Page 1: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

A “Choose Your Own Adventure”

written by our 2010-2011 5th grade class

Page 2: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

• Don’t read this story from front to back!• Click below to start story• At the end of each page choose the way

you want the story to go• Click on your choice • We hope you enjoy our story!• You can read this story over and over to

find different endings!

Page 3: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

Your classmates are going to the Natural History Museum. You see many cool things. Then you see a time machine. You don’t think its real so you start to mess with it. An officer tells you to get out of it. You open the door and you accidentally push a lever. All of a sudden you hear “Fasten you seat belts!” It starts to transport you! Then you say, “What’s going on? You feel very dizzy and you start to get lightheaded.

If you go to the 70’s click here If you go to the Titanic click here

Page 4: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

You decide to get an Afro. You walk to the Barbershop, but before you decide to get the afro, you had Rapunzel’s long golden hair. So you walk in the shop, and say to the secretary, “I’d like an afro, please!” But she says, “Sorry were all out.” You say “SAY WHAT!?!“ “Sorry,” She says. “ Well I guess you could have the special treatment,” she says suspiciously. “What’s that?” you say. “Ah you’ll find out,” she says. “Ok,” you say nervously. You sit in the chair, waiting for the (busy) hair stylist. Finally, he comes and says, “you’re going to look fabulous!!” He gets started and it seems like he’s taking a long, long, time, but he is finished. …….” I’M BALD!!!!” You yell. “W-what do you mean?” he says. “She said it was the special treatment!!” you yell. “I’m sorry but there’s nothing else I can do,” he says. “NEVER MIND!!” you cried. As you storm out (with your hands over your head ) you pass a wig store. You race in there and yell, “GIVE ME THE BEST AFRO YOU’VE GOT!!” You are looking at the wigs, when you spot a purple sparkly AFRO!!! But it is way to expensive, so you walk out of there without

an afro.

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Page 5: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

You are taking pictures and you see something in the background so you try to zoom in and focus on it. You still can not see what it is. So you ask other people to take a look and they don’t really know what it is but they see something there. So you still see something and it kind of looks like it is coming closer so you back up and try to use your other camera. So you zoom in again and focus it. You finally see something and drop your camera in the water. You are so amazed the only thing you know is it was kind of large. You put your other camera away and by now there is a whole crowd of people but none are sure what it really is. It starts to get clearer, but it is still blurry so you try to zoom in one more time. Everyone is out but you keep on looking.

If you see an iceberg click here

 If you see another boat click here

Page 6: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

When you see something weird in your picture you frantically look to see what it is. Then you scream “ ICEBERG!” Everyone scream’s and starts to panic! You quickly go get the captain. You tell with out a single breath, “ ICEBERG STRAIGHT AHEAD!” He quickly calls all engineers to “Turn the ship!” He runs outside and says “EVERYONE REMAIN CALM!” But instead they keep on screaming. You panic too, still the ship is turning! You yell, “I think were going to hit it!” We hit it! They all get the tiny boats to get everyone gets in. You go down to the basement and see people locked in so you yell at the guy who has the keys and gives them to you. You open the gates and everyone rushes upstairs taking you with them. Once you get upstairs almost everyone is in a tiny boat. The captain tells you to message the other boat nearby, you keep messaging but don’t know how to do it so someone else does it. You run to get on a tiny boat with all these frantic mothers. You sit there scared and worried. “What will happen next?” you say.

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Page 7: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

You open the door and see people building the Great Wall of China. There are so many workers piling up the stones. You have never seen such a long wall,

If you get clunked on the head click here

If you time machine is about to get crushed click here

Page 8: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

After the Emperor appeared you were starting to get a little scared, all you wanted was to go home!

Next thing you know, the Emperor is talking to three little panda bears. They nod their heads, and drag you to their bamboo time machine. One of them tells you they built it themselves. You know if you are going to time travel in that machine you would need; a hockey helmet, football gear, and a whole lot of pads, if you even make it out…. alive.

You really hope they know you aren’t going to travel in a time machine made by a whole bunch of panda bears! After trying to explain that you aren’t going to ride on that machine, the fattest panda pushes you in their time machine!

It is a very bumpy, not relaxing, and colorful ride. There are colors everywhere! Blues, greens, and purples! Next thing you know you’re back in the museum. Then you realize what you just experienced…. was real! Another thing, there was chubby, little panda with you! Your parents are going to kill you!

The End

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Page 9: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

You just sit there and wait, and then the doors open with a creak. You see people crying and others who are scared! Then you notice you’re in the age of slavery then you hear 150, 150, going 1,2, sold to the man in the blue shirt! You look around and see a hill with a huge crowd. You run up the hill and stay around the crowd!

