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1/20/11 – The meeting was called to order at 8:34 a.m. by Vice Chairman Leroy Peterson. Present were Paul Barkla, and Mel Pittman. Excused were Jerry Kosin and Rod Rommel. Staffs present were: Chad Johnson, Ray Dohm, Alan Thoner, Jim Harris and Sue Gerdes. Vice Chair called for public comments. None were received. Pittman moved and Barkla seconded to move item six (Annual Review of Highway Commissioner) to after public comments. Motion carried. Chairman Simones arrived at 8:38 and assumed leadership of the meeting. Motion made by Barkla, seconded by Pittman to convene into closed session at 8:38 a.m. pursuant to Sec.19.83(1)(c) Wis. Stats. for the purpose of considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility: Annual Review of Highway Commissioner. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved. Barkla departed at 8:48 a.m. At 8:50 a.m., Simones moved and was seconded by Peterson to return to open session. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved. Pittman moved and Simones seconded to grant a satisfactory performance evaluation for the Highway Commissioner. Motion carried. Peterson moved and Pittman seconded to approve the minutes of the 12/16/10 meeting. Motion carried. Peterson moved and Pittman seconded to approve the vouchers dated 12/22/10 in the amount of $58,130.81, 12/29/10 for $121,183.11, 1/07/11 for $74,260.24 and the vouchers dated 1/14/11 in the amount of $31,848.03 and$7,877.77. Motion carried. Pittman moved and Peterson seconded to approve the payrolls #1026 dated 12/31/10 for $109,101.27 and #1101 dated 1/14/11 for $99,851.71. Motion carried. The bid results for the Bridge Crew Truck Body were presented. Three responses were presented, as follows. Peterson moved and Pittman seconded to accept the low bid. Motion carried. 1. Stainless Repair, Inc Bid Not Complete 2. Universal Truck Equipment $32,914 (Low Bid) 3. Indianhead Truck Equipment $33,620 The bid results for the Asphalt Patching Trailers were presented, as follows. Pittman moved and Peterson seconded to accept the low bid. Motion carried 1. Sherwin Industries $39,381.25 (No Auger) 2. MacQueen Equipment $37,402 (Low Bid) 3. Stepp Mfg. $44,602

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Dohm updated the committee on a new federal law requiring those who operate underground storage tanks to attend UST Training. The training will be in Chippewa Falls in May. Dohm requested that two staff attend. Pittman moved and Peterson seconded to send two people. Motion carried. Commissioner’s Report (Chad Johnson) The Commissioner attended the winter conference, as did all committee members present. The “K” project is progressing, so we should be able to work on it this season. A project list is being prioritized, as well. The DOT appears to be catching up on old paperwork, which will be good for our county. Patrol Superintendent’s Report (Alan Thoner) All the maintainers have been busy with the constant snow. The State salt supply is getting low in certain areas, so we had to give some to Polk County. If there are no unusual storms, we should be ok until the mid-winter refill. Our use, so far this year, is average. Shop Superintendent’s Report (Ray Dohm) The shop continues to be busy. There is one person out with an injury. Fleet Management software is being demonstrated. As time permits, equipment is being prepared for spring – along with some work for towns and other County departments. Status update on a list of 12 improvements for the Shop is that 10 have been completed and a new item has been added. Construction Superintendent’s Report (Jim Harris) The construction crews are busy making salt-sand and crushing at Bisel Quarry. Office Manager’s Report (Sue Gerdes) The office is busy with year end activities. Current projects include: Inventory, preparations for the parallel run to test the Chemspro software, which will involve double entry for one accounting period and continued work on the import feature for the FuelMaster software. An Office Assistant is coming from the courthouse 1 day a week. Future agenda items include: winter conference update, fleet maintenance software, ATV and FTD update. The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 17th, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. Pittman moved and Peterson seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m.

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2/17/11 – The meeting was called to order at 8:32 a.m. by Vice Chairman Leroy Peterson. Present were Jerry Kosin and Rod Rommel. Excused was Mel Pittman. Staffs present were: Chad Johnson, Ray Dohm, Alan Thoner, Jim Harris and Sue Gerdes. Vice Chair called for public comments. None were received. Acting on the minutes from 1/20/11 was deferred. Kosin moved and Rommel seconded to approve the vouchers dated 1/2/11 in the amount of $38,655.10 and $3,907.67, 1/28/11 for $12,368.56, 2/04/11 for $46,417.50 and the vouchers dated 2/11/11 in the amount of $48,897.75. Motion carried. Rommel moved and Kosin seconded to approve the payrolls #1102 dated 1/28/11 for $103,784.20 and #1103 dated 2/11/11 for $99,995.80. Motion carried. Action on CTH K Plat was deferred. Dave Selissen was introduced to the committee and explained the relocation order process. The Relocation Order has already been approved and filed. However, it will need to be revised when complete. No further action is necessary. Chairman Simones arrived at 8:37 and assumed leadership of the meeting. Motion made by Rommel, seconded by Peterson to convene into closed session at 8:48 a.m. pursuant to Sec.19.85(1)(e) Wis. Stats. for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session: CTH K Project ID 311.22K2 Nominal Payment Parcel Report. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved. At 8:55 a.m. Kosin moved and was seconded by Rommel to return to open session. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved. Kosin moved and Peterson seconded to approve the Nominal Payment Parcel Report and to allow the Commissioner a 10% leeway. Motion carried. Bids were presented for a replacement of unit #1005 as follows:

Dealer Make/Model Year Notes Cost Trade Value Bid Submitted

Ellsworth Ford

Ford Edge 2011 Dealer trade

$24,531.35 $5,500.00 $19,031.35

Cernohaus Chevrolet

Chevy Equinox

2011 In stock

$23,290.00 $5,000.00 $18,290.00

Quinn Motors

Chevy Equinox

2011 6-12 weeks

$22,460.45 $5,000.00 $17,460.45

Kosin moved with Peterson seconding to accept the low bid from Quinn’s. Motion carried.

