Page 1: Hertsmere News Spring 2015

HertsmereNewsHertsmere Borough Council’s Magazine Spring 2015

Inside this issueCouncil tax freeze • New e-alertsResidents’ survey results • get fit

Your votematters

Page 2: Hertsmere News Spring 2015

All 39 Hertsmere seats will be up for election on Thursday 7May when a general election will also take place. In addition,all seats at local town and parish councils in Hertsmere will beup for election. The next Hertsmere election will then be duein 2019, with Hertfordshire County Council’s next electiondue in 2017. Being registered to vote gives you an opportunity to

influence what goes on where you live – if you’re notregistered to vote, you won’t have your say and you couldbe refused credit.

Jo Bateman, Principal Electoral Services Officer, said: “We have written to every household in the borough to checkthe information we hold on voters is correct because theregistration system has changed. Individuals are nowresponsible for registering themselves, as opposed to oneperson registering the whole household.”Details of candidates for all elections will be published on

our website, on social media and in local newspapers nearerthe time.

Election news Follow us on Twitter @HertsmereBC

Do you have a view on whathappens in your local area? Then please make sure you arecorrectly registered to vote.

2 | Spring 2015 | Hertsmere News |

Local and general elections7 MayIt's quick & easy to register to voteonline!

> >Ways to REGISTER

The deadline to register to vote is 20 April.

Registering onlineVisit and follow the link. You will need your National Insurance(NI) number.

Registering by postUse the form you should havereceived through your door earlier in the year or contact us – email [email protected] call 020 8207 7481.

Ways to VOTE

In person at a polling stationIf you are registered to vote a poll cardwill be sent to you about five weeksbefore the election. If you do notreceive a poll card please contact us.The card tells you where you should vote– you can onlyvote at yourallocated pollingstation. It ishelpful if youtake your pollcard with youbut you don’thave to.

Voting by postIf you are registered for a postal vote youwill be sent your ballot paper(s) beforethe election and you will need to postthem back to us. To vote by post you needto apply and forms have to be completedand returned by 5pm on 21 April.

Voting by proxyProxy voting means another person canvote on your behalf. To have a proxyvote, forms have to be completed andreturned to us by 5pm on 28 April.You can vote by proxy if:• you will be away on holiday.• you have to work away from home.• you are ill or in hospital.

Have your say on howHertsmere is run

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On the cover:Staff at our National Voter RegistrationDay road show in February – see page 2for details of the upcoming elections.

This magazine is produced byHertsmere Borough Council threetimes a year.

We welcome stories and photos – emailthem to [email protected] The deadline for thenext issue, which is due out in June, is27 April. Each edition costs around 23pper copy to design, print and deliver.When you havefinished with it,please recycle it inyour blue box.

[email protected]


020 8207 2277

Visit us

Contact us

Hertsmere Borough Council Civic Offices, Elstree WayBorehamwood, WD6 1WAOpen Monday to Thursday 9am to5.15pm, Friday 9am to 5pm

Bushey Area OfficeThe Bushey Centre, High StreetBushey, WD23 1TTOpen Tuesdays, 9.30am to 2pm

Potters Bar Area Office Wyllyotts Centre, Wyllyotts PlaceDarkes Lane, Potters Bar, EN6 2HNOpen Thursdays, 9.30am to 2pm

If you would like thismagazine in a differentformat please call 020 8207 7445.

You will be pleased to hear thatyou won’t be paying any more forthe services Hertsmere providesthis year, as we have frozen ourportion of council tax for the sixthyear in a row to continue to helpthose residents who arestruggling. We collect council taxon behalf of a number of otherorganisations and only get 11%of it. Turn to page 6 to find outmore about where your counciltax goes. It’s great to hear that the vast

majority of people are satisfiedwith Hertsmere as a place to liveand with council services, namelywaste and recycling, streetcleaning and parks, according tothe results of the council’s mostrecent independent residents’survey. We’re really encouragedby the results, especially in lightof the continued pressures onour budget, and the responsesaround feeling safe wereparticularly impressive – 99% saythey feel safe in their local areaduring the day and 80% still feelsafe after dark, a 5% increasefrom three years ago. Conducted in a similar way to

