

Fri 23rd March 7- 8.30pm Session 7

In the St Joseph Centre (for the whole Avon & Stour Pastoral Area).

BAPTISM ‘Welcome to God’s Family!’

Please contact the Christchurch parish office to arrange for the preparation for the Sacrament of Baptism.


The first & most important stage toward the process for requesting the Sacraments is to join your community for the celebration of the Eucharist on a Sunday. St Joseph’s prep:-

Parents; Tues 17th April 7.30pm

Children: Sat 21st April 9am

EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Silent vigil of Adoration, an oasis of peace and prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

Holy Redeemer Church: Monday 10.30am - 3pm.

Immaculate Conception & St Joseph Church: Monday only 9am - 10am. Wed & Thurs 9.15am Stations Friday 9am - 7pm.


If you’d like to donate any Easter eggs, please only buy the ‘cream egg’ size, as the larger ones (and their packaging) can create a storage issue! Also needed: Aunty's sponge puddings, tinned / boxed custard, jam and crisps to make sure that we've got enough for the holiday hunger packs for the school Easter holidays. Thank you from all the team & those that need the Foodbank+


Highcliffe Parish Meets every Wednesday from 7.15pm in the Annexe at Holy Redeemer Church, Highcliffe. NB taking a break 28th March/4th April

Christchurch Parish Home Group Meets every Thursday from 7.30pm in Mudeford. Please contact Moira 01425 279467 / 07722 170 117

All are welcome to come together to ‘unpack’ the Word.


A 12 day, 3 centred experience through the Holy Land; starting in the Negev desert, then onto Jerusalem and finishing by Galilee.

Travelling Sun 1st March - 12th March 2020 Led by Fr John, Clare & v. experienced Guide ‘Oliver’.

Enjoying 4* full board accommodation. All entrance fees, lunches, tips, headsets, booklets etc. included.

On Sat 21st April at 2pm we will launch this pilgrimage (our 8th!) with an information presentation in the St. Joseph Centre. Start saving now! We can take a maximum of 49 pilgrims i.e. one coach.

DIPPING YOUR TOE INTO THE BIBLE - for busy people... The Bible Society has a great new resource specifically to help Catholics get started on reading the Bible, even if they are busy people!

Visit this website


Tues 15th May 7-9pm. Theme: The Holy Spirit

The next evening of prayer, worship and reflection will be just before Pentecost at St Joseph’s, Christchurch.


At Sacred Heart Church, Bournemouth

Friday’s 4th May - 1st June 7.30 - 9pm The Diocesan Formation for Mission Team is offering 5 sessions of training for those interested in catechesis & faith formation. This includes children & adult groups.


Ages 16yrs - 35yrs. Fri 27th - Sun 29th April

Residing at St Jude’s School, Fareham.

Including 24hr Eucharistic Adoration, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, praise & worship, social time, talks from Diocesan and National speakers and workshops to deepen your knowledge of the Catholic faith. Cost £65. For info., email [email protected]

YOUTH Come to the FeastCome to the FeastCome to the FeastCome to the Feast Fridays 27 April, 11 May, 8 June A special version of Come to the Feast for anyone of Secondary School age will be held at St Joseph’s, Christchurch, on three Friday evenings from 7-8.30pm – focusing on understanding the Mass through activities, games, teaching, discussion and prayer/worship.

To find out more and to sign up, please visit the Come to the Feast website:


Due to the snow, the services were cancelled this year (2nd March). The service booklets that were produced are available in the Narthex at St Joseph’s for your own reflection. Inside you will find an envelope to make a donation to the Women of Suriname – these can be returned next week in the basket. Please speak to Margaret Beams if you have any queries.


Pope Francis has through the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, asked for a day for prayer and reflection for the victims and survivors of abuse. The Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales has agreed this should be Friday of the 5th Week of Lent, and Palm Sunday include an intention for this cause.