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Johnson presented a request from a resident on CTH BB for ROW purchase to plant trees that will shield their home. The ROW in that area is wide. Highway would like to retain ownership of the ROW in that area. Peterson moved and Kosin seconded to have the Commissioner contact the owner to discuss a memo agreement option. Motion carried. Larry Johnson from Pierce County ATV presented a request to allow ATV’s to travel on segments of County roads. The Highway Dept., in part, is concerned about damage to shoulders and costs for signing. By the power of the Chairman, action was deferred until the next meeting when the full committee will be present. In preparation for the Rush River Cleanup, the Commissioner reported that after the fall cleanup an invoice was received for the disposal fee. We have historically done the hauling, but would like committee direction regarding the disposal fee. Peterson moved and Kosin seconded to continue hauling at no charge, contingent upon the disposal fee being prepaid. Motion carried. Peterson moved and Simones seconded to approve the minutes of the 1/20/11 meeting. Motion carried. Johnson requested that three staff be allowed to attend the free MSHA spring thaw training session in St. Cloud, MN. Wisconsin does not offer similar training. There is no overnight stay required. Rommel moved and Kosin seconded to send three to the training. Motion carried. Johnson requested that he be allowed to attend the Commissioner’s Training Conference in Sheboygan. The two day training requires a one night stay and he will carpool with St. Croix Co. Kosin moved and Peterson seconded that he attend the training. Motion carried. Johnson requested that a meal be provided at the Annual Safety Meeting. This is a budgeted item. Rommel moved and Kosin seconded to allow the budgeted amount for the meal. Motion carried. Dohm requested that two staff be allowed to attend ‘Focus on Energy’ training in Eau Claire. Overnight accommodations are not required. The training is geared to government and schools. One session is for management, the other is for staff. The cost is $99 each. Kosin moved and Rommel seconded to allow the training. Motion carried. Dohm requested that operator, mechanic and/or supervisor be sent to training on the new Tymco equipment. Cost to the County would be for transportation to the airport and wages. Action is deferred to the next meeting. Johnson requested that one be sent to seal-coat operations training in Arden Hills, MN. Of particular interest is a new process called fog sealing. The cost is $50 for the half day training. Peterson moved and Kosin seconded to send one to the training. Motion carried. Shop Superintendent’s Report (Ray Dohm) A truck needs to be repaired as a result of tipping on its side. No one was injured. There is one person on light duty. The Shop Repair Order function has been lost with the software conversion. The machine hours will need to be recorded in the old system until a solution is found. The fuel data

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processing is behind due to the staffing shortage. This is delaying the preventative maintenance of the equipment. Patrol Superintendent’s Report (Alan Thoner) The crews are taking care of potholes and doing some brush cutting. The State reserve salt supply has arrived. Construction Superintendent’s Report (Jim Harris) The construction crews are crushing at the Johnson quarry and stripping at the Bisel quarry - along with some brush cutting. Office Manager’s Report (Sue Gerdes) The office is working on the duplicate data entry for required for the software parallel run. The import feature for the FuelMaster software has been implemented. It doesn’t appear to offer any time savings. However, it should improve accuracy. A day was spent on additional training for the software. Future items include the software “go-live” and year end schedules. Commissioner’s Report (Chad Johnson) Personnel issues have slowed down, which is allowing the regular work to be done. The “K” project continues to progress and a project list is being prioritized. Chip Simones shared information with the committee regarding Statewide Speed Maintenance. Johnson presented the plat for the CTH K Project ID 311.22K2. Rommel moved and Peterson seconded to approve the Plat as presented. Motion carried. Future agenda items include: FTD, traffic engineering training, bridge aides, fleet maintenance software, replacement of unit #268 sweeper and ATV requests. The next regular meeting is scheduled for March 17th, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. Kosin moved and Rommel seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m.

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3/17/11 – The meeting was called to order at 8:35 a.m. by Chairman Chip Simones. Present were Leroy Peterson, Jerry Kosin, Rod Rommel and Mel Pittman. Staffs present were: Chad Johnson, Ray Dohm, Alan Thoner, Jim Harris and Sue Gerdes. Others present were Paul Barkla-County Board Chairman, Brad Lawrence-Corporation Council, Dan Reis-County Board Supervisor District 13 and Larry Johnson-Pierce Co. ATV. Chair called for public comments. None were received. #3 Minutes from 2/17/11 were amended, with respect to the request from Pierce County ATV, to read: By the power of the Chairman, action was deferred until the next meeting when the full committee will be present. Kosin moved and Peterson seconded to approve the amended minutes. Motion carried. Pittman abstained, as he was excused from the meeting in question. #4 Pittman moved and Rommel seconded to approve the vouchers dated 2/22/11 in the amount of $56,408.76, 2/25/11 for $17,651.26, 3/04/11 for $47,978.47 and the vouchers dated 3/11/11 in the amount of $43,593.76. Motion carried. #5 Kosin moved and Peterson seconded to approve the payrolls #1104 dated 2/25/11 for $95,620.59 and #1105 dated 3/11/11 for $108,530.12. Motion carried. #6 Traffic Engineering Service Provider Technical Briefing training was requested for 3. There is no cost for the 1 day session. Peterson moved and Rommel seconded to approve the training. Motion carried. #7 At 8:50 a.m. in a motion made by Rommel, seconded by Peterson the Committee will convene into closed session pursuant to Sec. 19.85(1)(e) Wis. Stats. for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session; and Sec. 19.85(1)(g) Wis. Stats. For the purpose of conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved: outstanding balance for Farm Technology Days. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved. #8 At 10:05 a.m. Rommel moved and was seconded by Kosin to return to open session. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved. Rommel moved and Kosin seconded that the Highway Department request complete financial statements from the FTD committee, including all receivables and payables, to date. Motion carried - with Pittman abstaining. #9 Pittman moved and Rommel seconded to allow the ATV request to travel on County Road N from 650 Ave. to County Road G to 425 St. and from the intersection of Co. N and G to the El Paso Bar & Grill. Motion carried, with Peterson and Kosin opposed. #10 the requested information was presented for the Tymco sweeper training. Pittman moved and Kosin seconded allowing two staff to attend the training. Motion carried.

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#11 Bid specifications were presented for a Self-Propelled Broom, which will replace unit #268. Rommel moved and Kosin seconded to approve the bid specs as presented. Motion carried. #12 A list of accounts receivable, that are past due by more than 1 year, was presented. Another attempt to collect should be made on all accounts newer than 2005. Further action is deferred until next meeting. Shop Superintendent’s Report (Ray Dohm) Trucks #84 and #57 are both, presently, being repaired due to accidents. No one was injured in the accidents. Patrol Superintendent’s Report (Alan Thoner) Crews are patching potholes and making repairs to the shoulders, in addition to doing some brush cutting. Water flow concerns are being addressed. The Prescott Bridge opens April 1st. One of the bridge tenders has retired, and the posting for that position will go up the first part of April. Repairs to permanent signs that have been damaged and sweeping will start soon. Construction Superintendent’s Report (Jim Harris) The construction crews finished crushing at the Johnson quarry and have moved to the Bisel quarry. The blast at Bisel went well – no damage. They are also doing some brush cutting. Soon we will be bidding for construction materials. Office Manager’s Report (Sue Gerdes) The software conversion is complete. Some of the shop functionality has been lost and alternative solutions are being worked out to fulfill the need. The office is working on year end reconciling and the accompanying schedules. The Bookkeeper, Nancy, has announced her retirement for August. Commissioner’s Report (Chad Johnson) Pierce Co. has been notified that it will receive $101,000 less in General Transportation Aides in 2012. Plans are progressing for Staff annual safety training in April. Spring thaw training was attended and will help us to avoid citations from MSHA. The Co. “K” right of way acquisition is progressing. Laurie Lundgaard has been contracted for 40 hours to help with the year end book closing. Rommel reported that he has been working on a staffing plan. The Bookkeeper position is expected to be refilled. Future agenda items include: FTD, bridge aides, replacement of unit #268 sweeper, culvert pipes-road oil-LRIP and hot mix bids. The next regular meeting is scheduled for April 21st, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. Kosin moved and Rommel seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m.

