Page 1: Heart of Illinois Human Resource Council #326 Heart of hihrc newsletter.pdfAugust 5-7. This Conference is one

We have not utilized a news-

letter over the past couple of

months because we thought

you would get more informa-

tion from bi-weekly e-mail

blasts…..but…..things did-

n’t work out as well as

planned. So we’re bringing

your newsletter back to keep

you updated on all of the

happenings in our chapter.

In this month’s newsletter,

check out: Information

about our upcoming PHR/

SPHR Certification classes,

a free job fair, information

from SHRM on Healthcare

Reform and so much more!

Thank you, again, to our

members for being a part of

the Heart of Illinois HR

Council. I love the opportu-

nity to serve in my current

role with the organization

and look forward to getting

to know you personally over

the coming months! If you

are not yet a member, please

check out our website or

contact a Board member for


Can you believe it is already

July? The first half of the

year has FLOWN by! As

HR professionals, we know

that all organizations are

trying to do more with less

and that budgets are con-

tinuing to get tighter and

tighter. For that reason, it

is our goal as the Heart of

Illinois HR Council to pro-

vide you with the biggest

bang for your buck. By be-

coming a member of our

organization, you get to at-

tend monthly sessions which

provide you with recertifica-

tion credit, but even more

than that- refresh you to

return to your job and make

an impact in your organiza-

tion. Membership has many

other benefits as well; the

work of the human resources

professional is never done!

Thank you so much for at-

tending our topics this year.

I so appreciate the feedback-

both positive and construc-

tive- on what you loved,

didn’t care for, and how we

can knock your socks off.

After all, that’s what we are

here for! We have received

positive feedback for hosting

sessions at Alexander’s

Steakhouse, so we plan to

offer additional sessions

there in the future. Our

most recent session on June

22 was in the form of a mock

trial. The acting was admi-

rable (poor Rob Burn for

some of the lines he had to

read :) and overall light-

hearted and fun. All the

while, we were able to dis-

cuss and identify why we do

what we do- how things pan

out in a trial setting. The

only thing that made me

more excited was the num-

ber of first time guests we

had! It was a great showing

of Peoria-area HR Profes-

sionals and I hope you en-

joyed it as much as I did.

President’s Corner by Michelle Agnew, SPHR

Heart of Illinois Human Resource Council #326

July 2012 Issue II, 2012

Heart of Illinois HR Council


Inside this issue:

New Members 2

IL State Conference 2

Social Media 3

Membership Update 4

July Meeting Info 5


Healthcare Reform 7



Checking $10,489.68

Savings $5,022.80

Page 2: Heart of Illinois Human Resource Council #326 Heart of hihrc newsletter.pdfAugust 5-7. This Conference is one

Welcome to all of our new

2012 Heart of Illinois HR

Council Members:

1) Desmond Anderson,


2) Steven Blahnik—HGS

3) Todd Bloyd—Illinois

Machine and Tool


4) Rhonda Brown—

MedPro Advantage

5) Erik Christian, SPHR—

Dunlap CUSD #323

6) Shannon Dew—Aerotek

7) Dan Guzzi, SPHR—

Evonik Industries

8) Tessa Kaiser, PHR—


9) Erin Kelly—Goodwill


10) Christina Landis,



11) Laura Maas—Unland


12) Angie Moore—

Vonachen Services

13) Patrick Parsons,

SPHR—Illinois Central


14) Mary Pille, SPHR—

AAIM Employers’


15) Rula Roberts—Better


16) Mary Stanbary,


17) Stacey Swords, PHR—


18) Jeff Williamson—Corn

Products International

19) Stacy Worms—

Southside Bank

Welcome New Members

2012 -13th Annual Illinois HR Conference and Exposition

HR professionals from re-cruiting, total rewards, technology to legal. Our speakers are some of the highest rated and most knowledgeable in their fields from across the state and the nation. The Conference qualifies for up to 11.25 recertification hours, both general and those all important strategic credits.

This year, our Sunday optional event will be TalentNet Live-Illinois, an interactive and innovative event for networking and training for recruiters, em-ployers, staffing profes-sionals and job seek-ers. It is a fast paced event focusing on Social Recruiting, Employer and Personal Branding, Talent Attraction and Social Media Policy.

Our exhibit hall has been expanded to a two day event to better serve our attendees looking for new products and services. The SHRM Bookstore will be back and we are planning social events to go along with the educational as-pects of the Conference.

For more information or to register, visit our web site at:

Thank you!

John Jorgensen, SPHR ISC Conference Co-Chair [email protected] 815-729-9269

This article is from an email sent from the IL Council on 5.11.12:

Come join hundreds of your fellow HR practitioners at the 13th Annual Illinois State SHRM Conference at the Drury Lane Theater and Conference Center in Oakbrook Terrace, IL, August 5-7. This Conference is one of the fastest growing and dynamic state conferences in the country and has been recognized by many past attendees for being innovative in programming.

The conference will be lead by four (4) keynotes this year including the return of Talent Anarchy, one of our highest rated keynotes in the history of the conference. We will also offer 30 concurrent sessions on topics of interest to a wide variety of

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Page 3 Issue II, 2012


The Heart Of Illinois HR Council...

