular or VoIP 1-888-582-3688 +1-630-224-2485

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States, dial

From outside the United

States, dial

Landline – phones lacking the

plus (+) character

1-888-582-3688 origination country exit


(replace the plus sign with

your country's exit code)

See a listing of exit codes.

Technical support

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Alcatel-Lucent Support web site ( for contact


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1 1The Motive Home Device

Manager alarm




The Motive Home Device Manager alarms are described in the following order:


Description of the Motive Home Device Manager 1-8

HDM_2001_00001 - actionsaborted 1-8

HDM_2002_00001 - actionsfailed 1-9

HDM_2003_00001 - actionsqueued 1-10

HDM_2004_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsaddobject 1-11

HDM_2005_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsbackup 1-12

HDM_2006_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsconfigurationdownload 1-13

HDM_2007_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsconfigurationupload 1-14

HDM_2008_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsconnect 1-15

HDM_2009_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsdeleteobject 1-16

HDM_2010_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsfactoryreset 1-17

HDM_2011_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsfirmwareupdate 1-18

HDM_2012_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetoptions 1-19

HDM_2013_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetparameterattributes 1-20

HDM_2014_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetparameternames 1-21

HDM_2015_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetparametervalues 1-22

HDM_2016_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetqueuedtransfers 1-23

HDM_2017_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetrpcmethods 1-24

HDM_2018_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsreboot 1-25


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HDM_2019_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsrestore 1-26

HDM_2020_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsscheduleinform 1-27

HDM_2021_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssetparameterattributes 1-28

HDM_2022_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssetparametervalues 1-29

HDM_2023_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssetvouchers 1-30

HDM_2024_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssnmpgetparametervalues 1-31

HDM_2025_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssnmpsetparametervalues 1-32

HDM_2026_00001 - actionssucceeded 1-33

HDM_2027_00001 - cpeauthactiveconnectionscurrentcount 1-34

HDM_2028_00001 - cpeauthactiveconnectionshighcount 1-35

HDM_2029_00001 - cpeauthcurrcapacity 1-36

HDM_2030_00001 - cpeauthfailedreserverequestcount 1-37

HDM_2031_00001 - cpeauthleakedconnectioncount 1-38

HDM_2032_00001 - cpeauthwaitingforconnectioncurrentcount 1-39

HDM_2033_00001 - functionsaddobject 1-40

HDM_2034_00001 - functionsbackup 1-41

HDM_2035_00001 - functionsconfigurationdownload 1-42

HDM_2036_00001 - functionsconfigurationupload 1-43

HDM_2037_00001 - functionsconnect 1-44

HDM_2038_00001 - functionsdeleteobject 1-45

HDM_2039_00001 - functionsfactoryreset 1-46

HDM_2040_00001 - functionsfirmwareupdate 1-47

HDM_2041_00001 - functionsgetoptions 1-48

HDM_2042_00001 - functionsgetparameterattributes 1-49

HDM_2043_00001 - functionsgetparameternames 1-50

HDM_2044_00001 - functionsgetparametervalues 1-51

HDM_2045_00001 - functionsgetqueuedtransfers 1-52

HDM_2046_00001 - functionsgetrpcmethods 1-53

HDM_2047_00001 - functionsreboot 1-54

HDM_2048_00001 - functionsrestore 1-55

HDM_2049_00001 - functionsscheduleinform 1-56

HDM_2050_00001 - functionssetparameterattributes 1-57

HDM_2051_00001 - functionssetparametervalues 1-58

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions Overview



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HDM_2052_00001 - functionssnmpgetparametervalues 1-59

HDM_2053_00001 - functionssnmpsetparametervalues 1-60

HDM_2054_00001 - gccollectiontimeavg 1-61

HDM_2055_00001 - gccount 1-62

HDM_2056_00001 - gcfullcollectiontimeavg 1-63

HDM_2057_00001 - gcfullcount 1-64

HDM_2058_00001 - hdmworkmanagercwmpservletcompletedrequests 1-65

HDM_2059_00001 - hdmworkmanagercwmpservletpendingrequests 1-66

HDM_2060_00001 - hdmworkmanagerdefaultcompletedrequests 1-67

HDM_2061_00001 - hdmworkmanagerdefaultpendingrequests 1-68

HDM_2062_00001 - hdmworkmanagernbiservicecompletedrequests 1-69

HDM_2063_00001 - hdmworkmanagernbiservicependingrequests 1-70

HDM_2064_00001 - httpacceptcount 1-71

HDM_2065_00001 - httpconnectionscount 1-72

HDM_2066_00001 - httpmessagessentrate 1-73

HDM_2067_00001 - httpreceivedmessagesrate 1-74

HDM_2068_00001 - httpsacceptcount 1-75

HDM_2069_00001 - httpsconnectionscount 1-76

HDM_2070_00001 - httpsmessagessentrate 1-77

HDM_2071_00001 - httpsreceivedmessagesrate 1-78

HDM_2072_00001 - informall 1-79

HDM_2073_00001 - informboot 1-80

HDM_2074_00001 - informbootstrap 1-81

HDM_2075_00001 - informconnectionrequest 1-82

HDM_2076_00001 - informdiagnosticscomplete 1-83

HDM_2077_00001 - informdownload 1-84

HDM_2078_00001 - informkicked 1-85

HDM_2079_00001 - informlatency 1-86

HDM_2080_00001 - informlatencymax 1-87

HDM_2081_00001 - informlatencymin 1-88

HDM_2082_00001 - informperiodic 1-89

HDM_2083_00001 - informreboot 1-90

HDM_2084_00001 - informrequestdownload 1-91

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions Overview



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HDM_2085_00001 - informscheduled 1-92

HDM_2086_00001 - informscheduleinform 1-93

HDM_2087_00001 - informtransfercomplete 1-94

HDM_2088_00001 - informupload 1-95

HDM_2089_00001 - informvaluechange 1-96

HDM_2090_00001 - invalidloginattemptstotalcount 1-97

HDM_2091_00001 - jdbcactivecurrentconnectionscount 1-98

HDM_2092_00001 - jdbcactivehighconnectionscount 1-99

HDM_2093_00001 - jdbccurrcapacity 1-100

HDM_2094_00001 - jdbcdbsize 1-101

HDM_2095_00001 - jdbcdevicecount 1-102

HDM_2096_00001 - jdbcenabledetpolicycount 1-103

HDM_2097_00001 - jdbcenableditpolicycount 1-104

HDM_2098_00001 - jdbcfailedactications 1-105

HDM_2099_00001 - jdbcfailedloginrate 1-106

HDM_2100_00001 - jdbcfailedreserverequestcount 1-107

HDM_2101_00001 - jdbcleakedconnectioncount 1-108

HDM_2102_00001 - jdbcmanagementpolicycount 1-109

HDM_2103_00001 - jdbcpendingactivations 1-110

HDM_2104_00001 - jdbcwaitingcurrentconnectionscount 1-111

HDM_2105_00001 - jmsconnectionrequestcurrentcount 1-112

HDM_2106_00001 - jmsconnectionrequestpendingcount 1-113

HDM_2107_00001 - jmsconnectionrequestrate 1-114

HDM_2108_00001 - jmsdarcurrentcount 1-115

HDM_2109_00001 - jmsdarpendingcount 1-116

HDM_2110_00001 - jmsdarrate 1-117

HDM_2111_00001 - jmseventsrate 1-118

HDM_2112_00001 - jmsinformeventscurrentcount 1-119

HDM_2113_00001 - jmsinformeventspendingcount 1-120

HDM_2114_00001 - jmsnbiinternalcurrentcount 1-121

HDM_2115_00001 - jmsnbiinternalpendingcount 1-122

HDM_2116_00001 - jmsnbiinternalrate 1-123

HDM_2117_00001 - jmsnbiobalarmcurrentcount 1-124

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions Overview



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HDM_2118_00001 - jmsnbiobalarmpendingcount 1-125