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4/21/11 – The meeting was called to order at 8:32 a.m. by Chairman Chip Simones. Present were Leroy Peterson, Jerry Kosin, Rod Rommel and Mel Pittman. Staffs present were: Chad Johnson, Ray Dohm, Alan Thoner, Jim Harris and Sue Gerdes. Others present: Al Monaco from H.G. Meigs arrived at 9:30 a.m. Chair called for public comments. None were received. #3 Minutes from 3/17/11. Pittman moved and Kosin seconded to approve the minutes. Motion carried. #4 Kosin moved and Simones seconded to approve the vouchers dated 3/18/11 in the amount of $70,102.05, 3/25/11 for $34,808.25, 4/08/11 for $83,568.62 and the vouchers dated 4/15/11 in the amount of $28,759.95. Motion carried. #5 Pittman moved and Rommel seconded to approve the payrolls #1106 dated 3/25/11 for $98,174.13 and #1107 dated 4/8/11 for $97,716.24. Motion carried. #6 Staff training. Seal coat train was attended by Harris. He learned a lot of good information. Work zone flagger training was attended by four crew members. Different people are sent each time, so that eventually all staff has attended. Commissioner’s training was attended. Emphasis has been on topics that might be helpful to new Commissioner’s. #7 At 8:40 a.m. in a motion made by Rommel, seconded by Kosin the Committee will convene into closed session pursuant to Sec. 19.85(1)(e) Wis. Stats. for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session; and Sec. 19.85(1)(g) Wis. Stats. For the purpose of conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved: outstanding balance for Farm Technology Days. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved. Action on closed session item #7 was deferred to the next meeting. #9 Motion made by Rommel, seconded by Kosin to convene into closed session at 9:05 a.m. pursuant to Sec.19.85(1)(e) Wis. Stats. for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session: CTH K Project ID 311.22K2 Revised Nominal Payment Parcel Report. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved. #10 At 9:10 a.m. The committee returned to open session. Kosin moved and was seconded by Simones to approve the revised Nominal Payment Parcel Report. Motion carried. #11 The Traffic Maintenance Agreement was presented to the committee. Rommel moved and Kosin seconded to approve the agreement as presented. Motion carried. #12 the spring Committeeperson’s meeting is Friday May 6th. RSVP to Johnson by May 2nd.

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#13 the summer conference will by June 6-8th in Wisconsin Dells. #14 Superintendent/Foreman Conference. Peterson moved and Kosin seconded to allow four to attend the conference. Motion carried. #15 Special meetings are needed on 4/28/11 and 5/5/11 at 8:30 a.m. to award the bids for lighting replacement and window improvements. The work needs to be completed by the end of June to receive grant reimbursement. #16 Four used portable hoists for the Ellsworth shop. We have looked for these for a long time. They will allow for a much more thorough cleaning of the undercarriage of the trucks. The cost of new is $26,000. This set is being offered for $14,700. We will request that the two leaking jacks are repaired as part of the purchase. Rommel moved and Peterson seconded to purchase the portable hoist. Motion carried. #17 mid-mount sweeper. The bid results are as follows: Vendor Year, Make

& Model Outright

Cost Trade

Allowance Net

Cost Delivery Difference


2011 Rosco RB-48 $47,745

$10,000 $37,745 9 weeks +$9,777

Roland 2010 Rosco RB-48 Used 77 hours

$44,469 $10,000 $34,469 Available +$6,501

Airing 2011 Bruce KR350 $40,900 $12,000 $28,900 6 weeks +$932

Serwe 2011 Superior DT80J $38,768 $10,800 $27,968 6 weeks Low bid

Serwe 2009 Superior DT80J Used 181 hours

$36,729 $10,800 $25,929 Available Missing: curb broom, tilt wheel, susp. seat & temp

gauge +$2,039 Kosin moved and Rommel seconded to buy the low bid 2011 Superior DT80J. Motion carried. #18 culvert bid results. Harris presented three bid results calculations based on previous usages. Pittman moved and Peterson seconded to accept the low bid from Johnston/Fargo. Motion carried. #19 road oil bid results. Bids were received from Pearson Bros/Flint Hills, Monarch Paving and Henry G. Meigs LLC. Monarch had the low bid for asphalt plant oils and Henry G. Meigs for seal coat oils. Pittman moved and Peterson seconded to accept the low bids. Motion carried. #20 pulverizing bid results. Monarch Paving and Kraemer Company were the bidders. Kosin moved and Peterson seconded to accept the low bid from Kraemer Company. Motion carried. Harris presented the three-year contract plant rate for hot mix from Monarch. #21 Bridge Aids. Payments due to towns for 2010 bridge aid will be $107,650.69. Kosin moved and Peterson seconded to allow the payments. Motion carried.

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#22 Accounts Receivable. Collection calls have been made for all old outstanding accounts receivable with the expectation of one that is greater then 10 years old. It is felt that all balances will be paid. Therefore, Peterson moved and Kosin seconded to write off the account that is greater than 10 years old in the amount of $42.23. Motion carried. Shop Superintendent’s Report (Ray Dohm) The Chevrolet Equinox has been received. We also received the rubber tired excavator, which is replacing two tractors. The Tymco Sweeper is due for delivery next week. The repairs on Truck #84 are finished. Truck #57 is almost complete. The Bridge Crew truck is in shipment. The body is also ready. As soon as the year end is complete we’d like to proceed with the fleet management software. The shop crew is working on seasonal repairs. A transmission jack and a sprayer were received through law enforcement surplus. Patrol Superintendent’s Report (Alan Thoner) Crews are sweeping, patching and repairing the shoulders. Prescott Bridge-tending is in service. The position announcement has gone up for the open bridge tender position. Flood gates are being removed today. Repairs continue to permanent signs that were damaged. Starting May 2nd Highway 35 in Maiden Rock will be down to one lane due to a wall project. Traffic will be handled with a stop/go light. The project is predicted to last 240 days and is being completed by Kraemer. Construction Superintendent’s Report (Jim Harris) The crushing crew is working at the Bisel quarry. Construction crew is doing some sweeping and staking for construction projects, as the ground is still too soft for any major projects.. Bridge crews are inspecting the County bridges and washing bridges. Office Manager’s Report (Sue Gerdes) The office is working on year end schedules and auditors are in house this week. The previous Accountant was brought in for 40 hours to assist with cross-training and the vacant Assistant Bookkeeper position. The decision to do this was very beneficial. The job vacancy announcement has been posted for the next retirement. Material Data Safety Sheets are being updated to maintain compliance with OSHA. Commissioner’s Report (Chad Johnson) The annual safety refresher is almost ready to go for next Friday. Employment issues are being resolved. Time will be spent with the auditor, preparations for town jobs and our own construction jobs. A safety shirt that could be worn in some circumstances instead of a safety vest was shown. The concern being that the workers get too warm with the vest in the summer. The union is purchasing one shirt for each member. The staff could purchase additional shirts - if they choose to. Future agenda items include: FTD. The next regular meeting is scheduled for May 19th, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. Pittman moved and Kosin seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 a.m.

