Page 1: Helderberg gazette 12 aug 2014 18 • Tuesday 12 August 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211


Read in this week’sDistrictMail

) R780 000 of abalone seized

) Armed robbers target house

in Strand

) Helderberg baby saver


Help for disabled teen Pg 2

Loslitdag-veldtog begin Pg 4

H’berg 7s stars abroad Pg 8

The City of Cape Town’s Health Department’sMulti-Sectoral Action Team(MSAT) in theHelder-berg ran a health outreach in Broadlands Parkon Friday 8 August in celebration of Women’sMonth. Members of the community were invitedto undergo blood pressure, blood sugar and HIVtesting as well as received pap smears, breastexaminations and TB screening. The event alsooffered dental screening and information aboutfamily planningandsexual health. VariousNGOsand NPOs in the Helderberg worked together atthe event to improvewomen’s health and to raiseawareness about HIV testing.


Tests forhealth inBroadlands

Boy (9) shot in classroomCASSY VAN EEDEN

A nine-year-old learner atACJ Phakade PrimarySchool was shot in the backby a stray bullet on Friday 8August.

Luzoko Zwakala was shotwhile in his Grade 2 classroomjust after morning prayers, ataround 08:20.

Sergeant Mthokozisi Gama,spokesperson for the LwandlePolice, said Luzoko was hit bya “bullet which came from out-side, penetrated the wall andhit him in the back”.

He added that Luzoko col-lapsed on the floor after the bul-let hit him and his classmatesreported this to their teacher.

He was immediately taken toHelderberg Hospital and wasstabilised shortly thereafterand discharged on Saturday.

He visited the Lwandle Clin-ic yesterday for a checkupwhere he was given a clean billof health.

There is currently no confir-mation as to where the bulletcame from.

Gamasaidit issuspectedthatthe bullet that hit Luzoko wasfired fromNewVillage,asettle-ment opposite the school’spremises in Nomzamo.

The Lwandle Police are in-vestigating a case of attemptedmurder.

At the time of going to press,no arrests had been made.

“He’s doing great,” said Lu-

zoko’s mother, who requestednot to have her name pub-lished.

Thobila Majingo, principalof ACJ Phakade PrimarySchool, said Luzoko is “scaredto come back to school now.”

Jessica Shelver, spokesper-son for the Western Cape Min-ister of Education, DebbieSchäfer, said: “We are workingwith the police and the MetroPolice to improve the levels ofsafety for learners and educa-tors who are affected by gangviolence.”

Anyonewhohasinformationpertaining to the incident is re-quested to contact detectiveconstable Bongekile Ntsontsoat the Lwandle Police Stationon 021 845 2060.

Luzoko Zwakala (9) was hit by a stray bullet onFriday 8 August in his classroom at ACJ PhakadePrimary School.

Page 2: Helderberg gazette 12 aug 2014

Helderberg Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 12 August 20142

New Internet café inBroadlands ParkCASSY VAN EEDEN

GasthonLewisandhisbusinesspartnerJer-ome Damonse, have band together to upliftandenrichunderprivilegedcommunities inthe Helderberg.

Theyboth identified adesperateneed in theircommunity, Broadlands Park, for an Internetcafé.“We saw that the youth needed a place to do

research and schoolwork,” said Damonse.Lewis and Damonse put their heads and re-

sources together to form a company called Evo-lution Studio.The company aims to provide Internet cafés

in communities that need them.The first Internet café was opened on Friday

1 August at the Braodlands Park CommunityHall.Nigel Phillips, vice chairperson of the Broad-

lands Park Civic Board (BPCB), attended theopeningandsaid thatEvolutionStudio“has thefullsupportof theBroadlandsParkcommittee.”

Graphic designer Chad Bezuidenhoudt is as-sistingEvolutionStudiowith thedesigningandmarketing of the company branding, as well astraining people to use the computers madeavailable in the Internet cafés.The Broadlands Park Internet café currently

has four computers and printing and scanningfacilities.Evolution Studio also wants to assist people

withphotography, filmtraining,marketingandpromotions, printing, scanning and computerliteracy training.Lewis and Damonse worked hard to earn

enough money to start the first Internet caféwith their own funding, with the assistance oftheBPCBwhoprovidedthespaceinthecommu-nity hall.In order to further their dream of opening In-

ternet cafés and providing their services in oth-er underprivileged communities, EvolutionStudio needs your assistance.Anyone able to donate computer equipment

or help with computer literacy training shouldcontact Gasthon Lewis on 084 970 7282.