HDM_2119_00001 - jmsnbiobalarmrate 1-126

HDM_2120_00001 - jmsnbiobcurrentcount 1-127

HDM_2121_00001 - jmsnbiobeventcurrentcount 1-128

HDM_2122_00001 - jmsnbiobeventpendingcount 1-129

HDM_2123_00001 - jmsnbiobeventrate 1-130

HDM_2124_00001 - jmsnbiobpendingcount 1-131

HDM_2125_00001 - jmsnbiobrate 1-132

HDM_2126_00001 - jmsnbiobresultcurrentcount 1-133

HDM_2127_00001 - jmsnbiobresultpendingcount 1-134

HDM_2128_00001 - jmsnbiobresultrate 1-135

HDM_2129_00001 - jtaactivetxcount 1-136

HDM_2130_00001 - jtacommittedtxrate 1-137

HDM_2131_00001 - jtarolledbacktxrate 1-138

HDM_2132_00001 - jvmfreeheapsize 1-139

HDM_2133_00001 - jvmheapfreepercent 1-140

HDM_2134_00001 - jvmheapsize 1-141

HDM_2135_00001 - jvmmaxheapsize 1-142

HDM_2136_00001 - multicastclustermessageslostcount 1-143

HDM_2137_00001 - multicastcompletedrequests 1-144

HDM_2138_00001 - multicastpendingrequests 1-145

HDM_2139_00001 - nbicapturedevice 1-146

HDM_2140_00001 - nbicapturedeviceavg 1-147

HDM_2141_00001 - nbiclearalarm 1-148

HDM_2142_00001 - nbiclearalarmavg 1-149

HDM_2143_00001 - nbicreatedevice 1-150

HDM_2144_00001 - nbicreatedeviceavg 1-151

HDM_2145_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceoperation 1-152

HDM_2146_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceoperationavg 1-153

HDM_2147_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceoperationbydeviceguid 1-154

HDM_2148_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceoperationbydeviceguidavg 1-155

HDM_2149_00001 - nbifinddevicebyguid 1-156

HDM_2150_00001 - nbifinddevicebyguidavg 1-157

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions Overview



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HDM_2151_00001 - nbifinddevices 1-158

HDM_2152_00001 - nbifinddevicesavg 1-159

HDM_2153_00001 - nbigetactivealarms 1-160

HDM_2154_00001 - nbigetactivealarmsavg 1-161

HDM_2155_00001 - nbigetcacheddatamodelparameters 1-162

HDM_2156_00001 - nbigetcacheddatamodelparametersavg 1-163

HDM_2157_00001 - nbiinitiateconnectionrequest 1-164

HDM_2158_00001 - nbiinitiateconnectionrequestavg 1-165

HDM_2159_00001 - nbiraisealarm 1-166

HDM_2160_00001 - nbiraisealarmavg 1-167

HDM_2161_00001 - nbiregisterdevice 1-168

HDM_2162_00001 - nbiregisterdeviceavg 1-169

HDM_2163_00001 - nbireleasedevice 1-170

HDM_2164_00001 - nbireleasedeviceavg 1-171

HDM_2165_00001 - nbireruneventtriggeredpolicy 1-172

HDM_2166_00001 - nbireruneventtriggeredpolicyavg 1-173

HDM_2167_00001 - nbiruneventtriggeredpolicies 1-174

HDM_2168_00001 - nbiruneventtriggeredpoliciesavg 1-175

HDM_2169_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebydeviceid 1-176

HDM_2170_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebydeviceidavg 1-177

HDM_2171_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebyguid 1-178

HDM_2172_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebyguidavg 1-179

HDM_2173_00001 - osavailableprocessercount 1-180

HDM_2174_00001 - oscommittedvirtualmemory 1-181

HDM_2175_00001 - osfreephysicalmemory 1-182

HDM_2176_00001 - osfreeswapspace 1-183

HDM_2177_00001 - osmaxfiledescriptor 1-184

HDM_2178_00001 - osopenfiledescriptor 1-185

HDM_2179_00001 - osprocesscputime 1-186

HDM_2180_00001 - ostotalphysicalmemory 1-187

HDM_2181_00001 - ostotalswapspace 1-188

HDM_2182_00001 - periodicinformpercentage 1-189

HDM_2183_00001 - socketcount 1-190

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions Overview



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HDM_2184_00001 - threadidlecount 1-191

HDM_2185_00001 - threadpendingrequestcount 1-192

HDM_2186_00001 - threadqueuelength 1-193

HDM_2187_00001 - threadstandbycount 1-194

HDM_2188_00001 - threadthroughput 1-195

HDM_2189_00001 - threadtotalcount 1-196

HDM_2190_00001 - userlockouttotalcount 1-197

HDM_2191_00001 - reachabledevicecount 1-198

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions Overview



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Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2001_00001 - actionsaborted


Banner HDM_2001_00001 - actionsaborted

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of action aborted

Reason: actionsaborted

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager




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HDM_2002_00001 - actionsfailed


Banner HDM_2002_00001 - actionsfailed

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of action failed

Reason: actionsfailed

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2002_00001 - actionsfailed



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HDM_2003_00001 - actionsqueued


Banner HDM_2003_00001 - actionsqueued

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of action queued

Reason: actionsqueued

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2003_00001 - actionsqueued



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HDM_2004_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsaddobject


Banner HDM_2004_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsaddobject

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of addobject function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionsaddobject

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2004_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsaddobject



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HDM_2005_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsbackup


Banner HDM_2005_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsbackup

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of backup function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionsbackup

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2005_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsbackup



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HDM_2006_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionscon-



Banner HDM_2006_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsconfigurationdownload

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of configurationdownload function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionsconfigurationdownload

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2006_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionscon-




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HDM_2007_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionscon-



Banner HDM_2007_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsconfigurationupload

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of configurationupload function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionsconfigurationupload

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2007_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionscon-




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HDM_2008_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsconnect


Banner HDM_2008_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsconnect

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of connect function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionsconnect

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2008_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsconnect



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HDM_2009_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsdeleteobject


Banner HDM_2009_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsdeleteobject

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of deleteobject function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionsdeleteobject

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2009_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsdeleteobject



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HDM_2010_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsfactoryreset


Banner HDM_2010_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsfactoryreset

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of factoryreset function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionsfactoryreset

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2010_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsfactoryreset



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HDM_2011_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsfirmwareupdate


Banner HDM_2011_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsfirmwareupdate

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of firmwareupdate function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionsfirmwareupdate

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2011_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsfirmwareupdate



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HDM_2012_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetoptions


Banner HDM_2012_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetoptions

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of getoptions function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionsgetoptions

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2012_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetoptions



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HDM_2013_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsget-



Banner HDM_2013_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetparameterattributes

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of getparameterattributes function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionsgetparameterattributes

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2013_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsget-




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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 45: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2014_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsget-



Banner HDM_2014_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetparameternames

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of getparametervalues function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionsgetparameternames

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2014_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsget-




Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 46: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2015_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsget-



Banner HDM_2015_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetparametervalues

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of getqueuedtransfers function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionsgetparametervalues

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2015_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsget-




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Page 47: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2016_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetqueuedtransfers


Banner HDM_2016_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetqueuedtransfers

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of getrpcmethods function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionsgetqueuedtransfers

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2016_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsget-




Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 48: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2017_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetrpcmethods


