Download - Healing Stone



February 19, 2014 2 Comments



Azeztulite is one of the emerging power stones for the Aquarian age.

Azeztulite is the New-Age stone best known for its ability to help with Ascension by expanding the consciousness. It has an amazing energy, along

with a very rare vibration. The vibrations of this stone are so strong that most find it’s energy to be unpleasant, at first. Before working with Azeztulite

on a daily basis, a person has to first adapt to its energy.

Azeztulite facilitates meditation and instantly induces a state of no mind, a state of pure zen.

Azeztulite originated from star beings called, The Azez, which means “Nameless Light”, to act as a communication device for their inter-

dimensional travel. The Azez spoke of these crystals to have beneficial gifts for those who are in search of light and universal love.

Azeztulite does not absorb negative energy. Therefore, it never needs cleansing or energizing.

The energy of Azeztulite shows no negativity, or even neutrality. It is most definitely a positive element and as such is one of only four stones known to date which never need cleansing or energizing. The vibrations of Azeztulite increase with rising of the vibrations of the Earth.  One who wears this stone will experience an easy connection to a higher state of consciousness with

haste, which is why it is the new-age Ascension stone.

Azeztulite is a very powerful healing stone. Use with caution, as the vibrational shift it can induce may cause disorientation for those unused to working with spirit at high vibration. Handle with care if you are not used to working in the spiritual realms or at high frequencies. The vibrational shift it induces is powerful and can have unpleasant side effects until it has been

fully assimilated.[AZEZTULIRE   IS ALWAYS ENERGIZED . ]

CHAKRA(s): All (Especially The Third-Eye, Crown, Soul Star and Higher Chakras)CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: SiO2ZODIAC: AllELEMENT: StormPLANET: Earth[ENERGY:]

Inner Light[PROTECTION : ]

Places a Protective Spiral Around The Physical Body Blesses and Protects One With White Light Spiritual Protection[STIMULATES : ]

Third-Eye Activation Spiritual Light Precognition Spiritual Light Enlightenment Higher Dimensional Consciousness Connection to Higher Dimensions Multidimensional Awareness Light Body Activation Kundalini Awakening Transformation Ascension

Telepathy Spiritual Development Vision Inspiration Spiritual Strength Broader Perspectives Joy Serenity Clarity Meditation Zen


[METAPHYSICAL  PROPERTIES: ] Place on the forehead to see a glimpse into the future Brings higher frequencies down to the earth to aid spiritual evolution This is a great stone for Lightworkers Carries the vibration and energy of the Great Central Sun A great help for dimensional engineers Assist in reclaiming knowledge from genetic memory banks Clears All Chakras & Energy Blockages Raises vibrations while increasing intake of light Connects to the specific energy of the wearer Accelerates silence during meditation Carry the gift of inner vision and psychic powers Activates the ascension points to shift one to a higher vibration (while still

in the physical body) Opens the Third-Eye, Crown and Higher Crown Chakras reaching up to the

Spiritual Chakras Brings personal, universal and future visions and guidance to the user Brings one to a higher level of consciousness for increased awareness and

understanding Allows connection and interaction with higher dimensions Has the ability to increase one’s spiritual growth The frequency of Azeztulite connects to all the physical and transpersonal

chakras. Illuminates the proper path to reach soul purpose Infused with an amazing sense of deep joy, serenity and peace Influences one to make major leaps in their personal and spiritual growth Grounds spiritual light into the human body and energy fields Clears blockage within all Chakras May trigger alternate realities[HEALING  PROPERTIES: ]

Aid In Curing Cancer Rejuvenates Cellular Disorder Treats Tissue Inflammation


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February 18, 2014 1 Comment


“Stone of Death & Rebirth”Goethite helps attune to the ethereal.

Goethite, is a stone with frequencies vibrating powerful healing energies. This stone has many advantages when it comes assisting one with its

metaphysical properties. However, one of it’s most beneficial abilities is its potential to heal through grief by diving deep into the self to dig up wounds

buried within the unconscious.

