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 ALTA 1008 - Part Zero

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report

‘Changes in language precede changes in behavior.’

By Tenax SE for

 Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing

reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report.

 Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words

used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future

developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack 

thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of 

this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves

incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental

aberrations on the part of the reader.


 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in brackets [aspect]. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (attributes). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '.

Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Navigation links are in italicized 

bold green, and red when visited.

Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set.

Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series.

This report in the series created from summation of data from previous ALTA 0708 series reads as well as interpretation of the first 5.11

million reads of the 1008 series.

Start Here....

Yes, we are aware of the 'death to ron paul' memes out-and-about. For a variety of reasons relating to what we *don't* know about how

time, and predictions work, we won't be discussing specific assassination information in these reports. If we had any information whichwould/could be actionable, we will send it along via channels provided by universe.


Populace/USofA - Urban Homesteading, Pre-echoes

The last of the longer term data from the last run has been confirmed by the immediacy value set just processed in so far as the [secrets

revealed] meta data layer and this month of December, 2007.

Already begun within the grand "Venus. Terra and other planets" conjunction, the [energies from space] for December are linguistically

 predicted to take a large jump upward beginning on the 19th. Or rather downward, at least according to the release chart below as they

will coincide with an increase in release language. Along with the increasing [energies from space] there arises a directly proportionate

increase in the [secrets revealed] meta data layer. The immediacy data sets from this 1008 series gathering effort are in support of the long

term sets in pointing toward an [explosion] of [secrets revealed] within the Populace/USofA. Much of this [secrets revealed] meta datalayer impact on this entity is focused on 2/two contexts, those of [politics] and [economy].

The [secrets revealed] layer directly held by the Populace/USofA entity, sub set of [politics], is heavily internally cross linked to the

[economy, financial] sub set. Then each are also focus sub sets within the contexts supporting the manifestation of the [secrets revealed]

within the Populace/USofA entity. In other words, the [secrets revealed] data set held by the Populace/USofA entity, is supported by the

focal sub sets of [politics] and [economy], and as such their sub sets are directly supporting of the [secrets revealed] manifestation within

the Populace/USofA. This means that the supporting sets for [politics/economy] of [death] and [trauma], and [discord] and [destruction]

are directly in support of the primary aspect/attribute set of [secrets revealed]. The Populace/USofA entity has numerous [economic]

supporting sets which are also tainted by the [secrets (about a traumatic death) revealed] which are shown within the immediacy data as

creating an echo/resonance which will directly impact the 2008 election. The immediacy sets are showing that this impact arises from the

December 19th through the 23rd period. The [secrets revealed] component also is pointing toward [new revelations (about) bad housing].

Much of the [secrets revealed] which will come out post December solstice need to be noted as mere trickles relative to what begins with

the emotional tension building period of January 24th, 2008 and beyond.

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As the [election echoes] begin to form relative to the [secrets] coming out in late December, early January, the real ramp up in impacts of 

the memes let loose does not show until after the release language turns into building tension talk after January 24th. At that point we

have language sets building rapidly in support of [corporations] and [globalism], and [taxes], and [fiscal allocations], and [financial

 blockages]. These sets are all building from that point onward, and begin to do so very rapidly in February. The [visibility] factors of these

memes rises in late February toward a crescendo of [public awareness] when language such as [no return], and [will not come back], and

[no more bounces] will be heard on the teevee in reference to the [usofa dollar]. These sets are also in support of the meta data layer of 

[revolution] as it is directly held by the Populace/USofA entity, as well as participating in the support of the meta data layer at the

modelspace level. Basically a whole lot of import is given to the lexical sets. The prognostication/interpretation is for a [crisis] to develop

relative to [financials/finances/dollar] which gets lots of teevee coverage in mid to late February. Then the global markets reaction is such

that the teevee commentors will be speaking phrases such as 'no bounce-back' and 'no return (for the) buck'.

It is the [visibility] factor rise which can act as a temporal marker. We think it appears within the month of February, shading towards the

end from about the 14th. However the timing may be off, but the phrases seem to be very good clues along with the high visibility

summations. Without regard to the date of occurrence, the appearance of the teevee talking heads discussing [no bouncing dollars] will be

a very good marker for the next step of the manifestation of the dollar death, the [internal trouble days/weeks].

