Page 1: Higher Weekly Task— Wednesday 6th May Hi Folks. Folio … · 2020-05-05 · Higher Weekly Task— Wednesday 6th May Hi Folks. Folio Development— Final Piece 1300 words. While

Higher Weekly Task— Wednesday 6th May

Hi Folks. Folio Development— Final Piece 1300 words.

While we are away from school we would like you to try and start developing a creative Folio piece.

Please have a look at some of the writing prompts below. Pick one example and write descriptively in anyway you chose on the im-

age you see.

Do not try and write too much action or time lapse; try and create a picture in the head of the reader. Transport the reader to the

scene; tell the reader all you can about your character. You can do this by writing detailed descriptions of everything that you can

see, hear, touch, taste, smell.

As you develop your ideas you can send your teacher drafts of your work.

You may by now have written a cracking opening for your story. Try and develop the middle section this week. Think carefully about

character. Is there an important development moment in the story that needs to occur? If you feel you want to write more...go for



Page 2: Higher Weekly Task— Wednesday 6th May Hi Folks. Folio … · 2020-05-05 · Higher Weekly Task— Wednesday 6th May Hi Folks. Folio Development— Final Piece 1300 words. While


Imagine you are stood facing the huts.

Write a description of your surroundings.

Use these language features:

Simile Personification Hyperbole

Onomatopoeia Alliteration

Include the five senses:

Touch Taste Sight

Sound Smell

Banned words:

Blue Green Red

White Grey

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You are stood in the middle of this scene.

Write a description of your surroundings.

Include the five senses:

Touch Taste Smell

Sight Sound

Banned words:

• Pink

• Yellow

• Blue

• Purple

• Green

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Write the beginning of a story inspired

by this picture.

Use these language features:

• Metaphor

• Simile

• Personification

• Repetition

• Onomatopoeia

Include the five senses:

Touch Taste Sound

Sight Smell

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Write a description as if you were stood in front of

this bird.

Banned words:

• Blue

• Yellow

• Black

• Feathers

Use these language features:

• Metaphor

• Simile

• Hyperbole

• Oxymoron

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Write a description of this person.

Include the five senses:

• Touch

• Taste

• Sight

• Sound

• Smell

Things to consider:

• Who is he?

• Is he happy or sad?

• What has his life been like up to now?

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Write a description of this person.

Include the five senses:

• Touch

• Taste

• Sight

• Sound

• Smell

Things to consider:

• Who is she?

• Why does she seem happy?

• What has his life been like up to now?

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Write a story inspired by this picture.

Include the five senses:

Touch Taste Sight

Sound Smell

Include these language features:

Hyperbole Metaphor Sibilance

Personification Simile

Starting sentence:

When people say your life can feel like

it has been turned upside down, I

didn’t realise it could literally happen!

Page 9: Higher Weekly Task— Wednesday 6th May Hi Folks. Folio … · 2020-05-05 · Higher Weekly Task— Wednesday 6th May Hi Folks. Folio Development— Final Piece 1300 words. While


Write a story inspired by this picture.

Use these language features:

• Hyperbole

• Metaphor

• Personification

• Oxymoron

Use these structural features:

• Flashback

• Foreshadowing

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Write a story inspired by this picture.

Prompt Questions

• Who is the person?

• Why does the person require a cane?

• Why is the person taking a photograph?

Starting sentence:

As he took one last look at the empire he had built,

sorrow filled his heart.

Use these language features:

Metaphor Simile Hyperbole

Juxtaposition Rhetorical question

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Option 1:

You are the person in the bag.

How did you come to be there?

Option 2:

You are the person holding the bag.

Why have you captured a human?

You must:

• Write in the first person narrative.

• Write at least four paragraphs.

• Include four different language features.

• Introduce a third character.

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Write a story inspired by this picture.

Use these language features:

• Hyperbole

• Metaphor

• Simile

• Alliteration

Starting sentence:

Today was going to be the day he took control of the


Page 13: Higher Weekly Task— Wednesday 6th May Hi Folks. Folio … · 2020-05-05 · Higher Weekly Task— Wednesday 6th May Hi Folks. Folio Development— Final Piece 1300 words. While


Write a story inspired by the picture.

Starting sentence:

I promised them I wouldn’t lose control again. But here I

am, sat in front of the results and with a lot of explaining

to do.

You must include:

• Question marks

• Exclamation marks

• Simple, compound and complex sentences

When you are finished:

Go through your writing and identify all of the language

features you have used.

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Write a version of Little Red

Riding Hood from the wolf’s



Familiarise yourself with the

original story of Little Red

Riding Hood.

Include the five senses:

Touch Taste Sight

Sound Smell


You may wish to make the wolf

evil or you may wish to portray

the wolf as a misunderstood


Page 15: Higher Weekly Task— Wednesday 6th May Hi Folks. Folio … · 2020-05-05 · Higher Weekly Task— Wednesday 6th May Hi Folks. Folio Development— Final Piece 1300 words. While

Option 1:

Write a story where inspired by the picture.

Option 2:

You are stood in the room shown in the picture.

Write a description of your surroundings.

Include the five senses:

• Touch

• Taste

• Sound

• Sight

• Smell

Page 16: Higher Weekly Task— Wednesday 6th May Hi Folks. Folio … · 2020-05-05 · Higher Weekly Task— Wednesday 6th May Hi Folks. Folio Development— Final Piece 1300 words. While

Write about a world where the

sea creatures became the

most dominant living thing on

the planet.

Would they respect humans?

Would they punish humans for the

ways we have treated the oceans?

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What would life be like if all

animals were physically larger

than humans?

What would like be like if all

animals were more intelligent

than humans?

Would some animals still be


Would humans become the


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Step One:

Write down the title of your favourite book.

If you cannot choose a favourite, write down the

title of the book you last read.

Step Two:

You have woken up in the world in which your book

is set.

Write a story based on your experiences of being in

this world.


You can choose to either wake up as yourself or you

can choose to wake up as a character from your

chosen book.


Think about possible dangers you may encounter.

Are there any steps you could take to change the

ending of the original story?

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Option 1:

The year is 2099. Robots have established

dominance over Earth.

Write about what life is like under robot control.

Option 2:

People are becoming lazy thanks to advancements in


Discuss whether you agree or disagree with this


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Option 1:

You are a zoo animal who has never known life in the wild.

Write a diary entry.

Option 2:

Zoos should be banned. All animals should be wild.

Discuss whether you agree or disagree with this statement.

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If you could wish for three things, what would you wish

for and why?

You must:

• Write at least three paragraphs.

• Include a question mark and an exclamation mark.

Include these language features:

• Direct address

• Alliteration

• Simile

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We not taking the issue of plastic waste in oceans serious enough. Not enough is being done to tackle this

growing problem.

Discuss whether you agree or disagree with this statement.

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Write about the most beautiful person you


This person could either be someone you

know or someone you know of.

Something to consider:

Beauty does not always have to be a physical


The person you are thinking of may be

beautiful on the inside, on the outside or both.

Things to write about:

• Who is the person?

• What makes them beautiful?

• Why do you consider them to be the most

beautiful person?

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What is your favourite time of year and why?

This may be a season, a religious holiday or just a particular month you enjoy.

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If you could have any one superpower, what would it be?

Provide at least three reasons for your choice.

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