Goethite is a stone for discovering and then enhancing the soul life.Goethite, also, has the ability to bring one into confrontation with the true

core of their reality. This will result in the recovery of things once lost, along with the surfacing of repressed grief, which is a primal emotion poorly

handled in modern society. Grief will bring tears and tears showcase a sign of healing.

Excellent for assisting walk-ins and inter-dimensionals in connecting to Earth’s vibration

Goethite stimulates the emotional body within the etheric body. In return, one will become more consciously aware of the emotions throughout their

entire spectrum. It help open the heart and awakens one to compassion and love.

Goethite is a powerful aid to artists, writers and musicians. Goethite stimulates the mind to move into the stage of recognition, the need to face and sort through, and let go of any shadows of the self that are held

within but locked away. Goethite helps in conquering the “shadow self” never to be heard or seen again. It also helps to see the “shadow self” in a

positive light. It then leads into the stages of integrating and letting go to ascend into higher states of consciousness.

Encourages one to look within, face and conquer the “Shadow Self”.


Grounding Healing Protection Transformation

[PROTECTION : ] Protects From Evil[STIMULATES : ]

Past Life Recall Artistic CreativityContinue reading →SHARE THIS:

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ABALONE SHELLFebruary 6, 2014 1 Comment


“The Stone of The Sea”Abalone comes from a shell with various different colors that represents the

beautiful colors of the open sea. The vibrations of this stone is known to open one up to emotional expression. When held it relaxes and calms. It teaches

one about the everlasting changes of all beauty within the world.

Chakra(s): HeartEnergy:

Protection Emotion BalanceProtection:

Protects Muscle TissueStimulates:

Psychic Development Intuition Imagination Heightened Perceptions Creativity Imagination Authenticity Individuality Divinity Balance Vulnerability Sensitivity Relaxation Patience Clarity Emotional Conditioning EquilibriumMetaphysical Properties:

Promotes the imagination Strengthens the function of the Heart Chakra Great for working through emotional issues Handles and calms emotional situations Increases ability to be more openly expressive Promotes cooperation Very healing for the whole body, including the Root, Sacral and Solar

Plexus Charkas Burn sage within one to offer cleansing and prayers Offers an easy flow of feelings and sensitivities to others Connects one to family Brings harmony into all relationships Strengthens the structure of the body and the functions of the heart

chakra Strengthens the entire structure of the body Brings a feeling of well-bring and relaxationHealing Properties:

Helpful for arthritis Muscle Problems Joint Pain

Heart Digestion Heals Emotions Helps Build Muscle Tissue Treats Hearing Problems Calcium Deficiencies Strengthens Spinal Canal Strengthens Nervous System Enhances The Assimilation of Vitamins A and D Improves Protein Assimilation


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August 15, 2013 2 Comments


“Stone of Angelic Connection”[1 of 12 SYNERGY STONES – Ascension Stone]

HIGH VIBRATION CRYSTALPetalite, one of the twelve synergy stones, is highly protective and emits this

profoundly soft energy filled with love and joy. Holding one will trigger a direct connection to the Angelic Realm for communication with Guardian

Guides. . Carrying this stone is an excellent aid for one feeling flighty, spaced-out and ungrounded.

Petalite connects one directly with the Angelic Realm.Petalite is an excellent spiritual healing stone with highly spiritual properties.

During meditation, it quiets the mind of all thoughts and brings one to a state of complete relaxation and calmness and opens one up to the

dimensional plane of healing filled with pure white light. It is known to be a stone of the Pink Ray, which makes it great in healing the Heart.

Placing Petalite on the Crown Chakra will stimulate Kundalini Awakening. 

