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Hero’s Journey ProjectBatman and The Odyssey

By Matthew Childress3rd Rustin


Page 2: Hero’s Journey Project Batman and The Odyssey By Matthew Childress 3 rd Rustin 2/4/12

The Hero’s Journey- Homer’s Odyssey

Belly of the Whale


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Belly of the Whale-Departure- OdysseyIn the Odyssey, Odysseus descends into Hades to speak

to the prophet Tiresias, who will send him on his way to the next leg of his own journey, “Thus to assuage the nations of the dead U pledged these rites, then slashed the lamb and ewe, letting their black blood stream into the wellpit. Now the souls gathered, stirring out of Erebus” (Book 11, 7-10). In mythology, descending to Hades, or Erebus, is a direct example of the Belly of the Whale stage.

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The Hero’s Journey- Homer’s Odyssey

Belly of the Whale


Woman as the Temptress


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Woman as the Temptress- Initiation- Odyssey

Calypso is just one of many women/goddesses as temptresses. Specifically when she holds Odysseus at her island for many years when he wants to return back to Ithaca, “ Son of Laertes, versatile Odysseur, after these years with me, you still desire your old home? Even so, I wish you well. If you could see it all, before you go--- all the adversity you face at sea--- you would stay here, and guard this house, and be immortal---though you wanted her forever, that bride for whom you pine each day. Can I be less desirable than she is? Less interesting? Less beautiful? Can mortals compare with goddesses in grace and form?” (Book 5, 69-79). Calypso still persists to try to convince Odysseus to stay with her, even though he has made up his mind, although he is still tempted.

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The Hero’s Journey- Homer’s Odyssey

Belly of the Whale


Woman as the Temptress


Magic Flight


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Magic Flight- Return- OdysseyHermes gives Odysseus a magical plant that will make him

impervious to Circe’s tricks; also Hermes gives Odysseus a warning, “ Let me tell you of all the witch’s subtle craft… she’ll mix you a potion, lace the brew with drugs, but she’ll be powerless to bewitch you, even so--- this magic herb I give will fight her spells. Now here’s your plan of action, step by step. The moment Circe strikes with her long thin wand you draw your sharp sword sheathed at your hip and rush her fast as if to run her through! She’ll cower in fear and coax you to her bed--- but don’t refuse the goddess’ bed, not hen, not if she’s to release your friends and treat you well yourself” (Book 10, 320-330). Hermes helps Odysseus and intervenes and gives him a plan of action, but does not exactly drag him to where he needs to go, therefore this is an exact example of Magic Flight in The Odyssey.

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The Hero’s Journey- Christopher Nolan’s Batman

Call of Adventure


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Call of Adventure- Departure- Batman

In Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins, Bruce Wayne’s parents are shot in front of him by a desperate man who will do anything to get money, later when the man who shot Bruce’s parents has a hearing for an early parole in exchange for information on Carmine Valocone. The man is shot by one of Valcone’s thugs, at this point now grown up Bruce decides that he will pursue the understanding of criminality, he encounters Rá’s al Ghul who trains him in martial arts and to physical and mental extremity (Batman Begins, Warner Brothers, 2005). Bruce has now begun his adventure.

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The Hero’s Journey- Christopher Nolan’s Batman

Call of Adventure


Woman as the Temptress


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Woman as the Temptress- Initiation- Batman

When Harvey Dent, later Two-Face, and Rachel Dawes, Batman’s oldest friend, are taken by the Joker’s croanies, Batman must choose to save one, either his oldest friend or someone that is good for Gotham’s future (The Dark Knight, Warner Brothers, 2008). This is a clear example of the woman as the temptress, because Rachel promised that when Gotham no longer needed Batman, that they could be together, thus making a difficult decision out of the situation that faces him, but in the end Batman chooses the option that results from him thinking with his head, but this results in Harvey’s face being half melted.

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The Hero’s Journey- Christopher Nolan’s Batman

Call of Adventure


Woman as the Temptress


Rescue from without


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Rescue from Without- Return- Batman

While Batman is battling the Joker over possession of Harvey Dent, Batman has an opportunity to run over the Joker, but he follows his morals and doesn’t, which ends up knocking him out cold, right as Joker is about to take off Batman’s mask or kill him, then Lieutenant Gordon comes from the transport truck to save Batman, the Joker is then brought in (The Dark Knight, Warner Brothers, 2008). While Gordon does not exactly pick Batman up and carry him somewhere he saves Batman from a certain unpleasing fate, thus an example of rescue from without.

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Works Cited

• Allen, Janet. "The Odyssey." Holt McDougal Literature: Texas Grade 9. Texas ed. Evanston, Ill.: Holt McDougal, a division of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2010. 1185-1288. Print.

• Batman Begins. Dir. Christopher Nolan. Perf. Christian Bale, Michael Caine. Warner Brothers, 2005. Film.

• The Dark Knight. Dir. Christopher Nolan. Perf. Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Michael Caine. Warner Brothers, 2008. Film.

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