Banner HDM_2017_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetrpcmethods

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of reboot function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionsgetrpcmethods

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2017_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsgetrpcmethods



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 49: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2018_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsreboot


Banner HDM_2018_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsreboot

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of restore function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionsreboot

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2018_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsreboot



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 50: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2019_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsrestore


Banner HDM_2019_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsrestore

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of restore function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionsrestore

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2019_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsrestore



1-26 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 51: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2020_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsscheduleinform


Banner HDM_2020_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsscheduleinform

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of .scheduleinform function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionsscheduleinform

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2020_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsscheduleinform



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 52: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2021_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsset-



Banner HDM_2021_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssetparameterattributes

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of setparameterattributes function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionssetparameterattributes

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2021_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsset-




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Issue 4 November 2013

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HDM_2022_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsset-



Banner HDM_2022_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssetparametervalues

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of setparametervalues function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionssetparametervalues

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2022_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionsset-




Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 54: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2023_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssetvouchers


Banner HDM_2023_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssetvouchers

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of setvouchers function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionssetvouchers

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2023_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssetvouchers



1-30 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 55: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2024_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssn-



Banner HDM_2024_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssnmpgetparametervalues

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of snmpgetparametervalues function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionssnmpgetparametervalues

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2024_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssn-




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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 56: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2025_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssn-



Banner HDM_2025_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssnmpsetparametervalues

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of snmpsetparametervalues function queued

Reason: actionsqueuedfunctionssnmpsetparametervalues

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2025_00001 - actionsqueuedfunctionssn-




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Issue 4 November 2013

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HDM_2026_00001 - actionssucceeded


Banner HDM_2026_00001 - actionssucceeded

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of action succeeded

Reason: actionssucceeded

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2026_00001 - actionssucceeded



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 58: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2027_00001 - cpeauthactiveconnectionscurrentcount


Banner HDM_2027_00001 - cpeauthactiveconnectionscurrentcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description HDM CPE Authentication Active Connections Current Count

Reason: cpeauthactiveconnectionscurrentcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2027_00001 - cpeauthactiveconnectionscurrentcount



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 59: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2028_00001 - cpeauthactiveconnectionshighcount


Banner HDM_2028_00001 - cpeauthactiveconnectionshighcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description HDM CPE Authentication Active Connections High Count

Reason: cpeauthactiveconnectionshighcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2028_00001 - cpeauthactiveconnectionshighcount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 60: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2029_00001 - cpeauthcurrcapacity


Banner HDM_2029_00001 - cpeauthcurrcapacity

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description HDM CPE Authentication current capacity

Reason: cpeauthcurrcapacity

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2029_00001 - cpeauthcurrcapacity



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Issue 4 November 2013

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HDM_2030_00001 - cpeauthfailedreserverequestcount


Banner HDM_2030_00001 - cpeauthfailedreserverequestcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description HDM CPE Authentication failed reserve request count

Reason: cpeauthfailedreserverequestcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2030_00001 - cpeauthfailedreserverequestcount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 62: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2031_00001 - cpeauthleakedconnectioncount


Banner HDM_2031_00001 - cpeauthleakedconnectioncount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description HDM CPE Authentication leaked connection count

Reason: cpeauthleakedconnectioncount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2031_00001 - cpeauthleakedconnectioncount



1-38 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 63: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2032_00001 - cpeauthwaitingforconnectioncurrentcount


Banner HDM_2032_00001 - cpeauthwaitingforconnectioncurrentcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description HDM CPE Authentication waiting for connection count

Reason: cpeauthwaitingforconnectioncurrentcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2032_00001 - cpeauthwaitingforconnection-




Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 64: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2033_00001 - functionsaddobject


Banner HDM_2033_00001 - functionsaddobject

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of addobject function

Reason: functionsaddobject

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2033_00001 - functionsaddobject



1-40 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 65: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2034_00001 - functionsbackup


Banner HDM_2034_00001 - functionsbackup

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of backup function

Reason: functionsbackup

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2034_00001 - functionsbackup



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Page 66: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2035_00001 - functionsconfigurationdownload


Banner HDM_2035_00001 - functionsconfigurationdownload

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of configurationdownload function

Reason: functionsconfigurationdownload

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2035_00001 - functionsconfigurationdownload



1-42 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 67: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2036_00001 - functionsconfigurationupload


Banner HDM_2036_00001 - functionsconfigurationupload

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of configurationupload function

Reason: functionsconfigurationupload

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2036_00001 - functionsconfigurationupload



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Page 68: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2037_00001 - functionsconnect


Banner HDM_2037_00001 - functionsconnect

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of connect function

Reason: functionsconnect

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2037_00001 - functionsconnect



1-44 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

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HDM_2038_00001 - functionsdeleteobject


Banner HDM_2038_00001 - functionsdeleteobject

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of deleteobject function

Reason: functionsdeleteobject

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2038_00001 - functionsdeleteobject



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 70: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2039_00001 - functionsfactoryreset


Banner HDM_2039_00001 - functionsfactoryreset

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of factoryreset function

Reason: functionsfactoryreset

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2039_00001 - functionsfactoryreset



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 71: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2040_00001 - functionsfirmwareupdate


Banner HDM_2040_00001 - functionsfirmwareupdate

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of firmwareupdate function

Reason: functionsfirmwareupdate

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2040_00001 - functionsfirmwareupdate



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 72: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2041_00001 - functionsgetoptions


Banner HDM_2041_00001 - functionsgetoptions

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of getoptions function

Reason: functionsgetoptions

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2041_00001 - functionsgetoptions



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 73: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2042_00001 - functionsgetparameterattributes


Banner HDM_2042_00001 - functionsgetparameterattributes

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of getparameterattributes function

Reason: functionsgetparameterattributes

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2042_00001 - functionsgetparameterattributes



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 74: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2043_00001 - functionsgetparameternames


Banner HDM_2043_00001 - functionsgetparameternames

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of getparameternames function

Reason: functionsgetparameternames

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2043_00001 - functionsgetparameternames



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Issue 4 November 2013

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HDM_2044_00001 - functionsgetparametervalues


Banner HDM_2044_00001 - functionsgetparametervalues

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of getparametervalues function

Reason: functionsgetparametervalues

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2044_00001 - functionsgetparametervalues



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 76: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2045_00001 - functionsgetqueuedtransfers


Banner HDM_2045_00001 - functionsgetqueuedtransfers

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of getqueuedtransfers function

Reason: functionsgetqueuedtransfers

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2045_00001 - functionsgetqueuedtransfers



1-52 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

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HDM_2046_00001 - functionsgetrpcmethods


Banner HDM_2046_00001 - functionsgetrpcmethods

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of getrpcmethods function

Reason: functionsgetrpcmethods

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2046_00001 - functionsgetrpcmethods



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Page 78: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2047_00001 - functionsreboot


Banner HDM_2047_00001 - functionsreboot

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of reboot function

Reason: functionsreboot

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2047_00001 - functionsreboot



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Issue 4 November 2013

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HDM_2048_00001 - functionsrestore


Banner HDM_2048_00001 - functionsrestore

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of restore function

Reason: functionsrestore

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2048_00001 - functionsrestore



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 80: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2049_00001 - functionsscheduleinform


Banner HDM_2049_00001 - functionsscheduleinform

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of scheduleinform function

Reason: functionsscheduleinform

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2049_00001 - functionsscheduleinform



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 81: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2050_00001 - functionssetparameterattributes


Banner HDM_2050_00001 - functionssetparameterattributes

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of setparameterattributes function

Reason: functionssetparameterattributes

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2050_00001 - functionssetparameterattributes