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4/28/11 – The special meeting was called to order by Chairman Chip Simones at 8:30 a.m. Present were LeRoy Peterson, Jerry Kosin, Mel Pittman and Rod Rommel. Staff present were: Chad Johnson, Ray Dohm, Alan Thoner and Sue Gerdes. Others present were Tony Feuerhelm and Matt Feuerhelm of Matt’s Electric and Gary Peterson from Town of Spring Lake. The Chairman called for public comments. Gary Peterson requested to be on the agenda for May 19, 2011. He would like to look into additional options for his township to store and/or obtain salt-sand. Shop Superintendent Dohm presented the lighting bid results noting that the Matt’s Electric is low bid. Staff recommends going with the low bid. Pittman moved and Peterson seconded to award the lighting bid to Matt’s Electric. Motion carried.


Bid Amount

B & B Electric, Inc. Eau Claire, WI


Scott Freer Electric, Inc. Hudson, Wi


Matt’sElectric Ellsworth, WI


EcoManity, LLC Elkhart Lake, WI


Energy Efficient Solutions, LLC Stoughton, WI


Pittman moved and Kosin seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 a.m. The next special meeting will be May 5th at 8:30 a.m.

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5/5/11 – The special meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Leroy Peterson at 8:30 a.m. Present were Jerry Kosin and Rod Rommel. Staffs present were: Chad Johnson, Jim Harris, Alan Thoner and Sue Gerdes. Chairman Simones arrived at 8:32 a.m. The Vice Chairman called for public comments. None were received. Commissioner Johnson presented the window bid results. Two bids were received. Four plan holders did not submit a bid. Staff recommends going with the low bid. Rommel moved and Kosin seconded to award the window bid to Hager City Glass Co. Motion carried.


Bid Amount

J & B Window & Door LLC $42,890.00

Hager City Glass Co $27,100.00

Lueck’s Inc. No bid Red Wing Construction Co. No bid

Berghammer Builders, Inc. No bid

Gavic Construction Corporation No bid Kosin moved and Rommel seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:34 a.m. The next meeting will be May 19th at 8:30 a.m.

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5/26/11 – The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. by Chairman Chip Simones. Present were Leroy Peterson, Jerry Kosin and Mel Pittman. Rod Rommel was excused. Staffs present were: Chad Johnson, Ray Dohm, Alan Thoner, Jim Harris and Sue Gerdes. Others present: Gary Peterson and Mike Jacobson from Town of Spring Lake. #2 Chair called for public comments. None were received. #3 Minutes from 4/21/11, 4/28/11 & 5/5/11. Kosin moved and Peterson seconded to approve these minutes. Motion carried. #4 Kosin moved and Peterson seconded to approve the vouchers dated 4/22/11 in the amount of $51,587.22, 5/06/11 for $256,385.69, 5/13/11 for $130,613.80 and the vouchers dated 5/20/11 in the amount of $108,458.00. Motion carried. #5 Pittman moved and Kosin seconded to approve the payrolls #1108 dated 4/22/11 for $92,673.43, #1109 dated 5/6/11 for $102,371.68 and #1110 dated 5/20/11 for $93,634.91. Motion carried. #6 staff training. Required MSHA Safety Roadeo went well with approximately 100 in attendance. Dohm and B. Johnson have attained Underground Storage Tanks certification. In 2012, others who use our pumps will have to be educated. Dohm and F. Thompson have been trained on the new Tymco sweeper. Chad Johnson and Brady Scharpen attended pipeline safety training. #7 a motion was made by Pittman and seconded by Kosin to allow the Commissioner and the Chairman to attend the WCHA summer road school conference in Wisconsin Dells June 6-8. Motion carried. #8 action on the storage of Salt/Sand for Towns at outlying shops was deferred. #9 the closed session regarding the outstanding balance from Farm Technology Days was deferred to the next meeting. Shop Superintendent’s Report (Ray Dohm) The Bridge Crew truck has been delivered and the body is now being installed. The 844K Deere loader has been in Eau Claire for a little over two weeks. The engine had to be removed to repair oil leaks. We are trying to get policy consideration on the bucket cutting edges, which were worn out in half the normal hours. The short life is attributed to the return to dig feature being inoperable for the first year of service. Deere was well aware of the problem, but was unable to come up with a fix until now. The new 180 Volvo wheeled Volvo excavator has issues with the brush cutting head not stopping completely. Aring Equipment is working to solve the problem. Six County maintenance trucks will be painted and the mowers are being prepared for use. Patrol Superintendent’s Report (Alan Thoner) The Bridge Tender position has been filled leaving a State Maintainer position open. The State Maintainer position is posted now. Crews are patching and shouldering on the State roads. They are patching, shouldering and brushing on the County roads. Mowing will start soon. Construction Superintendent’s Report (Jim Harris)

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Crews replaced a culvert on DD that collapsed. They are installing an 8’ pipe for the Town of Ellsworth, construction on 620th in Oak Grove, crushing crew is working at the Johnson and Bisel quarries and crack filling in preparation for sealcoat. Bridge crews are inspecting the County bridges and washing bridges. Office Manager’s Report (Sue Gerdes) GASB Infrastructure reports have been sent to the auditor, new billing rates are set, third quarter financial reports are ready and the new Accounting Assistant is training. Commissioner’s Report (Chad Johnson) A handout outlining the winter maintenance financial position was discussed. Road school will be attended in June. Future agenda items include: Year end audit presentation and FTD. The next regular meeting is scheduled for June 16th, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. Kosin moved and Pittman seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.

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Hwy_Comm_Minutes_6-16-11[1].doc 7/22/2011

6/16/11 – The meeting was called to order at 8:35 a.m. by Chairman Chip Simones. Present were

Leroy Peterson, Jerry Kosin, Rod Rommel and Mel Pittman. Staffs present were: Chad Johnson,

Alan Thoner, Jim Harris and Sue Gerdes. Others present: Steve Tracey and Steve Scheidler of

LarsonAllen, LLP, Paul Barkla, Julie Brickner and Tami Billeter.

#2 Chair called for public comments. Chairman Simones will donate his copy of the 100th

Anniversary book from WCHA to the Highway Department.

#3 Independent auditors LarsonAllen, LLP presented the 2010 Highway Department Financial Report

to the committee.

#4 Focus on Energy Grant funds are available to update the Highway Office/Shop building air

handling units. There will be a small cost to obtain the funds, but the savings from the efficiencies

will result in a quick payback. A motion was made by Peterson/Rommel to pursue the grant for the

air handling unit replacement. Motion carried.

#5 Minutes from 5/26/11. Pittman moved and Peterson seconded to approve the minutes. Motion


#6 Committee reviewed the vouchers and payrolls.