With the acknowledgement of the [dollar demise] even tacitly with a teevee [sigh] precedes the more dramatic impacts to follow which

will include tensions rising to such a degree that the [attacks on the press] will escalate as [money faces] within the teevee world are [paid

vengeance] by persons [casually met]. Also over the weeks following the teevee [wake for dollar], the [populace] will begin to exhibit

some very differing behavior including [riots], [looting], and [mob rampages]. As if that is not enough, there will be an increasing number 

of [friction] incidents in which the [keepers of social order] will be interacting with [dropouts/refugees] who have [opted out of social

fabric] and into [self organizing collectives]. The first of these [friction] incidents will apparently be focused on [housing] and will involve

[large/big scale urban homesteading]. Of course the ThePowersThatBe will [claim ownership] of the [property], and will be heard to shout

[squatting] as their [justification] for [repression].


The projections from the last of the long term data from 0708 are continuing to accrue values within the contexts of [diaspora], and

[employment crash]. While the latter is arguably on-going, with unemployment {ed note: as measured by 1974 Dept of Labor 

descriptions} running now at nearly 12/twelve percent, and under employment so rampant as to defy measurement, the data is pointing to

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a large increase in the form of [related bubbles] of [unemployment] appearing over late [winter] and into [spring]. The rise in the

[visibility] of the sharp increase in [unemployment] comes near to the turn into the building tension period after January 24th. The

[visibility] sums continue to rise in both [duration] and [intensity] suggesting that from mid January onward, an increasing number of 

words will be used within the global mediastream discussing the [rising unemployment] trends. These trends do not show a peak within

the data sets we have now. The longer term data sets from 0708 are confirmed by the immediacy data, but no extension to the

[employment crash] timeline can be expected to appear until we have processed the shorter term value sets later in this ALTA series.

As the modelspace is progressed into the new year, the [Bush wars of aggression] as a context are showing for increased [violence], and

[decline]. The [decline] is supported by [power], and [energy]. At the support levels for both of these, [currency] is providing the rising

emotional values. The idea is that [dollar crisis/death] will ripple in its impact to directly affect [planning] and [movements] within the

[wars]. Coincident to the [decline] of [power/energy/currency] for [wars], the [chain] of [enemies] not only grows, but mounts a late[winter] offensive on several [visible] fronts.

A grouping of cross links to the GlobalPop entity, as well as to the ThePowersThatBe entity are centered, within Populace/USofA, on the

[fbi/cia]. In this aspect/att ribute set the support rises from [death/drama/secrets], and [active karma manifesting]. Further supporting

aspect/attribute sets go to the [phenomena] context which has links to the [denied (by) officialdom] sub set within SpaceGoatFarts entity.

So the whole of the area needs to be taken as a clump for interpretation. The numbers of cross links make it difficult, however it appears

that a [reintegration/restructure] of the [secrets business/spies/investigators] will occur. Curiously, the dominant aspect in a number of 

supporting sets is [religion], and that is supported yet again by extensive cross links over to the [officially denied] sub set of 

SpaceGoatFarts. It is tempting to interpret the totality of the set as predicting that the [phenomena religion] which is [central/internal] to

the [spies business] here in the USofA will be [wracked] by [reformation]. As a sub set of the support, the [visibility] summations of the

aspect/attributes point to this becoming more or less 'open' by Summer solstice. As [symptoms] of the [reformation] of the [ufo/space goat

farts] tainted [phenomena religion], the [fbi/cia/spies_like_us] will *all* be in [transformation] as the [underpinnings/pilings

/support_layers] for their [global perspective] are [broken open]. This last aspect/attribute set participates in the [secrets revealed] meta

data layer. Much of the 'kick off' for the [transformation] meme within the [spies business] is provided by the extensive links to the[royals] sub set within the GlobalPop entity. Not good stuff here either.

The modelspace would seem to be pointing to a period in which the 'powers that be' or self claimed 'elite' who have assumed rule will be

running into their [active karma]. This sub set of [active karma] is newly formed, and is apparently building to a fully correct and

complete context set. However, at the moment, and just as support for the number of links from the [secrets revealed] sub set of the

Populace/USofA over to ThePowersThatBe entity, the set is interpreted as predicting that 2008 will be a year of [manifest

trials/challenges] for the TPTB at levels not known for [centuries]. Noting that we *always* err on the extreme side of language, and

therefore we have to continuously tone down the expectations, we nonetheless are impressed by the very large increase in accretion

 patterns for the ThePowersThatBe entity within this early part of the processing. At a meta data level, that *can't* be a good sign. The

ratio of new aspects for this entity is up by 20/twenty per cent or so. The totality of emotional tension summations across all the descriptor 

array types is up several fold even though we are currently in a release language period. These pattern changes indicate that the [elites] of 

the world will be occupying a whole lot of media time this coming year, and likely most of it will *not* be as a result of anything pleasant.