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 82: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2051_00001 - functionssetparametervalues


Banner HDM_2051_00001 - functionssetparametervalues

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of setparametervalues function

Reason: functionssetparametervalues

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2051_00001 - functionssetparametervalues



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Page 83: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2052_00001 - functionssnmpgetparametervalues


Banner HDM_2052_00001 - functionssnmpgetparametervalues

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of snmpgetparametervalues function

Reason: functionssnmpgetparametervalues

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2052_00001 - functionssnmpgetparametervalues



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 84: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2053_00001 - functionssnmpsetparametervalues


Banner HDM_2053_00001 - functionssnmpsetparametervalues

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of snmpsetparametervalues function

Reason: functionssnmpsetparametervalues

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2053_00001 - functionssnmpsetparametervalues



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HDM_2054_00001 - gccollectiontimeavg


Banner HDM_2054_00001 - gccollectiontimeavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description The average GC collection time

Reason: gccollectiontimeavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2054_00001 - gccollectiontimeavg



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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 86: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2055_00001 - gccount


Banner HDM_2055_00001 - gccount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description The GC count

Reason: gccount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2055_00001 - gccount



1-62 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Page 87: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2056_00001 - gcfullcollectiontimeavg


Banner HDM_2056_00001 - gcfullcollectiontimeavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description The average full GC collection time

Reason: gcfullcollectiontimeavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2056_00001 - gcfullcollectiontimeavg



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 88: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2057_00001 - gcfullcount


Banner HDM_2057_00001 - gcfullcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description Full GC time

Reason: gcfullcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2057_00001 - gcfullcount



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 89: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2058_00001 - hdmworkmanagercwmpservlet-



Banner HDM_2058_00001 - hdmworkmanagercwmpservletcompletedrequests

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description HDM CWMP Servelt workmanager completed request rate

Reason: hdmworkmanagercwmpservletcompletedrequests

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2058_00001 - hdmworkmanagercwmpservlet-




Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 90: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2059_00001 - hdmworkmanagercwmpservletpen-



Banner HDM_2059_00001 - hdmworkmanagercwmpservletpendingrequests

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description HDM CWMP Servelt workmanager pending request count

Reason: hdmworkmanagercwmpservletpendingrequests

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2059_00001 - hdmworkmanagercwmpservletpen-




1-66 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Page 91: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2060_00001 - hdmworkmanagerdefaultcomplet-



Banner HDM_2060_00001 - hdmworkmanagerdefaultcompletedrequests

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description HDM default workmanager completed request rate

Reason: hdmworkmanagerdefaultcompletedrequests

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2060_00001 - hdmworkmanagerdefaultcomplet-




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Page 92: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2061_00001 - hdmworkmanagerdefaultpendingrequests


Banner HDM_2061_00001 - hdmworkmanagerdefaultpendingrequests

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description HDM default workmanager pending request count

Reason: hdmworkmanagerdefaultpendingrequests

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2061_00001 - hdmworkmanagerdefaultpendin-




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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 93: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2062_00001 - hdmworkmanagernbiservicecom-



Banner HDM_2062_00001 - hdmworkmanagernbiservicecompletedrequests

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description HDM NBI Service workmanager completed request rate

Reason: hdmworkmanagernbiservicecompletedrequests

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2062_00001 - hdmworkmanagernbiservicecom-




Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 94: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2063_00001 - hdmworkmanagernbiservicepend-



Banner HDM_2063_00001 - hdmworkmanagernbiservicependingrequests

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description HDM NBI workmanager pending request count

Reason: hdmworkmanagernbiservicependingrequests

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2063_00001 - hdmworkmanagernbiservicepend-




1-70 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 95: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2064_00001 - httpacceptcount


Banner HDM_2064_00001 - httpacceptcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number if http accept

Reason: httpacceptcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2064_00001 - httpacceptcount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 96: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2065_00001 - httpconnectionscount


Banner HDM_2065_00001 - httpconnectionscount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of http connection

Reason: httpconnectionscount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2065_00001 - httpconnectionscount



1-72 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 97: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2066_00001 - httpmessagessentrate


Banner HDM_2066_00001 - httpmessagessentrate

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The rate of http message sent

Reason: httpmessagessentrate

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2066_00001 - httpmessagessentrate



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 98: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2067_00001 - httpreceivedmessagesrate


Banner HDM_2067_00001 - httpreceivedmessagesrate

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The rate of http message reciption

Reason: httpreceivedmessagesrate

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2067_00001 - httpreceivedmessagesrate



1-74 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 99: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2068_00001 - httpsacceptcount


Banner HDM_2068_00001 - httpsacceptcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number if https accept

Reason: httpsacceptcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2068_00001 - httpsacceptcount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Page 100: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2069_00001 - httpsconnectionscount


Banner HDM_2069_00001 - httpsconnectionscount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of https connection

Reason: httpsconnectionscount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2069_00001 - httpsconnectionscount



1-76 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 101: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2070_00001 - httpsmessagessentrate


Banner HDM_2070_00001 - httpsmessagessentrate

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The rate of https message sent

Reason: httpsmessagessentrate

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2070_00001 - httpsmessagessentrate



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 102: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2071_00001 - httpsreceivedmessagesrate


Banner HDM_2071_00001 - httpsreceivedmessagesrate

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The rate of https message reciption

Reason: httpsreceivedmessagesrate

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2071_00001 - httpsreceivedmessagesrate



1-78 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 103: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2072_00001 - informall


Banner HDM_2072_00001 - informall

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of inform all

Reason: informall

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2072_00001 - informall



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 104: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2073_00001 - informboot


Banner HDM_2073_00001 - informboot

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of inform boot

Reason: informboot

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2073_00001 - informboot



1-80 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 105: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2074_00001 - informbootstrap


Banner HDM_2074_00001 - informbootstrap

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of inform bootstrap

Reason: informbootstrap

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2074_00001 - informbootstrap



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Page 106: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2075_00001 - informconnectionrequest


Banner HDM_2075_00001 - informconnectionrequest

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of inform connectionrequest

Reason: informconnectionrequest

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2075_00001 - informconnectionrequest



1-82 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 107: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2076_00001 - informdiagnosticscomplete


Banner HDM_2076_00001 - informdiagnosticscomplete

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of inform diagnosticsComplete

Reason: informdiagnosticscomplete

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2076_00001 - informdiagnosticscomplete



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 108: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2077_00001 - informdownload


Banner HDM_2077_00001 - informdownload

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of inform download

Reason: informdownload

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2077_00001 - informdownload



1-84 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 109: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2078_00001 - informkicked


Banner HDM_2078_00001 - informkicked

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of inform kicked

Reason: informkicked

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2078_00001 - informkicked



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 110: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2079_00001 - informlatency


Banner HDM_2079_00001 - informlatency

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of inform latency

Reason: informlatency

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2079_00001 - informlatency



1-86 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 111: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2080_00001 - informlatencymax


Banner HDM_2080_00001 - informlatencymax

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of inform latency.max

Reason: informlatencymax

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2080_00001 - informlatencymax



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Page 112: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2081_00001 - informlatencymin


Banner HDM_2081_00001 - informlatencymin

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of inform latency.min

Reason: informlatencymin

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2081_00001 - informlatencymin



1-88 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 113: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2082_00001 - informperiodic


Banner HDM_2082_00001 - informperiodic

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of inform periodic

Reason: informperiodic

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2082_00001 - informperiodic



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 114: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2083_00001 - informreboot


Banner HDM_2083_00001 - informreboot

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of inform reboot

Reason: informreboot

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2083_00001 - informreboot



1-90 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 115: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2084_00001 - informrequestdownload