#7 staff training was reviewed. Chairman Simones and Commissioner Johnson have attended the

WCHA conference. No new requests were received.

#8 Nominal Payment Parcel Request for CTH K. A $250 increase was requested. Motion to approve

was made by Pittman and seconded by Peterson. Motion carried.

#9 Centerline Paint bid results are as follows:

Vendor Yellow Paint ($/per foot)

White Paint ($/per foot)


Fahrner Asphalt Sealers

$0.051 $0.051 Per Specifications

Taylor County Highway Dept.

No bid



Trempealeau County Highway Dept.

No Bid



Twin City Striping $0.048 $0.048 Only waterborne paint

Motion to accept the low bid made by Peterson and seconded by Rommel. Motion carried

#10 At 9:45 a.m. a motion was made by Rommel and seconded by Kosin to convene into closed

session pursuant Sec. 19.85(1)(e) Wis. Stats. For the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the

purchase of public properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public

business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session: outstanding balance

for Farm Technology Days. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved.

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#11 Barkla and Pittman exited at 10:25 a.m. At which time Peterson moved and was seconded by

Rommel to return to open session. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved. No action was


Shop Superintendent’s Report (Chad Johnson for Ray Dohm)

Lighting upgrade installation is in progress. The window replacement will begin soon. Progress on

the installation of the Bridge Crew truck body is being reviewed today. The shop is busy with repairs

and maintenance to the mowers and other construction season equipment. Painting of six

maintenance trucks is underway.

Patrol Superintendent’s Report (Alan Thoner)

The State Maintainer position has been filled leaving a County Section position open. This position

will be posted soon. Crews are patching on the State roads and preparing for a paving job on STH

35. They are mowing on the County roads.

Construction Superintendent’s Report (Jim Harris)

Crews are working in Oak Grove. In preparation for sealcoat, they will replace a culvert on EE, two

on N and 10 on S. The job for Bay City is almost complete. Next week a paving job will be done on

STH 35 that will carry that road through until the reconstruct in 2013. There will be a blast at Johnson

quarry and breaker rock is being made at Bisel quarry.

Office Manager’s Report (Sue Gerdes)

Training is going well with the new Accounting Assistant. There has been no change to the balances

on the old AR. Follow up will be done. April billing is done and May should be done yet this week.

Commissioner’s Report (Chad Johnson)

CTH U has been given the go ahead for Right of Way acquisition. CTH K ROW is progressing.

We are focusing on outside work right now.

Future agenda items include: FTD.

There will be a special meeting June 28th

at 8:30 a.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for July

21st, 2011 at 8:30 a.m.

Peterson moved and Rommel seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was

adjourned at 10:37 a.m.

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Hwy_Comm_Minutes_6-28-11[1].doc 7/22/2011

6/28/11 – The special meeting was called to order by Chairman Chip Simones at 8:30 a.m. Present

were LeRoy Peterson, Jerry Kosin, Mel Pittman and Rod Rommel. Staff present were: Chad

Johnson, Ray Dohm, Alan Thoner and Sue Gerdes. Paul Barkla was present for the closed session.

The Chairman called for public comments. None were received.

Shop Superintendent Dohm presented the air handling unit bid results noting that he would like to

have the option to split the units to cover the North and South sides of the building separately.

Research will be done to determine any added benefits from doing so. Staff recommends going with

the low bid from River Falls Heating. Pittman moved and Rommel seconded to award the bid to

River Falls Heating. Motion carried.


Bid Amount

Ryan Mechanical, Inc.

Red Wing, MN

$57,840 plus

$4,250 option

River Falls Heating

River Falls, WI

$55,200 plus

$4,000 option

Riester Refrigeration

Red Wing, MN

No Bid

At 8:35 a.m. Peterson moved and Kosin seconded to move to convene into closed session pursuant to

Sec. 19.85(1)(e) Wis. Stats. for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public

properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business, whenever

competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session: outstanding balance for Farm Technology

Days. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved.

At 9:03 a.m. Kosin moved and Peterson seconded to return to open session. By roll call vote, this

was unanimously approved.

A motion was made by Rommel and seconded by Pittman that the Highway Committee request

$20,000 to settle the outstanding balance of $128,000 for Farm Technology Days. Votes were as

follows: Simones – yes, Peterson – abstain, Kosin – no, Rommel – yes, Pittman – abstain. Motion


Pittman moved and Peterson seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting

adjourned at 9:20 a.m. The next meeting will be July 21st at 8:30 a.m.

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7/21/11 – The meeting was called to order at 8:32 a.m. by Vice Chairman LeRoy Peterson. Present were Jerry Kosin, Rod Rommel, Mel Pittman and Paul Barkla. Staffs present were: Chad Johnson, Alan Thoner, Jim Harris, Ray Dohm and Sue Gerdes. Others present: Dave Selissen of Timbers-Selissen Land Specialists, Inc. #2 Vice Chair called for public comments. None were received #3 Minutes from 6/16/11 and 6/28/11. Kosin moved and Rommel seconded to approve the minutes. Motion carried. #4 The Committee reviewed the vouchers and payrolls. #5 Staff training needs. Pittman moved and Rommel seconded to allow three to attend the Chemspro training in LaCrosse. Motion carried. Chairman Simones arrived and assumed leadership of the meeting. #6 LRIP Asphalt bid. One bid was received from Monarch Paving Co. Kosin moved and Peterson seconded to accept the bid. Motion carried. #7 CTH U plat. Rommel moved and Kosin seconded to approve the plat as presented. Motion carried. #8 CTH U relocation order. Peterson moved and Pittman seconded to approve the relocation order. Motion carried. The Committee designates the Commissioner as the signer. #9 Motion made by Kosin, seconded by Peterson to convene into closed session at 8:45 a.m. pursuant to Sec.19.85(1)(e) Wis. Stats. for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session: CTH U Project ID 7899-03-01 Nominal Payment Parcel Report. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved. #10 Return to open session. At 8:55 motion by Rommel and second by Kosin to return to open session. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved. Rommel moved and Pittman seconded to approve the Nominal Payment Parcel Report and to allow the Commissioner 20% latitude. Motion carried #11 Highway Budget 2012. Current financial position was reviewed. The budget directive is a 0% increase. However, it is known that wages will increase, materials are expected to increase by 4% and General Transportation Aid is decreasing by $101,647. The same schedules are planned, and the Department will look for approval at the next meeting. Many options were discussed on how to budget for and manage winter maintenance. #12 Fleet Management Software. Needs were explained, including what was lost due to the accounting software conversion. Timeliness of reports is important to the Machinery and Equipment Fund. The software would also eliminate some things that are being tracked manually. Pittman

