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High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Despite (n., prep.) de ∙ spite′

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


to achieve or ___________ bad odds

* _________ a hurt knee, John won the race The racist ____________

revealed her despite for that ___________.


____________________ getting food poisoning, Tony still insisted on coming to school this morning.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Despite (n., prep.) de ∙ spite′

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________Prep.: _______________

*A cruel man treated the foreigner with much ________.** What a _____________ person to act so hatefully.* Sonia acted _____________; she spat in his face.*Edgar finished all his homework ____________his

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long soccer game tonight.

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Precisely (adv.) pre ∙ cise′ ∙ ly

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:

______________________ ____________________________________________

to do something correctly, just as it is suppose to be done

* a surgeon cuts _________ so as not to leave a scare

The scale was balance __________________; Anthony made sure each side weighed exactly the same as the other.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Precisely (adv.) pre ∙ cise′ ∙ ly

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

*____________ is the ability to do something perfectly.** Martha is a ____________ person; she’s always careful.* The ingredients must be measured out _____________ or else the cake will not taste good.

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High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Obtain (v.) ob ∙ tain′

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:

______________________ ____________________________________________

to reach or earn a desired goal or prize

* Miguel _________ the trophy for _____________. * Marcus ___________ his goal to earn all A’s on his report card.

Leticia will ________________ the prize if she crosses the finish ________.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Obtain (v.) ob ∙ tain′

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

** I can _______________ my goal if I work hard for it.* Graduating from high school is _________________; Daisy will earn her high school diploma*

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High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Reluctantly (adv.) re ∙ luc′ ∙tant ∙ ly

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:

______________________ ____________________________________________

to do or say something without ___________ to do so.

* After the teacher waited for several minutes, the students _____________ answered the question.

The shy young lady, Maria, stood silently until she gathered enough courage, and ______________ began her speech.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Reluctantly (adv.) re ∙ luc′ ∙tant ∙ ly

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* Alex’s ______________ to obey his mother began to upset her.** A _________________ officer entered the house with his guard up and his gun drawn.* Carina played _______________ while she was

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learning the rules of the game.

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Negated (v.) ne ∙ gat′ ∙ed

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:

______________________ ____________________________________________

to deny or undo something * their poor behavior __________ the students opportunity to earn a prize

During the press conference the ___________________ politician ________________ the accusations of the opposing candidate.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Negated (v.) ne ∙ gat′ ∙ed

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* That is a ______________ of the truth; why are you telling a lie?* Holocaust survivors are horrified when that group ______________ that the Holocaust ever occurred.* That is a _______________remark, which contradicts your original statement.

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High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Circumstances (n.) cir′ ∙ cum ∙ stanc′ ∙ es

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:

______________________ ____________________________________________

the case or condition of someone or something

* under this ____________ all students have to duck and cover * this ______________ is an ________quake.

Miss Rodriguez lets her students use the restroom during class only under one __________________, they must remain in class ________ minutes after the bell rings.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Circumstances (n.) cir′ ∙ cum ∙ stanc′ ∙ es

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________

* Under which _____________ are students allowed to make up work?

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Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* * The man was convicted of the crime because of ____________________ evidence* The lawyer, Jim argued ______________; he examined each piece of evidence one by one.

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Inherent (adj.) in ∙ her′ ∙ ent

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:

______________________ ____________________________________________

a natural characteristic or essential part of something or someone

* the survival _________ is ___________ in animals * feelings are an ________ part of peoples lives

The desire to be loved and ____________ is an _____________ emotion for both men and women alike.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Inherent (adj.) in ∙ her′ ∙ ent

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________

* * * The desire to have rights is _____________ in human

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Adv.: _______________ beings* Philosophers still argue over whether people are _____________ good or evil; are they born good or born bad?

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Status (n.) stat′ ∙ us

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:

______________________ ____________________________________________

a position or category in comparison to others

* what is the ___________ of the document? * in comparison to a king a servant has _________ status

In the classroom, the teacher has a higher _____________ than the ________________, because the teacher is responsible for teaching the students.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Status (n.) stat′ ∙ us

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________

* The negotiator, Edwardo, asked the police, “What is the ____________ of the hostage situation.