If you’re a slave click here

If you a slave owner click here

Page 10: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

When you’re on the Titanic you see another boat and pull out your camera then zoom in, but then you see a penguin. You’re wondering, “Why is there a penguin on a boat?” When a zipper unzips the penguin costume and a spy comes out then jumps though this door but you don’t see her on the other side. So you think that it might be a portal but then you just say to yourself that it can’t be a portal. When you’re in the dinning room you meet a girl and she says, “Hi” then since she is so rich she gives you all this money just because! You tell her you’re problem and she agrees to help you make a time machine. After a week of working on making a time machine you’re almost done. You’re finally you try it when you fined out it doesn’t work, and you do it again and again and again when you just give up on it. Then you remembered the spy in the penguin costume jumps though the door but doesn’t come out. So then you say that you should go on that boat!

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Page 11: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

You pull on the Time Machine door. It sticks. “COME ON!!” you yell. As if on cue, the door pops open, and you quickly jump in, pulling the door shut behind you. The time machine is different than it was before. You choose a knob at random, and twist it clockwise until it clicks. The screen lights up and now shows a GIGANTIC wall. You decide you will come back to that picture. You take three deep breaths to calm yourself, sitting down in the sky blue seat. A cool breeze blows through your hair and across your face. Now you choose a button that looks as if it has water in it. You press it and a bottle of water pops out of a slot in the door. You take a drink. Suddenly, a silver, glittering lever catches your eye. The top shows a wall much like the one on the screen. The bottom shows dark skinned people, working in a field. You sip some more water, thinking… Above and below the lever there are two glowing red buttons. You press both of them. The screen splits and shows the two pictures in a bigger view. The faces of the people in both pictures are wet with sweat and tired looking. You reach out and touch the picture you want, closing your eyes as your finger reaches the button….

If you choose the picture of the wall, click here

If you choose the picture of the people working, click here.

Page 12: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

“Wow this is a bumpy ride! Boom! Cool! I’m on the Titanic!” You go to the dining room and get something to eat. After that you see a few whales. You go to the front desk. You’re room is, Room 19. Wow! Look at the view. You think the light is out there. There are a lot of people on the ship. You don’t want to go back. Hey, It’s the Captain, “Hi Captain?” “Hello, time for dinner.” The dining room is big. The staircases are huge. The only stairs you usually see are on your front lawn. You will love breakfast, there are so many things to choose from!

If you start to take pictures click here

If you go back into the time machine click here

Page 13: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

As you sit in the time machine you look out the window. Everything is swirling as if in a tornado. Suddenly, everything stops. As you get out you notice that you are not in a museum, you are at a busy city. Everyone around you is wearing styles you’ve never seen before. One girl is wearing shoes that make her look about 6 in. taller. Another person is wearing pants that get wider towards the bottom, but one thing in common is that most stuff is floral. Then it hits you; if floral is popular then you must be in the 1970’s! As you are lost in thought, you hear a person yelling. “Hey hey” they shout out as you ignore it. Again you hear the obnoxious noise when you realize that whoever is talking must be talking to you. “50% off hair styling at my barber shop” he says, “But if you get an afro it’ll be free!” You look at your hair in a mirror. You do need a new style…so you start deciding what you want.

If you get an afro click here

 If you don’t get an afro click here

Page 14: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

You are disco dancing in the 70s and want to get back home but don’t know how. So you’re just dancing along having fun eating a hotdog talking to strangers then. Your song comes on and you start busting out some sweet moves. Everybody thinks that your weird but then you start dancing like them. So they think you’re awesome, like really awesome. You look around and see a bunch of glittery things on the wall. You love unicorns and glitter so you go for it and you nail a wall. Then you look up and see a unicorn disco ball and you want it. So you jump for it but you cant reach it so you have a bunch of strangers throw you but they wont. So you jump of a table but that doesn’t work. They throw you through it. You land on a dinosaur’s head but your just happy your home at last. END

The End

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Page 15: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

So, you will get an afro because you want to go to the barber shop. You haven't been there for a while and you want to be in style. When you get an afro you want it to be big and have different colors. Today is the day that you get the afro, you are so scared. You will be ok.

If you go disco dancing click here

If you join a band click here

Page 16: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

All of a sudden you realize that you are at an auction, but it was a little different you aren’t in the audience you are in the auction! Then you see that you are a slave. You feel dirty and not useful. “Why are you on this earth”,you thought to your-self. While you are daydreaming you are taken away and sold. You go this really big and really nice house but you have to sleep out-side. The next day you are working and your owner says that if you stop working that you will be whipped so you kept in going. So that night your nightmares keep you awake. Then you feel you wrist and your owner forgot to tie you up so you steal his money, build a new time machine and escape that horrible place.