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moved and Rommel seconded that Fleet Management software research should continue. The possibility of Grants should also be looked into. Motion carried. Brad Lawrence, Corporation Counsel arrived. #13 At 9:40 a.m. a motion was made by Pittman and seconded by Kosin to convene into closed session pursuant Sec. 19.85(1)(e) Wis. Stats. For the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session: outstanding balance for Farm Technology Days. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved. #14 Return to open session. At 9:52 Kosin moved and was seconded by Peterson to return to open session. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved. No action was taken. Barkla and Lawrence exited the meeting. #15 Town of Rock Elm-Bridge Aid request. All requirement of the petition have been followed. Peterson moved and Rommel seconded to approve the bridge aid request. Motion carried. #16 Maintenance Truck Replacement. Information from the 5 year plan was explained. Cost savings due to volume purchases can be significant. More information will be presented at the next meeting. Shop Superintendent’s Report (Ray Dohm) Lighting upgrade installation is complete. There was a noticeable savings in the most recent billing period. The window replacement is in progress. HVAC upgrade will start as soon as the equipment arrives. Patrol Superintendent’s Report (Alan Thoner) The Clifton County Section position is open. Plans are to announce this position in the fall. The County and State crews are mowing. A large pavement improvement project has been completed on STH 35. The Prescott Bridge has seen no trouble. Construction Superintendent’s Report (Jim Harris) The Oak Grove construction is complete. Sealcoating is in progress on multiple roads. Culvert replacement on S has been completed and the crews are moving to work on culverts on A. Pavement on A is being ground. Office Manager’s Report (Sue Gerdes) The billing and data entry is now caught up. Cross training is ongoing. The new MSDS books are nearly done. In general things are going well in the office. Commissioner’s Report (Chad Johnson) It has been 107 days with no lost time. Budget plans are in progress, as well as planning for future projects. Future agenda items include: Truck bids, Fleet software and budget

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The next meeting will be August 18th at 8:30 a.m. Peterson moved and Rommel seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.

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Hwy_Comm_Minutes_8-18-11[1].doc 9/16/2011

8/18/11 – The meeting was called to order at 8:35 a.m. by Chairman Chip Simones. Present were

LeRoy Peterson, Jerry Kosin, Rod Rommel and Mel Pittman. Staffs present were: Chad Johnson,

Alan Thoner, Jim Harris, Ray Dohm and Sue Gerdes. Others present: None.

#2 Chairman called for public comments. None were received

#3 Minutes from 7/21/11. Peterson moved and Pittman seconded to approve the minutes. Motion


#4 The Committee reviewed the vouchers and payrolls.

#5 Staff training needs. Kosin moved and Peterson seconded to allow County employees to attend

the LRIP meeting in Wausau. Motion carried.

#6 Motion made by Rommel, seconded by Kosin to convene into closed session at 8:45 a.m. pursuant

to Sec.19.85(1)(e) Wis. Stats. for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public

properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business, whenever

competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session: for the purpose of considering estimates

for maintenance truck replacement. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved.

#7 Return to open session. At 8:58 motion by Peterson and second by Kosin to return to open

session. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved. No action necessary.

#8 Fleet Management Software. Further clarifications were presented along with other financial

savings that should be obtained by implementing the software. No action was taken at this time.

#9 Highway Budget 2012. The proposed budget was reviewed. Twelve miles of Mill and Pave were

removed from the budget. Rommel moved and Kosin seconded to approve the expense budget as

presented. Motion carried.

#10 Town of Salem outstanding invoice. Rommel motioned with Kosin seconding to write off the

invoice from 2002. Motion carried.

#11 CTH F Clifton Hollow bridge project-retaining wall. A public information meeting will be held

at the River Falls Public Library on September 14th

from 5-7 p.m. for the project. It was suggested to

provide pictures of options for the retaining walls with the costs and voting ballots.

#12 Farm Technology Days outstanding balance. Rommel moved and Peterson seconded to accept

the $20,000 check as final payment for the $128,000 bill. Simones-yes, Peterson-yes, Kosin-no,

Rommel-yes, Pittman-abstain. Motion carried.

Shop Superintendent’s Report (Ray Dohm)

Dohm notified the Committee that there will be more truck maintenance expense due to the delay in

replacing the trucks.

Patrol Superintendent’s Report (Alan Thoner)

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The fall mowing will start soon for the County system. Potholes continue to be patched. Some

brushing is being done early in order to evaluate a piece of machinery.

Construction Superintendent’s Report (Jim Harris)

The El Paso construction project is complete. A Town of Ellsworth project is in progress. The crews

are finishing the culvert installation on CTH A, which is currently gravel. A second round

sealcoating will be starting soon along with some blacktopping in September.

Office Manager’s Report (Sue Gerdes)

Work is being done on the budget. Cross training is more than 75% complete. Manual work papers

are being converted to excel. Things are going well in the office.

Commissioner’s Report (Chad Johnson)

Right of Way acquisition continues for CTH K. CTH U and F project details are being worked out.

Budgeting is in progress, as well as planning for future projects.

Future agenda items include: Fleet Management Software and Capital Improvement budget

The next meeting will be September 15th

at 8:30 a.m.

Pittman moved and Peterson seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was

adjourned at 10:45 a.m.

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Hwy Comm Minutes 9-15-11[1].doc 10/24/2011

9/15/11 – The meeting was called to order at 8:32 a.m. by Vice-chairman LeRoy Peterson. Present

were Jerry Kosin, Rod Rommel and Mel Pittman. Absent was Chip Simones. Staffs present were:

Chad Johnson, Alan Thoner, Jim Harris and Sue Gerdes. Others present: Brad Lawrence.

#2 Vice-chairman called for public comments. None were received

#3 Minutes from 8/18/11. Rommel moved and Kosin seconded to approve the minutes. Motion


#4 The Committee reviewed the vouchers and payrolls.

#5 Staff training needs. Some staffs are attending the Foreman Conference this week. Sue, Ruth and

Brian will attend Chemspro Training in October. In October, there will be an in-house meeting for

the Maintainers.

#6 2012 Highway Department Budget. The Capital Improvement Plan was presented. A reduction

was made to the Gravel Pits Land. Kosin moved to approve the Plan. Pittman seconded. Motion


#7 At 8:45 a.m. a motion was made by Kosin, seconded by Pittman to convene into closed session

pursuant to Sec. 19.85(1) (e) Wis. Stats. for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchase of

public properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business,

whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session: a) CTH K Project ID 311.22K2

Revised Nominal Payment Parcel Report, b) CTH K Project ID 311.22K2 Appraisals and Offering

Price Reports, c) CTH K Project ID 311.22K2 Dairyland Power Audit Agreement. By roll call vote,

this was unanimously approved.

#8 Return to open session. At 8:58 motion by Pittman and second by Rommel to return to open

session. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved. Actions are as follows:

a). Motion to approve the report by Rommel, second by Kosin. Motion carried.

b). Motion to approve the report by Pittman, seconded by Rommel. Motion carried.

c). Motion to proceed with the agreement by Kosin, seconded by Rommel. Motion carried.

#9 Fall Committeemen’s Meeting. Registration is due by October 1st.