Echo points are also forming off the [fbi/cia/spies_like_us] sub set which go directly to a 'pre election' point sometime in October of 2008.This echo area is not yet complete enough to have greater granularity on its for now the modelspace is pointing to late

October as the reemergence of the [secrets revealed] influence from [fbi/cia/spies]. When the echo does manifest, it will bring along an

emotional tone supported by [upset], and [shocking changes], and [last minute alterations/changes], and [secret agencies]. Also along with

this area are Terra entity links going to [bad weather], and that is of a seriously BAD kind. This area shows that [bad weather] will

 produce [turn arounds] and [inaccurate counts]. The whole of the area here is somehow linking the [spies/secrets_agencies] and the

[election] later in the year as a result of the [secrets revealed] meme, and the [outbreak/exposure] which will come into [visibility] in late


GlobalPop - Royal Pains, Evil Weather 

The longer term values from 0708, confirmed by continued accretion of supporting aspect/attributes from the 1008 immediacy values

sets, have brought [royal england] to the fore of modelspace. This appearance is in several differing sub sets within the GlobalPop entity,

 but also directly held within the Populace/USofA entity. To further complicate the situation, there are huge layers of cross links between

the entities involving the [royal england] aspect/attribute set.

As the context is very specific, the [royal england] sub set brings up a particular view of 'universe' which is labeled 'royal england' as the

descriptor set includes [royals] from [england] as the central pin in the context. However the range of aspect/attribute sets supporting the

context is very broad and includes such historical items as all past 'wars for royals' and 'royal tariffs on trade'. The primary core of the

descriptors are extracted from over 40/forty thousands of aspects sets, and is focused on the 'modern' [royals] from approximately King

George 3/III forward. Special emphasis is of course centered on the current crop of [royals], with a very large associated sub sets going to

[bilderbergers], [illuminati], and even [special blood]. The context contains loci of interests such as [finance], and [international intrigue].

Within the newly rising data sets for [royal england] we note that [secrets revealed] will dominate. Actually, it looks like it will 'kick ass'.

the [secrets revealed] sub set directly held by GlobalPop is dominated in its mass of newly accruing values by [royals] and [royal england]

sub sets. These sub sets are pointing toward [religion/religious] which in turn is supported by [blood] and [scandals], and [crash/burning]

and [power]. This last is [power] with a [planetary] scope, not merely [england].

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The [royal england] sub set rises within the GlobalPop entity with support coming from [death] and [drama]. Both are high value contexts.

In this case we have the [drama] in support of the [death] meme. However, please note that the [death] is *not* limited to the [royal

england] as the supporting sets are pointing toward [deaths] in the plural. These supporting sub sets are being influenced by, or are

 participating in, the [secrets revealed] meta data layer. Further, the [revolution] meta data layer is also very particularly strong within the

[royals england] sub set. The interpretation is that the [revolution] applies in the sense of [turning upside down], and the [upsetting of the


The interpretation of the supporting details goes toward the idea that [china,australia,india, iran, and the usofa] will have especially

[dramatic] and [disturbing] [manifestations] which will be related to, or come from the [secrets revealed] about the [royals]. In all cases

the [history] of the individual countries will shape how the reaction to the [secrets revealed] meme flows through the populations. At least

within China, the reactions are to be [violent], and [confirmatory], while within [usofa] the reaction is supported by [shock], and[stunned], and [denial], and [disbelief]. Within Iran, the response is said to be [jubilant] with support for that coming from [exposure] of 

[known conspiracies]. This last is also supported with [personal reconciliation] and cross linked to the Populace/USofA as though the

 peoples of Iran and the USofA will come to realize that a [common enemy] exists which binds them. Both Australia and India are

described as [mourning] after the [news (of) secrets revealed] penetrates the mass consciousness. The [secrets revealed] will include

[financial], and [sexual], and [death], and [drama]. All of this has a very high [visibility] value and should take a considerable part of 2008

to play out, given the intensity, and duration value sets.