how television viewing figures arecompiled (5,100 homes represent

the viewing behaviour of theUK’s 26 million TV households),Opinion Research Services carriedout the survey on our behalf witha random but representationalsample of residents which canthen be extrapolated into figuresfor Hertsmere’s population asa whole. We have asked thesame questions every threeyears since 1999 so we can makecomparisons but will be lookingat whether we need to make anychanges to the survey in thecoming years. Turn to page 7 tofind out more about the survey.Finally, it will be nice to

welcome spring to the borough.Getting out and about when theweather is better is somethingI’m sure we are all lookingforward to and there are plenty ofideas on the centre pages to getyou outdoors and more active.

Councillor Morris BrightLeader of Hertsmere Borough [email protected]@Morris__Bright

ContentsMay elections

Money well spent

Council tax


Scam warning

Don’t be a roadmonster!

Councillor contacts

What’s on









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Community news

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Community Action Hertsmere (CAH) is looking foran honorary treasurer to oversee the financialaffairs of the charity as a member of their board oftrustees.To find out more or to apply please [email protected] orcall 020 8207 4504.

The Mayor of Hertsmere, CouncillorCarey Keates, led the procession throughBushey High Street. He said: "The eventgave us a fitting opportunity to pause toremember the millions who have beenaffected by the Holocaust, NaziPersecution and in subsequent genocides.We must continue to keep the memory

alive and consider what we have learntas a result. The strongest communitiesare those that celebrate differences andwhere there is respect for all.”This year marks the 70th anniversary

of the liberation of the largest Naziconcentration camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau,in 1945.

More than 300 people from across Hertsmere joined a candlelit paradeand ceremony to mark Holocaust Memorial Day in January.

HCC subsidises about 11% of all busesrunning in Hertfordshire, the others arecommercially run so the vast majority ofbus services are not part of theconsultation and won’t be affected byany possible changes. The current consultation proposals

include withdrawing funding fromcontracted services which operate after7.30pm, Monday to Saturday, and thosewhich operate on a Sunday, except forroutes which go directly to a hospital. Ifapproved, the proposals would save nearly £1.5m.

The consultation closes on 10 April.

For more information

or call 0300 123 4036.

Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) isresponsible for providing public transportin Hertsmere and is consulting on how itfunds some bus services in the county.

Follow us on Twitter @HertsmereBC

What’shappening in Herts?Want to find local communitygroups, voluntaryorganisations, services orcheck what’s going on in yourlocal area?

Check out the Hertfordshire Directory – – youcan search by location or keywords anduse filters to help you find the rightthings for you.The directory, managed by

Hertfordshire County Council, is a workin progress so if your group isn’tincluded, add it!


TreasurerwantedGot some time on your hands?Want to put it to good use tohelp your local community?

Have aview of busservices?

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Community news

When reporting issues to HertsmereBorough Council such as fly-tipping,littering and dog fouling, we need as muchinformation as possible to investigate.This is because many environmental issuesare criminal offences and therefore have tobe proved 'beyond reasonable doubt' inany subsequent prosecution. Investigatingofficers ideally need to know:

• Who is reporting the issue – your fullname and contact details so we canliaise with you further if necessary. Areyou willing to give a statement and giveevidence in court if required?

• What you saw – a description of whatthe issue is. Did you see who committedthe offence? Do you know their name,address, vehicle registration?

• Where did the incident take place?• When did the incident take place – dateand time.

• Do you have any photographs of theincident/offence? These can be veryuseful but please do not put yourself atrisk when taking them.

Report issues to the council or

call 020 8207 2277. To find out who dealswith what issues in Hertsmere

What is your view of health andsocial services in Hertsmere? Thatis the question your local NHSservices are asking, in partnershipwith Hertfordshire County Council.

Report itIf you see an issue where you live,please report it to the relevantauthority so action can be taken.

