Download - Here@First - Dec09

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Volume 9

Here FirstDecember 2009

Published monthly for the members and friends of First Presbyterian Church.


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table of contents

First Presbyterian Church of Yakima9 South 8th AveYakima, WA 98902509-248-7940


E 345



December Events

Sunday Morning Information / Weekly Events / Sermon Series

Sunday Morning Class Information

Pastors Welcome

Fellowship Ministry : Group Life Ministry News

Fellowship Ministry : Family Ministries

Fellowship Ministry : Senior Adults News

Discipleship Ministry : Student Ministry News

Discipleship Ministry : Preschool News

Discipleship Ministry : Children’s Ministry News

Discipleship Ministry Team : Careforce Ministry

Discipleship Ministry Team : Women’s Ministry

Service Ministry Team : Cristo Vive Ministry



Service Ministry Team : Mountain Meadow Christmas at Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp

Worship Ministry Team

Merry Christmas - The Christmas Story

Advent Devotional Excerpt

21-22 News and Upcoming Special Events

23 Re3: Wednesday Nights

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December EvEnts CalEndarDecember 1 Tuesday Worship Min Team Mtg 5:15p Adult Ed Planning Meeting Presbyterian Women Silver Tea 1:00pDecember 3 Thurday Happy Travelers Meeting 1:00p Senior Adult Ministry 3:00p MOPS Set up 6:00p Prayer Ministry Leader Meeting 6:00pDecember 4 Friday MOPS Christmas Tea / Garden Room 9:00aDecember 5 & 6 Spirit of Christmas Sale 9a-2:00p Mountain Meadow Christmas/GhormleyDecember 5 Saturday Deacon Training Santa / Angel PicturesDecember 6 Sunday 2ND SUNDAY OF ADVENT Congregational Meeting (Mark Tumney) Childsize Rehearsal 4:00pDecember 8 Tuesday Preschool Christmas Program 7:00p Session Leadership Team Meeting 7:00pDecember 10 Thursday Santa / Angel Pictures Discipleship Team Meeting 2:00p Fellowship Team Meeting 6:00pDecember 11 Friday Santa / Angel Pictures Cristo Vive Crafts 6:30pDecember 12 Saturday Childsize Rehearsal 10:00a Prayer Shawl Ministry 9:00aDecember 13 Sunday 3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Childsize Christmas Service Carenet Meeting / offsite December 14 Monday Edith Ferry Circle 12:00pDecember 15 Tuesday Service Ministry Team Meeting 7:00a Kaffee Klatsch 9:30a Deacon/Session Dinner/Meeting 6:00pDecember16 Wednesday Ghormley Commission Meeting / offsiteDecember17 Thursday Christmas Lights and Cocoa 5:00pDecember 20 Sunday 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Leadership Development Class 8:00aDecember 23 Wednesday Temple Choir Rehearsal December 24 Thursday Christmas Eve Services: Contemporary Family Services 5:00, 7:00p Traditional Candles & Carols 9:00pDecember 25 Friday Christmas DayDecember28 Monday Church ClosedDecember 29 – 31 Church Office Closed at 1:00p for day.January 1 Friday New Year’s Day / Church Closed

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Sunday Morning ServiCeS SanCtuaryContemporary Services 8 & 9:30a The Best of Classic Worship 11:00a ChildCare Ages birth – 21/2 years RM 102 During ServicesKidzone Sunday SChool Kinder - 5th Grade 2nd Floor 9:30 -10:45a

Student MiniStrieS Grades 6 - 12 Ward Chapel (Mid Hi & Sr. Hi) 9:30-10:30a

adult eduCation ClaSSeS Golden Circle 9:30-10:30a 40 Days of Purpose 9:30-10:30a Adult Ed Bible Class 9:30-10:30a CriSto vive hiSPaniC FellowShiP Ward Chapel 12:00p

MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY Senior Adult Exercise 8:30aMONDAY TOPS 10:00a Over-eaters Anonymous 12:00p Trailseekers 2:30p Church Basketball 7:00pTUESDAY Women’s Bible Studies Spirit Led Life 9:15a Series Studies with Jean Paulson 9:45aWEDNESDAY Men’s Bible Study 12:00p Women of Action (Prayer) 12:00pTHURSDAY Bible Study Fellowship 9:00a Worship Rehearsal 6:00p Temple Choir Rehearsal 7:00p