“I will never go back there again”, you say quietly, and you go back where

you came from.

If you find an under ground railroad click here

If you go back to the time machine click here

Page 17: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

That’s when you notice on top of a hill there is a crowd. One tall man is yelling bids on people, slaves. Kids, babies, moms and dads are being sold to slavery, to other people. You

ages of 5-9, a mom a baby, around the age of 1, and a dad walk over toward you, hands tied behind their back. The baby starts to cry and the mom tries to calm it. You feel a little sad for it, but you might be rich!

decide to up the hill and watch the auction. When you get up there a man in a fancy, dark green suit asks you, “what is your price?” You answer very confessed, “$350.” The man, auctioneer, hears you and says, “ You there! $350 for this young family?” “Sure.” You answer, and the family, three kids, around the

If you get rich click here

If your slaves help you click here

Page 18: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

You are standing up and looking around. Then all of a sudden you find the Grate Wall of China. Then Bang!! a piece of rock lands right next to you. So now you’re walking around and looking and there’s a lot of strange people looking and peering at you. There are big rocks that are the size of mini cars getting cut by big blades. All of the people look exhausted and tired but they’re still working. One guy is ordering them to keep working. People are being very rude like mean people. People are starting to yell at you. They where warning you of a big rock falling right above you. Bang!! Splat! You wake up and your friends are yelling at you to get up to get off of the bus to go home . You get up and you’re home but no one’s home you go in side you’re house and you see the TV on and see some one got in the time machine at a museum by your house. It showed a kid with his parents going in the time machine. Your parents walk through the door. Thank goodness I thought it was you!

The End

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Page 19: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

The time machine is about to be crushed. Suddenly , a huge, chunky Chinese dude playing with a green yo-yo asks you who you are and why you are there. He is the Emperor, so you tell him you’re just traveling. He immediately orders his men to call of the crushing and smashing of the time machine. Suddenly , you see a shiny, black, cone-shaped thingy. You quickly figure out it’s a Chinese time machine. It is a spectacle that they have a time machine, at least at this part of time. You get out of your time machine and ask if you can ride it home…..

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Page 20: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

As you get out of the time machine you realize that you are on the Titanic. As you look around you see many thing’s to take pictures of. There are fancy bottle nose dolphins & killer whales swimming around the ship


If you see something mysterious in background, click here.

If you decide to go back to the time machine, go to click here.

Page 21: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

One day you hear that the time machine is broken, and then you realize that you saved all your money. Then you call the guy and say’s you have money to build a new one. That guy says, “Thanks”. But then there is a problem, where are the stores? So you take a path. But then you get at the end of the path you have to choose right or left. So you take the right one and that is right. So you find a store called Parts. So you get the pieces and go back to build the time machine. But when you get back you realize that you don’t have any tools to make it. So you go back on the path and you choose right again but that is wrong, you have to go left. So you go back. And you get to the end and choose left and go down a few blocks and find the Tool store. You get the tools that you need. You go back and start building. Finally you are done building and you call the guy. You test it out at last it works! Yea! . Buy anyways you go to the museum and put it where the other one was.

The End

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Page 22: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

“Hey, nice Afro” says a girl you don’t even know “thanks” you say back. When you’re walking down the street you see a lost puppy. You yell, “Come here puppy” but the puppy ran. Not even twenty minutes later you see two guys and 3 girls. You walked over to them and introduced yourself. The boy names were Sean and Josh. The names of the girls were Natashia, Katie, and Susan. Then you ask “are you guys in a band” they say “yes” as if they counted in their heads all at the same time. You ask “do you have enough room in there for me?” they say “well”. ”What interment do you play?” they ask. “I don’t play and interment, but I like to dance.” Dance?” says Sean.”Yes, I will show you,” You closed your eyes as if imagining. Your dance explains what is happening in your head. You’re stuck in a cell and you’re not in prison either. You need to escape, but you remember that you had a pick in your hair and unlock the cell. You sneak along the security desk. While your friend distracts the guard you leave and live life. “Wow!” They stand in amusement. “So, can I be in the

band?” you say. “Yes,” they all say together.

If you jump into a disco ball click here

If you get in a hippy van click here

Page 23: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

You finally let your slaves go, and five of them offer to help you get back to your time. You say “Well sure, that will be wonderful”. So those five slaves find some scrap metal and start to build it into a large box, when they get the box done they find an old chair and nail it to the wall on the inside of the box. You ask them how you are supposed to use the time machine. They say “You have to sing a song”. You ask them what the song is, but they won’t tell you. So after that you never see the slaves again. You don’t know what to do, so you start walking around to find help. But nobody seems to be around. So you walk back over to the time machine. You plop down on the ground and start thinking. You just come up with a random song. You sit in the time machine and try the song. All of a sudden the time machine starts to glow. Your heart starts to pound and you eyes get really big. You close your eyes, you feel wind, and then all of a sudden you get out of the time machine and you’re back!