The money has come from Hertsmere’sLocal Strategic Partnership (LSP) whichwas awarded a ‘performance reward grant’in 2010 for meeting certain governmenttargets. The LSP, also known as‘Hertsmere Together’, is committed toworking in partnership to deliver the bestquality and most efficient services toresidents and focuses on creatinghealthier, safer and thriving communities.

Projects include:

• an outdoor gym in Oakmere Park,Potters Bar (right).

• a financial literacy project withHertsmere Citizens Advice Bureau tohelp give residents the skills, knowledgeand confidence to make sound financialchoices.

• providing engaging youth activitiesthat develop personal and work skills foryoung people aged 14 to 30 throughThe Prince's Trust.

• a Coffee Ethic kiosk at our Civic Officesproviding work opportunities for peoplerecovering from drug and alcoholaddiction, helping them to re-integrateinto work and society.

• the delivery of ‘Safer Streets’ byHertsmere Community SafetyPartnership (top) to help vulnerableresidents across the borough stay safe.

• improving the lives of people who leadchaotic lifestyles and suffer from issuessuch as homelessness, drug and alcoholmisuse and mental health issues. It ishoped this pilot project in Hertsmere willhelp lead the way in transforming howsupport services are delivered nationally.

More than half a million pounds has beenspent over the last few years on a host oflocal projects and initiatives to benefitlocal people throughout the borough.

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Need amortgage?

Health servicesin Hertsmere

If you’re looking to get on theproperty ladder, but don’t have alarge deposit, the council could help.

As part of a national scheme, thecouncil can assist first-time buyerswho can afford mortgagerepayments and have a 5% deposit,but do not have a larger depositoften required by mortgage lenders.The scheme allows us to provide a‘financial indemnity’ so that a 95%mortgage can be obtained on asimilar interest rate to a 75%mortgage. The maximum loan sizefor the scheme is £280,000 perproperty, reflecting the relatively highprices of homes in the borough.

For more information >

They’re undertaking a strategicreview of people’s health and socialcare needs across west Hertfordshireentitled ‘Your Care, Your Future’ toensure services are fit for the futureand meet people’s needs. Some Hertsmere residents have

already shared their views,highlighting issues includingdifficulty in getting a doctor’sappointment.Options for how services might be

provided in the future will bepublished this summer andHertsmere residents will be asked toprovide their comments so please getinvolved in this landmark review ofhealth and social care services.

Further details about the review and the need for change

are available online orcall Healthwatch Hertfordshire on01707 275978 to speak to someoneabout your experiences of health andsocial care in west Hertfordshire.


Money well spent


A council officer searching throughdumped rubbish for evidence

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We understand some residents arestruggling with the cost of living sowe have decided not to charge anymore for the services we provide.This means a resident in an averageBand D property will continue to payjust over £157 to the borough councilfor 2015/16 – around £3 a week.

Hertsmere collects council tax everyyear on behalf of other localorganisations so we don’t get thewhole amount you pay each month,we get approximately 11% of it.The rest is allocated to otherorganisations as below.

Financial news

6 | Spring 2015 | Hertsmere News |

You will pay the same amount for services provided byHertsmere Borough Council this year as you did last year,with our portion of council tax being frozen for the sixthconsecutive time.

Council tax frozen – again!

You’ll continue to pay just £3 aweek for Hertsmere services

Hertsmere Borough Council

Services provided include:Benefits, car parking, community safety,elections, environmental health, housingneeds, leisure and parks, licensing,planning, street cleaning, kerbside waste &recycling collections

Tel: 020 8207

Hertfordshire County Council

Services provided include:Adoption & fostering, children’s centres,early years childcare, fire & rescue, health& social care, household waste recyclingcentres, libraries, public health, publictransport, registration and citizenship,roads and road maintenance, schools,street lights, tradingstandards, wastedisposal, youthprovision

Tel: 0300 123 4040www.hertsdirect.orgTwitter:

Town/parish councils (where in place)

Services provided include:Local events & some activities for youngpeople & older people, Christmas lights,some allotments, cemeteries & parks,public clocks, war memorials

Aldenham Parish CouncilTel: 01923

Elstree and Borehamwood Town CouncilTel: 020 8207

Shenley Parish CouncilTel: 01923 855865www.shenleyvillage.orgTwitter: @shenleyvillage

South Mimms Parish CouncilTel: 07976

Hertfordshire Police &Crime Commissioner

Services provided include:Community safety partnerships, crimereduction, neighbourhood policing, roadcrash investigations, tackling serious andorganisedcrime,victims’services

Tel: 01707 806100www.hertscommissioner.orgTwitter: @hertspcc

Contacting local policeTel: 101 (non-emergency)Always dial 999 in an emergencywww.herts.police.ukTwitter:

Where does your council tax go?