Sermon Series DecemberDECEMBER 6 Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 1: 68-78 / “Redeemed” Mark Tumney *Associate Pastor nomineeDECEMBER 13 Child-Sized Service DECEMBER 20 Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 1:26-38; John 1:1-14 Jack PeeblesDECEMBER 27 Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 2:1-20 “Amazing” Jack Peebles

Weekly events at FPC

Sunday morninginfo

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Kidzone (AGE 2 ½ THROUGH 5TH GRADE) 9:30-10:45 / 2ND FLOORKidzone helps our children apply biblical truth to their regular everyday experiences. Sonbeams (preschool) 2 ½ to 4 years old meet on L2 Mezzanine in the Sonbeams Room.Cubbies (pre-kindergarten) 4 & 5 yrs old meet in the Cubbies Room on the main floor (right next to childcare). Kindergarten through 5th grades meet on the 2nd floor.

Student worShiP & grouPS (6TH-12TH GRADE) 9:30-10:45 / CHAPELFollowing worship, Mid High and High School students separate for time to study and discuss issues of life and faith in smaller groups. Student Ministry is eager to welcome new students, introduce them to others and help them discover the amazing love of God.

adult eduCation ClaSS 9:30-10:30 / ADULT ED / DR. BILL STARRRENOVARE’: Introduction to Spiritual RenewalRENOVARE’ (from the Latin “to renew”) is a program developed by a team of spiritual leaders led by Richard Foster, who is best known for his classic book “Celebration of Discipline.” It is committed to the renewal of the Church of Jesus Christ in all her multifaceted expressions. The mission of RENOVARE’ is to provide individual churches and their members with a balanced, practical, effective strategy for spiritual growth. This class will be based on the RENOVARE’ publication called “A Spiritual Formation Workbook” and will seek to explore the dynamics of a spiritually balanced life with Jesus Christ as its model. Bill Starr will be the lead teacher for this class, and will be supported by Bible studies led by Kathy Mathison, which will be woven into the framework of the class.

40 dayS oF PurPoSe 9:30-10:30 / MID HIGH ROOM ON THE MEZZANINESTEVE HILDEBRAND / MARSHALL GROVE / FRED MALONEYThe 40 Days class continues to study the principles found in Rick Warren's “Purpose Driven Life” book. This class discusses and examines, in a non-threatening manner, the Bible passages used through the book. After several years of study, this group is halfway through the book. You are invited to jump in and join this interesting study.

golden CirCle - PreSent word 9:30-10:30 DAVID FERRY LOUNGE / TOM OLIVA & JIM ERIXSONOriginally formed in the 1940's, this class continues to study Christian life together. The Golden Circle class is a caring and supportive class that includes prayer, music and study.

Sunday morning classes

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Dearchurch family,One of my all time Christmas carol favorites is “Silent Night.” Have you ever heard the story of how and why it was written? Joseph Mohr was born in the lovely city of Salz-burg, Austria, in 1792. As a boy he was an active chorister in the Cathedral of Salzburg. He was ordained into the priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church in 1815 and was serving as an assistant priest at a newly erected St. Nicholas in Obernorf.

Father Mohr often lamented that the perfect Christmas hymn had never been written. With this in mind, he received word just before Christmas that his own church organ would not function. Father Mohr decided to write his own hymn that could be sung without the accompaniment of the organ. Upon reading the words of the hymn for the first time, one of his colleagues, Father Gruber, exclaimed, “Friend Mohr, you have found it (the right song) God be praised!”

Father Mohr did not intend for his hymn to spread beyond their little mountain vil-lage. Yet it has endured to this day and continues to be a favorite of many. I love “Silent Night” because it reminds us that amidst the hustle and bustle of the busy holiday sea-son, there is a simple yet profound reason for the season. The theme for our Advent and Christmas sermon series is “A Baby Changes Everything!” In fact, Jesus is the baby who changes everything! The Scripture we will unpack is Galatians 4:4-7, which reads:

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, in order to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as children. And because you are children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” So you are no longer a slave but a child, and if a child then also an heir, through God.” (Galatians 4:4-7, NRSV)

I hope and pray that you are able to take a few moments of silence this Advent to reflect upon the grace of God our Father humbling himself and sending His Son as a baby lying in a manger. Through this simple act, this world and your life have been changed for-ever! As you reflect, please remember these words written by Joseph Mohr:

“Son of God, love’s pure light. Radiant beams from Thy holy face with the dawn of redeeming grace Jesus, Lord at Thy birth, Jesus, Lord at Thy birth.”

