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Screenplay analysis: He’s just not that into you. He’s just not that into you is written by Abby Kohn and Marc Silverstein, which is also a book adaptation written by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo. Format: The screenplay is well formatted, with the action, character and dialogue at the right location. The pages are very balance, not too much dialogue or actions with long paragraphs. There are a good amount of spacing and whites within each page. The character’s actions and dialogues flow naturally without me the reader having to go back and re read to understand the story. Characters: Although the story is told through GIGI, the protagonist, many other characters appear quite frequent in the story but also play an important part in the story. This breaks my expectation because with so many characters, I expect them to all come together at the end for one big happy reunion. Although the story has a happy ending for Gigi, others were not so lucky. I think is good, because it creates balance and too much happy ending seems unrealistic. Emotions: This script does not evoke strong emotions, but it has a few funny moments. Some of the characters are more active than others, with Gigi being the most eager and impatient to find a man. As a result, I find myself calm most of the time, once in a while laugh a little bit. Over all: Over all, it’s a pretty good read, but seems a little unrealistic in my opinion. Gigi appears socially slow when it comes to finding a man, which is quite shocking because more often than it is men who have trouble getting laid. But I find her character interesting and I rooted for her for putting herself out there with such intensity. Over all I love it.  

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