CHAKRA(S): Heart, Throat, Third-Eye, Crown & Soul Star ELEMENT: Air ZODIAC: Leo ENERGY: 

Personal Power Love Protection GroundingPROTECTION:

Protects From Negativity Destroys Black Magick Blocks Out Unwelcomed ForcesSTIMULATES:

Self-Acceptance Self-Love Kundalini Awakening Clairaudience Clairvoyance Clairsentience Psychic Powers Psychic Visions Telepathy Psychic Communication Awareness Manifestation Spiritual Development

METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Place on the Third-Eye during meditation to stimulate relaxation

Raises energy vibration Prepares the mind for inner exploration Promotes stillness, calmness and peace Emits the Pink Ray of healing Activates the Throat Chakra Allows one to see a broader view of the world Uplifts with a soft, gentle energy Connects one to a dimension of healing An energizer that creates movement where there is none Facilitates communication with higher dimensions Aids in making contact with spirit Elevates one up to the Soul Star Chakra Triggers psychic visions Assist one in opening up their heartHEALING PROPERTIES:

Used For Stress-Related Illnesses Heals Emotional Trauma Mends Excessive Worry Counters Hyperactivity Eases Anxiety Helps Cellular Regeneration Treats Disorders of The Lungs Treats Small Intestines Loosens Inflexible Muscles Aids High Blood Pressure Helps In The Treatment of Cancer


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June 15, 2013 2 Comments



Sugilite, aka Royal Lavulite, embodies the energy of the Violet Ray, which makes is one of the best healing stones. Some people refer to this crystal as, The Healer’s Stone. It balances the energy within the mind, body and spirit. It, also, has been known to protect one from negativity within any environment.

Sugilite uplifts, fills one with divine energy and shields the energy field.

Sugilite is one with energy infused with high vibrations. The violet color of this stone means it possesses the energy of the Violet Flame, which will

filtrate through the aura to cleanse and repair it. It will then surround the entire energy field with white light of the Divine. This makes it beneficial to

anyone collecting, or studying, crystals, as well as anyone on a spiritual exploration. Sugilite has been known to be a big aid in the development of

one’s psychic and healing abilities. If you don’t own one, you should.

Sugilite will open the Third-Eye and then the Crown all the way up to the fourteenth Etheric Chakra.

CHAKRA(s): Heart, Third-Eye, Crown and Higher Etheric ChakrasChemical Composition: KNa2Energy Vibration: 2, 3 & 7Birthstone: Virgo, Aquarius & SagittariusArchangels: Archangels Michael and ZadkielENERGY:

Healing Power

Protection Love Spiritual Grounding GroundingPROTECTION:

From Negative Entities From Negative Attachments Against Psychic Attacks Protects The Soul From Shocks/Disappointments Protects From Negativity In The EnvironmentSTIMULATES:

Understanding Self-Forgiveness Self-Acceptance Channeling Automatic Writing Heart, Third-Eye, Crown & Soul Star Chakra Peace of Mind Self-Love Confidence Courage Protection Balance Stability Spiritual GroundingMETAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES:

The perfect stone for Empaths Enhances one’s healing and psychic abilities Promotes individual and universal love Helpful for those that feel alienated or alone Helps to recognize struggles as one of the ways to grow Protects the soul from shocks and trauma Beings light and love to the darkest situations Protects from negative entities and removes negative attachments Place on Third Eye to elevate despair Opens and aligns all Chakras to love Teaches love and protects in matters of spiritual quest Allows the wearer to understand the reason fro their existence Opens Third Eye, Crown, Soul Star Chakras and those up to the

14th etheric Chakra Increase protection with Amethyst Assist grounding with Hematite Brings higher spiritual awareness into reality Able to free one of any worries or concernsHEALING PROPERTIES:

Strengthens The Immunity System

Debilitates Illnesses Helps Relieve Stress


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STONES FOR EMPATHSFebruary 4, 2013 7 Comments

Yes, I have a few that will help. As an Empath myself, I know what you are going through. Along with crystals, you may want to shower twice a day, as water helps clean the aura. Another technique you can do is in the morning when you wake up and before you go to bed at night, imagine a white ball of light above your head and allow it to enter from the top of your head and envision it going through your third eye, then down into your throat and have it end at your heart chakra. From there, imagine a green lotus flower blooming out from your chest. Once the flower is open imagine the white ball expanding from your chest and increasing in size. Don’t let it stop growing until it is totally surrounding your being. Once it is around you, I want you to state to yourself and feel the words to be true, “I love myself and I love everyone around me. I am protected from any and all outside energy that is not my own. I am strong. I am confident. I am love.”Whenever you feel like you are experiencing emotions that are not your own I want you to acknowledge it. Tell yourself that you are happy. Tell yourself you are only love.