May God bless you as you move through Advent to the marvelous celebration of Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Pastor Jack


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Welcoming newsDear FPC Family,

Your Associate Pastor Nominating Committee has been hard at work since the beginning of the year and has been led through a long and comprehensive process. It is now with great excitement that we put forward to the congregation our recommendation for the position of Associate Pastor of Missions and Family Ministry, Pastor Mark Tumney.

Mark has a long history of ministry experience, including many years of service with Young Life in Cleveland and Germany. He has also served as the Associate Pastor of Spiritual For-mation in Saratoga, California for three years and most recently served there as the Interim Head of Staff. Mark and his wife Stephanie, have been married for three years and are look-ing forward to starting a family in the future. On a recent visit to Yakima, Mark expressed his excitement about the mission of FPC, and the committee feels that he will help us carry out our vision to be inwardly strong and outwardly focused.

On Sunday, December 6th, Mark will preach at all three services. A congregational meeting will follow the 11 o’clock service and members will vote on the acceptance of Mark as our new Associate Pastor. Please continue in the privilege and responsibility of praying for this candi-date and for our church, and be in attendance if at all possible.

Finally, we would like to thank everyone for their prayers over the last several months. It has been encouraging to see God’s provision during this process. God has provided us with won-derful support from our families and from leaders such as Jack Peebles, G. David Lambertson and Ed Cummings. Not only that, but He provided us with the person who we believe to be an excellent match for our church family. We are all excited to see where the Lord Jesus Christ is leading us in this next chapter of the life of FPC.

Seeking God’s Will,The Associate Pastor Nominating Committee

Mark and Stephanie Tumney

Mark Tumney

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Fellowship Ministrygroup life / Family / Senior adult

finD Your place at the table

Prodigal God Church Experience is an unforgettable journey of discovering one of the most powerful yet most misunderstood parables of the Bible the Parable of the Prodigal Son. The Prodigal God explores Jesus most familiar parable to find its surprising truth for believers and skeptics alike. On January 17, First Pres-byterian Church will embark on a six week study of Tim Keller’s book Prodigal God. We invite your small group to set aside six weeks for this study or if you aren’t cur-rently in a small group, new groups will form around this very interesting book. Pastor Jack will preach a six week sermon series on this study, which will make your small group experience more insightful. The books and study guides are available to purchase this month. For more information contact Shan Trick or Judy Turner at 248-7940.

Prepare to find your place at the table to learn about God’s love for us through the story of the Prodigal Son.

Judy TurnerGroup Life Ministries

248-7940, ext. [email protected]

Group life news

“Building Relationships that change lives by connecting the community to Christ”


December 4, 5, 6 ~ 2009

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp

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Laura PickettFamily Ministries Director

248-7940, ext. 125 [email protected]

Fellowship Ministrygroup life / Family / Senior adult


Fellowship Ministrygroup life / Family / Senior adult

familY life newsour chilDren love celebrating Christmas. I watch their eyes get a little wider when we see Christmas decorations begin to fill the shelves at Target or Shopko. It’s usually early November when they begin to make their Christmas wish lists and they begin lobbying for whatever gifts they are dreaming of. They also love the various traditions we have established as a family, and look forward to them with great anticipation. As parents our biggest concern of course is that they know the REAL reason for Christmas is Jesus. Each of our children know to say that “Jesus is the reason for the season”, but as parents we know it’s the opening of presents, decorating the tree, baking cookies, and getting together with family and friends that they are really excited about. If I am honest, those things top my list too. I used to worry about this, until we started celebrating Advent in our home.