Fifth Sunday of Lent Year of Mark (B) 18th March 2018


Holy Redeemer Parish

13-15 Kilmington Way, Highcliffe, BH23 5BL

Tel: 01425 274 838 Email [email protected]

Other useful contacts/info Christchurch Parish Office - opening times Tues, Weds, Thurs 10am-12 noon (leave a message if closed)

Dcn. Hugh Parry Tel: 07971 071 571 [email protected]

Safeguarding Co-ordinators Highcliffe: Amanda Pillinger c/o Highcliffe Parish office Christchurch: Reena Kelleher 07802 954 936 Any concerns / advice, tel. 023 9281 6396 (Diocesan Office)

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Head teacher: Miss Louise Buxton Tel. 01202 485 976

St Peter’s Catholic Secondary School Head teacher: Mr David Todd Tel. 01202 421 141

Director of Lay Formation for Pastoral Area - Richard Martin Tel. 07990 826 934 [email protected]

Hospital Chaplains

Bournemouth & Christchurch: Fr Darryl Jordan Contact 01202 704 221 Urgent / out of hours 01202 303 626

Poole: Dcn. Declan McConville 01202 442 167 / 665 511

Avon Stour Pastoral Area Website:

Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth Bishop: Rt. Rev. Philip Egan

Reg. Charity No. 246871

The Immaculate Conception & St Joseph Parish

67 Purewell, Christchurch, BH23 1EH

Tel: 01202 483 340 Email [email protected]

Parish Priest: Rev. John Cooke Deacon: Rev. Hugh Parry Pastoral Assistant: Mrs. Clare Ryan Administrators: Mrs Mary Tolfree (HC), Mrs Bridget Brien

Avon Stour Pastoral Area:

Other Priests in the Pastoral Area:

Cn. Paul Townsend 01425 653 131 Fr. Darryl Jordan: 01202 485 588

Fr. Kevin Hoiles: 01202 424 960

Our neighbouring Church communities

Fordingbridge, Iford, Ringwood & Southbourne

Our Pastoral Area is in the Deanery of St. John XXIII, West Solent

Dean & Coordinating Pastor: Cn. Paul Townsend

THE WEEK AHEAD Diary - at a glance ...

Sun 18th pm/am 25th Testimony & RCIA rites (am) 3pm SVP Afternoon Tea at St Joseph’s Mon 19th 7pm St Joseph’s Silver Jubilee Mass Tues pm Visits 7pm ‘Born for This’ - Rehearsal Weds Family funeral - Portsmouth Thurs 10.45am St Joseph Liturgy Group meeting pm Holy Week prep Fri Day of prayer for victims & survivors of abuse am Meeting in Gosport 2pm Meeting with Bishop Philip Sat 7am HMP Winchester 3pm ‘Born For This’ Liturgy; St Joseph’s Clocks change - go forward 1 hr Sun 25th Palm Sunday 3pm ‘Born For This’ Liturgy; St Joseph’s


Sat 24th & Sun 25th March 3pm

A stunning liturgy of Music, Drama and Narration of ‘The Stations of the Cross’.

Everyone is invited and do bring a friend. No tickets required just come along. This liturgy will help us all prepare for the Holy Week to come.


On the cross, Jesus proves that He is powerful beyond measure, not by doing some spectacular physical act that leaves everyone around him helpless to make any protest, but in a spectacular act of the heart wherein He forgives those who are mocking and killing him. Divine kingship is manifest in forgiveness, not in muscle.

That is real glory, and that is the one thing of which we really should be envious, namely, the compassion and forgiveness that Jesus manifested in the face of jealousy, hatred, and murder.


Tomorrow: Mon 19th Mar 7pm Jubilee Mass

We are having a bring & share meal after Mass in the St Joseph’s Parish centre. A list of suggested food items is in the porch at the back of church - please sign up to indicate what you will bring. Many thanks! Hope to see you all there.

Welcome to all our visiting Clergy attending this milestone event for our Parish Community. Our thanks to Fr. Conor Murphy, Fr. John Lee, Fr. Ron Hishon, and Dcn. Michael Welch who are joining us. And of course we are grateful for the support of our current clergy, Fr Brian, Dcn. Hugh and Fr. John.

Fr. Tom Grufferty sends his apologies as he is away in India and Fr. Michael McGhee also apologises that he can’t manage to join us.

Let us remember all those who have helped to build the Catholic community in Christchurch - especially our loved ones who have died & all our housebound who can not join us but are our powerhouse of prayer.