As the [royals of england] find their [supreme wealth] and [supreme power] to be [suddenly/without warning] [crumbling], they will react

very badly indeed. The data sets could actually be interpreted as indicating that the greater sin of the current crop of [royals] will be their 

[arrogance] and [mean-spiritedness] in response to universe's [secrets revealed] meme. The data is very clear that the reaction of the

[royals] goes a long way toward [elevating] the [exposure] into [consciousness], and actually precipitates the [backlash] against

[open/blatant cruelty].

The [secrets revealed] aspect/attribute set which is directly held by the GlobalPop, sub set [royals england] contains support from[religious organizations/religions], and [financial]. Apparently the [exposure] of [moneys] which are [funding dramatic death] will be part

of the [release (of) secrets revealed] such that the [royals power structure/organization] reacts [inappropriately] and with [snarling

vengeance]. This perceived [over-reaction] is the proximate cause for even further [investigation] which turns up even more [shocking]

material and it is this secondary effect of [secrets revealed] which will bring [royals] to a point where they [avoid] going to [public

funeral] of a [prominent elite] due to [dangers], and [distrust] of their [safety], even among their own.

The [royals] aspect/attribute set also gains immediacy values with longer term associations which include [death], and [drama] at yet

another level within the [hierarchy]. Part of this area is cross linked over to the Populace/USofA entity where it terminates in

[officialdom], with sub sets in [fbi/cia/spies/agents].

There are temporal markers within the [royals england] set for an increase in visibility between December 29th, and January 4th relative

to the [secrets revealed] meta data layer, as well as the [power/authority threatened] meme. Later in the year, probably within early

March or so, another echo effect of this [royals] in trouble meme surfaces, but the data sets are lacking details at this point in the


Along with the [royals] more [visible] problems within the global mediastream, the data sets are pointing to a blizzard of [small cuts]

which will afflict the ThePowersThatBe in association with the rising [visibility] of the [royals secrets]. There are specific cross links for 

[sexual scandal] which will spread like a disease through the TPTB as it becomes a focal point in the [royals] front page pains. This area

of support also includes a number of cross links over to the [officialdom] sub set of the [denial] sub set of the SpaceGoatFart entity. A

very confusing mass indeed. Interpretation is very difficult given that the cross links have a higher emotional sum than the areas being


Other problems along the line of [evil weather] are to beset the GlobalPop this [winter]. Specifically the [evil weather] will refer to a

[disaster] with far reaching impacts on both [populace] and the [economics] of the planet. The [diaspora] aspect/attribute set has accrued

to the supporting sub sets for this [omen of disaster]. The [disaster] sub set includes support for [power/energy/electricity] and that in turn

has supporting sets indicating that [power] will be [reduced] to a [small fraction] of its need by the [disaster]. There will also be long term

effects from the [evil weather/climate/occurrence] with respect to [barriers] which [open], and [shafts/axles] which are both supported by

[large/huge]. The [disaster] will not only impact humans, but also specifically noted are their [goats]. Apparently the [goats] will be[lost/let_free] in some large numbers, or else they will be very special [goats] indeed as the emotional sums for [visibility] and [duration]

values are very high. The sub set for [disaster] also includes [gridlock], and [filled rows/canals], and an after math in which the [flooding]

will be seen as [near/almost normal]. There are [snow] references for this [disaster] and what indicators we have for [rain] do not appear 

in strength until after the [disaster] set forms, so the first idea that comes across is an avalanche of some striking severity. There are

specific references to [shovels], and [straining engines (huffing in the) cold]. Other supporting references point to [nature] *not* being

[conquered] as the [engineers] may have thought. So it would seem prudent to say that 'poor engineering' may also participate in the

unfolding of the [disaster].

We have specific references which do no good whatsoever toward discovering a location. Instead we have descriptors of the [dead end

road] which will be on video once the [disaster] hits. It is described as [filled to overflowing] and [canal like] though [stationary/no

movement]. Further descriptors include the aspect/attribute sets for [sinking hip deep (in the) dead end road], and [unable to advance],

and [no retreat]. There are other aspect/attributes for [high walls] which are suddenly [darkened] and [inaccessible]. The [walls] are

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described as being [mudded/sculpted]. So, not too revealing.

Other aspects/attributes for the [disaster] sub set include [challenging] which is supporting the [recovery] after the fact. Then there are

aspects of [preparation] which is supported by [success], and this area has a high [visibility] sum pointing to extensive coverage within the

global mediastream.