The team who madethe Internet café a re-ality are from left NigelPhillips (vice-chair-person of the Broad-lands Park Civic Com-mittee), GasthonLewis, Jerome Da-monse and Chad Bez-uidenhoudt. PHOTO:CASSY VAN EEDEN

Team effort provides disabledteen with adapted bathroomCASSY VAN EED-EN

A team effort by poli-ticians, local busi-nesses and a charityorganisation hasmade a huge impactin the life of Louren-siaPark residentAn-drolien Nell.When Nell found

out that she was go-ingtoreceiveahousein Lourensia Park,she specified that shehad a disabled teen-age son.As per their proto-

col, the LourensiaParkCommitteeensured that thehomewasfitted with a disabled shower.However, becauseNell’s son Zachary (19)

is paralysed, Nell has to bathe him on herown.Thishasbecome increasinglydifficultas Zachary is now a grown man who Nellcannot lift on her own.Local councillors Stuart Pringle andBen-

edicta vanMinnen togetherwith theRoundTable, an anonymous donor and builder

Matthew Krom-houdt were able toraiseenoughmoneytohavea special dis-abled bath installedin Nell’s home.“It is fantastic to

seethiskindofthinghappening in ourcommunities whereorganisations usedonations to helpthe people who real-ly need it,” saidPringle.The special bath

was fitted on araised platformwithcementstepssoZachary can be

bathed easily. The bath was installed andconnected to themainwater supply and thegeyser within hours.Pringle stressed that this is a perfect ex-

ample of how givingmoney to local organi-sations is farmore fruitful thangivingmon-ey directly to street people.An emotional Nell thanked everyone in-

volved and stressed how much of a differ-ence this is going to make in her life.

Thanks to a successful team effort from local politi-cians, an anonymous donor, a charity organisationand a construction company, Androlien Nell’s lifehas been changed forever. From left: CouncillorStuart Pringle, Nell and Councillor Benedicta vanMinnen. PHOTO: CASSY VAN EEDEN

Free pregnancy courseAre you pregnant? Do you want to learn moreabout your pregnancy, your health and thehealth of your baby?Local non-profit organisation Masikhule is

offering a free two-day course for pregnantwomen and caretakers covering a number oftopics.The course, called the Masikhule 1 000 days

Initiative, will cover the health and develop-mentofbabies,dietandhealthyeatingforpreg-nant women and what mothers need to knowabout coping with pregnancy.The workshop will be held on 27 and 28 Au-

gust at the Lions clubhouse from 08:45 to 13:00.Tea and refreshments will be served. SMS

your name to 083 415 6703 to book your place.

Page 3: Helderberg gazette 12 aug 2014

Helderberg GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 12 August 2014 3

Bridgewater’s safety upgradeDALEENFOUCHÉ

The notoriousrailway line inBridgewater,Somerset Westwhere a young artstudent lost hislife in a fatal trainaccident in June,is due for a safetyupgrade.

The tragic deathof Evans Micah-Boateng, an art stu-dent originallyfrom Ghana on 13June, spurredMetrorail to actionto ensure better safety for pedestrians.

Metrorail is implementing several safetyprecautions along the railway line inBridgewater at the river bridge and at VanDer Stel Station.

Riana Scott, spokesperson for Metrorail,says train drivers were instructed to use thetrain siren when approaching the area, es-pecially in the vicinity of the steel bridge.The regulatory and warning sign boards toinform community members to keep clearof the rail reserve have also been installed.

Scott says signage was present at the steelbridge, but claims that it was removed bya local resident who made a request for aboom to be installed. Scott, however, saysaboomisnot justifiableasit isnotanofficialcrossing.

“It would not offer protection if the prac-tice of individuals jogging with earphonesjumping over the fence on the other side of

the line continues.”She says a fence, to demarcate the rail

boundary,willbeputupfromthebridgeandextended to the nearest water course andthat eventually the fencing will extend allthe way to Van Der Stel Station.

“The region spends between R6 millionand R9 million a year to mend and replacebroken fencing. We are saddened by theuntimely demise of Evans and we trust thatthis senseless and entirely preventabletragedy will serve as a reminder to keepclear of the railway line – it is not an officialrailway crossing and should not be used assuch.”

Scott adds that it is with concern that shenotes a formalised pathway leading to therailway line and the bridge was made.

“There is also an onus on the public toensure their own safety through responsi-ble behaviour.”

Metrorail warns pedestrians not to use this steel bridge, as it is not an officialpedestrian crossing.