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Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* *


High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Beneficiary (n.) ben ∙ e′ ∙ fi ∙ ci′ ∙ ar ∙ y′

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:

______________________ ____________________________________________

person(s) receiving a thing, usually money or property, from a person or group

* spouses are often the _____________ of life insurance * charities have been the ________________ of famous movie stars.

Angela will one day become the ____________________ of her parents’ _______________ after they pass away.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Beneficiary (n.) ben ∙ e′ ∙ fi ∙ ci′ ∙ ar ∙ y′

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________

* The Girls and Boys Club of La Habra was the ________________ of a substantial amount of money.* The ______________ held for the Katrina victims was extremely successful; everyone was very generous.* The items Erica left in her will for her son, Rudy are

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Adv.: _______________ not ______________ to him.* If you take this medicine for a few days it will act __________________ on you.

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Ethnic (adj.) eth′ ∙ nic

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:

______________________ ____________________________________________

grouping of people that share qualities such as language, religion, etc.

* if both your parents are _____________ than your ethnic group is _________ * Miss Rodriguez’s ethnicity is ____________

Before immigrants began to colonize and populate the United States, the largest ethnic group was the _____________ _________________.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Ethnic (adj.) eth′ ∙ nic

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________

* La Habra’s principal, Mrs. Leeman’s _____________ is Caucasian.

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Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* * The largest ____________ population in Asia is China.*

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Inevitably (adv.) in ∙ ev′ ∙ i ∙ ta ∙ bly

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


something that happens eventually or without fail

* ____________ the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. * It’s _______________ true that every living thing _______.

____________________ an ice cube will melt if some one leaves it out of the _________________.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Inevitably (adv.) in ∙ ev′ ∙ i ∙ ta ∙ bly

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________

* The end of this school year is an _________________.** It is ________________ that Jim will get a detention if

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Adv.: _______________ he is tardy four times.* It will ________________ rain during the winter season.

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Domestic (adj.) do ∙ mes′ ∙ tic

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


of or relating to the _________ or household

* an example of a _________ animal is a __________. * people who provide domestic help might _____________.

Sometimes the police are called to a ____________________ dispute; they respond to a home where the husband and wife have been fighting.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Domestic (adj.) do ∙ mes′ ∙ tic

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________

* ________________ is supposed to make wild animals tame.* If an animal is not ______________, you might see

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Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

that animal in the wild.* A ________________ feline is called a _________.* The husband is _______________ challenged; he never helps his wife with the house chores.

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Priority (n.) pri ∙ or′ ∙ i ∙ ty

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


an assigned order of importance

* Teachers believe that school and home_______ should be a priority for all students * for parents, __________ are a major ___________.

During the summer, a student’s ____________________ changes, school work is no longer their most important responsibility.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Priority (n.) pri ∙ or′ ∙ i ∙ ty

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________

*A doctor’s first ______________ is to save a patient’s life.

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Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* If Anthony will ______________ his activities, he will decide which activities are more important than others.* *

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Contrary (adj.) con′ ∙ trar ∙ y

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


something that is opposite of another thing

* ___________ to being correct is being _________ * the color black is _____________ to the color____________.

____________________ to popular belief, carrots do not give people better eye sight.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Contrary (adj.) con′ ∙ trar ∙ y

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Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

** Erika said, “It’s cold;” Amber______________ her and said, “It’s not cold at all.”* Galileo believed the world was round _____________ to what most people believed at that time.* Jocelyn acted _____________ to most of her peers.

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Utilized (v.) u′ ∙ til ∙ized

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


to put to good use * Tom __________ the fire extinguisher to put out the _______.

* Mariah _____________ the computer to type up her English paper.

The electrician ____________________ a leather strap to secure himself to the telephone pole while he worked on wires during the power outage.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Utilized (v.) u′ ∙ til ∙ized

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Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* The artist’s _________________ of color created a beautiful painting.* Angela _____________ her time wisely; she finished her homework while waiting for a ride home.* The tractor is not ______________ because the engine is ruined.*

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Converted (v.) con ∙ vert′ ∙ ed

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


to change something * the young man ________ religious beliefs. * Sheyla ____________ fractions to decimals in math class toady.