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The results of the independent survey, carried out every three years with a random but representational sample of residents, were published inFebruary and generally maintain a similar position to the last survey(conducted in 2011) in spite of the continued pressures on our budget. 89% of residents say they are satisfied with the way the council runs

things and 84% agree that the quality of our services is good overall. And when asked about the area as a place to live, 90% of residents aresatisfied, of which 53% are very satisfied.Leader of the Council Morris Bright said: “We’re really encouraged by the

results of this survey. There have been difficult times financially in thepast few years which have meant we’ve had to make savings and lookclosely at all the services we deliver. We’ve tried to do that withoutaffecting the quality of these services so I’m really pleased to see this verypositive set of results.”

SatisfactionguaranteedIt’s great to know that the vast majority of Hertsmereresidents – nine out of 10 – are still happy with the areaas a place to live, following the results of our latestsatisfaction survey.

90% 84% 84% 75% 70% satisfied with the area where they live(91% in 2011)

agree that thequality of ourservices is good (83% in 2011)

satisfied with our kerbsiderecycling scheme(82% in 2011)

satisfied withstreet cleaning (75% in 2011)

agree that thecouncil treatspeople fairly (65% in 2011)

Key findings:

Just over 1,000 residents were surveyed – a fair sample for the populationas a whole – so we could gauge people’s views about life in the boroughand ensure our services continue to meet the needs of local communities. The results will be looked at closely over the coming months to see if

further improvements can be made on the wide range of services we offer.They also provide a useful insight into the issues that are important toresidents and help to determine what the council should focus on. The survey was conducted by Opinion Research Services (ORS) on our


You can read the full report on our website>

Almost everyone surveyed, 99%, said they felt safe in their local areawhen outside during the day. 80% said they felt safe when outsideafter dark, a 5% increase from three years ago.

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Page 8: Hertsmere News Spring 2015

Park run fun A new weekly run is coming to Aldenham Country Park so get your trainers at the ready!The free, 5km timed runs – one of many health initiativesfunded by Hertsmere’s public health fund – are open to all agesand abilities and will hopefully take place every Saturdaymorning from June. Organiser Glen Turner from parkrun UK explained: “A parkrun isnot a race, it's a timed run with friends and families. They takeplace all over the world and are a great way to get fit and meetnew people in your area.”

For more information or to volunteer to help coordinatethe runs (the average commitment would only be oneSaturday morning every four to six weeks) please or email [email protected]

Health and community news

8 | Spring 2015 | Hertsmere News |

Let’s get physical

Want to try a spot of tenn

is or have a

crack at kick boxing?

As part of the council’s new


Hertsmere’ initiative, a ser

ies of taster

sessions are on offer. No s

kills or equipment

are required and it’s just £3

per session!

• Tennis Tuesdays at Pott

ers Bar Lawn

Tennis Club, The Walk, 6p

m-7pm until 31


• Kick boxing on Wednesd

ays at Windsor

Hall, Blythe Close, Boreham

wood, 7pm-

8.30pm, starting 18 March

for six weeks

For more information plea

se visit


or call 020 8207 7801.

Ladies-onlyfitness If you like the idea of a fitness classthat feels more like a night outyou’ll love Clubbercise.

This new dance fitness craze is one ofmany fun, affordable and socialexercise classes women and girls canchoose from to get moving this spring.

Clubbercise involves easy-to-follow

dance routines, glow sticks, a darkened room, disco lights and club anthems!

But if that’s not your thing, the ‘We move, she moves’ project, funded by Sport

England, also offers boxercise, boot camps, netball, tennis, trampolining,

running, yoga and more. Some sessions will take place in parks from May.