General Data Protection Regulations - COULD YOU HELP BE A PARISH DATA CO-ORDINATOR?

The Diocese has a central team who provide on-going training, advice and guidance. However, at a local level we need to have a Data Protection Co-ordinator.

What does a Parish Data Co-ordinator do? Under the direction of the Diocesan Data Protection Officer (DPO) the Parish Co-ordinator has to simply capture what data is being held by activity, where it is, and how it is kept secure. The first key step is an evaluation & assessment of the data. The Diocese have produced a simple excel sheet to capture this by activity. This might seem a daunting task, but once you break it down into activity and bite-size chunks it will be quickly completed. Further details available from the Parish Office and full training will be given.


Friday 23rd March at 12.30 at All Saints. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to join with the other local Churches.


for Faith, Life & Peace in the British Isles Sunday 29th April 2018 at 3pm

Rosary on the Coast is an initiative of the Lay Faithful across the British Isles inviting the faithful of our nations, with the support of our clergy and Bishops, to a Day of Prayer for Faith, Life & Peace which will surely be pleasing to the Holy Spirit, and to Our Blessed Mother. It is very much hoped that people across the Diocese will participate.

To participate people can just find a coastal location for prayer and submit it either via the website for inclusion on the map or send an email with the details to; [email protected]

You can find lots of info on the Rosary on the Coast Facebook page & website where you can also read the briefing document for the event.

Christchurch & Highcliffe are perfectly situated to take part in this initiative. We invite you to gather a small group, decide where you are to meet / pray and let Fr John know so we can advertise it for others from our community to join you & to ensure it is on the National website in order to extend the invitation.

SVP AFTERNOON TEA - AT ST JOSEPH’S Today Sun 18th March 3-5pm Our S.V.P. group are hosting an afternoon of tea and company. Lifts can be arranged if needed – please phone 01425 279 997 (Noeleen). Booking not essential, but it may help us to prepare. We look forward to seeing you!


Palm Sunday - Sat 24th / 25th March St Joseph’s 6.30pm Sat 24th St Joseph’s 9am Sun 25th Holy Redeemer 11am Sun 25th March

Maundy Thursday - Thurs 29th March Mass of the Last Supper and Altar or Repose

Holy Redeemer 4.30pm Watching until 9pm St Joseph’s 8pm Watching until 11.30pm

Good Friday - Fri 30th March Holy Redeemer 10am Stations of the Cross Stanpit Rec Grnd 11am Walk of Witness St Joseph’s 11.30am Stations of the Cross

Holy Redeemer 3pm Solemn Passion Liturgy St Joseph’s 3pm Solemn Passion Liturgy

Holy Saturday - 31st Mar. St Joseph’s 9am Morning Prayer 10am Blessing of Easter food

Easter Vigil - Sat 31st Mar. The Resurrection

St Joseph’s 8.30pm First Mass of Easter Fire, Liturgy of light,

Readings, Baptismal Promises, Initiations ...

Easter Sunday - 1st April He is risen!

St Joseph’s 9am Holy Redeemer 11am


Friday 30th March 7.30pm at Our Lady Queen of Peace, Soutbourne, BH6 3EZ. An hour of peace, music, silence and prayer by candlelight.


Please pray for Margaret Dickinson RIP and Mary Barnard RIP who died recently.


Tues 22nd May 7-9pm Reflection & Formation Day We invite all ministers to put the date in the diary to join us in the St Joseph’s Centre for some time reflecting on this privileged ministry. Thank you.


St Joseph’s Parish. From the 2nd Sunday of Easter (8th Apr) the number of Ministers at the 9am Mass will revert back to 1 minister for the Ciborium and 4 Ministers for the Chalice, as was previously the case. If Fr. Brian and Dcn. Hugh are alongside Fr. John then that number will be reduced accordingly.

A new rota for both Readers and Ministers to cover the period from 7th/8th April until 2nd/3rd June is now available from the rack in the St Joseph’s Narthex. Would all Readers & Ministers please take a copy so that they are aware of the dates they will be serving. If you are unable to read/minister on your given date, please find a replacement and amend the Master copy.