Issaree ____________________ one dollar into __________ quarters.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Converted (v.) con ∙ vert′ ∙ ed

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Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* What is the _____________________ to change temperature from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit?* Jamie ______________ her plain white t-shirt into a tie-dye t-shirt.* Hanin prefers ______________ cars because she can put the top up or down.*

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Motivation (n.) mo′ ∙ ti ∙ va′ ∙ tion

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


having a reason to do something

* the _____________ for bringing your book is earning points * the _____________ not to be tardy is avoiding a ____________.

Jerry’s ____________________ for studying and working hard during class is earning an “A” on his tests.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

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Motivation (n.) mo′ ∙ ti ∙ va′ ∙ tion

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* As _______________, parents often pay children an allowance for doing chores.* In order to ___________ Adriana to get good grades her parents will give her $5 for every “A” she earns.* The ________________ speaker talked about not doing drugs.* Anthony is __________________ charged; he wants to win the race.

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Invoke (v.) in ∙ voke′

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


to _________ on a higher power or to appeal for help

* Odysseus _________ his men to action * the sergeant _________ his men into action.

In many horror films, a witch’s incantations will ___________________ the sprits of the ________________.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Page 19: High Frequency Vocabulary Words · Web viewVocabulary Word Card: Despite (n., prep.) de ∙ spite′ Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image: ______________________ ______________________

Invoke (v.) in ∙ voke′

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* The Cyclops’s _____________________ called for Poseidon to curse Odysseus’ voyage home.* The warlock _____________ a curse on the old lady.* Odysseus’ ___________________ prayer asked the Greek god , Zeus for help to defeat the Cyclops.*

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Nonetheless (adv.) none′ ∙ the ∙ less′

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


however, still, or _______ though

* Pam’s sorry; nonetheless she is being punished * the opposition has a good point; ___________ I still favor my opinion

Anthony paid Jim $25.00 cash for sticking his tongue on a frozen metal pole; _________________________ that was a ___________ thing to do.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

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Nonetheless (adv.) none′ ∙ the ∙ less′

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* ** * Adriana worked hard on her class work; ___________she still had to take it home for homework.

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Sole (adj.) sole

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


the only one * Tony is the sole male child * Jackie is the ________ student earning an “A”

The sole _________________ in this fatal car accident was a little girl named Jessica; tragically both her ____________ and all her siblings died.

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Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Sole (adj.) sole

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

*** The __________ winner of the game was Jerry. * Mrs. Bartholomew works ______________ for the principal, Mrs. Leeman.

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Exhibiting (v.) ex ∙ hib′ ∙ it ∙ ing

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


to show, display, or present something

* science club is exhibiting science projects * Cal Ploy is ___________ insects this weekend

During the month of June, the La Habra Library is ____________________ the La Habra High School’s ________________ art work.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

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Exhibiting (v.) ex ∙ hib′ ∙ it ∙ ing

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* The car ____________________ presented many expensive and original makes and models of cars.* Carlos is _____________________ poor behavior; he needs to learn to control his temper.* Sometimes retail stores sell their _____________ displays after they are no longer needed.*

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Psychologist (n.) psy ∙ chol′ ∙ o ∙ gist

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


person that treats or studies mental and emotional behaviors

* ________________ help people with ___________ problems * ________________ treat people with phobias (fears)

The ______________________ had Anna try to remember and tell her everything about her childhood and how that made Anna ________.

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Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Psychologist (n.) psy ∙ chol′ ∙ o ∙ gist

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* The __________ is helping Mark deal with childhood problems.* Psychologists __________________ their patients to find out what emotional * The lawyer asked for a ________________ evaluation for his client.* The criminal was found ________________ disturbed so he will be taken to a mental institution.

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Suffice (v.) suf ∙ fice′

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


just __________ to meet a need without being too much or more than needed

* one ___________ will suffice for lunch * ______ sentences will suffice for the warm up

According to nutritionists, moderate portions of _________ will _________ for a healthy, balanced ____________.