Banner HDM_2084_00001 - informrequestdownload

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of inform requestDownload

Reason: informrequestdownload

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2084_00001 - informrequestdownload



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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 116: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2085_00001 - informscheduled


Banner HDM_2085_00001 - informscheduled

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of inform scheduled

Reason: informscheduled

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2085_00001 - informscheduled



1-92 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 117: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2086_00001 - informscheduleinform


Banner HDM_2086_00001 - informscheduleinform

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of inform scheduleInform

Reason: informscheduleinform

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2086_00001 - informscheduleinform



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 118: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2087_00001 - informtransfercomplete


Banner HDM_2087_00001 - informtransfercomplete

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of inform transferComplete

Reason: informtransfercomplete

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2087_00001 - informtransfercomplete



1-94 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 119: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2088_00001 - informupload


Banner HDM_2088_00001 - informupload

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of inform upload

Reason: informupload

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2088_00001 - informupload



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 120: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2089_00001 - informvaluechange


Banner HDM_2089_00001 - informvaluechange

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of inform valueChange

Reason: informvaluechange

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2089_00001 - informvaluechange



1-96 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 121: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2090_00001 - invalidloginattemptstotalcount


Banner HDM_2090_00001 - invalidloginattemptstotalcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description Invalid login attempt occured on the current server

Reason: invalidloginattemptstotalcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2090_00001 - invalidloginattemptstotalcount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 122: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2091_00001 - jdbcactivecurrentconnectionscount


Banner HDM_2091_00001 - jdbcactivecurrentconnectionscount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of connections currently in use by applications

Reason: jdbcactivecurrentconnectionscount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2091_00001 - jdbcactivecurrentconnectionscount



1-98 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 123: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2092_00001 - jdbcactivehighconnectionscount


Banner HDM_2092_00001 - jdbcactivehighconnectionscount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description Highest number of active database connections in this instance of the data source since the data

source was instantiated

Reason: jdbcactivehighconnectionscount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2092_00001 - jdbcactivehighconnectionscount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 124: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2093_00001 - jdbccurrcapacity


Banner HDM_2093_00001 - jdbccurrcapacity

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description Current database capacity

Reason: jdbccurrcapacity

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2093_00001 - jdbccurrcapacity



1-100 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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HDM_2094_00001 - jdbcdbsize


Banner HDM_2094_00001 - jdbcdbsize

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description hdm database storage in use

Reason: jdbcdbsize

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2094_00001 - jdbcdbsize



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 126: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2095_00001 - jdbcdevicecount


Banner HDM_2095_00001 - jdbcdevicecount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description Number of devices defined in Home Device Manager

Reason: jdbcdevicecount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2095_00001 - jdbcdevicecount



1-102 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 127: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2096_00001 - jdbcenabledetpolicycount


Banner HDM_2096_00001 - jdbcenabledetpolicycount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description Number of enabled and pending event-triggered policies defined in Home Device Manager

Reason: jdbcenabledetpolicycount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2096_00001 - jdbcenabledetpolicycount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 128: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2097_00001 - jdbcenableditpolicycount


Banner HDM_2097_00001 - jdbcenableditpolicycount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description Number of enabled instant-triggered policies defined in Home Device Manager

Reason: jdbcenableditpolicycount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2097_00001 - jdbcenableditpolicycount



1-104 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Page 129: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2098_00001 - jdbcfailedactications


Banner HDM_2098_00001 - jdbcfailedactications

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description Number of devices stated as activation failed in Home Device Manager

Reason: jdbcfailedactications

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2098_00001 - jdbcfailedactications



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Page 130: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2099_00001 - jdbcfailedloginrate


Banner HDM_2099_00001 - jdbcfailedloginrate

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description Number of failed attempts of devices to Home Device Manager

Reason: jdbcfailedloginrate

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2099_00001 - jdbcfailedloginrate



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 131: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2100_00001 - jdbcfailedreserverequestcount


Banner HDM_2100_00001 - jdbcfailedreserverequestcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The Number of reserve request failed.

Reason: jdbcfailedreserverequestcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2100_00001 - jdbcfailedreserverequestcount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 132: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2101_00001 - jdbcleakedconnectioncount


Banner HDM_2101_00001 - jdbcleakedconnectioncount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Major

Description The number of leaked database connection

Reason: jdbcleakedconnectioncount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2101_00001 - jdbcleakedconnectioncount



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 133: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2102_00001 - jdbcmanagementpolicycount


Banner HDM_2102_00001 - jdbcmanagementpolicycount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description Number of management policies defined in Home Device Manager

Reason: jdbcmanagementpolicycount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2102_00001 - jdbcmanagementpolicycount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Page 134: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2103_00001 - jdbcpendingactivations


Banner HDM_2103_00001 - jdbcpendingactivations

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description Number of devices stated as activation pending in Home Device Manager

Reason: jdbcpendingactivations

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2103_00001 - jdbcpendingactivations



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 135: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2104_00001 - jdbcwaitingcurrentconnectionscount


Banner HDM_2104_00001 - jdbcwaitingcurrentconnectionscount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of connection requests waiting for a database connection

Reason: jdbcwaitingcurrentconnectionscount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2104_00001 - jdbcwaitingcurrentconnectionscount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 136: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2105_00001 - jmsconnectionrequestcurrentcount


Banner HDM_2105_00001 - jmsconnectionrequestcurrentcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of messages stored on connectionRequestQueue JMS destination for the

current server

Reason: jmsconnectionrequestcurrentcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2105_00001 - jmsconnectionrequestcurrentcount



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Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 137: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2106_00001 - jmsconnectionrequestpendingcount


Banner HDM_2106_00001 - jmsconnectionrequestpendingcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of messages pending (unacknowledged or uncommitted) stored on

connectionRequestQueue JMS destination for the current server

Reason: jmsconnectionrequestpendingcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2106_00001 - jmsconnectionrequestpendingcount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Page 138: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2107_00001 - jmsconnectionrequestrate


Banner HDM_2107_00001 - jmsconnectionrequestrate

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of received Connection Request rate stored on connectionRequestQueue JMS

destination for the current server

Reason: jmsconnectionrequestrate

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2107_00001 - jmsconnectionrequestrate



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 139: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2108_00001 - jmsdarcurrentcount


Banner HDM_2108_00001 - jmsdarcurrentcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of messages stored on deviceActionResultQueue JMS destination for the

current server

Reason: jmsdarcurrentcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2108_00001 - jmsdarcurrentcount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 140: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2109_00001 - jmsdarpendingcount


Banner HDM_2109_00001 - jmsdarpendingcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of messages pending (unacknowledged or uncommitted) stored on

deviceActionResultQueue JMS destination for the current server

Reason: jmsdarpendingcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2109_00001 - jmsdarpendingcount



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 141: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2110_00001 - jmsdarrate


Banner HDM_2110_00001 - jmsdarrate

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description Received device action result rate

Reason: jmsdarrate

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2110_00001 - jmsdarrate



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 142: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2111_00001 - jmseventsrate


Banner HDM_2111_00001 - jmseventsrate

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description Received inform event rate

Reason: jmseventsrate

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2111_00001 - jmseventsrate



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 143: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2112_00001 - jmsinformeventscurrentcount


Banner HDM_2112_00001 - jmsinformeventscurrentcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of messages stored on deviceEventQueue JMS destination for the current


Reason: jmsinformeventscurrentcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2112_00001 - jmsinformeventscurrentcount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 144: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2113_00001 - jmsinformeventspendingcount


Banner HDM_2113_00001 - jmsinformeventspendingcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of messages pending (unacknowledged or uncommitted) stored on

deviceEventQueue JMS destination for the current server

Reason: jmsinformeventspendingcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2113_00001 - jmsinformeventspendingcount