Remember, it doesn’t matter what your ability is, everyone is welcome and

having fun is incorporated into each session. #thisgirlcan

Visit www.wemoveshemoves.comor call 020 8207 7801.

Walk this way Swap your sofa for

a stroll in the great outdoors this

spring – it could help improve your fitness

and your

mental health.

There’s no better time to explore the env

ironment as it’s

Hertfordshire County Council's ‘Year of

Walking’, a

celebration of all the fantastic walking


across the county. Walking is one of th

e easiest ways

to increase your physical activity level

s and delivers

many benefits for health and wellbeing

. It's free, fun,

sociable and can be enjoyed all year ro


For details of organised group walks an

d more

information visit


or call Countryside Management Service on

01992 588433.

Activities forover 65s A brand new project to get moreolder people moving has beenlaunched by Hertsmere Leisurecalled Herts Active Together. Working with other leisure trusts andareas in the county, activities includeaqua aerobics, badminton, exerciseclasses, Pilates, Zumba and more.

For more information

Follow us on Twitter @HertsmereBC

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Come dancing if you’re 50+Fancy learning how to quickstep, cha-cha-cha and jive, justlike on Strictly?

Take to the dance floor at Hertsmere Leisure’s FiftyPlus ballroom and Latin dance class everyWednesday, 2.30pm to 4.30pm, at 96 Shenley Road,Borehamwood.

There’s no need to book, just turn up! The cost is£4.30.

For more information call 01707 645005aor visit

Live WellIf you’re over 50 in Bushe

y or Potters Bar and want to

lead a healthier lifestyle, a new project has been

launched – just for you!

With a focus on improving your health and wellbeing

, help

and advice on offer covers healthy cooking, weight l


support, relaxation techniques, stress management, h


walks and stop smoking sessions.

The Live Well project, supported by the council and m


by Community Action Hertsmere, also aims to help p


get more involved with their community.

For more information call 020 8386 4006 or email

[email protected]

Hit theright note atComposersParkExplore the countryside andwildlife on Hertsmere's doorstepat this relatively unknown greenspace in Elstree which takes itsname from the surrounding roadswhich are named after famouscomposers.

Composers Park boasts a series ofdiverse, colourful and importantwildflower meadows as well as play equipment andseating. Look out for the eye-catching entrance featureoff Watford Road which includes a large treble clef tocapture the attention of passers-by.

Recent park developments, including habitat restorationwork, were managed on our behalf by CountrysideManagement Service and funded by a grant from theHeritage Lottery Fund.

For more information and to download a leaflet onthe site visit

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Page 10: Hertsmere News Spring 2015

You can receive the latest council news straight to your inbox – whetherit’s events in your local park, how to recycle better, getting communitysafety advice or finding out about the latest collection at the museum.

Sign up:


Find out about the thingsthat matter to you.

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Planning news

The amendments were made to the plan,which guides the future development ofhomes and other facilities in the area up to2027, as a result of matters discussed at apublic examination held by an independentplanning inspector last October. The EWC is known as the gateway

into Borehamwood town centre and runsfrom the A1(M), along Elstree Way, up to

the Tesco roundabout. More than 200 comments were received

about the modified plan and the council isnow awaiting a decision from theinspectorate about it. The EWC is now among 29 areas outside

London to be shortlisted following a councilbid to the government to help deliverinfrastructure funding as part of a 'housing

zone'. The final successful 10 schemeswould see central government supportthrough a total of £200m in loans availableto local authorities for necessaryinfrastructure and other remedial work,enabling faster and more coordinateddevelopment. A decision on the successful schemes is

expected in early March.

Elstree WayCorridor update

Borehamwood residents had theirsay on some adjustments to theplan for Elstree Way Corridor(EWC) during a recentconsultation period.