) Marco Benjamin was sentenced to threeyears in jail on 29 July for an armed robberywhich took place in December 2013. Benjaminand his friends slapped a man, threatenedhim with a knife and made off with his Black-berry cellphone.) Thando Gwapi was convicted on 29 Julyand sentenced to six years imprisonment foran attempted robbery in front of OK Foodsin June 2004.) Mandlenkosi Mponya and ThembaniMthinjwa were sentenced to six years in jail,while Mountain Bunga and Sive Ntaba weresentenced to 12 years for their involvementin an armed robbery at Mr Price in MainRoad, Strand in July 2012.

The Lwandle Police arrested four suspectsbetween the ages of 18 to 34 pertaining to ahouse robbery on 29 July.Police spokesperson Const. Mthokozisi Gama,said a boy (13) was at home alone at about 17:00

when two suspects forced their way into thehouse in Thukunbela Street in Lwandle.The men allegedly threatened the boy with afirearm and a knife while five more suspectsstole a TV, DVD player, two cellphones, an MP3player,aCDplayer,houseandmotorcyclekeysand various smaller items.Anyone with information about the incidentshould phone Detective Const Bongekile Nt-sontso on 021 845 2060.

Die Macassar-polisie ondersoek ’n huisroofnadat ’n 22-jarige vrou verlede Woensdag inhaar huis aangeval en beroof is.Volgens polisie-woordvoerder, sers. Chrisy Le-waks, het ’n seun van ongeveer agt jaar ouddie middag aan die vrou se deur geklop en virkos gevra.Lewaks sê die vrou het twee mans deur die sit-kamervensteropgelet.Syhetgeskree,maardiemans het geslaag om die huis binne te kom.Volgens Lewaks het een van die mans haar metdie vuis deur die gesig geslaan.Die verdagte het haar na bewering aan haarhare gesleep en ’n tou om haar nek aan die dief-wering in die slaapkamer vasgebind.Lewaks sê dat die mans het die huis deursoeken met ’n verloofring op vlug geslaan. Mensemet inligting kan ao. James Jansen by 021 8577126 bel.

Nosisa Mayisela and Ernest Ndletyana from Proud2B Me, an NPO that conducts workshops in underprivileged communities,visited a group of 12 women from Smartie Town last week to train them in various parenting and life skills. Proud2B Me willconduct a follow-up every three months to support these women.

Page 4: Helderberg gazette 12 aug 2014

Helderberg Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 12 August 20144

Loslitdag-veldtog beginDALEEN FOUCHÉ

Aanhouwen, diewerk- en ver-sorgingsentrum vir verstan-delikenliggaamlikgestremdevolwassenes wat die Helder-bergkom bedien, het hul Los-litdag-veldtog verlede weekafgeskop.

Tommy Dell, plaaslike plate-joggiebyRadioHelderbergenge-wilde Country sanger, het dieeerste Loslitdag-kaartjieVrydagvir R10 by Aanhouwen gekoop.R4 van dieR10 kaartjieprys

gaan na Aanhouwen, wanneermens die kaartjie by dié organi-sasie koop.Die Loslitdag-veldtog is ’n na-

sionale geldinsamelingsprojekwat ’n groot verskeidenheid nie-winsgewende organisasies on-dersteun. Jou Loslitdag-kaartjiegee vir jou die geleentheid omop5 September ’n prettige en uitspattige uitrus-ting aan te trek. “Trek alles uit die kas en trekvir jou ’n uitspattige rok, broek, bril, jas ofskoen aan,” sê Natascha Bester van Aanhou-wen. Sy sê R10 is ’n klein donasie, maar maak’n groot verskil.Aanhouwen is gestig in 1987 met ’n ledetal

van vier. Sedertdien het Aanhouwen gegroeitot ’n volhoubare organisasie met 65 lede tus-sen van 18 en 66 jaar oud, wat die sentrum op’n daaglikse basis besoek.“Sowat 60% van die lede is uit agtergeblewe

gemeenskappe enword daagliks na en van dieSentrum vervoer met Aanhouwen-voertuie.”Bester sêeenvanAanhouwensegrootstebe-

hoeftes is ’n nuwe rolstoel-vriendelike bussieom hul lede te vervoer. Sy verduidelik dat hulhuidige bussie op sy laaste bene is, maar dathulle baie afhanklik van dié vervoer is omdathulle lede daagliks byhul huise op- en afgelaai