The word Advent means “to come” and refers to Jesus’ coming to earth as a baby on Christmas Day. The season of Advent is all about celebrating the coming of Jesus – and we don’t have to look very far into our Christmas traditions to find symbols of Christ. Several years ago we made an Advent wreath and began using the Advent book that FPC Preschool gives out to guide our time as a family. It has become a very special time for our family to connect all of the ways we are celebrat-ing Christmas to the coming of Jesus. It has also relieved our concerns that we were focusing on the wrong things. In fact, our celebrations can lead our families to Jesus if we take just a little bit of time to learn and then teach how a Christmas tree, lights, stars and presents are all symbols of the birth of Christ. I highly recommend that you get a copy of the Advent booklet that our church is giving out, make an Advent wreath and then during the Advent season take time as a family to light the candles together and talk about the ways our celebrating leads us to Jesus. One very special year during an Advent reading in our living room, our oldest son asked Jesus into his heart. I will always be so glad that we took the time to celebrate Christmas with an Advent wreath!


Purchase an Advent wreath, or make one with a circle of ever-green boughs and five candles.

The first purple candle is lighted the 4th Sunday before Christmas. On the second Sun-day light the first and second purple candles. Two Sundays

before Christmas, light the first two purple candles and the pink candle. The last purple

candle is lighted with the other three on the Sunday before

Christmas. On Christmas Day, light all four candles and the

white Christ candle.

1st purple candle = Hope2nd purple candle = Peace

Pink candle = Joy Final purple candle = Love

White candle = Christ

December 4, 5, 6 ~ 2009

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp

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Senior aDultS news


Jim ErixsonPastor of Senior Ministriesand Congregational Care

248-7940, ext. 130

Senior exerCiSe ClaSS wantS you!Christmas is a time of joy and sharing. It also seems to be a time of cookies and other decadent goodies. You can ward off the negative side effects of holiday calories by joining the Senior Adult Ministries exercise class. We meet three days a week at 8:30 a.m. in the gym and are put through our paces by Clover Hildebrande. If your midriff is feeling a little squishy, here’s a fun way to get a bit more toned. Prayer can certainly help with health management. Still, we need to do our part by getting enough rest, eating properly and exercising. So, come join the fun. When January rolls around, you’ll already be well on your way towards being more fit in 2010.

haPPy travelerSCHRISTMAS LIGHTSJoin us as we go out to see the Christmas Lights!Thursday, December 17Meet at the church at 5:30pCookies and hot chocolate to follow!

A NIGHT OUTWe are going to see the play “Almost, Maine” in mid-February at the Warehouse Theatre. Sign up at the Connection Center!Our very own Megan Antles is the director of this play.

KaFFee KlatSChPlease come enjoy a special moment at Kaffee Klatsch on December 15, 2009 at 9:30 a.m. A real treat lies in store for you. Not only can you enjoy the fellowship of other FPC attendees but you can also enjoy a delightful Christmas concert by the Davis High School choir. These young people have come to us previously and we guarantee you’ll leave feeling uplifted by the joy they share. Be sure to put a star on your calendar so you don’t miss this wonderful event.

Fellowship Ministrygroup life / Family / Senior adult

discipleship Ministry Preschool / Children’s / Student’s / Women’s / Careforce / Men’s / Adults / Childcare / MOPS

StuDent miniStrYnews

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Fellowship Ministrygroup life / Family / Senior adult

Tyler Van HornDirector of Student Ministries

248-7940, ext. [email protected]

Karin SkoneAssist. Dir. of Student Ministries

248-7940, ext. [email protected]

discipleship Ministry Preschool / Children’s / Student’s / Women’s / Careforce / Men’s / Adults / Childcare / MOPS

StuDent miniStrYnews


Sunday School December6 SundaySchool-Chapel9:30am. December13 NoSundaySchool.JoinusintheSanctuary! Dec20-Jan3 NoSundaySchool. January10 SundaySchoolresumes-Chapel9:30am.

youth Group Dec2,9 Specialevent,seebelow. Dec16-Jan6 NoYouthGroup. January13 RegularYouthGroupresumes. MidHigh-6:15-8andSeniorHigh-7:30-9p.




Coming SoonConfirmation Classes for 9th and 10th grade students will begin in January. more information coming soon.

Senior High SnowBlast at ghormley, February 19-21.

December 4, 5, 6 ~ 2009

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp

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Rhonda CardonaPreschool Director

248-7940, ext. [email protected]

preSchool miniStrYnews

discipleship Ministry Preschool / Children’s / Student’s / Women’s / Careforce / Men’s / Adults / Childcare / MOPS

Celebrate Christmas! Happy Birthday Jesus!