The exercise, which took place last Marchand April and saw the council holding anumber of drop-in sessions in the borough,looked for the public’s views on our draftSite Allocations and DevelopmentManagement Policies document. This Plandesignates areas for commercial, retail andother uses and identifies individual siteswhere development could take place acrossHertsmere up to 2027. The comments submitted by local

residents, businesses, interest groups,landowners and developers are beinganalysed, enabling a revised version to beproduced ready for submission to the

Secretary of State. But before it’s submitted,there will be a six-week period for anyone tomake further comments. Further details ofhow to respond will be well publicised on ourwebsite, on our Facebook and Twitter pagesand in local newspapers. We’ll also write to everyone who

commented last year and to all theindividuals and organisations on ourconsultation database, so if you want tocontinue to be kept informed it is reallyimportant that we have up-to-date contactdetails, particularly if you represent a localorganisation such as a residents’association or interest group.

Any further comments received will beforwarded to the Secretary of State alongwith the revised Plan, and a publicexamination will be organised. Once thatprocess is complete and any modificationshave been made to the document, it will beadopted to guide development across theborough.

If you haven’t already, please signup to receive our planning updates

via email or post – [email protected] or call 020 8207 2277.

Planningour future A public consultation exerciseon where new developmentcould go in the boroughattracted more than 600responses. Thank you toeveryone who got involved.


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Council staff and other communityworkers have received training on how tospot the signs of someone being drawninto terrorism. The session, which is delivered

nationwide, focused on protectingvulnerable people who could besusceptible to extremist indoctrination.Around 60 people attended from a rangeof services across the borough includinghousing staff, local councillors and policeofficers.The council's Chief Executive, DonaldGraham, said: "Everyone has a role toplay in ensuring Hertsmere remains a safeplace. Our workforce is in regular contactwith members of the community so it’simportant that we are aware of the signsto look out for and how to raise concerns.”

To report or discuss concerns about someone, call the police non-emergency number 101 or the confidential Anti-TerroristHotline on 0800 789 321.

Representatives from Hertsmere BoroughCouncil, Hertfordshire County Council andlocal police and fire services have beenworking with pupils, parents and teachersacross the borough to raise awareness of thedangers and consequences of being a roadmonster on the school run. Specialassemblies have been held as well as patrolsoutside each school giving drivers theopportunity to sign a ‘parking pledge’,promising local pupils that they will parkmore considerately in future.This campaign follows on from our saferschool parking banners which serve as a

constant reminder on school entrances andrailings that parking in restricted areas canendanger your children.Caroline Geary, Civil Enforcement Officer

Supervisor, said: “Parents especially shouldknow the dangers of flouting restrictions onthe roads – they are there for a reason, tohelp keep your children safe. We would alsoencourage families to ditch the car and walkto school instead which will help keep you fitand save you the petrol money.”So far the campaign has been rolled out toschools in Borehamwood, Bushey andRadlett.

Don’t be a road monster!

Raise community safetyissues at local groupsDid you know there are local groupsthat meet regularly to talk aboutneighbourhood issues such as anti-social behaviour, local crime figuresand community safety initiatives?

Run by Hertsmere Community SafetyPartnership (CSP), which comprises localorganisations including the council, policeand fire service, the groups meet three timesa year and are chaired by a communityrepresentative. Why not pop along to yourlocal group’s next meeting and get involved:


Who to reporthate crime toIf you or someone you know is a victimof a hate crime you can now report it tothe council.A hate crime is any criminal offencethat is motivated by hostility or prejudicebased upon a person’s disability,ethnicity, race, religion or belief, sexualorientation or transgender identity. Thisincludes physical assault, swearing ormaking abusive remarks, spitting orinsulting gestures, intimidation, bullyingat school, college or a place of work anddamaging or stealing property.Many victims don’t feel comfortable

talking to the police or are concernedthey won’t be taken seriously soHertsmere Borough Council has becomea ‘third party reporting organisation’.Any information you give in this way isconfidential and anonymous if youprefer. You can still report hate crime to the

police or online through the True Visionwebsite which all police forces link to.

For more information, support and advice or contact the council – our fullcontact details are on page 3.