Terra - Still Stuck 

As we note within the graphic below (from 0708) the persistent weather patterns over north America are still holding. The number of 

storms stacked up off the western coast will predictably increase the amount of airborne moisture which will make it across the Rockies to

impact the rest of the continent. However, it still appears that the drought belabored south eastern USofA will continue drying out, just asthe lower middle states will continue to be a focus for flooding. It is also likely that an increasing number of moisture laden storms will

make it all the way to the Atlantic states as winter progresses. And given the potential for increasing cold over the northern hemisphere

this winter as a result of the current planetary alignment {ed note: see base knowledge article}, it is probable that linguistic support for 

[energy shortages] within north America are correct.

The patterns of [winter] will increasingly seem to float within diagonal bands over most of the northern hemisphere. The [storms

concentration] meme is still building for the [west coast] of northern America, and for the west coast of [europe]. These storms will be

impacting of the whole of their respective continents. In western Europe, patterns of cold air will be forced to the east by unusual polar 

flows, including warm area convergence zones which will alter the jet streams. This will draw in moisture from equatorial climes into the

storm patterns affecting Europe, as well as continental Russia, and far western Asia. The level of storm activity will increase measurably,

 providing many record breaking rain water events, including [floods], and [mud slides], however the storm fronts will also be atypically

stationary, increasing the damage and risk levels. An exception to the [stationary] feel to European weather patterns will be the far north,

including Greenland, and the nearby islands which will act as a sort of anchor around which storm systems will develop, and the far 

eastern area of the North Sea including inland both into Finland, and to the south through Poland, and pushing through the various river 

valleys back up toward the Alps. In both of these exceptions, the issue is of [oscillation] of effects.

In north America the [floods] concentration within the central USofA has significantly begun, but the [rain water] forecast has notmanifested as wet water, but rather ice and snow. The damage levels are probably larger with the [rain in solid form] floods, but it may

well be that the local residents of the area will be able to speak to just this point as [winter] progresses. There are continuing

aspect/attributes growing in support of [floods] for the middle 'band' of north America. The supporting aspect/attribute sets also continue

to accrue to the [southwest] being affected by the [rainwaters] to the level of [floods] in 2008.

Both in China, and other areas of the [south west Pacific basin] specific [wind] based problems will develop. Not only usual sorts of 

[coastal flooding], but also [wind driven waves] which are indicated to [upsurge/overtake/rise_up_into fresh water rivers (and) aquifers]

with expected [diaspora] effects. The indication of [loss of underground waters] is mostly focused on [australia], but there are several

other areas in [southern asia] including the [Philippine Islands] where [polluted waters] is a rising aspect/attribute set within the Terra

entity sub set for their locations. The [winds] of 2008 will be such that several areas not used to [damage] from [atmosphere] will be

struck to the level of [naming/labeling] the [wind storms].

For at least the duration of the [planetary alignment], that is, through early January, the [cold] patterns will persist in both hemispheres. In

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the southern hemisphere, the [colder airs] in the [upper atmosphere] will create [un-seasonal rains] and [heavy rainfall] in [new places].

The [rains] will contribute to [late summer flooding] as well as [mudslides]. The [mudslides] are supported by very high [visibility]

summations. These are indicative of much global mediastream chatter, therefore the inference is for a corresponding high [damage] level.

The [instability] which will create the conditions for the [mud slides] arises from [water saturation] and thus all large newly cleared, high

land areas should be considered suspect once the [rains] start.

The last of the longer term data sets from 0708, when used to progress the modelspace to the limits of their range, and noting that details

are lacking at this level of extension, show that October through December of 2008 will bring [global weather impacts]. These are shown

as being [unexpected storms] of [unexpected ferocity]. Further there are supporting layers for [unseasonable storms] in the sense of fierce

[winter storms] striking in mid Fall, or early October. The [impacts] of the [storms/weather/climate] in Fall of 2008 are so severe as to

 participate in the [markets catastrophe] which also begins at that point. Like the [currency/money/wealth] problems, the extent of the[weather/climate shocks] are so long lasting as to not be able to be predicted at this point. Our data simply maintains the same ratios of 

linguistic structures out to the absolute far end of the range, or about 3 years from now.

Markets - Bush Bust, Snarling Beasts, Startlement

As reality manifests in global markets with the housing crumble reaching the center of the financial cookie, and the credit drought

deepening so that the cracks in the institutional mud begin to show, and the dollar woes looking systemic causing USofA consumer prices

to rise, the linguistics around a [depression/recession] are showing up in the mainstream global media, and not merely the 'financial press'.