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 145: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2114_00001 - jmsnbiinternalcurrentcount


Banner HDM_2114_00001 - jmsnbiinternalcurrentcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of messages stored on nbiInternalQueue JMS destination for the current


Reason: jmsnbiinternalcurrentcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2114_00001 - jmsnbiinternalcurrentcount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 146: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2115_00001 - jmsnbiinternalpendingcount


Banner HDM_2115_00001 - jmsnbiinternalpendingcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of messages pending (unacknowledged or uncommitted) stored on

nbiInternalQueue JMS destination for the current server

Reason: jmsnbiinternalpendingcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2115_00001 - jmsnbiinternalpendingcount



1-122 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 147: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2116_00001 - jmsnbiinternalrate


Banner HDM_2116_00001 - jmsnbiinternalrate

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of received NBI Out Bound Event rate stored on nbiInternalQueue JMS

destination for the current server

Reason: jmsnbiinternalrate

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2116_00001 - jmsnbiinternalrate



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 148: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2117_00001 - jmsnbiobalarmcurrentcount


Banner HDM_2117_00001 - jmsnbiobalarmcurrentcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of messages stored on nbiOutBoundAlarmTopic JMS destination for the

current server

Reason: jmsnbiobalarmcurrentcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2117_00001 - jmsnbiobalarmcurrentcount



1-124 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 149: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2118_00001 - jmsnbiobalarmpendingcount


Banner HDM_2118_00001 - jmsnbiobalarmpendingcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of messages pending (unacknowledged or uncommitted) stored on

nbiOutBoundAlarmTopic JMS destination for the current server

Reason: jmsnbiobalarmpendingcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2118_00001 - jmsnbiobalarmpendingcount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 150: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2119_00001 - jmsnbiobalarmrate


Banner HDM_2119_00001 - jmsnbiobalarmrate

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of received NBI Out Bound Alarm rate stored on nbiOutBoundAlarmTopic

JMS destination for the current server

Reason: jmsnbiobalarmrate

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2119_00001 - jmsnbiobalarmrate



1-126 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 151: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2120_00001 - jmsnbiobcurrentcount


Banner HDM_2120_00001 - jmsnbiobcurrentcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of messages stored on nbiOutBoundQueue JMS destination for the current


Reason: jmsnbiobcurrentcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2120_00001 - jmsnbiobcurrentcount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 152: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2121_00001 - jmsnbiobeventcurrentcount


Banner HDM_2121_00001 - jmsnbiobeventcurrentcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of messages stored on nbiOutBoundEventTopic JMS destination for the

current server

Reason: jmsnbiobeventcurrentcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2121_00001 - jmsnbiobeventcurrentcount



1-128 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 153: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2122_00001 - jmsnbiobeventpendingcount


Banner HDM_2122_00001 - jmsnbiobeventpendingcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of messages pending (unacknowledged or uncommitted) stored on

nbiOutBoundEventTopic JMS destination for the current server

Reason: jmsnbiobeventpendingcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2122_00001 - jmsnbiobeventpendingcount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 154: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2123_00001 - jmsnbiobeventrate


Banner HDM_2123_00001 - jmsnbiobeventrate

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of received NBI Out Bound Event rate stored on nbiOutBoundEventTopic

JMS destination for the current server

Reason: jmsnbiobeventrate

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2123_00001 - jmsnbiobeventrate



1-130 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Page 155: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2124_00001 - jmsnbiobpendingcount


Banner HDM_2124_00001 - jmsnbiobpendingcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of messages pending (unacknowledged or uncommitted) stored on

nbiOutBoundQueue JMS destination for the current server

Reason: jmsnbiobpendingcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2124_00001 - jmsnbiobpendingcount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 156: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2125_00001 - jmsnbiobrate


Banner HDM_2125_00001 - jmsnbiobrate

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of received NBI Out Bound Event rate stored on nbiOutBoundQueue JMS

destination for the current server

Reason: jmsnbiobrate

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2125_00001 - jmsnbiobrate



1-132 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Page 157: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2126_00001 - jmsnbiobresultcurrentcount


Banner HDM_2126_00001 - jmsnbiobresultcurrentcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of messages stored on nbiOutBoundResultTopic JMS destination for the

current server

Reason: jmsnbiobresultcurrentcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2126_00001 - jmsnbiobresultcurrentcount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 158: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2127_00001 - jmsnbiobresultpendingcount


Banner HDM_2127_00001 - jmsnbiobresultpendingcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of messages pending (unacknowledged or uncommitted) stored on

nbiOutBoundResultTopic JMS destination for the current server

Reason: jmsnbiobresultpendingcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2127_00001 - jmsnbiobresultpendingcount



1-134 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 159: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2128_00001 - jmsnbiobresultrate


Banner HDM_2128_00001 - jmsnbiobresultrate

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The current number of received NBI Out Bound Result rate stored on nbiOutBoundResultTopic

JMS destination for the current server

Reason: jmsnbiobresultrate

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2128_00001 - jmsnbiobresultrate



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 160: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2129_00001 - jtaactivetxcount


Banner HDM_2129_00001 - jtaactivetxcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The total number of active transacions on the server

Reason: jtaactivetxcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2129_00001 - jtaactivetxcount



1-136 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 161: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2130_00001 - jtacommittedtxrate


Banner HDM_2130_00001 - jtacommittedtxrate

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description Total number of transactions committed by this server

Reason: jtacommittedtxrate

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2130_00001 - jtacommittedtxrate



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 162: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2131_00001 - jtarolledbacktxrate


Banner HDM_2131_00001 - jtarolledbacktxrate

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description Total number of transactions rolled back by this server

Reason: jtarolledbacktxrate

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2131_00001 - jtarolledbacktxrate



1-138 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 163: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2132_00001 - jvmfreeheapsize


Banner HDM_2132_00001 - jvmfreeheapsize

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description The number of free heap size availabe in JVM

Reason: jvmfreeheapsize

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2132_00001 - jvmfreeheapsize



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 164: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2133_00001 - jvmheapfreepercent


Banner HDM_2133_00001 - jvmheapfreepercent

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description The percentage of free heap available in JVM

Reason: jvmheapfreepercent

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2133_00001 - jvmheapfreepercent



1-140 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 165: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2134_00001 - jvmheapsize


Banner HDM_2134_00001 - jvmheapsize

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description The heap size of JVM

Reason: jvmheapsize

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2134_00001 - jvmheapsize



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 166: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2135_00001 - jvmmaxheapsize


Banner HDM_2135_00001 - jvmmaxheapsize

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description The maximum heap size of JVM

Reason: jvmmaxheapsize

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2135_00001 - jvmmaxheapsize



1-142 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 167: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2136_00001 - multicastclustermessageslostcount


Banner HDM_2136_00001 - multicastclustermessageslostcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description Cluster Multicast lost message rate

Reason: multicastclustermessageslostcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2136_00001 - multicastclustermessageslostcount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 168: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2137_00001 - multicastcompletedrequests


Banner HDM_2137_00001 - multicastcompletedrequests

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description Multicast completed request count

Reason: multicastcompletedrequests

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2137_00001 - multicastcompletedrequests



1-144 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 169: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2138_00001 - multicastpendingrequests


Banner HDM_2138_00001 - multicastpendingrequests

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description Multicast pending request count

Reason: multicastpendingrequests

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2138_00001 - multicastpendingrequests



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Page 170: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2139_00001 - nbicapturedevice


Banner HDM_2139_00001 - nbicapturedevice

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi captureDevice

Reason: nbicapturedevice

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2139_00001 - nbicapturedevice



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HDM_2140_00001 - nbicapturedeviceavg