Coming Soon to a Social Network Near


Stay tuned...We’ll let you know how to find us!


Page 4: Heart of Illinois Human Resource Council #326 Heart of hihrc newsletter.pdfAugust 5-7. This Conference is one


Hasn’t HR come a LONG, LONG way since the ‘ole personnel paperwork days? There are days where I do many different components of this wonderful field and I am grateful for SHRM access and access from my network of HR buddies throughout the field. It’s great to find help from a friend. That’s what our chapter is all about! Our members are executives, administrators, managers, independent consultants, generalists and other strategic partners.

Membership in the Heart of Illinois Human Resources Council SHRM Chapter #326 is available to individuals who desire to enhance their professional career in HR on a local level.

Did you know of all of the different opportunities that the Heart of Illinois Human Resource Council (HIHRC) members receive? There are many to share including, but not limited to:

Recertification credits for PHR or SPHR certification

Networking with other HR professionals in the tri-county area

College-relations help and support (Bradley and Western Illinois University)

Professional growth

Forum for problem-solving

Leadership development

Team awareness and organizational skills development

Relevant regular training sessions with leading-edge speakers

Scholarships to pursue education in the HR field or to earn your PHR/SPHR/GPHR

Reduced fees to attend the annual Employer’s Association Conference

Reduced meal fees at meetings

The ability to bring a first-time guest for free to a meeting

Free postings of HR jobs on our website

Access to HR information links on our website at: http://heart

Legislative updates

Opportunities to volunteer in our community

Quarterly newsletter

HR Roundtables

National SHRM members receive a discount off of our membership! Membership dues for the rest of 2012 are $37.50 for

National SHRM Members and $50 for those HR persons not involved with SHRM at the national level.

You can pay online using EVENTBRITE using the following link: or we can send you an application. Please contact Lisa Secrest ([email protected]) or Nancy Wraight ([email protected]) - or for more information on GROUP RATES!

We are currently a small chapter with ALMOST 100 members, We are SO CLOSE!!!. At one time, we were a ‘medium’ size chapter and our

goal is to attain that status again by the end of this calendar year. Please consider joining our chapter or inviting another of your HR

colleagues or contacts to attend a meeting or join. By becoming a medium-sized chapter, we receive more benefits from the National

SHRM organization.

So, our challenge to EACH MEMBER – RECRUIT A MEMBER!! Thanks!

We’re on the web at:

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Workplace violence is a com-

plicated and prevalent issue

that is receiving increased

attention from the public,

mental health experts and

law enforcement profession-

als. According to OSHA,

nearly 2 million American

workers report that they’ve

been victims of violence at

work. This session will

discuss the following

questions: What is work-

place violence? Who is at

risk of workplace violence?

How can workplace violence

hazards be reduced?

The truth is, workplace

violence can strike any-

where, anytime, and no one

is immune. Research has

identified factors that may

increase the risk of violence

for some workers at certain

worksites. In most work-

places where risk factors can

be identified, the risk of

assault can be prevented or

minimized if employers take

appropriate precautions. By

assessing their worksites,

employers can identify

methods for reducing the

likelihood of incidents oc-


This session will also discuss

basic self defense, and how

to identify issues such as

substance abuse which may

contribute to workplace



Trooper Dustin Pierce,

Safety Education Officer,

Illinois State Police District


Sgt. Phil Trompeter,

Division of Criminal

Investigation, Illinois State

Police Zone 4

WHERE: Country Club of


WHEN: July 25



The Winter Testing Window is December 1

through January 31 with

applications being accepted from July 9

through October 5.

If you are interested or have questions, we need to

hear from you so we can

begin planning. Please email Robin Honeg, Edu-

The Heart of Illinois HR Council had a very suc-

cessful inaugural instructor

-led study group for the HRCI Certification (PHR/

SPHR) this spring.

We have received interest from a few members for

doing another eight (8)

week study group in the fall.

cation Chair at [email protected], with

your interest and what day

of the week might work best for you this fall.

JULY CHAPTER MEETING—Violence in the Workplace

SPHR/PHR Certification Preparation Class

Page 5 Issue II, 2012

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Thank you to everyone who volunteered for the ELITE program. The HIHRC provided 32 volunteers to help with: application and resume reviews, training, mock interviews and a very successful job fair. As a result of the combined effort, the ELITE program graduated 130 students from the program. The feedback we have received has been very positive and Carl Cannon sends a huge THANK YOU to the HIHRC council. The program would not be successful without all of your hard work and dedication.

YOUR ELITE 2012 VOLUNTEERS: Shelley Goodin Lisa Plantamura Michelle Agnew Beth Winstead Nancy Wraight Deb Bromley Sharon Bond Tricia Brewer Katie Waddington Shalesse Pie Marcia Cannon Bobbie Ulm Shelly Goodin Shelley Burn Frannie Heine Deb Bigger Sandy Van De Veer Laurie Trompeter

Lisa Secrest Spencer Warren Emily Hampton Dawn Edwards Dan Guzzi Shannon Doerr Holly Nelson Rob Burn Stephanie McFadden Wendy Bass Todd Bloyd Lori Guth Bold denotes a Team Leader Again, a big thank you,

Rob Burn, SPHR

FREE for employers and job

seekers. Registration closes

July 5, 2012. Walk-in Veter-

ans and Spouses will be al-

lowed in the day of the event

with proper identification.

Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW

Jefferson Ave, Peoria, IL on

July 12, 2012 from 10:00

a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Veterans Employment Fair

This joint hiring event of-

fers Veterans, Guard and

Reserve Members and their

spouses an opportunity to

July 12, 2012 - Veterans

Employment Fair. FREE

for employers and job

seekers. Registration

closes July 5, 2012.

Illinois ESGR, Illinois De-

partment of Employment Se-

curity, Hero2Hired and the

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

are joining forces to host a

one-of-a-kind FREE employ-

ment fair for Veterans, Guard

and Reserve Members, and

eligible spouses at the Peoria

Civic Center, 201 SW Jeffer-

son Avenue, Peoria, Illinois.

This employment fair is

connect with area employers

with jobs available.

For registration questions, con-

tact Hiring Our Heroes at:

[email protected]

Employers MUST register for


A Big “THANK YOU” to all of our VOLUNTEERS!


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SHRM Will Continue to Help HR Implement

Health Care Reform

By SHRM Online staff


Human resource professionals have been at the forefront of implementing the requirements of health care

reform at workplaces across the United States. The June 28, 2012 U.S. Supreme Court decision uphold-

ing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, leaves no doubt that insurers and employers will move ahead to implement the law fully. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) will

remain supportive of HR professionals as they continue to implement requirements of the act.

While SHRM was still analyzing the court’s ruling immediately after it was announced, the ambiguity over the constitutionality of the law largely has been settled for the immediate future. SHRM will con-

tinue to help its members understand the law and the timeline for implementing its requirements.

SHRM’s online Health Care Reform Resource Page, which provides tools and resources, will be updated

for HR professionals as the full impact of the decision becomes clear. Health care coverage is a critical workplace benefit to millions of employees and an important tool in re-

cruiting and retaining a talented workforce for employers.

SHRM supports comprehensive reform that lowers health care costs, improves access to high-quality and affordable coverage, and strengthens the employer-based health care system. SHRM will continue to

work with the Obama administration, Congress, federal agencies and other key stakeholders to continue

to address these health care reform objectives. SHRM is the world’s largest association devoted to human resource management. Representing about

260,000 members in more than 140 countries, the Society serves the needs of HR professionals and ad-

vances the interests of the HR profession. Founded in 1948, SHRM has more than 575 affiliated chapters

within the United States and subsidiary offices in China and India. Visit SHRM Online at


Congratulations to the following HIHRC members who have recently been certified by the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI): PHR SPHR Janice Hall Dawn Edwards Alycia Hightower Leslie Hofer Donna Kirby Nancy Wraight Please email Robin Honeg ([email protected]) if you have been recently certified so that we can recognize your outstanding achievement. Please also note that the testing period has not yet closed so there may be HR professionals still testing through the end of the month.


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Michelle Agnew, SPHR—President—HR Manager—American Red Cross

[email protected]; 309.636.4270 (w)

Bobbi Ulm, PHR—President Elect/Social Media—HR Director, Northwoods Community Church

309.243.1550 x2704; [email protected]

Laurie Trompeter, PHR—Secretary/President-Presumptive

HR Manager, Belcan Corporation; 309.674.4300 x323; [email protected]

Cathy Plouzek, PHR—Treasurer/ISC President-Elect—HR Operations Manager, Supply Chain Services International; 309.369.4719; [email protected]

Rob Burn, SPHR; Workforce Readiness Chair —AAIM Employer’s Association;

309-637-3333; [email protected]

Sandra Donelson—Legislative Chair—HR Generalist, Robert Cottingham Property Management

309.673.2252; [email protected]

Dawn Edwards, SPHR—Co-Foundation Chair—Director of Employee Relations Connor Company

309.681.2435; [email protected]

Timekia Faulkner, SPHR—Communications-Website Chair—HR Manager, Illinois Central College

(309) 624-5343; [email protected]

Robin Honeg, SPHR—College Relations/Education Chair

[email protected]; 309.339.2322 (c)

Laura Lee—Co-Foundation Chair—Human Resources Manager, Supply Chain Services International;

309.339.7914; [email protected]

Amy Pearson, PHR—Past-President/Communications-Newsletter Chair—HR Service Mgr, Advanced Medical Transport

309.999.4058; [email protected]

Lisa Secrest—Membership/Registration Chair—Recruitment Specialist, Peoria Help Wanted

800.365.8630 x 3653; [email protected]

Kathy Williamson, PHR—Membership-Diversity Chair—Assistant VP, HR Officer, South Side Bank

309.495.4406; [email protected]

Beth Winstead, PHR— Program Chair—HR Generalist, American Red Cross

309.636.4205; [email protected]

Nancy Wraight, PHR—Membership-Secretary—Director HR, Avantis’

[email protected]; 309.397.0135 (c)

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