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Dr. Animesh Das

Every year there are an estimated 200 million pregnancies in the world. Each of these pregnancies is at risk for an adverse outcome for the woman and her infant. While risk can not be totally eliminated, they can be reduced through effective,

affordable, and acceptable maternity care. To be most effective, health care should

begin early in pregnancy and continue at regular intervals.

Maternal Mortality

X /100,000 pregnant women.

Leading Causes

Hemorrhage, Hypertension, Preeclampsia.


High Risk Pregnancy

Maternal Age< 15 & > 35.

Parity Factors 5 or more - great risk.

New pregnant women within 3 months having the risk of PPH


HistoryPrevious uterine surgery

Uterine rupture,Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiac Disease,

Hypertension, and many more…….

Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Persistent vomiting past first trimester or excessive vomiting @ anytime.Severe; usually 1st pregnancy.

Rate occurrence ^ with twins, triplets, etc.7 out of 1,000. Electrolyte imbalance results.

Possible causes: ^ levels of hCG, ^ serum amylase, decrease gastric motility.

Hydatidaform Mole "Molar Pregnancy."

Degenerative disorder of trophoblast (placenta)Villi degenerate & cells fill with fluid

Form clusters of vesicles; similar to “grapes” Overgrowth of chorionic villi; fetus does not

develop. Partial or complete. Complete - no fetus; Partial -

dev. begins then stops. Multiparous/older women.

Pathophysiology: unknown; theories: chromosomal abn., hormonal imbalances;

protein/folic acid deficiencies.



Placenta Previa

Implantation near or over cervix.~ 1/2 of all pregnancy.

Start as Previa then placenta shifts to higher position

By 35 wks. not likely to shift

Varying Degrees

Complete Placenta Previainternal cervical os completely covered

by placenta. Partial Placenta Previa

os partially covered by placenta. Marginal Placenta Previa

edge @ margin of internal os. Low-lying Placenta Previa

region of internal os near placenta.


Risk factorsMultiparity, AMA, Multiple

Gestations, Previous uterine surgeryManisfestations

Painless, Bright red bleeding > 20th week; episodic, starts without warning, stops & starts again.

PrognosisDepends on amt. bleeding & gest.age

Abruptio Placenta

Separation of placenta from uterine wall > 20th wk gestation (during pregnancy)

“Placental Abruption”- hemorrhage results; Severity depends on degree of

separation. Common in multips, AMA.

Fetal prognosis depends on blood lost & gest. age.


Risk FactorsSmoking, Short umbilical cord, adv. mat.

age, HTN, PIH, Cocaine use, TraumaManifestations

Tenderness to severe constant pain; mild to moderate bleeding depending on

degree of sep..Total separation: tearing, knifelike


Abnormal Amniotic Fluid Levels

Polyhydramnios> 2,000 ml amniotic


Visual inspection may reveal rapidly enlarging uterus

Risk FactorsFetal abnormalities: fetal or neonatal hydrops [swelling], Ascites, Pleural or

Pericardial effusions. Skeletal malformations: congenital hip dislocation, clubfoot, & limb reduction

defect. Abnormal fetal movement suggestive

of neurologic abnormalities (CNS)

Obstruction of GI tract; prevents normal ingestion of amniotic fluid.

Rh iso immunization d/t mixing of maternal/fetal blood

Maternal History DM.Assoc. spina bifida; anencephaly,

hydrocephaly.Fetal death may result from severe poly.

Not as common as oligohydramnios

Oligohydramniosamniotic fluid < 1,000ml.

Could be highly concentrated.Interferes w. normal fetal dev.

Reduces cushioning effect around fetus.

CausesFailure of fetal kidney

development; Urine excretion blocked, IUGR, post-term preg., preterm , fetal anomalies. Poor

placental function.


Facial & skeletal deformities: club foot. Fetal demise

Pulmonary hypoplasia - improper dev. of alveoli;

2nd trimester oligo: higher rate of congenital anomalies and lower survival

rate than women with oligo. in 3rdtrimester . Prognosis

Depends on severity of disease.




