Page 1: Help Mr Nothing With Something - Niall · 2013-01-07 · front /OEE§!~|fl.I'I1E|I-CJLS-Ut* I'|' ";-meI-1 |I}_|-':D£%"



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Help Mr NothingWith SomethingResponding to a call for proposalsfrom Cascolana, a festival of urbanism,

Roger Jardine, Niall McNulty and __

Tamlyn Young devised Along the

Way, a book chronicling the lives often _ _ _ _

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Durban residents. Here we meet Moses -qs _Iþÿ�~�*�= �


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Nxumalo, a street poet based on the_

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corner ofMusgrave and Berea Roads þÿ�§ ��-�7 4



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_ f;,,¢_._._,, fe-r :he pest I? years

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-Vw Julie Park ;I'1 JC:-hahfmeslxerg, -I'-,»' hefe þÿ ��I

I><u'h§IC first Started h|5 '-.-'-.-'orI<_ 'Ie had"

a Iafge 3-Iece of Cardboard - as tall as

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he '-_--,wie Ins Iufe- story' |'| Zu u Since then

gh; -gafqi I'-as shf|_,hI< but It 5 shll he on y'

fre-:|.JrT` he uses"

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þÿ�o�r ��I�;�,�-;:= ace I exola hs `I;<L,r'1EaI»c- I o~'.,-' er þÿ�t ��I�T�`�§�'He respor'-ds We a~,.d=er|ae_

stefted tc .,.- 'ite 'Eh S Story' þÿ�I�' ��|'999 ~-_-f-.#hen ihe þÿ�e�h�-�,�»�i�r�|�3�' ��r ��'�|�e�f ��|�T�.e'-_»-' QP tm; Chang hg

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C~htf3 Car-:_ Each SIQIT twey fheke IS -I".-' DLI d teel r1c|_1Ge:3 i"| þÿ�h ��E�-þÿ�D�e�r�:�C�m�r�r ��1�a�r�"�C�%=j':fG"Ef"7§_ She e><arw'*Q»|e þÿ�3�I�r ��r�'�;�2�v�|�5�_�-r'eC~%=3f%CI þÿ�J�a�I ��s�"�|�Q�e�e�" I3 SC "ohceci ah. "._-' f:»|_Ii|-:-h

:he "`I-C? em' .'_-'1_i".<'-'rom þÿ�I�_�C ��1�g�-�:�I�m�e i'I þÿ�I�_�>�;�.�1�f ��r�;�e�|�»�:�3�'�5�. _.»~ The fs

Q:-I-elnoreten E><U3I'iIT'é!I`l-QI arch iect and '».- e have f:olIahor'at|"Q, þÿ�I ��a ��-�.�-�'�C

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ihat þÿ�I�>�<�I�.�_�1�- ��h�a�l�-�3�-�5'see -ef th-3 -,"-3fd "IIi}" is ihc Stem; cf the pcm, -EWU I þÿ�t�"�I�i�' ��|�ktens

oct ez siaterveht þÿ�_�,�s�I ��a�f�m�g�e�e�' has -:Ia nglse |f~ Isle-Ce 'h pc-I use

elezb-1:-r'f3Ze5;: "Twe Z._1u þÿ�'�-�.�-�e�'�5�|�C�;�~ ��| ~-.»- het 5 '-~_-'

I,-'þÿ�a�'�e ��9�§�5 |"»:;u h sf -,-' r mg"

he 'heave Cy 'ICl" Coosht þÿ ��h�c�~�a ��,I -:ont T"|s SIP:-r;,f 5 -Cwehg -I-'».'|I'w me I;

have ah;-'th|r|g_ Q-_It rethe-'_ CI-:Wi |'1a'-,fe gre-.»þÿ ��-�.�»�~ ~

þÿ�.�- ��-�.�'þÿ�I�t �me agrees I§>I_1'h5;I~3_

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I1 Zra"|3|a2a-:-f'| I th rv þÿ�T�I ��|�§I|'|-Timeies hc þÿ�'�»�,�» �_= II' IS TI1e»5T~Z='5»~' :I th 5 2~:'.Ir`tf'-,-', þÿ�O �'UIQ

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hr: s -:esperete e ~».-- em Lee-ugh I3~::|3'. i:_IcIs ;I'~e Lweless street "I have

hm clecedse Th 5 IS hs II -,,,~' þÿ�e ��|�"�|�o�0�=�;�I"

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I~.> .Jh`aIo`s adapts ar*-;: Thief"

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