#10 At 9:03 a.m. Pittman moved and Rommel seconded to convene into closed session pursuant to

Sec. 19.85(1) (e) Wis. Stats. for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public

properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business, whenever

competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session; and Sec. 19.85(1)(g) Wis. Stats. For the

purpose of conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written

advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is

likely to become involved: Greenhaw v. Pierce County et al. By roll call vote, this was unanimously


#11 Return to open session. At 9:17 in a motion by Pittman and seconded by Rommel the committee

will return to open session. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved. No action was


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#12 Fleet Management Software. Rommel moved and Pittman seconded to allow up to $40,000 for

the purchase of Fleet Management Software. Motion carried.

Shop Superintendent’s Report (Ray Dohm)

No report as Ray is attending a conference

Patrol Superintendent’s Report (Alan Thoner)

The fall mowing is in progress the County system and townships that request our services. On the

State system, potholes are being patched, some shouldering and the boom mower is in use. Traffic at

the Prescott Bridge has been steady. The new computer system is working well. The TMA is

through, so State signage is going up. The new Secretary of Transportation is gathering information

to be shared with the Governor regarding the RMA.

Construction Superintendent’s Report (Jim Harris)

Sealcoating is complete. Much of the staff has been busy with the paving, which is happening in

Rock Elm, Salem, El Paso, CTH QQ and Town of Clifton. Bridge crew is working in the Town of

Union and Trimbelle. It was noted that operating a crusher keeps material prices in check.

Office Manager’s Report (Sue Gerdes)

With more than 30 years of employment at Pierce County, Office Assistant Nancy Lundgaard retired

as of the end of August. Work continues on the budget. Spreadsheets are being redesigned in order

to be more efficient. A six week billing cycle has ended and the next round of invoices should go out

soon. Generally, things are going well in the office.

Commissioner’s Report (Chad Johnson)

A public information meeting for CTH F was last night. The people in attendance were in favor of

using form lining and stain on the retaining wall. Right of Way acquisition continues for CTH K and

CTH U. Project details will be forthcoming for CTH F. Test digging was done on CTH U. No

negative results were found, so we will move ahead with the project.

Future agenda items include: CTH F.

The next meeting will be October 20th

at 8:30 a.m.

Pittman moved and Kosin seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was

adjourned at 9:32 a.m.

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Hwy Comm Minutes 10-10-11[1].doc 10/24/2011

10/10/11 – The special meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman LeRoy Peterson at 9:02 a.m.

Present were Jerry Kosin, Mel Pittman and Rod Rommel. Staffs present were: Chad Johnson and Sue


The Vice Chairman called for public comments. None were received.

Chairman Simones arrived.

Commissioner Johnson reported that the Design Study Report is signed for the CTH F Project. The

project is scheduled to be let on March 13, 2012. He then presented CTH F Project ID 7887-03-03

Plat and the CTH F Project ID 7887-03-03 Relocation Order. Pittman motioned to approve these

items as presented and Peterson seconded. Motion carried.

Pittman moved and Kosin seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned

at 9:09 a.m. The next meeting will be October 20th at 8:30 a.m.

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Hwy Comm Minutes 10-20-11[1].doc 11/17/2011

10/20/11 – The meeting was called to order at 8:31 a.m. by Chairman Chip Simones. Present were

LeRoy Peterson, Jerry Kosin, Rod Rommel and Mel Pittman. Staffs present were: Chad Johnson,

Alan Thoner, Jim Harris and Ray Dohm. Excused was Sue Gerdes. Others present: Larry Hoyer.

#2 Chair called for public comments. None were received

#3 Minutes from 9/15/11. Motion made by Kosin/Peterson to approve the minutes. Motion carried.

Minutes from 10/10/11. Motion made by Kosin/Peterson to approve the minutes. Motion carried.

#4 The Committee reviewed the vouchers and payrolls.

#5 Staff training needs. Some staffs are attending the Chemspro Highway Software Conference this

week. Three maintainers went to the annual winter maintenance conference in Eau Claire. Three

staff went to rigging training in Bloomington, MN. Upcoming training includes fuel pump safety

training. This is a new federal requirement where all facilities with underground storage are required

to have staff trained in case of a spill or other emergency. Ray and Brian will fulfill the Class A

requirement. Other staff will be Class C. In early November, there will be an in-house meeting for

the Maintainers.

#6 2011 Routine Maintenance Agreement Amendment. The DOT has obtained additional funds from

the legislature, which is being parsed out to the counties. We will receive $160,715. Motion made

by Peterson/Kosin to approve the Amendment. Motion carried.

#7 2012 Routine Maintenance Agreement. The RMA amount for 2012 is $1,397,500. The

Commissioner recommends accepting the agreement. Motion made by Pittman/Rommel to accept

the Agreeement. Motion carried.

#8 Winter maintenance plan. County winter maintenance costs generally follow State costs. The

State has been creative in finding additional funds when winter weather is more active than planned.

The Committee was asked their preference for containing or funding the cost. The Committee felt

that the approach taken last year was adequate and requests that the Commissioner send a press

release to outline for the public what the expectation is.

#9 Declare surplus equipment. Dohm recommends that Unit #294 (old Sign Truck), #147 (1966

Rock Drill) & #101 (JD Tractor) be declared as surplus equipment. Motion made by Rommel/Kosin

to declare 294, 147 & 101 as surplus equipment. Motion carried.

#10 Morgan Sand Pit lease. The Village of Maiden Rock would like to lease a portion of the pit to

relocate their recycling dumpsters. A fence will need to be installed. However, the Village insurance

company will not name us as additionally insured, which is required by the lease. Motion made by

Peterson/Kosin to decline the offer. Motion carried.

#11 Bridge Assessments. Johnson presented a list of bridges that were ineligible for Federal Funding.

Super/substructures are in good shape, but the decks are not. The structure sufficiency number is not

low enough to qualify, as the decks do not effect the calculation very much. There are 12 bridges

with deck concerns. The federal program will not cover all 12. Commissioner would like to hire a

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structural engineer to evaluate the situation. Motion made by Peterson/Pittman to prepare a proposal

to hire a structural engineer. Motion carried.

Supervisor Paul Barkla arrived.

#12 Motion was made by Pittman/Rommel to convene into closed session pursuant to Sec. 19.85(1)

(e) Wis. Stats. for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public properties, the

investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or

bargaining reasons require a closed session: a) CTH K Project ID 311.22K2 Parcel 1, b) CTH K

Project ID 311.22K2 Parcel 3. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved.

#13 Return to open session. Motion made by Rommel/Kosin to return to open session. By roll call

vote, this was unanimously approved. Actions are as follows:

a). Motion to approve Parcel 1 by Rommel/Kosin. Motion carried.

b). Motion to approve Parcel 3 by Rommel/Kosin. Motion carried.

#14 Term of office-County Highway Commissioner. Motion made by Peterson/Rommel to approve

the ordinance to establish a indefinite term of office for County Highway Commissioner as written by

Corporation Counsel. Motion carried.