Scarring of fallopian tubes (Chlamydia/Gonorrhea). Implantation of ovum outside uterine cavity; usu. upper 1/3rd fallopian tube; rare on ovary, cervix,

abdominal cavity. Leading cause of death from hemorrhage in preg.

Reduces fertility ~ 1 in 100 pregnancies

More common > infection of fallopian Previous ectopic

multiple induced abortions

Symptoms Colicky, cramping pain in lower

abdomen on affected side Tubal rupture: sharp/steady pain before

diffusing thruout pelvic region. Fetus expels into pelvic cavity.

Heavy bleeding causes shoulder pain, rectal pressure

N/V- 25-50% pts. think its morning sickness.

Dizziness/weakness - If tube ruptures, weak pulse, clammy skin, fainting. Assess

for s/s shock.


Blood Group


Mom is type O & baby is A, B or AB.Blood types A, B, & AB contain

antigen not present in type O blood. (O) blood type have anti A/anti B

antibodies.If exchange occurs, maternal

antibodies attact fetal bl.cells, causing rapid lysis of RBC's.

Leads to byproduct bilirubin. Results in “jaundice”.

Blood Pressure

Global cause of maternal/fetal morbidity & mortality. Responsible for ~ 76,000 deaths/year

Normotensive pt. may become hypertensive late in

preg., during labor, or 24 hours postpartum. BP

normal within 10 days postpartum.

140 /90mmofHg



BP ≥ 140/90 Systolic ↑ of 30mm Hg > pre-preg. levels

Diastolic ↑ of 15mm Hg > pre preg. levels.

Presents with HTN, proteinuria, edema of face, hands, ankles.

Can occur anytime > 20th wk of pregnancy.

Usually occurs closer to due date. Will not resolve until > birth

General Signs of PREECLAMPSIA

Rapid weight gain; swelling of arms/face Headache; vision changes (blurred vision, seeing double, seeing spots)

Dizziness/faintness/ringing in ears/confusion; seizures

Abdominal pain, ↓ production of urine; nausea, vomiting, blood in vomit or urine


Seizures or coma d/t hypertensive encephalopathy; most serious

complication.Affects ~ 0.2% preg; 1 in 1000

preg. terminated. Major cause of maternal death d/t

intracranial hemorrhage. Maternal mortality rate is 8-36%.

Deliver by C/S.

Risk factors

< age 20 or > 40Twins, triplets; primagravida

Molar pregnancyPreexisting: HTN, Diabetes mellitus

Renal or vascular disease Prior history of


Interesting Theories

Maternal immune reaction that leads to systemic peripheral vascular spasm >>

leads to endothelial cell damage >> vasoconstriction>> ^BP.

Affects multiple organs. Reduced to kidneys, liver, placenta,

brain. Can lead to placental abruption and fetal & maternal death. * Magnesium Sulfate [drug of choice]

Incompetent Cervix

Passive dilation of cervix without contxs.Usually in early pregnancy.

History Of miscarriages.Causes

Congenitally short cervix; Composition of cervical tissue;

Any Chemical exposureSexual Intercourse


Contributing factor:^ obesity

Perinatal mortality/morbidity 6x higher w. undx. pre-existing DM.

Most common complication of pregnancy.

Determining High Risk Clients

Family History DM; Previous History GDM

Marked obesity; GlycosuriaMaternal Age > 30

History infant > 4000gMember of high-risk racial/ethnic group

like IndianIf results negative, repeat @ 24-28 wks.

Maternal Risks HTN disorders, PTL,

Polyhydramnios, Macrosomia(^ C/S rate).

Infant Risks Birth trauma, Shoulder dystocia,

Hypoglycemia, Hyperbilirubinemia, Thrombocytopenia, Hypocalcemia,

Fetal death.


Urinary Tract InfectionsCystitis (lower UTI) Acute Pyelonephritis

Vaginal Infection STD’s



If You Find Any Of These

Refer The Patient To Nearest Hospital



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