Here are a list of Crystals that help me.

1. Citrine is a great crystal for Empaths as it shields the aura of the wearer from all outside emotional and mental influences. (I wear Citrine with Amethyst for ultimate protection from negative emotions and negative energy.)2. Blue Kyanite is my fav. crystal for protection, psychic development and spiritual progression. Its an excellent spiritual grounding stone. The best thing about it is that it never needs to be cleaned, as it doesn’t absorb

negative energy. It Demolishes all negative energy in its presence. This is also a great stone to keep low frequency spirits away.4. Yellow Jasper is a great stone for replenishing energy. If ever I feel down or weak, I put this stone on and I feel refreshed. (I wear Yellow Jasper with Blue Kyanite to keep my whole body balanced and to heal and protect my aura.)5. Sugilite is a great stone that teaches love and protects in matters of spiritual quest. Increase it’s protection with Amethyst. It promotes self-love and universal love while bringing light and love into the darkest situations. Sugilite is also beneficial to anyone feeling alienated, abandoned or alone.NOTE: You can always wear or carry a Clear Quarts to protect yourself, as it is the best crystal for protecting and healing. Hold it in your hand as ask the

crystal to either protect you, heal your aura or whatever you wish.CONNECTING WITH CRYSTALS

When you first acquire a crystal you should sit in lotus position, hold the crystal in your left hand and take several deep breaths. imagine your left palm spinning and ask to connect with the energy of the crystal. Once you begin to feel the energetic sensation coming from your palm, ask the crystal to offer you protection and healing.


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AQUA AURA: SPIRITUAL   ELEVATION November 13, 2012 2 Comments


(Spirit Quartz Infused With Gold)

“The Stone of Spiritual Elevation”High Vibration Crystal

Aqua Aura is the stone of spiritual elevation, which aids spiritual growth through the development of psychic gifts and communication.  It has an

intense vibration that is known to activate the soul energy of a person, along with activating all of the Chakras.

Aqua Aura will clean and heal any holes, tears or lose patches within the Aura.

  Aqua Aura has the power to heal any victim from a psychic attack by cleansing and healing the Auric Field. Along with the Aura, it heals the

emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual bodies. Wearing Aqua Aura helps to radiate and shine with one’s inner-beauty.

Protects a person from negative effects of any energy that one may come in contact with.

Aqua Aura is made up of Clear Quartz, Gold and Aquamarine. Therefore it possess the properties of those stones, as well.

Enhances one’s access to portals of Spirit which are accessed through emotions.

Aqua Aura can aid those who wish to become conscious channelers for spiritual wisdom. It will clear and open pathways of inter-dimensional

communication through that of emotions. This is done by increasing one’s ability to access the meaning and truth behind their own emotions.  In return, this will allow for a much deeper understanding of the meaning

behind the emotions from those in the spiritual realm.

Removes negativity on all levels and activates the healing powers of other crystals.

Aqua Aura can be used to soothe and heal the Auric field. It releases negativity from one’s spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional bodies.

Use this stone in body layouts for the activation of the Chakras.

Aqua Aura is one of the stones to assist in raising the vibration of humanity.