The End

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Page 24: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

After you are jamming with your band. You see a magical Beatles/hippy van. Your buddy says, “Hey, jump in. So you say, “Sure”. So you all start walking. Finally you get in the van and see a lot of stuff. Like a mini fridge, a stove, a couch, a wii, A FLAT SCREEN TV, a hot tube, and a HUGE BATHROOM. So you all say let’s crash (go to sleep) and so you all go in the rooms and look for pajamas. Then you all wake up and say, “let’s go tell the driver to stop.

So we can get a cup of Joe and some bacon and stuff for breakfast. “You all get back and say let’s eat. “So you finish and you all yell HOT TUBE. So you all go get swimsuits on and you all get in. Then you remember you should get back to the museum. So you say, “We will take a dip then go back. So you all get in and fell a hole in the ground. You can’t hold on any more so you fall but you

land back in the time machine.

The end Click here to go back to the beginning and read another story.

Page 25: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

As you’re getting pulled by your slave owner, you notice light shines and you’re thinking to yourself, “Is this a trap?” “Is this a way out to be set free?” All day when you’re being a slave you think of ideas to get out. When its dark our you get all of the other slaves and chat about a plan to get out. So next you and the slaves leave separately so you won’t get caught. You’re the first slave, you will hide in these places; barrel, hole in the ground, a box, and behind a tree. So you’re ready to hide, you are hiding in a barrel, as you’re hiding you think, “Am I ready to go in a hole?” Next thing you know you’re running to the hole. You peek to see if the coast is clear. Now you’re in a dark box, wanting to get out. You’re hiding in a tree. You start to see a bunch of sunlight shining. Hoping to get out, next thing you know you’re out! You have made it out alive! Now the other slaves are making their way through now it’s time for you to live your own life freely, instead of being in a railroad tunnel.

The End

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to the beginning and read another story!

Page 26: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

A piece of metal that falls from the other ship can take you home when your home you go all the way to England and then you get in the time machine and a fuse is gone and you will not be able to go back on the ship to find the fuse or the time machine will disappear you will have to go back on the titanic and you are not able to go home you have to find the piece of the time machine the time machine doesn’t work with out that piece and you have one hour until the boat crashes you find


The End

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Page 27: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

You saved up for years and finally had enough to start your construction on the time machine. You are going to get the starting parts like the metal and screws to put it together. The next day you notice you can’t do it alone so you hire a band called Rocking Bacon to work with you, but you know it will take a long time because of this times limited technology. You got half way done in two years and the next two you’ll probably be working your but off. You work with your new best friends Frank, Steve, and Henry for another year and you need one last thing to finish. A titanium pin and you looked everywhere and couldn’t find any. You were about to give up and then you seen a pin in Franks hair and it was titanium! You pulled it out put it in the machine and boom you and the band were flying through time. The next moment you’re in the museum and then you got out, go to Las Vegas and started touring in the band.

The End

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Page 28: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

Here you are. You are in front of an old fashioned dump truck about 50 feet away standing in the middle of the street with the Dump truck going about 70 miles per hour. Interesting. You lay down to let the monstrous truck go over you. When the truck goes over you, you see on the muffler, a phone number. It has: 654-6589. You think this is awesome. You go to a public telephone box on the sidewalk. You type in the # on the other side a gruff voice says “WHO THE HECK IS THIS?!” “I’M CLOSING”! You reply in a timid voice “I only wanted a job”. “The gruff voice says that you can have the job. You get wealthy because of your good humor and attitude.

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Page 29: Help! i'm trapped in a time machine!

After you get your Afro you go to The Disco Jam. It was a huge building about three stories high. You walk through the door, you see lots of people. But you’re amazed with all of the lights, the sounds, the glowing dance floor, the people, and all of the cool clothes. So you walk over to the smoothie bar and get a strawberry switch, and it is yummy. Then this dude yells to you “lets do a dance off,” and you say “ok,” You draw the first move you freeze, you don’t know what to do then you do the sprinkler, he dose the worm, you think OMG I’m going to lose. Then all of a sudden the police come the policemen and policewomen bust the guy who owns the joint. She says to the owner “you don’t have a permit to own the place,” So the owner goes into the car and sings “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”. Your friend Bethany comes in and says “LET’S GET THIS PARY STARTED,” Then everyone yells at her “NO,” But when ten minutes past everyone starts partying Bethany yells” BRING OT THE DISCO BALL,” But when you take a second glance you realize it was a time machine you think you get a

chance to go home.

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