“A Savior has been born to you, He is Christ the Lord!” Luke 2:11

First Presbyterian Christian Preschool is celebrating Christ-mas this month! We are planning a big birthday party for our annual Christmas program on December 8th. There is much to be excited for and everyone is practicing hard.

This is an important month for our fund raising and we need your support! We are selling our 2010 calendars again this year. They can be purchased either at the Con-nection Center on Sundays or in the main church office during the week. We also have pocket calendars and greeting cards. Each item sells for just $6. You may also purchase a raffle ticket for just $1 for a chance at many prizes. The drawing for prizes will be on December 8th (you do not have to be present to win). We will have a booth at the Spirit of Christmas Sale on Saturday, Dec. 5th and Sunday, Dec. 6th too.

Each of these fund raisers is important for our preschool budget. We have many families receiving scholarships, our Preschool Bible fund is in desperate need of funds and our daily operating budget is always stretched beyond our resources. Your support helps us to continue to provide this outreach ministry to our community. Please keep the preschool children, their families and staff in your prayers.


discipleship Ministry Preschool / Children’s / Student’s / Women’s / Careforce / Men’s / Adults / Childcare / MOPS

chilDren’S miniStrYnews

Want your child’s picture with a Jolly Ol’

Santa or a Heavenly Angel? Come by the Spirit of Christmas

Sale on Saturday, December 5 and have a picture

taken of your child or your whole family! Just in time for


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discipleship Ministry Preschool / Children’s / Student’s / Women’s / Careforce / Men’s / Adults / Childcare / MOPS

chilDren’S miniStrYnews

Kathy EatonDirector of Children’s Ministries

248-7940, ext. [email protected]

Susie WoodinAssist. Dir. of Children’s Ministries

248-7940, ext. [email protected]


It’s just before Christmas and the tree ornaments have been awakened from their yearly hibernation by the movement of their storage box. It’s time! As they begin to prepare for another season on the Watson’s Christmas tree, they are greeted by a rather strange and “un-Christmassy” ornament: A Hula-Girl. The Star, the Snowman, the Angel and others give her a rather cool reception until an-other significant figure from the mantelpiece shows up to explain to all of them what Christmas is about and how they each have a significance in God’s amazing plan of redemption through His Son, Jesus.

Join us on Sunday, December 13 as we celebrate the annual Child-Sized Christmas Service with “Christmas Hang-Ups”. This humor-ous and engaging story will remind us all that Christmas is truly a time to celebrate!

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discipleship Ministry Preschool / Children’s / Student’s / Women’s / Careforce / Men’s / Adults / Childcare / MOPS



Kandy IngersollCareforce Director

248-7940 ext. [email protected]

We thought you’d like to knoW hoW

life could be better

Careforce winter ScheduleValiant Man (for men only)Location: Bethel Ridge Counseling Services at Lake AspenThursdays / 6-8:15pmJanuary 14,21,28 / February 4, 11, 18, 25 / March 5, 12, 19Pre-registration required / $35

The aim of the Valiant Man Program is to give men a greater insight to their own sexuality and provide them with skills to manage this with integrity. As a result, the women and children they relate to will experience the safety, value, love and empowerment that God Intended.

Understanding Your Valiant Man (for women only)Location: Bethel Ridge Counseling Services at Lake AspenThursdays / 6-8:15pmJanuary 14,21,28 / February 4, 11, 18, 25 / March 5, 12, 19

Pre-registration required / $35

The Understanding Your Valiant Man Program follows the journey men take in the Valiant Man Program. All women intersect with men in their world. UVM is suitable for singles and parents.

Search for Life (classes for women and men)Location: First Presbyterian ChurchThursdays / 6-8:15pmJanuary 14,21,28 / February 4, 11, 18, 25 / March 5, 12, 19

Pre-registration required / $35

Without insight and answers to the human dilemma we resort to inadequate and destructive patterns of behavior to address feelings of low self-esteem, inad-equacy, emptiness and insecurity. This program identifies the cause of so many human tensions and introduces participants to the healing power of truth in a caring and safe environment.