Banner HDM_2140_00001 - nbicapturedeviceavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi captureDevice.avg

Reason: nbicapturedeviceavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2140_00001 - nbicapturedeviceavg



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 172: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2141_00001 - nbiclearalarm


Banner HDM_2141_00001 - nbiclearalarm

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi clearAlarm

Reason: nbiclearalarm

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2141_00001 - nbiclearalarm



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HDM_2142_00001 - nbiclearalarmavg


Banner HDM_2142_00001 - nbiclearalarmavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi clearAlarm.avg

Reason: nbiclearalarmavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2142_00001 - nbiclearalarmavg



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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 174: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2143_00001 - nbicreatedevice


Banner HDM_2143_00001 - nbicreatedevice

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi createDevice

Reason: nbicreatedevice

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2143_00001 - nbicreatedevice



1-150 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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HDM_2144_00001 - nbicreatedeviceavg


Banner HDM_2144_00001 - nbicreatedeviceavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi createDevice.avg

Reason: nbicreatedeviceavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2144_00001 - nbicreatedeviceavg



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Page 176: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2145_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceoperation


Banner HDM_2145_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceoperation

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi createSingleDeviceOperation

Reason: nbicreatesingledeviceoperation

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2145_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceoperation



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HDM_2146_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceoperationavg


Banner HDM_2146_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceoperationavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi createSingleDeviceOperation.avg

Reason: nbicreatesingledeviceoperationavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2146_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceoperationavg



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Page 178: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2147_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceopera-



Banner HDM_2147_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceoperationbydeviceguid

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi createSingleDeviceOperationByDeviceGUID

Reason: nbicreatesingledeviceoperationbydeviceguid

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2147_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceopera-




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HDM_2148_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceopera-



Banner HDM_2148_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceoperationbydeviceguidavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi createSingleDeviceOperationByDeviceGUID.avg

Reason: nbicreatesingledeviceoperationbydeviceguidavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2148_00001 - nbicreatesingledeviceopera-




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Page 180: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2149_00001 - nbifinddevicebyguid


Banner HDM_2149_00001 - nbifinddevicebyguid

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi findDeviceByGUID

Reason: nbifinddevicebyguid

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2149_00001 - nbifinddevicebyguid



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HDM_2150_00001 - nbifinddevicebyguidavg


Banner HDM_2150_00001 - nbifinddevicebyguidavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi findDeviceByGUID.avg

Reason: nbifinddevicebyguidavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2150_00001 - nbifinddevicebyguidavg



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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 182: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2151_00001 - nbifinddevices


Banner HDM_2151_00001 - nbifinddevices

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi findDevices

Reason: nbifinddevices

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2151_00001 - nbifinddevices



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HDM_2152_00001 - nbifinddevicesavg


Banner HDM_2152_00001 - nbifinddevicesavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi findDevices.avg

Reason: nbifinddevicesavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2152_00001 - nbifinddevicesavg



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Page 184: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2153_00001 - nbigetactivealarms


Banner HDM_2153_00001 - nbigetactivealarms

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi getActiveAlarms

Reason: nbigetactivealarms

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2153_00001 - nbigetactivealarms



1-160 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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HDM_2154_00001 - nbigetactivealarmsavg


Banner HDM_2154_00001 - nbigetactivealarmsavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi getActiveAlarms.avg

Reason: nbigetactivealarmsavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2154_00001 - nbigetactivealarmsavg



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Page 186: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2155_00001 - nbigetcacheddatamodelparameters


Banner HDM_2155_00001 - nbigetcacheddatamodelparameters

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi getCachedDataModelParameters

Reason: nbigetcacheddatamodelparameters

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2155_00001 - nbigetcacheddatamodelparameters



1-162 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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HDM_2156_00001 - nbigetcacheddatamodelparametersavg


Banner HDM_2156_00001 - nbigetcacheddatamodelparametersavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi getCachedDataModelParameters.avg

Reason: nbigetcacheddatamodelparametersavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2156_00001 - nbigetcacheddatamodelparametersavg



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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 188: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2157_00001 - nbiinitiateconnectionrequest


Banner HDM_2157_00001 - nbiinitiateconnectionrequest

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi initiateConnectionRequest

Reason: nbiinitiateconnectionrequest

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2157_00001 - nbiinitiateconnectionrequest



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HDM_2158_00001 - nbiinitiateconnectionrequestavg


Banner HDM_2158_00001 - nbiinitiateconnectionrequestavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi initiateConnectionRequest.avg

Reason: nbiinitiateconnectionrequestavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2158_00001 - nbiinitiateconnectionrequestavg



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9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 190: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2159_00001 - nbiraisealarm


Banner HDM_2159_00001 - nbiraisealarm

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi raiseAlarm

Reason: nbiraisealarm

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2159_00001 - nbiraisealarm



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HDM_2160_00001 - nbiraisealarmavg


Banner HDM_2160_00001 - nbiraisealarmavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi raiseAlarm.avg

Reason: nbiraisealarmavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2160_00001 - nbiraisealarmavg



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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 192: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2161_00001 - nbiregisterdevice


Banner HDM_2161_00001 - nbiregisterdevice

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi registerDevice

Reason: nbiregisterdevice

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2161_00001 - nbiregisterdevice



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HDM_2162_00001 - nbiregisterdeviceavg


Banner HDM_2162_00001 - nbiregisterdeviceavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi registerDevice.avg

Reason: nbiregisterdeviceavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2162_00001 - nbiregisterdeviceavg



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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 194: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2163_00001 - nbireleasedevice


Banner HDM_2163_00001 - nbireleasedevice

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi releaseDevice

Reason: nbireleasedevice

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2163_00001 - nbireleasedevice



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HDM_2164_00001 - nbireleasedeviceavg


Banner HDM_2164_00001 - nbireleasedeviceavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi releaseDevice.avg

Reason: nbireleasedeviceavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2164_00001 - nbireleasedeviceavg



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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 196: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2165_00001 - nbireruneventtriggeredpolicy


Banner HDM_2165_00001 - nbireruneventtriggeredpolicy

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi rerunEventTriggeredPolicy

Reason: nbireruneventtriggeredpolicy

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2165_00001 - nbireruneventtriggeredpolicy



1-172 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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HDM_2166_00001 - nbireruneventtriggeredpolicyavg


Banner HDM_2166_00001 - nbireruneventtriggeredpolicyavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi rerunEventTriggeredPolicy.avg

Reason: nbireruneventtriggeredpolicyavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2166_00001 - nbireruneventtriggeredpolicyavg



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 198: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2167_00001 - nbiruneventtriggeredpolicies


Banner HDM_2167_00001 - nbiruneventtriggeredpolicies

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi runEventTriggeredPolicies

Reason: nbiruneventtriggeredpolicies

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2167_00001 - nbiruneventtriggeredpolicies



1-174 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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HDM_2168_00001 - nbiruneventtriggeredpoliciesavg


Banner HDM_2168_00001 - nbiruneventtriggeredpoliciesavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi runEventTriggeredPolicies.avg

Reason: nbiruneventtriggeredpoliciesavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2168_00001 - nbiruneventtriggeredpoliciesavg



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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 200: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2169_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebydeviceid


Banner HDM_2169_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebydeviceid

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi updateDeviceByDeviceID

Reason: nbiupdatedevicebydeviceid

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2169_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebydeviceid



1-176 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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HDM_2170_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebydeviceidavg


Banner HDM_2170_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebydeviceidavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi updateDeviceByDeviceID.avg

Reason: nbiupdatedevicebydeviceidavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2170_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebydeviceidavg



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 202: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2171_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebyguid


