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Huzzah! Chapter 1


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This is Johnnie Herangel. Whose name came when I was listening to a John Mayer song and decided I wanted to do a prettacy.“But…I’m not ugly! I’m adorable. Admit it, my eyes are huge like a puppy.”Well ok they are… But this is a prettacy. Why else would you be purple?“Because I was born this way?”Sorry Johnnie… But no. You’re my new founder! Huzzah!

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She had literally no money because I did extreme start. Like a smart person. So I bought a $10 CC bed and settled for an open house look.My knowledge sim should be ok with that right?“I WANT A BOOKCASE!! WHERE ARE THE LEARNING UTENSILS??? -500 ON YOU!”GREAT! She’s absolutely thrilled.Quick stats: 10/0/9/3/3. It just dawned on me that I don’t know her LTW… But I think it’s Top the Med Career. Turn ons: Muscles & swim wear. Turn off: Make-up

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Since she can’t afford a car or… anything at the moment, I had Johnnie walk to the card place to either win some money or win a spouse.“Say, Chan, what’s this thing?”That Johnnie, is a phone… You can’t afford one of those right now. So I suggest you get your butt in that shady establishment and become a card shark!

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“Pick a card any card.”“Sweetie, this is poker… And you’re the dealer… So… Deal.”“Right right of course. What do you think I am? Some loser who’s never played cards before? Pft. I can afford cards. Who can’t afford cards? Not me that’s not who can’t do the cards to afford them..”Shhh Johnnie Shhh…Silence is golden my dear.

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Johnnie: Hey he’s cute!So go flirt with him.Johnnie: What is this… Flirting of which you speak?Oh boy. Tell him that you like how his sweatshirt matches your eyes.Johnnie: That’s flirting??Umm I don’t know! It sounded like a compliment to me.Johnnie: More like a compliment to me. I’ll just wait. Watch. And analyze him.

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“So uh… I have a house. With walls and stuff.”Two walls to be exact but who’s counting?“While your house sounds positively lovely… I’m afraid I can’t pass judgement until I see it.”“Well that would involve you coming to my house with me and I don’t-… Oh wait… You’re flirting with me aren’t you?”

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“Yes my darling, I am flirting with you.”“Oh… Well… Um.. Your match… is my eye sweatshirt… Oh no wait that’s not right. I like that my eyes can see the green in… Oh poo, this is hard.”“Don’t worry. I think I understand what you mean. Or.. I understand that you’re flirting with me. So thank you. I like you too.”HUZZAH! TAKE HIM HOME NOW!

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“I can’t just take home strangers. My house isn’t ready for it… It’s only two walls.”“If it helps I’m very rich and can help fix the place up a little.”SOLD TAKE HIM HOME!“I don’t know….”

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“I’m also a scientist.”You guys have 2 bolts.“And a knowledge sim.”He has lots of money.“I’m quite dedicated.”He has. A lot. Of money.

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“Wanna go on a date?”“I thought you’d never ask.”Ugh baby steps. That guy there is named Scott Gibson. He’s loaded apparently and I think he’ll be the spouse. I didn’t even look at his face to see if he was pretty. I just saw the bolts, the money, and I was sold.

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So the date yesterday was great right? Call him again and get married!“We’re not even in love Chan. Hey Scott. Wanna come over?”Lady: Hmm I wonder who this Scott fellow is.“Well I think I have a day off tomorrow so you could stay if you want.”Lady: Oh my… How promiscuous. I like it.“Great! See you soon.”

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Lady: So that’s Scott eh? He’s no Gilbert! Humph. Where is that Gilbert? I’d rather be looking at him than these two. They’re not doing anything interesting at all!

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What the heck guys, you can’t just make out when I’m setting up a blind date.“Hey you should’ve been paying us more attention. We’ve been flirting all day.”

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So moving right along.HA! Look at your yawn face Johnnie. It’s like you have a double chin. Which I didn’t even know was possible in sims.So Scott moved in apparently. He brought $18,620!! WOOP WOOP!Time to rebuild.Quick stats: Knowledge. High logic, cleaning, cooking and creativ.2/3/9/7/4. Lots in inventory. Inc.: Good telescope & dance sphere. Over all. Awesome.

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“Oh Scott. I love our new home.”“Me too Johnnie. I just wish the viewers could see it.”“That would be lovely. It would also be nice if they saw us fall in love too.”We all know it takes love to Woohoo without hacks. So neh.“They also could have seen your first day of work Johnnie.”Not the right career path so neh.“TAKE MORE PICTURES OF US!!! -500 ON YOU!!”

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We all know what caused this… Because I took awesome amazing HD pictures of it.“I’m engaged Chan.”Then get married before your children are bastards.

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Because nothing says romance like a concrete wedding in the rain. “It would’ve been nice to have a party…”Well yes I know but Johnnie was already Platinum from skilling and you had the Want to get married and I was lazy so I decided not to throw the party. You’re still Platinum so who cares?“Those Energizers you’re going to want later on!”We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. And I’ll just end up stealing points from your children.

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Super hero family! You guys control the elements!Johnnie is wind. Blower. Ha!... Eh hem.While Scott is water. Hydro Man! Or Puddle Guy. Whichever.

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Maybe you shouldn’t try that again.“Maybe you shouldn’t tell me how to live my life! You don’t know who I am. Where I’ve been! AND WHAT I HAD TO DO TO GET HERE!!!”…I’m just saying man you might fall…“HUSH!”

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“I’ll show her… Fall. Ha! Does she not know who I am?”

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He tried at least 5 times. Unaided or prompted by me. And he fell. Each. And every. Time.

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“That’s right… Get that mail.”“Umm.. Sir… I’m pregnant and married.”“Oh god you’re so good at dirty talk.”“Wha-? But I.. I’m going inside.”“I’ll walk by again. Don’t you worry.”

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Heyy look who’s successful!“You missed Johnnie’s baby bump!! The baby will be coming soon.”I didn’t miss it. I just didn’t find it interesting enough to include. We all know what happens!“You’re a horrible documenter.”Alright alright… Enough with the flattery.

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And this is where we’ll end! Because I’m trying to keep these chapters short. Really this is just a Legacy that’s fun to play. No deep thought or anything. Just a fun ole prettacy. So that’s all for now!

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