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Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Suffice (v.) suf ∙ fice′

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

**A spare tire will ________ for now; I’ll buy a new tire this afternoon.* After the second scope of ice-cream Mom said, “That’s a ______________ amount of dessert.”* The teacher’s supply of 40 pencils ________________ meets the needs for his 30 students.

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Methodical (adj.) me ∙ thod′ ∙ i ∙ cal

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


arrange or behave in a ___________ systematic order

* _____________ steps to solve a math problem * recipes give __________ instructions to cook food

In “The Cask of Amontillado,” Montresor’s __________________ plan allowed him to get away with _________________ Fortunato.

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Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Methodical (adj.) me ∙ thod′ ∙ i ∙ cal

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* What _________ do I use to solve this math problem?** With careful precision, the ______________ doctor preformed surgery.* Jerry _________________ prepared for school; he brushed his teeth, washed his face, got dressed, ate, and then left home

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Persistent (adj.) per ∙ sis′ ∙ tent

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


not giving up, lasting

* her ___________ nature made her a better _______ * the ___________ rumors became annoying

The babysitter did not know what to do about the baby’s ________________crying; the baby would not stop ___________ no matter what she did.

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Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Persistent (adj.) per ∙ sis′ ∙ tent

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

** The child ___________ to ask for candy over and over again.* ________________ students will never give up until they reach their goals.* The bully _______________ picked on the weakest, littlest student all year long

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Subsequently (adv.) sub′ ∙ se ∙ quent′ ∙ ly

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


following after in time or order

* dismissal bell rang; the students left ___________ outcome or result * ____________ the test score was low as Tom did not study

After being warned, the child played with matches and ________________ burned ___________ the house.

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Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Subsequently (adv.) sub′ ∙ se ∙ quent′ ∙ ly

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________Prep.: _______________

* * *In the alphabet, “B” is _____________ to “A,” and “C” is ______________ to “B.”* Anthony drank an entire gallon of milk and vomited _________________.* On the shelf, a dictionary is _______________ ____ the text books.

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Alter (v.) al ′ ∙ ter

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


to modify or make different

* _________ the bicycle ________ * ________ the cookie recipe; add ____________.

I paid the tailor to __________ my dress so that it would fit me __________.

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Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Alter (v.) al′ ∙ ter

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* Issaree made an _______________ to her party plans; it’ll start at 7 o’clock instead of 8 o’clock.* Adriana will __________ the picture by painting it. *Miss Rodriguez gave the class two ________________ assignments, a project or an essay.* __________________.

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Resourceful (adj.) re ∙ source′ ∙ ful

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


describes creativity or effectiveness in __________

situations * a ______________ hiker survived _____ days in the desert without food * _____________ students make time for work and fun

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The ____________________ survivor that was ______________ on an island built a __________ and paddle out of small trees and large branches.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Resourceful (adj.) re ∙ source′ ∙ ful

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* What _____________ do I have at home to complete the project?* *Diana can be quite _______________ when she wants; she helps with her new sister and finishes all her H.W.* Jamie works ________________; she cleans her room as she talks on the phone.

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Predominantly (adv.) pre ∙ dom′ ∙ i ∙ nant ∙ ly

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


mostly or a _______ part

*Miss Rodriguez’s classes are ___________ EnglishI * Period 6 is __________

__________ students.

Father came home from __________ to find the pizza _________________

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gone because his children had eaten all of it expect _________ piece.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Predominantly (adv.) pre ∙ dom′ ∙ i ∙ nant ∙ ly

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* * *The ______________ ingredient in candy is ________.* Students are ______________ dissatisfied with home-work over the weekend.

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Expertise (n.) ex′ ∙ per ∙ tise′

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


expert skill or knowledge in a specific area

* teachers have _________ in a certain subject * ______________ has expertise in car repair

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The computer scientist has ____________ in repairing computers and creating computer programs.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Expertise (n.) ex′ ∙ per ∙ tise′

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* The mechanic used his ___________ to fix the car.* *Kobe Bryant is an _____________ basketball player.* _____________, the doctor stitched up the wound.