Banner HDM_2171_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebyguid

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi updateDeviceByGUID

Reason: nbiupdatedevicebyguid

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2171_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebyguid



1-178 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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HDM_2172_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebyguidavg


Banner HDM_2172_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebyguidavg

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description number of nbi updateDeviceByGUID.avg

Reason: nbiupdatedevicebyguidavg

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2172_00001 - nbiupdatedevicebyguidavg



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 204: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2173_00001 - osavailableprocessercount


Banner HDM_2173_00001 - osavailableprocessercount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description The number of processer available to os

Reason: osavailableprocessercount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2173_00001 - osavailableprocessercount



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HDM_2174_00001 - oscommittedvirtualmemory


Banner HDM_2174_00001 - oscommittedvirtualmemory

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description The Number of committed virtual memory

Reason: oscommittedvirtualmemory

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2174_00001 - oscommittedvirtualmemory



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

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Page 206: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2175_00001 - osfreephysicalmemory


Banner HDM_2175_00001 - osfreephysicalmemory

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description The Number of free memory

Reason: osfreephysicalmemory

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2175_00001 - osfreephysicalmemory



1-182 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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HDM_2176_00001 - osfreeswapspace


Banner HDM_2176_00001 - osfreeswapspace

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description Free swap space size

Reason: osfreeswapspace

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2176_00001 - osfreeswapspace



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Page 208: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2177_00001 - osmaxfiledescriptor


Banner HDM_2177_00001 - osmaxfiledescriptor

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description Maximum file secriptor

Reason: osmaxfiledescriptor

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2177_00001 - osmaxfiledescriptor



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HDM_2178_00001 - osopenfiledescriptor


Banner HDM_2178_00001 - osopenfiledescriptor

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description The number of open file descriptor

Reason: osopenfiledescriptor

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2178_00001 - osopenfiledescriptor



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Page 210: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2179_00001 - osprocesscputime


Banner HDM_2179_00001 - osprocesscputime

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description The CPU time

Reason: osprocesscputime

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2179_00001 - osprocesscputime



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 211: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2180_00001 - ostotalphysicalmemory


Banner HDM_2180_00001 - ostotalphysicalmemory

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description Total Physical memory

Reason: ostotalphysicalmemory

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2180_00001 - ostotalphysicalmemory



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Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Page 212: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2181_00001 - ostotalswapspace


Banner HDM_2181_00001 - ostotalswapspace

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description Total number of free sawp space

Reason: ostotalswapspace

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2181_00001 - ostotalswapspace



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 213: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2182_00001 - periodicinformpercentage


Banner HDM_2182_00001 - periodicinformpercentage

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Major

Description Percentage of periodic informs

Reason: periodicinformpercentage

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2182_00001 - periodicinformpercentage



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Page 214: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2183_00001 - socketcount


Banner HDM_2183_00001 - socketcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description The number of socket

Reason: socketcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2183_00001 - socketcount



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 215: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2184_00001 - threadidlecount


Banner HDM_2184_00001 - threadidlecount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description The number of idel threads

Reason: threadidlecount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2184_00001 - threadidlecount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

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Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

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Page 216: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2185_00001 - threadpendingrequestcount


Banner HDM_2185_00001 - threadpendingrequestcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description The number of thread in pending request state

Reason: threadpendingrequestcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2185_00001 - threadpendingrequestcount



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Issue 4 November 2013

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HDM_2186_00001 - threadqueuelength


Banner HDM_2186_00001 - threadqueuelength

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description The number of thread queue

Reason: threadqueuelength

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2186_00001 - threadqueuelength



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 218: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2187_00001 - threadstandbycount


Banner HDM_2187_00001 - threadstandbycount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description The number of thread in stand by state.

Reason: threadstandbycount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2187_00001 - threadstandbycount



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 219: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2188_00001 - threadthroughput


Banner HDM_2188_00001 - threadthroughput

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description Thread throughput

Reason: threadthroughput

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2188_00001 - threadthroughput



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 220: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2189_00001 - threadtotalcount


Banner HDM_2189_00001 - threadtotalcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Critical

Description Total number of Threads

Reason: threadtotalcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2189_00001 - threadtotalcount



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 221: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2190_00001 - userlockouttotalcount


Banner HDM_2190_00001 - userlockouttotalcount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Minor

Description Indicates how many user locking out process is executed on the current server

Reason: userlockouttotalcount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2190_00001 - userlockouttotalcount



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 222: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

HDM_2191_00001 - reachabledevicecount


Banner HDM_2191_00001 - reachabledevicecount

Object Class HDM

Alarm Type Equipment

Probable Cause thresholdCrossed

Severity Major

Description Count of reachable devices

Reason: reachabledevicecount

Impact on system --

The Motive Home Device Manager alarm descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager

HDM_2191_00001 - reachabledevicecount



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 223: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

2 2The OAM Alarms




The following alarms are generated by the OAM.


Description of the Motive Home Device Manager alarms 2-2

OAM_0222_00305 - Loss of supervision 2-2

OAM_0225_00305 - Supervision inhibited by operator 2-3


Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 224: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager


OAM_0222_00305 - Loss of supervision


Banner OAM_0222_00305 - Loss of supervision

Object Class HDMCluster

Alarm Type Communications

Probable Cause communicationsSubsystemFailure

Severity Critical

Description Loss of OAM link between SCMS and HDM.

Reason: Loss of supervision

Impact on system --

The OAM Alarms descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager alarms

Reissue history



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 225: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

OAM_0225_00305 - Supervision inhibited by operator


Banner OAM_0225_00305 - Supervision inhibited by operator

Object Class HDMCluster

Alarm Type Communications

Probable Cause configurationOrCustomizationError

Severity Warning

Description The OAMLinkAdministrativeState parameter (HDMCluster object) is set to locked.

Reason: Supervision inhibited by operator

Impact on system --

The OAM Alarms descriptions

Description of the Motive Home Device Manager alarms

OAM_0225_00305 - Supervision inhibited by operator



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 226: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

The OAM Alarms descriptions OAM_0225_00305 - Supervision inhibited by operator



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Issue 4 November 2013

Page 227: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

Appendix A: Reference

Reissue history


The reissue history of this document is described in the following paragraphs.

Issue 3

The reissue history for Issue 3 is shown in the following table.

Table A-1 Issue 3, November 2013, What’s new

Feature/enhancement Description Location

Documentation changes

Update HDM_alarm_


New data for HDM alarm


Chapter 1, “The Motive

Home Device Manager alarm


Update HDM_OAM_alarm_


New data for HDM OAM

alarm descriptions

Chapter 2, “The OAM Alarms


Issue 2

The reissue history for Issue 2 is shown in the following table.

Table A-2 Issue 2, October 2013, What’s new

Feature/enhancement Description Location

Documentation changes

Update HDM_alarm_


New HDM Template used for


Chapter 1, “The Motive

Home Device Manager alarm



Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements


Page 228: HDM Alarms Reference Guide BCR4.3

Table A-2 Issue 2, October 2013, What’s new (continued)

Feature/enhancement Description Location

Update HDM_OAM_alarm_


New HDM Template used for



Chapter 2, “The OAM Alarms


Issue 1

The reissue history for Issue 1 is shown in the following table.

Table A-3 Issue 1, September 2013, Reason for reissue

Location Change

Chapter 1, “The Motive Home Device Manager

alarm descriptions”

Chapter 2, “The OAM Alarms descriptions”

Standard creation for BCR4.3.

Reference Reissue history



A-2 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary

Use pursuant to applicable agreements

Alcatel-Lucent SC

9YZ-05614-0640-RKZZA BCR4.3

Issue 4 November 2013

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