Search for Intimacy (mixed groups)Location: First Presbyterian ChurchSundays / 9:30-10:45amJanuary 10, 17, 24, 31 / February 7, 24, 21, 28 / March 7

Optional: manual fee $20.00

People need more than rules about sex; they need theology of sex that empow-ers them to live successfully in a highly sexualized world. Sex is a part of life. Managed rightly, it is a profound gift. Managed poorly, it is the source of pain and distress. This program is designed for adults married or single, parents and those “single again”.

discipleship Ministry Preschool / Children’s / Student’s / Women’s / Careforce / Men’s / Adults / Childcare / MOPS

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Shan TrickWomen’s Ministry

248-7940 ext., [email protected]

Women’S miniStrY news



discipleship Ministry Preschool / Children’s / Student’s / Women’s / Careforce / Men’s / Adults / Childcare / MOPS

BOOT CAMPHoly Spirit Boot Camp: Equipping the Saints for the Days Ahead

Wednesday Nights6:15p – 7:30p

Have you ever felt like, “I should know the answer to that question,” or worse yet, have others assumed that you do? In “Holy Spirit Boot Camp” we want to provide a safe place to ask those ques-tions, to learn what the Scriptures say about life in the kingdom of God and to learn to “DO” the stuff of the king-dom. This class will be composed of teaching amd a ques-tion and answer time, and will provide an opportunity to put into action what we learned. Perhaps the King of kings is inviting you to enlist in Holy Spirit Boot Camp!

We are planning to have a variety of women teaching these topics.

More details are coming!

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Service Ministry Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp / Cristo Vive / Missions

criSto vivenews

Gustavo CarvajalPastor Iglesia Cristo Vive

248-7940. ext. [email protected]

eSl / Computer Serving opportunity We continue to find ways to connect with our community through the Madi-son House. Recently we have embarked on a new outreach : teaching English and computer classes. If you would like to be involved teach-ing either one, please let us know! We have served our commu-nity for the last three years teaching English as a Second Lan-guage. The need is huge. We now have a computer lab ready for blast off. We can send a loud message to our community: We want you not only to be able to communicate in English, but also to be better skilled for work.

Sunday School teachers needed We are in serious need of Sunday School teachers! Classes are for groups of 3-5, 6-8, 9-11 and 12-15 year olds be-ginning at12:15 p.m. on Sundays. If you are interested, please contact Katrina (x131 or at [email protected]) if God is speaking to your heart to bless the life of our little ones. You don’t have to speak Spanish!

Couples’ nightSaturday December 12 at 5:30 p.m.

Christmas Celebration 4 to 7 p.m. on December 19.

December 4, 5, 6 ~ 2009

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp

December 4, 5, 6 ~ 2009

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp

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Mark WashamDirector of Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp

[email protected]

Service Ministry Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp / Cristo Vive / Missions

Ghormley meadow christian campnews

December 4, 5, 6 ~ 2009

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp


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worship Ministry Prayer Team / Hospitality / Welcoming / Music / Drama

Prayer Ministry TeamOur Prayer Ministry Team is devoted to prayer, believeing in its incredible power. Fundamentally, we believe that God’s Word is authoritative and our prayers must be aligned with His Word, having a solid scriptural foundation. (Hebrews 4:12; II Timothy 3:16-17; Matthew 4:4; Book of Order—W-1.1004, W-1.2000)

Seasonal SingersThe Temple Choir is working on several projects this year, in addi-tion to the regularly scheduled weekly music.

Christmas music for our traditional “Carols & Candles” service is al-ready underway and our Easter project will be The Seven Last Words Of Christ by Theodore Dubois.

Anyone interested in joining us should contact Don Hamrick as soon as possible.

Don HamrickWorship Director

248-7940 ext. [email protected]

Psalms 98:5 NIV

...make music to the LORD with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing...





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ley M







FPC has the honor of leading our city

in festive Christmas Carols at the lighting of the

tree downtown at the

Millennium Plaza. December 6th.

Contact Don for more information.All are welcome!

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merry christmas!In those days Caesar Augustus

issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. And everyone went to his own town

to register. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house

and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be

born,and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But

the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you:

You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, ”Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace

to men on whom his favor rests.” When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has

told us about.” So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them

about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shep-

herds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

Luke 2:1-20

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advent devotional



Day 7

Forever ChangedScripture: Colossians 1:6Verse for today: “For though your hearts were once full of darkness, now you are full of light from the Lord, and your behavior should show it!” Ephesians 5:8

When people believe the message of Jesus Christ they are changed. The Good News is not just a message of information but one of transformation. Believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ is about a relationship with our Creator that gives us a new purpose, a new attitude, and changed behavior. A new identity is born. It is no longer about us but about our service to God.