Even A. Greenspan is being widely quoted about recession in articles with lots of preparatory language associated. The linguistics are

representative of what we have been seeing for the dollar since early in 2007, and the accretion patterns for the Markets entity continue

to pile on. However bad it may be at the moment, and even given the dire forecasts for the first quarters of 2008, the last of the 0708 long

term data is focusing on the worst of the [bush depression] to actually begin in late 2008, that is, in October. Further the [depression]

language emotional sums within modelspace from this longer term data set, is replicating the general trend of the release language for that

 period. It is forecasting that the [bush depression] will begin in early October, and that the first wave of the impacts will last through toFebruary 2009 with *no* let up. Thereafter the data sets point to a more or less 'normal' depression with the second wave component

lasting through to about March of 2010.

The longer range value sets from 0708, as well as the first immediacy sets processed from this series are pointing to 3/three distinct

 periods of [gyrations/swings] in [markets] of all kinds. The data sets are describing these [gyrations] as being [in a box], or [contained

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within boundaries]. The [gyrations/volatility] *will* be pointing to [significant stresses/changes] which will [spill out/over] into the

[general population], likely impacting the [political] action of the season. Further these [gyrations] will be signaling [dramatic impacts] to

affect specific areas of the [economic structure] over the course of the first 3/three quarters of the year. These 3/three points of [gyrations

in a box] are actually defined as [more normal than not], though it is the months of August and September in which the data suggests that

[bulls run]. This area is defined as the [last hurrah/cheer], or [1/one last time], and comes just prior to what is clearly a bad sign for the

markets, that is, the rise of the aspect of [plunge] to prominence as the modelspace is progressed through to October of 2008. This

[plunge/crisis] is supported by aspect/attribute sets for [global] in nature, and [systemic] and [not recoverable/broken_beyond_repair].

As may be expected, the cross links between Markets entity, ThePowersThatBe entity, and Bushista entity are so thick as to resemble

shag carpeting. What the Markets entity is pointing to is the 'labeling' of the coming [catastrophe] as the [Bush Bust], or [Bush's

Depression]. The long range data sets are not very detailed, but at the higher level are very clear that Bush will be [saddled] and [ridden todeath] by the [depression] forming now for Fall of 2008. Though *most* of the direct problems/responsibilities will be born by the next

President, the current Bush *will* be forever dragging around the [mother of all depressions] as his 'legacy'. Further [political] impacts

include the [paralyzing and fracturing] of the [republican party], but please note that this is within a greater context of [revolution] as well

as the [destruction] of the [dualopoly (2/two party system)] within the USofA political life. And at a global level, the [revolution] begins to

[eat/consume] the [elites] within the ThePowersThatBe entity. So, here as well, Bush takes it in the shorts as his 'peers' will *not* be

 pleased with the state of the planet as the [worst] actually does happen in Fall of 2008.

Perhaps the greatest single impact from the [Bush Bust] affecting the political process will be the [populace] [suddenly/radically]

[changing opinion] at the [last possible minute]. This area is supported by [snarling teeth] and other references to [body parts] which do

not bode well for the [political establishment]. Again, noting that this area also participates within the meta data layer of [revolution].

The cross links over to the Populace/USofA, and the summation of the total emotional values for the [economic catastrophe] set are

 pointing to a much larger, and much more than proportionate impact on the Populace/USofA by the [Bush Bust]. These cross links are

terminating in sub sets within the Populace/USofA indicating [reduced wealth], [diminished sense of material well being], [loss of  possessions], [homelessness], [dispossessed], [oppressed], [stress], [anxiety], and similar bespoke [fear] components in the thousands.

These values have exceptionally long term summations and seemingly extend this 'feeling bases' for the [populace] from October of 2008

out through September 2010. That is as far as our data sets can predict, even unreliably. However we note that modelspace continues to

 point to that 'feeling base' as in existence beyond October of 2010.

When we reset the modelspace and introduce the immediacy data sets processed thus far, the Markets entity has a suddenly rising

aspect/attribute set going to [startlement]. This is in direct support of [gold/silver] and other precious metals, and is effective from the

December Solstice (23rd) onward. The [startlement] aspect is supported by aspect/attribute sets going to [shock], [big noises/loud

shouting], [authority], and [sudden anxiety]. Further layers in support include [sweating faces], [rushing blood], [loss of hearing], [racing

heart]. All of these body part references should be taken very seriously as in the past such aspect/attribute sets have been shown to

convincingly tie up to the expression of same within manifesting circumstances.