Do you turn into a road monster when dropping off your child at school? If you’re running late do you stop or park where you know you shouldn’t?Parking and stopping inconsiderately outside schools is dangerous and oftenillegal but it’s hoped, with your cooperation, that a new multi-agency roadsafety campaign will go some way to help reduce the problem in the borough. | Hertsmere News | Spring 2015 | 13

Pupils from Meryfield Primary School in Borehamwoodwith representatives from the Road Monster campaign

Community safety newsWorking in partnershipfor a safer Hertsmere

Aldenham and Bushey19 May, 7pm, Queens’ School, Aldenham Road

Borehamwood and Elstree1 June, 6.30pm, Civic Offices, Elstree Way

Potters Bar, Ridge, Shenley and South Mimms17 June, 7pm, Wyllyotts Centre, Darkes Lane

For more information or call020 8207 7801.

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Hertfordshire’s Help to Buy New Homes ShowHelp to Buy East and South East are the appointed Agent for Hertfordshire and we are bringing our New Homes Show 2015 to Hatfi eld.

Ramada Hotel, St Albans Road West, Hatfi eld AL10 9RH

Saturday 16th May 10.30am-4pm

Tel: 03333 214044


Find out about the different schemes, existing and upcoming developments in and around Hertfordshire, as well as get advice from our specialist team, Independent Financial Advisors and solicitors.

With a range of Housing providers showcasing homes available for Help to Buy, whether its Equity Loan or Shared ownership you are looking for, or simply just to get some friendly advice on the different schemes – our event is totally free, with free parking and free advice. You won’t want to miss out!












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(Con) = Conservative

(Lab) = Labour

Susan Maughan (Con) [email protected]

020 8207 7578

Caroline Clapper (Con) [email protected]

07818 427745

Charles Goldstein (Con)[email protected]

01992 652222

Sam Dobin (Con)[email protected]

07737 219318


John Graham (Con)[email protected]

07976 360961

Borehamwood BrookmeadowAldenham WestAldenham East

Farida Turner (Con)cllr.farida.turner@

020 8953 4347

Ann Harrison (Lab) – Group [email protected]

01707 657379

Ernie Butler (Lab)[email protected]

01908 610593

Sandra Parnell (Con)[email protected]

020 8953 0832

Jean Heywood (Con)[email protected]

07793 868645

Richard Butler (Lab)[email protected]

07706 079439

Borehamwood KenilworthBorehamwood HillsideBorehamwood Cowley Hill

Leslie Winters (Con)[email protected]

07931 858280

Steve O’Brien (Con)[email protected]

01923 802736

Seamus Quilty (Con)cllr.seamus.quilty@

01923 246485

Paul Morris OBE (Con) [email protected]

07813 918881

Brenda Batten (Con)[email protected]

020 8950 1892

Jane West (Con)[email protected]

01923 449950

Linda Silver (Con)[email protected]

020 8950 9251

Bushey Heath Bushey North Bushey Park

Peter Knell (Con) [email protected]

07802 631984

Morris Bright (Con) – Leader of the [email protected]

020 8207 7570

Pervez Choudhury (Con)[email protected]

07719 788185

Brian Legate (Con)[email protected]

01767 448954

Martin Worster(Con) – Deputy [email protected]

01707 662688

Bushey St James Potters Bar Furzefield

John Donne (Con)[email protected]

01707 658063

Penny Swallow (Con)cllr.penny.swallow

020 8207 3365

Robert Calcutt (Con)[email protected]

01707 655019

Paul Hodgson-Jones (Con)[email protected]

01707 660852

Rosemary Gilligan (Con)[email protected]

01923 857402

Peter Wayne (Con)[email protected]

01923 857955

Potters Bar Oakmere Potters Bar Parkfield Shenley


Dr Harvey Cohen (Con)[email protected]

07974 910215

Clive Butchins(Con)[email protected]

020 8953 1827

Jon Galliers(Lab)[email protected]

020 8953 4351

Michelle Vince(Lab)[email protected]

07549 130736

Anne Swerling(Con)[email protected]

020 8950 8923

Peter Rutledge(Con)[email protected]

01923 449950

Ruth Lyon(Con)[email protected]

01707 644302

Abhishek Sachdev(Con)[email protected]

07712 837990

Carey Keates(Con) – [email protected]

020 8387 3163

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You can contact your ward councillors at any reasonable time. Hertsmere has aConservative majority, with 33 Conservative and five Labour councillors. Yourcouncillors are listed in alphabetical order by ward. If you don’t know which wardyou live in, please visit or call 020 8207 7558.