Richard Dahlstrom, in his book O2 Breathing New Life Into Faith writes, “Whether I feel warm and fuzzy when I hear the truths of who I am in Christ isn’t important. What’s important is that I believe them and live according to their fullness.”

If you want to know what is in your heart---look at what comes out in your life. How has hearing God’s Word changed your life? Where should it change?

Prayer: Lord, thank you that I am forever changed because of Your love. May I seek out service during this Christmas holiday where I can reflect Your loving kindness.

aDvent Devotional gift for youOur very own Janet Krieger has written an Advent devotional that complements our Advent sermons series, “A Baby Changes Everything.” We are pleased to offer this devotional to you and your family at no cost.

Pick up your copy today at the Connection Center!

Below is an excerpt.








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ley M







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CooKieS and CanSPlease bring cookies and canned food on your last names’ designated Sunday. december 6 Q-t december 20 a-d december 13 u-z december 27 e-i


grief recoveryWednesday nights

Are you feeling stuck in grief over losses from the past? Still suffering from the death of a loved one, divorce or end of a relationship, loss of a job, loss of health, loss from a move, empty nest?

The Grief Recovery Outreach Program is a ten-week program developed and endorsed by the Grief Recovery Institute in Sherman Oaks, Ca., and based on “The Grief Recovery Handbook” by John W. James and Russell Friedman. The class will be led by the Rev. Bill Starr, D.Min., MAC, CDP, Chaplain at the Sundown M Ranch in Selah and Certified Grief Recovery Specialist.

The class is open to the community and will begin on January 6th and run from 6:15-8:15PM. Preregistration is required. Cost for the class is $30 to cover the cost of the book and notebook with handouts.

To register or get more information go to the Connections Center or call the church at 248-7940.

Prayer ShawlDo you know someone who is sick, mourning, lonely or depressed?

We are a group of women who knit prayer shawls and pray for the recipients of each shawl we produce. We send shawls to the recipients with our prayers and faith that the shawl will bring comfort and a reminder of God’s love to brighten and sustain them through difficult circumstances. If you know of someone who is in need of this gift, you may request a shawl by filling out a request form locat-ed in the Connection Center on Sunday morning or come by the church office.

We also would like to ask for donations of yarns that are taking up space in your home. Help us to turn it into physical reminders that God’s love surrounds you at all times. If you have a donation, you may leave it in the basket located by the new badge table in the Garden Room. We also like to welcome new member, to our knitting and crocheting group. If you think you might like to join our group, call Ellen Bartelli at 965-4956.

aDvent Devotional gift for you






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Page 22: Here@First - Dec09

December 4, 5, 6 ~ 2009

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp

Women’sChristmas Silver Tea

Spirit of Christmas

& Advent FestivalFirst Presbyterian Church Gym







December 5 & 6Saturday and Sunday

9:00 - 2:00


Page 23: Here@First - Dec09

Re3 RePlenish ReCharge ReConnect

Elements for lifeWednesday NightsFirst Presbyterian Church

Dinner 5:15-6:15p*Suggested donations: $5 per person, $10 per couple, $12 per family.

Devotions 6:00pClass break-out 6:15p

all are welCoMe!

adult Classes: 6:15p CLASS INSTRUCTOR NOTES Philippians Pastor Jack Grief Recovery Bill Starr Preregister / Fee Running the Rapids Tim & Liberty Andis Family Ministries Holy Spirit Boot Camp Kathy Bricel Prodigal God Judy Turner

Children’s Program Kindergarten - 5th Grade Room 217

Childcare 6 month-kindergarten age Available by reservation only (48 hours in advance). Call: 248-7940 ext. 117

Students Mid-High (6-8th grade) 6:30- 8:00 High School (9-12th grade) 7:30-9:00


January 13!

December 4, 5, 6 ~ 2009

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp23

Page 24: Here@First - Dec09

chriStmaS eve services



First Presbyterian Church / 9 South 8th Ave / Yakima, WA // 509-248-7940 //

Christmas 2009

Child-Sized Christmas Service December 13 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00a

Christmas eve Family Services 5:00, 7:00p Traditional Carols and Candles 9:00p

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