Chakra(s): Throat, Heart, Thymus, Third-Eye & Higher Crown (Activates All Chakras)Energy Vibration: 9Element: WaterEnergy:

Power Healing Love ProtectionProtection:

Against Psychological Attacks Against Psychic Attacks From Any Negative EnergyStimulates:

Clairaudience Communication Channeling Spiritual Awareness Spiritual Growth Psychic Insight Energy Optimism Esoteric Wisdom WealthSuccess Throat ChakraMetaphysical Properties:

Activates one’s soul energy Connects one with their spirit-guides Stimulates astral travel Stimulates the gift of psychic hearing and other psychic communication

gifts Facilitates shamanic journeying Strong aid to communication allowing on to speak without fear Aids development of psychic gifts and spiritual growth Activates all Chakras, especially Throat and Third-Eye Strengthens Heart Chakra energies Connects Heart Chakra with Throat Chakra Helps one to grow and evolve as a spiritual being

Cleans and heals the Auric field Aids one to speak more truthfully and honestly Attracts wealth and success Allows one to let go of perceived limitations Resonates with the higher Chakras to connect one with spirit Prevents any negative effects from any kind of energy Aids ones emotions to help them feel more at peace and calm Heals the emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual bodies Assist one in plumbing one’s emotional depths and heights while retaining

inner peace It is a form of Quartz and can be used to activate the energy of other

stonesHealing Properties:

Auric Field Psychic Healing Depression Anxiety Anger Stress


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HELIODOR: STONE OF GOLD   RAY November 13, 2012 1 Comment


“The Stone of Golden Light”Heliodor, aka Golden Beryl,  radiates the warmth of the sun with the celestial golden ray of higher knowledge. It stimulates the higher mind and enables

the mind to function more frequently. It is the ultimate confidence and well-being crystal. The vibration of this crystal has the power to remove

emotional debris and emotional toxins from toxic people.

Heliodor is a hope, which alleviates feelings of nervousness, heavy burdens and immense pressure. It has the ability to boost stability, optimism, drive,

determination and increases the capacity to recall new information.

Heliodor aids one’s path of service. It helps one to understand and see the benefits behind every obstacle faced within their life path. It promotes a will

to succeed.

Helps to eliminate confusion of purpose Revitalize energy of wearer Aligns one with Divine Will

Chakra(s): Solar Plexus & Crown Charka (Stimulates Both)Energy:

Healing Protection PowerProtection:

Against Psychological & Emotional Manipulation Against Unfriendly Ghosts From Negative Energy, Entities & EmotionsStimulates:

Solar Plexus Chakra Crown Chakra Adaptability Vitality Activity Divine WIll Spiritual Love Awakening Clairvoyance Power of Transmutation Ascension Clarity Optimism Assertiveness Confidence Personal Power Mental Strength

Metaphysical Properties: Promotes balance between intuitive and conscious levels of oneness Helps to eliminate the duality within one’s character and personality Brings about a sympathetic understanding when dealing with issues Encourages vitality to the emotional body Helps to connect wisdom with spirituality Helps one to accomplish their dreams and goals Very empowering and optimistic Lends confidence and self-trust Supports survivors of abuse Wear this crystal to increase your number of fans Increases fortitude in moving forward Allows for personal identification with the infinite Connects the mind and the will Brings success in efforts to sell ourselves Brings power and energy of clarity that comes from true awarenessHealing Properties:

Strengthens Immune System Treats Liver, Spleen & Pancreas Benefits The Heart Aids Digestive System Fortifies The Eyes


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CHAROITE: THE SOUL   STONE November 13, 2012 1 Comment


“The Soul Stone”Charoite is a powerful protection, grounding and healing stone of the purple ray. It is a stone that aids transformation and is filled with deep physical and

emotional healing properties. It can help one in overcoming fears, compulsions, alienation, frustrations and obsessions. Charoite is best known for its ability to connect the Heart Chakra with the Crown Chakra, which can

assist one to openly express and receive love.

This is a great grounding stone for healers, as it grounds higher frequency energies into the physical world. It is also a great for grounding spiritual

energy. This helps one remain calm and focused. Charoite is also a highly protective stone and emanates much light energy.