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Assumed (v.) as ∙ sum′ed

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


to take up or on * ___________ control * ___________ responsibility * __________ a position to accept or decide on * some _________ I am not Hispanic

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The Trojans _____________ that the Trojan horse was a peace offering, but in reality it was a trick to defeat the ______________.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Assumed (v.) as∙ sum′ed

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* His ________________ that the paper plane would fly was wrong.* Myra ____________ the responsibility when she volunteered to throw her friend’s party.**

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Acquired (v.) ac ∙ quired′

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


to gain, get or receive

* _____________ money through hard work * _____________ power through political positions

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It is never too late to _______________ knowledge through reading and education.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Acquired (v.) ac ∙ quired′

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* * Tony ______________ an expensive car after winning the lottery.*Good grades are an _________________ goal for hard-working students.*

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Imagery (n.) im′ ∙ age ∙ ry

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


mental __________ * poets use __________ so readers _______ the words * illustraters use imagery to create __________

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In The Odyssey, Homers used vivid __________ when he describes the cyclops, Polyphemus’ animal infested cave.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Imagery (n.) im′ ∙ age ∙ ry

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* The poet used __________ to help the reader visualize the flowers.* The thirsty man ___________ a lake of water that was not there.*Is winning the lottery _____________ for you?*

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Foreshadowing (v.) fore ∙ shad′ ∙ ow ∙ ing

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


hint or clue for _________ will happen _________

* often ____________ use ________________ *__________ foreshadows death

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The author’s hint during the rising action is _________________ what will happen at the _____________________.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Foreshadowing (v.) fore ∙ shad′ ∙ ow ∙ ing

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* * Polyphemus’ curse on Odysseus ______________ his long journey home.**

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Evolved (v.) e ∙ volv′ed

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image: to ______________

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* society __________ over time

* the mind ____________ through learning

After visiting the Galapagos Islands, the scientist, Charles Darwin came to believe that animals ___________ over time into more advanced creatures.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Evolved (v.) e ∙ volv′ed

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* The theory of ___________________ claims that people gradually developed from primates.* Corina’s creativity ___________ into a fantastic story.*That is an ________________ idea; no one else has thought of that yet.* Inventors act ____________________; they develop many interesting things.

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Intervene (v.) in′ ∙ ter ∙ vene′

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:

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to ________ or be between _____ things

* freeway ___________ between the city * parents ___________ for their children

When the traffic lights went out, a police officer _________________ to direct traffic and keep any car accidents from occurring.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Intervene (v.) in′ ∙ ter ∙ vene′

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* The family held an _______________ to help the drug addict become clean.* The Panama Canal ______________ through the middle of Panama. *Matt’s parents and teachers held an _______________ meeting to help him reach his goal.*

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

Nuance (n.) nu ′ ∙ ance

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Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


a minimal degree of difference

* __________ in tone * ____________ in meaning

The student wrote a paper about the ______________________ in The House on Mango Street for his research assignment.

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

Nuance (n.) nu′ ∙ ance

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________

* See if you notice the _____________ in tone within Langston Hughes’ poem.* **

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

(.) ′ ∙ ∙ ′ ∙

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Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


* *

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

(.) ′ ∙ ∙ ′ ∙

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________Prep.: _______________

* * ** *

High Frequency Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word Card:

(.) ′ ∙ ∙ ′ ∙

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Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:


* *

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

(.) ′ ∙ ∙ ′ ∙

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________Prep.: _______________

* * ** *

Funny in Farsi Vocabulary

Vocabulary Word Card:

(.) ′ ∙ ∙ ′ ∙

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:

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* *

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

(.) ′ ∙ ∙ ′ ∙

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________Prep.: _______________

* * ** *

Funny in Farsi Vocabulary

Vocabulary Word Card:

(.) ′ ∙ ∙ ′ ∙

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:

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* *

Vocabulary Word Family Card:

(.) ′ ∙ ∙ ′ ∙

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________Prep.: _______________

* * ** *

Funny in Farsi Vocabulary

Vocabulary Word Card:

(.) ′ ∙ ∙ ′ ∙

Synonyms: Explanation / Examples: Image:

______________________ *

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Vocabulary Word Family Card:

(.) ′ ∙ ∙ ′ ∙

Part of speech: Sentence Frames:

Noun: _______________Verb: _______________Adj.: ________________Adv.: _______________Prep.: _______________

* * ** *

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