word met die bussie.Aanhouwen is ’nniewinsgewendeorganisa-

siewatgeenhulpvandieregeringontvangnie.“Om ons in staat te stel om selfversorgend tewees,hetonsverskeiegeldinsamelingsprojek-te en doen ons kontrakwerk vir verskeie orga-nisasies. Verder doen ons ook herwinning enmaak handgemaakte produkte om in ons win-keltjie te verkoop.”Dell,wat reeds jarebyAanhouwenbetrokke

is, sê Aanhouwen is ’n wonderlike plek en lêgereeld besoekdaar af en doen optredes by opedae en Kersfeespartytjies.“Niemand weet hoe om die lewe te geniet

soos die lede van Aanhouwen nie!”Om Aanhouwen te ondersteun, gaan koop

jou Loslitdag-kaartjie by hul kantoor in 32Dummerstraat, Somerset-Wes.Vir meer inligting, bel vir Natascha Bester

by Aanhouwen op 021 851 3798.

Tommy Dell, aanbieder van die oggendprogram by Radio Helderberg(regs agter) koop die eerste Loslitdag-kaartjie by Aanhouwen om dieorganisasie te ondersteun. Saam met hom op die foto is NataschaBester van Aanhouwen. Voor is Steyn Huysamen en Bernie Mostert.


Strand-biblioteek vier 40steOp 29Augustus 1974 is die nuwe biblioteek-gebou op luisterryke wyse deur die destyd-se lid van die uitvoerende komitee, mnr.F.A. Loots, geopen en kon die Strand spogmet die mees moderne biblioteek in dieWes-Kaap.Die huidige personeel en vriende nooi

graag alle oud-personeellede en amptenareom seker te maak dat hulle op die gastelys

is vir ’n groot viering op 29 Augustus.Aletta Joubert, wat destyds ’n groot rol

gespeel het in die ontwerp en beplanningvan die gebou, asook Dine van Zyl, be-skermvrou van die biblioteekvriende, salas gassprekers optree. Nog verrassings salsorg vir ’n onvergeetlike geleentheid omhierdie mylpaal te vier. Bel die biblioteekby 021 850 4173.

Help dié nuwe sopkombuisMacassar-inwoner, Jane Hen-dricks, vra ondersteuning virhaar nuutgestigte sopkombuisvir die Chris Hani-area.Hendricks het besluit om ’n

sopkombuis te begin, nadat sydie nood van veral kinders ensiek mense gesien het.Sy verduidelik dat sy in haar

gemeenskapsdiens vir die Ma-cassar-daghospitaalbesefhetdatbaie mense nie iets het om te eetvoordat hulle hul medikasiemoet neem nie. Sy het toe beginom sop uit te deel.Nou wil Hendricks elke

Woensdag sop uitdeel, maar het

die hulp van die gemeenskap no-dig.Hendricks het reedsmense om

haar te help met die voorberei-ding van die sop en ’n groot ge-noegkombuis,maarbenodignog’n groot pot en skeplepels vir diesop.Sy sê ’n groot rasper en ’n skot-

tel sal ook baie help.Sy bedank dr. Yumna Ibrahim

vir die skenkings van brood ensopbestanddele, asook vir EllenenMaina Sylvester vir hul sken-king van aartappels en wortels.Indien jy wil help, bel Hen-

dricks by 079 139 4697Jane Hendricks het ’n sop-kombuis inMacassar begin.

Page 5: Helderberg gazette 12 aug 2014

Helderberg GazetteAdvertisement - AdvertensieTuesday 12 August 2014 5

Page 6: Helderberg gazette 12 aug 2014

Helderberg Gazette General - Algemeen Tuesday 12 August 20146

Gazette-lesers sê hul sêEkwil ’ngrootberoepopdie

Helderberg Gazette doen omten volle verslag te doen oordie Lwandle-verhore!Ons wil die volle waarheid

weet, daai storie agter die sto-rie!Nie net is SANRAL betrok-

ke nie, maar die DA het ook’n groot aandeel in dit!Die uitsettings het mooi na

die 7 Mei-verkiesings plaas-gevind! Minister Lindiwe Si-sulu van die ANC het ’n paarmaandegeledegesê: “Zillehetnie ’n vinger verroer toeLwandle se inwoners uitgesitis nie.”Gazettewys vir ons al-

beipartye segeraamtes, wantdaar is beslis baie wat uit diekas val!Die publiek het die reg tot

die volle waarheid!Mor-kel, Gordonsbaai

DiekassiereenpersoneelvanJetenEdgars inSomersetMall isabsoluut treurig; swakdiens is alwatmens daar kry.As ’n jare-lange kliënt is ekregtig geskok, duidelik hetnie een van die kassiere ofvloer-assistente ’n idee hoeommetmense tewerknie. Eksal nie mense wat goeie dienssoek aanraai om hulle te on-dersteun nie. X-kliënt