The vibrations of Charoite are known to stimulate the higher chakras. It will open, balance and stimulate the Crown Chakra, first. Once the Crown Chakra is open and fully activated it will then move upward to activate the Soul Star


Charoite is a great stone to help one cope during a time of spiritual change. It will cleanses the Aura of any negative energies, which will lift one’s

vibrations. It will then aid one in reaching higher states of consciousness where they can access higher realities.

CHAKRA(s): Solar Plexus, Heart, Third-Eye, Crown, Soul Star (Activates Crown and Soul Star Chakra)Zodiac: Sagittarius/ScorpioEnergy:

Healing Power Love Protection GroundingProtection:

Psychic Attack Against Ultra Violet Rays & X-RaysStimulates:

Activation of Inner Vision Crown Chakra Soul Star Chakra Dream Recall Lucid Dreaming Contentment Serenity Transformation Letting-Go Peace Patience Tolerance Spiritual Awareness

Psychic Abilities Forgiveness Self-Esteem Spiritual Growth Spiritual Insight Unconditional LoveMetaphysical Properties:

Grounds the spiritual body Cleans the Aura Helps to overcome fear Fosters psychic abilities Aids transformation Provides connection between head and heart Assists one in partaking in self-inflicted lessons Helps in the letting go of past attachments Helps one understand just how awesome they truly are Helps to instill truth Gives courage to start anew Strengthens connection to higher-self and supreme beings Lifts energy Assist one in having lucid dreams Centers one during difficult circumstances Place under pillow to rid nightmares Soothes negative emotions Raises self-esteem Gives one a sense of security Releases dissolution of negative energies Aids one in taking positive leaps Aids vibrational lifts Links one to higher realities Synthesizes the heart

Healing Properties: Regulates Blood Pressure Soothes Headaches Boosts Production of Hormones Calms Nervous System Aids Hearing Disorders Cures Insomnia Elixir For Arthritis Heals Liver Problems Strengthens Immune System Aids Alcohol Detoxification Removes health issues arising from deep seated fears and/or negativity


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October 23, 2012 9 Comments

BLACK KYANITEPronunciation: (ki-ya-night)

“The Revival Stone”

High Vibration Crystal & Shamanic Crystal Black Kyanite is a stone of such high vibrations that is affects the aura of

anyone within its presence. I have to be honest and state that this is one of my favorite grounding crystals. As a healers, I found this stone to be the only

one that actually keeps my energy entirely grounded while offering protection and healing.  Another great thing about this stone is how it

balances the yin and yang energies. It is a great crystal that reacts quickly to opening the Earth Star Chakra, which is completed after it finishes the

removing all the issues related to the Root Chakra.

Tip: When buying a Black Kyanite try not to get Black Kyanite confused for Black Tourmaline. To help distinguish the difference, Black Kyanite will most often have the appearance of a hand-held fan. The image above is exactly

what it should look like. Also, it will never come as a large crystal. And to be 100% sure, most Black ‘ will have white crystals growing from it. They range

from about 1″ in size to  4″.It not only grounds spiritual energy, but it also energizes the body. This is a great stone for healers. Its ability to cleanse and open the Earth Star Chakra

will remove negative energy from the subtle bodies by pushing all that

excess energy down into the Earth and replacing it with positive energy. Another benefit of Black Kyanite is its ability to automatically, without

conscious effort, cleanse, align and open the Chakras, as well as keep them grounded and centered.

Black Kyanite is a stone with the possession of very powerful healing energy. It is recommended that every healer, or energy worker, invest in having

Black Kyanite in their possession. The main reason is that having the energy of this stone within the aura will grant one with ultimate protection from negativity all any kind as it repairs the physical, spiritual, emotional and

mental bodies all while keeping the person grounded and centered. Black Kyanite surrounds the aura with this protective energy shield that eliminates

any and all adverse energies.