Feast of Corpus Christi - please note that Ministers will be re-commissioned during the Masses on the weekend of the 2nd/3rd June.

If any parishioner is interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, please have a chat to Fr. John, Clare or Mike Cooper. Younger parishioners from Year 10 & over are also welcome.

Mass Book Page 169

Lent 5 of 6

Prayer of the Church - Wk 1

Mass & Service Times & Locations

Fifth Sunday of Lent Yr B

17th March / 18th March 2018

Sat. 17th Sun. 18th Sun. 18th

6.30pm 9am 11am

For the People of the Parish David Vinnell RIP Yvette Pearcey RIP

Christchurch Christchurch Highcliffe

Sat. 24th Sun. 25th Sun. 25th

6.30pm 9am 11am

Sheila Clarke RIP Moya Cowley RIP Ints. of Laura Payne

Christchurch Christchurch Highcliffe

Holy Week

Prayer of the Church - Wk 2 Palm Sunday Yr B

24th / 25th March 2018 Mass Book Page 176

‘Sunday’s Scripture Musings’

John 12:20-33

Liturgy of the Word & Eucharist Ints. of St Joseph’s Parish

For the People of the Parish Confession available

Sorry, no service today

Ints. of the Pettett family

Liturgy of the Word & Eucharist All day adoration

Ints. of the prisoners

Confession available







St Joseph Silver Jubilee

Lent Reconciliation



Lent ‘Adoration’

HMP Winchester


10am 7pm

10am After Mass



10am 9am - 7pm



Highcliffe Christchurch

Highcliffe Highcliffe



Highcliffe Christchurch



Questions for reflection

When Jesus thought about what was coming he said, “I am troubled now.” What are some of the things that trouble you? Who do you call on when you are troubled?

“Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground & dies, it remains just a grain of wheat, but if it dies, it produces much fruit.” How is the way of self-denial opposite to the way of egoism? Which gives life to others?


Fr James Mallon will talk about the ‘Divine Renovation Journey’. Where

to start? Weds 9th May 9-5pm Holy Trinity, Brompton, London.

If you’d like to attend, please book via

Sherry Weddell Forming Intentional Disciples is going to be spending two days in our Diocese.

Fri 18th May 2-7pm & Sat 19th May 9.30am-4.30pm Basingstoke Country Hotel

Sherry will be sharing the fruit of her experience and research and giving examples of how parishes can develop plans that foster the emergence of an attitude that looks beyond the parish walls, where prayer is the foundation of parish life, and with parishioners that have an alive relationship with God.

In addition, members of various parishes around the Diocese will be sharing their experience of developing parish plans, of revitalising their Sacramental programmes, working with parents & families, of prayer groups, and finding multiple ways of evangelising in their local area.

If you would like to stay overnight, there is a special rate (£60 double, £55 single, incl. breakfast). If you can come on only one of the days, then that is ok too!

If you’d like to attend, please book via

ADORERS DAY Sat 5th May. Theatre Royale, Portsmouth

A Diocesan Day with Bishop Philip in Preparation for the Eucharistic Congress. In addition to some wonderful speakers, there will be the opportunity to participate in workshops, Adoration and end the day with Mass in the Cathedral. Book your ticket now by emailing: [email protected] or phoning 0778 0221 686

ALPHA - CAN YOU HELP, PLEASE? We would like to offer regular Alpha Courses across our Pastoral Area and we need your help, please!

If you might be willing to help in any way in your local area (or elsewhere) – organising, planning, publicity, administration, cooking, serving refreshments, moving chairs & tables, technology, facilitating a group, welcoming, music etc ...

Information Meeting - Tues 24th April 7.30 - 9pm in the St Joseph’s Parish Centre, Christchurch.

You are not committing yourself to anything at this stage! We will be discussing potential dates and venues then too. Please contact Richard Martin if you’re interested, or if you would like more info: [email protected] or 07990 826 934


Today for the Easter flowers.


CCP presents the first soup event at 7pm in the Parish Centre. Entrance is £5. Live music from ‘Swing Unlimited’. Local charities will make a short presentation. You enjoy a delicious bowl of soup & then vote for the most deserving cause with your bowl! Details on:

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