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Page 7: Helderberg gazette 12 aug 2014

Helderberg GazetteGeneral - AlgemeenDinsdag 12 Augustus 2014 7The Sir Lowry’s Pass Li-brary hosted a specialWomen’s Day event onFriday 8 August. The li-brary hosted and enter-tained women from theFairways senior club andVuyani Frail Care centrein Sir Lowry’s Pass. Thewomen enjoyed deli-cious food and weretreated to live music andstorytelling by Lalie leRoux, the district manag-er of District 6, which in-cludes Sir Lowry’s PassVillage. The event wassponsored byWedderwillcounsellor JohannesMiddleton of sub-council8 and Ward 100, DewHarvest and Kwikspar.PHOTOS: CASSY VAN EEDEN

Hulp nodigmet brigadekamp

Die Suid-Afrikaanseseunsbrigade beplan’n kamp gedurendedie September-skool-vakansie.

Hullebenodigegterdie gemeenskap sehulp om geld vir dieopvoedkundigekamp in te samel.

Die brigade is oopvir kinders tussen 8en 18 jaar en hul hoof-doel is omChristenskap te be-vorder en om kindersvan die strate, wegvan alkohol endwelmmisbruik enbende-bedrywighedete hou.

Die kamp word vir1-5 Oktober by dieVoortrekker-vakan-sieoord beplan. In-dien u die brigade fi-nansieel kan onder-steun bel AbigailSebastian van dieEerste MacassarKompanje by074 444 8781 of besoekhul webtuiste virinligting.

Cotlands’high tea

Cotlands is hostingThe High Tea Party attheWebersburgWineEstate on Saturday 30August.

This is an annualfundraiser for the or-ganisation in theWestern Cape.

Tickets to the eventare R350 for a table of10 or 12 seats. ForbookingscontactLor-raine Hirst on082 875 3521 or [email protected]

Page 8: Helderberg gazette 12 aug 2014


Year 18 • Dinsdag 12 Augustus 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211

H’berg’s 7s stars abroadSir Lowrians Rugby Club’shead coach, Ricky Petersenand four other Helderberg-basedsevensplayersarecur-rently representing theWestern Province Sevenssquad in Ireland and Eng-land.

The players are Errol Jag-gers and Armien Bailey (fromthe Helderberg Rugby Club)and Earl Rose and Ashwill Pe-ters (from Sir Lowrians RugbyClub).Petersen and the local play-

ers are representingWP in twotournaments, one in Ireland(the Limerick Sevens) and theother in England (the LondonWorld Cup Sevens).Both these tournaments

form part of the World ClubSevens Circuit. The LimerickSevens was played on 9 and 10August while the LondonWorld Club Sevens will beplayed on 16 and 17 August.

The Helderberg-based WP Sevens players and coach who are playingin tournaments in Ireland and England are: (from left) Errol Jaggers(Helderberg RFC), Earl Rose (Sir Lowrians), Armien Bailey (HelderbergRFC), Ashwill Peters (Sir Lowrians) andRicky Petersen (Sir Lowrians headcoach).

SAPS Helderberg Stars beat PC Burning Fire 2-0 in a thrilling soccer match played at the LwandleSports Grounds on 30 July. The win resulted in the SAPS Helderberg team moving up to third placein the Western Cape Football Association Cluster League. The players are (back, from left): DubisikoNdiwa, Anele Medu, Mandisi Vonco, Stephen Sechaba and Unathi Gulube. In front are : MhlangabeziPeti, Erik Foyo, Mzoxolo Ndzo, Jazzman Mazwi, Mzoxolo Funda and Lufezo Vazi.

Macassar Cricket Club practice starts soonTheMacassarCricketClubwill start their offi-cial training sessions on Thursday 14 Augustat 18:00 at the Macassar sports ground, behindthe police station.Theclubhas three teamsparticipating in the

Western ProvinceCricketAssociation leagues

with the first teamplaying intheFirstDivisionD, the second team in the Reserve 3E Leagueand the third team in the Reserve 3D League..Players and former players who would like

to join the club are requested to contact coachVernie Simpson on 078 404 4413.

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