Meet yourCouncillors

All seats are up for election on 7 May

Page 16: Hertsmere News Spring 2015

16 | Spring 2015 | Hertsmere News |

Thrift Farm Lane, Borehamwood 020 8238 7288

21 March | 7pmRotary Club Variety Show Including supper. £15

22 March | 7.30pmPiano recital Featuring concert pianistMichael Harvey. £12-£15

14 April | 10.30am-3pmEaster holiday children’s workshopJoin the Superhero Academy foran action-packed day ofactivities including a screening ofthe Lego movie and free popcornfor all. £10

2 May | 8pmQuoincidence Status Quo tribute band £12

9 May | 8pmHits from the BlitzExperience the sound of the1940s in a commemoration ofthe 70th anniversary of VE Day.£12

12 May | 6pmBallet Cymru’s CinderellaAn enchanting interpretationideal for young (and older) danceenthusiasts alike, with a chanceto meet the cast. £10-£15

27 June | 8pmBBC Elstree Concert Band presentsA tribute to the Armed Forces. £7.50

Wyllyotts Place, Darkes Lane, Potters Bar 01707 645005

22 March | 11am & 2pmJurassic AdventuresA brave cast of actors, a funscript, superb scenery & of coursedinosaurs! Ages 3+ £13-£15, family of 4 £50

28 September | 8pmSupreme QueenFantastic tribute featuring anarray of Queen hits. £17-£19

10 April | 8pmKast Off KinksFormer members of thelegendary Kinks take to thestage. £18-£19

17 April | 8pmTotally TinaLive music with all of TinaTurner’s hits. £17-£18

15 May | 8pmDirty DustingComedy play starring Crissy Rockfrom ‘Benidorm’. £19-£21

Run by Hertsmere Leisure.Entrance to events is usually free.Please contact them forfurther details: 01442 [email protected]

Easter egg huntsIncludes face painting, magician,bouncy castle, mini funfair,prizes, games and a special guestappearance! £1 per child

7 April | 12pm-4pmAberford Park, Borehamwood

8 April | 12pm-4pmOakmere Park, Potters Bar

9 April | 1.30pm-3.30pmRose Garden, Bushey

25 MayRainbow RunFurzefield Centre, Potters BarFor more information, please look under ‘events’.

Run by Hertsmere Leisure.Please contact them forfurther details: 01707

26 MarchOxford UniversityMuseum of NaturalHistory Among its most famous featuresare the Oxfordshire dinosaurs,the Dodo and the swifts in thetower. Includes free time in citycentre. £19

14 MayBorde Hill Gardenwith head gardener’s tourDescribed as one of thecountry’s truly great gardens byCountry Life magazine. £29.50

96 Shenley Road, Borehamwood01442

First Thursday of everymonth | 10.30am-11.30amGoing Down the VillageReminiscence group – pop in fora cuppa and chat about oldtimes. Free

21 MarchWords in the Wood Joint event with BorehamwoodLibrary with stalls and exhibitsbased around the story ‘WhereThe Poppies Now Grow’ as partof WWI commemoration events.Free

Until JuneOver by ChristmasExhibition looking at how WWIaffected local people andincludes a digital ‘walk through’of Borehamwood in 1914 puttogether from archivephotographs. Free

Wyllyotts Centre, Darkes Lane01707

Until JuneMagna CartaExhibition looking at the historyof the document on its 800thanniversary giving thebackground to the 1215agreement, widely regarded asthe beginning of the concept ofdemocracy. Free

What’s onCome along to an event near you!

The Ark

Potters Bar Museum

Wyllyotts Theatre

Park events

50+ Coach Trips Elstree & BorehamwoodMuseum

Crissy Rock inDirty Dusting

at the WyllyottsTheatre this


Rainbow Run

Borde Hill Garden


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