There is no other stone that compares to the high vibrational energy of Black Kyanite, except for Blue Kyanite, Indigo Kyanite, Orange Kyanite and Green

Kyanite. To enhance the abilities of Black Kyanite, use it with any other Kyanite from the Kyanite family, such as Blue Kyanite, Green Kyanite, Indigo

Kyanite and Orange Kyanite. Each Kyanite is very powerful and each are strong grounding stones. However, they each have different healing abilities when it comes to working with the Chakras, the subtle bodies and the aura. I have a Blue Kyanite and a Black Kyanite and I would say that these crystals are like no other I’ve worked with before. There is just something about their

energy that is unique, as they each stimulate the ongoing healing of the body.

Kyanite has a very strong vibration, which could cause an unwanted reaction to someone of a low vibration. I would have a person wait to work with any

Kyanite until they have all their lower chakras open and spinning.  It not only repairs the Chakras, but it also repairs the Aura.

Each Kyanite are the only stones to bridge a connection to higher polarities to enhance communication with spirit-guides. It opens the door that leads

into the sub-conscious mind for an exploration of past-lives, as well as finding the reason for incarnating into this lifetime. It has the potential to

grant one a view into the future to have them realize the outcome they will face from their present created Karma. It will then guide one to figure out a plane to subside as much Karma as possible to allow for a smooth sail into

their future.

Black Kyanite DESTROYS NEGATIVE ENERGY and never needs to be cleansed.

RANDOM FACTS: Sweep Black Kyanite around the aura to clear, repair and align the

Subtle Bodies & Chakras

Place on any Chakra to send healing energy to clear tears and holes

Place Black Kyanite, on the floor, between the feet to ground spiritual energy (It’s amazing)

Place on the center of the forehead to access deep forgotten childhood memories

Anything of a low-frequency won’t be able to tolerate the high vibrations of Black Kyanite.

Black Kyanite grounds the body while aligning the chakras As a talisman, it is an amazing barrier strengthener

Chakra(s): All, Especially the Earth Star & Root (Aligns and Grounds All Chakras)Energy Vibration: 4Element: WaterZodiac: TaurusLibraAriesBirthstone: TaurusEnergy:

Healing Grounding Protection Energizing Meditation Manifestation Aligns and RepairsProtection:

Removes Unwanted Attachments Deflects Negativity Shields Against Psychic Attack Protects From Negative EmotionsStimulates:


Grounding Creativity Vision Questing High-Frequency Energy Intuition Psychic Thoughts Dream Re-Call Good Luck Happiness Meditation Strength Power Manifestation Clairvoyance Courage Loyalty Psychic Awareness Attunements Metaphysical Properties:

Clears all energy blockages and imbalances within the Chakras Aligns, grounds and centers the Chakras (without conscious effort) Opens all Chakras (With conscious effort) Transmits and amplifies high-frequency energy Elevates the level of good vibrations within the energy field Great for receiving attunements Opens the psychic channels Activates the mind centers Encourages the examination of all aspects of oneself Deepens our connection to the physical, natural world Creates a powerful directional energy that can be used in different

directions for different effects Stimulates the Earth Star and Root Chakras Its protective vibration keeps one safe during meditation Great for healers, as it is both grounding and energizing Transmits and amplifies high-frequency energy Assists in receiving intuitive psychic thoughts Sharpens communication skills Alleviates fear of existence on the physical plane Open the lines of communication between people (Especially during

conflict) Helps raise the consciousness above the body for soothing meditation Meditating with Black Kyanite can help one to come up with important

insights Helps one explore the subconscious mind Dispels confusion of false beliefs

Allows disparate energies to move into resonance and find a common frequency

Restores Qi (Ki) to the body and balances yin-yang energies Removes attached entities and energies from the Auric Field Dream crystal that helps one remember their dreams Aids the development of Clairvoyance and triggers psychic visions Supports environmental healing

Healing Properties: Corrects Auric Imbalances Heals Earth of Pollution Reduces Fever Relieves Pain Reduces Blood PressureBeneficial To:

Voice Muscles Urogenital System Adrenal Parathyroids Brain


Green KyaniteOrange Kyanite


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