As to the 'why' of the [racing heart]? Well...perhaps due to 'gyrations'. We have a curious collection of number/numeric references within

the supporting aspect/attribute sets. As our work tends to filter out the numeric values, we also tend to take these seriously. *AN*interpretation *could* read as follows: [100/one hundred thousand times losses], then the links would add to that... [treasures lost, climb

 back 9/nine hills]. This in turn is supported by a bespoke [warning] which is supported by [do not pursue, bad luck/joss/karma]. AND then

it gets really odd with the whole mess being supported by the following [post/after 7/seven days the lost (will/do) return].

In the summation values for these immediacy value sets in support of [gold/silver] the net effect is [positive] for the [winter], though the

cautionary [warning], as well as the staggering potential of [100/one hundred thousand times losses] probably does not bode well for some


As the modelspace is progressed through [winter], other supporting aspect/attribute sets accrue which include [distraught], though this is

supported by [momentary/temporary]. Other incoming aspects bring [free/able_to_avoid bad luck], as well as [probationary period

done/fini]. Then the supporting sets include [depression weighs], and [risk of loss] which is supported in its turn by [movement

(brings/produces) good effect]. This last area is supported by extensive details including references to a [dozen attacks (from)

fate/circumstances] which will [swing/gyrate] the [markets]. This in turn produces much of the [sweating faces] in relation to [gold/silver].

There are indications that this [winter] will be a particularly bad time for [authority], especially as the conditions foreshadowing the [BushBust] begin to manifest to the aware, then the partially aware, then finally to manifest on everyone very 'suddenly'.

As a last word from the immediacy sets, the Markets entity would sub text our label for 2008 as the Year of Manifesting Circumstances,

with the modifier of [year of great passing/turning (of the) whole world]. Hmmm. Probably not good.


Conclusion - Part Zero - 10/Ten and counting down

Well, seemingly the degradation of human systems currently in place will continue apace right up until October of this rapidly

approaching year. Then the 'shift happens' and off we go. So far the indications are for *only* a great global financial catastrophe.

*Only*. And so far.

A 1008 Part Zero file:///I:/halfpasthuman/ALTA_1008/ALTAReport/ALTA1008_


Page 8: High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 20 - 0 - Part Zero (2007.12.21) (Eng) (PDF) [ALTA 1008 PART ZERO]

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Much of what we are viewing within the [degradation] linguistic sets relates to the [dominator] culture or mind set reaching the end of its

 possible expansion. A core element of the [dominator] data sets is that of [growth], even [predatory] as long as it is [growth]. Very clearly

a super set of the values within [consumption capitalism], the rising visibility of the [predatory] component points to the very near end of 

the whole [dominator culture] as [growth] ceases.

Early indicators over these last few years within the linguistic shifts business have been pointing to the prescient rise of self organizing

collectives of humans around non dominator culture values. As a very visible example, merely watch the rise in attendance of the Burning

Man festivals annually. Other highly visible clues include the [dollar death], the [predatory lending] in which the [capitalist] nations

allowed their [financial organizations] which support the [ruling elite] to [rape] the [populace] as a last form of [growth].

When [growth] ceases, as it demonstrably has, the system shudders, and tries to adjust. Unfortunately for all involved, the [predatorycapitalism] model of behavior does not do well under [contraction] as the operative paradigm.

For at least some part of the year, and perhaps the complete [winter] and [spring], there will be [inflation] rising [visibly] within all the

necessary items for [daily life], but more generally [deflation] will rule outside of [food] and [basic energy].

*If* the longer term value sets from the previous ALTA series *and* our interpretations of same are correct, then the aware observer has

some 10/ten months of a more-or-less "normal" world in which to prepare. The data also points to the degradation continuing apace the time progresses forward toward October, the label of 'normal' may need to be seriously adjusted.


This ends Part Zero. We will be letting Igor out of his cage for Christmas, and then New Years. We might as well as he will be hung over,

stuffed with sugary goodies and absolutely useless. So Part One is not expected to be posted until late on December 31.


Copyright 2007 by HalfPastHuman. All rights reserved. Not to be republished in any form without written, prior approval.

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