Shop Superintendent’s Report (Ray Dohm)

The shop is getting ready for the crushing season. New items are being tried on the maintenance

trucks that offer less maintenance. All trucks but one are painted. Three items were recently sold at

auction. Winter season preparations have begun, as well.

Patrol Superintendent’s Report (Alan Thoner)

The fall mowing is in progress across the County system and for the townships that request our

services. On the State system, crews are brushing with the boom mower. The Prescott Bridge will be

closing at the end of the month. The TMA is through, so State signage is going up.

Construction Superintendent’s Report (Jim Harris)

The crews are finishing the preparations for paving on County Road A, which is expected to start

next week. Paving for the towns is near completion. A new type of asphalt was used in the Town of

Union. It is softer and more flexible. It is harder to work with, but should hold up better. Bridge

crew is working in Maiden Rock and the grading crew is working in the Town of Gilman. When

paving on CTH A is complete the crews will begin shouldering.

Office Manager’s Report (Sue Gerdes)

No report, as Office Staff is attending Chemspro training.

Commissioner’s Report (Chad Johnson)

Financial reports were reviewed. Correspondence will be sent to the towns on what can be expected

for billing dates and what the preferred payment terms are. The Maintainer position was filled

internally, leaving a Grader position open. Currently there are two vacancies, with another expected

by the end of the year – due to a retirement. The plan is to leave the positions open until spring.

Right of Way acquisition continues for CTH K and CTH U. Project details are proceeding for CTH


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Future agenda items include: Bridge assessment specifications.

The next meeting will be November 17th

at 8:30 a.m.

Pittman moved and Kosin seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was

adjourned at 9:35 a.m.

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11/14/11 – The special meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman LeRoy Peterson at 8:35 a.m.

Present were Jerry Kosin, Mel Pittman and Rod Rommel. Staffs present were: Chad Johnson, Jim

Harris and Sue Gerdes. Guest present was Dave Selissen.

The Vice Chairman called for public comments. None were received.

At 8:38 a motion was made by Pittman/Kosin to convene into closed session pursuant to Sec.

19.85(1) (e) Wis. Stats. for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public

properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business, whenever

competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session:

a) CTH U Project ID 7899-03-01 Appraisals and Offering Price Reports,

b) CTH U Parcel 5.

By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved.

Motion made by Pittman/Kosin at 8:40 to return to open session. Motion carried unanimously by roll

call vote. Actions are as follows: Motion by Pittman/Kosin to approve both CTH U items a) and b)

as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Simones arrived.

At 8:42 a motion was made by Peterson/Pittman to convene into closed session pursuant to Sec.

19.85(1) (e) Wis. Stats. for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public

properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business, whenever

competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session: CTH F Project ID 7887-03-03 Appraisals

and Offering Price Reports. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved.

Motion made by Peterson/Kosin at 9:02 to return to open session. Motion carried unanimously by

roll call vote. Actions are as follows: Motion by Rommel/Kosin to approve both CTH F Project as

presented, allowing the Commissioner up to 25% flexibility on the offers and the Nominal payment

for Parcel 11items. Motion carried unanimously.

Pittman moved and Peterson seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting

adjourned at 9:09 a.m. The next meeting will be November 17th at 8:30 a.m.

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11/17/11 – The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Vice-Chairman LeRoy Peterson. Present

were Jerry Kosin and Rod Rommel. Staffs present were: Chad Johnson, Alan Thoner, Jim Harris,

Ray Dohm and Sue Gerdes.

#2 Vice-Chair called for public comments. None were received

#3 Minutes from 10/20/11 and 11/14/11. Motion made by Kosin/Rommel to approve the minutes.

Motion carried.

#4 The Committee reviewed the vouchers and payrolls.

#5 Staff training needs. Office Manager attended the Northwest Region Bookkeepers Meeting. Shop

Superintendent and Foreman attended their Northwest Region meeting. Maintainers were updated on

the winter expectations.

Mel Pittman and Chip Simones arrived.

#6 Bridge Assessment Specifications. The Commissioner presented a draft of a proposal to obtain

structural assessments on varying bridges within the County. The assessment will be used for

planning and budgeting purposes. The contract will be reviewed by Corporation Counsel prior to be

let out. A motion was made by Kosin/Peterson to allow the assessment. Motion carried.

#7 Closed Session. At 8:45 a motion was made by Rommel/Pittman to convene into closed session

pursuant to Sec. 19.85(1) (e) Wis. Stats. for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchase of

public properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business,

whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session: a) CTH K Project ID 311.22K2

Parcel 12. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved.

#8 Return to open session. At 8:47 a.m. a motion was made by Rommel/Kosin to return to open

session. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved. Actions are as follows: A motion to

approve the purchase of Parcel 12 as presented was made by Peterson/Pittman. Motion carried.

#9 Winter Conference. The Conference will be held January 16-18 at the Chula Vista Resort in

Wisconsin Dells. Registrations are due by December 9th


Shop Superintendent’s Report (Ray Dohm)

The shop is looking into replacing the Case Excavator and two Foreman’s pickups. Winter

equipment is ready. The new Paraglide wing has been mounted and is ready to be tried. In 2014

there will be new EPA requirements that we will eventually be impacted by.

Patrol Superintendent’s Report (Alan Thoner)

The fall mowing and township work is done. The trucks that were painted are being reassembled and

readied for the winter season. Crews continue with brushing and patching. The Prescott Bridge is

closed, and that staff is back on their winter beats. The TMA signs are up. Shouldering work will be

done if we get moisture before the freeze.

Construction Superintendent’s Report (Jim Harris)

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Work on County Road A is complete, as well as shouldering work for Salem, Union, Martell, Rock

Elm, Clifton and Hartland. There is a grading project in Maiden Rock. The crews are making and

delivering salt sand and then will be working in the Bisel and Johnson quarries. Crushing will begin

after the first of the year.

Office Manager’s Report (Sue Gerdes)

A new fuel form has been developed that incorporates some recommendations from Corporation

Counsel. A procedure manual has been started, and the two staffs are doing some cross-training for

better coverage.

Commissioner’s Report (Chad Johnson)

The arbitrator has upheld the County’s decision on a termination. The Commissioner thanked the

Committee on behalf of all the non-reps for supporting the 1.25% increase for 2012. Applications for

reimbursement for various projects are underway in hopes that the cash will be received prior to the

year ending. A mechanic position has been moved to the afternoon shift, which will help to defray

some overtime costs. A mechanic has resigned. However, a construction worker has experience and

has agreed to fill it temporarily. The position will be left unfilled until the spring. It is expected that

the State would like to do more overlay on STH 35 and delay the full reconstruct. The project for

USH 10 from Pierce Pepin Electric to Prescott was changed to a grind and overlay from a full

reconstruction, which has been moved further out. USH 10 from Ellsworth to Wieser Concrete is

scheduled for a grind and overlay for 2013. CollectiveData fleet management software vendor will

be onsite December 20-21. There has been an inquiry as to whether there is any County funding

available for Safety Apparel due to the favorable claims year we are experiencing. There is not, so

this would have to be approved by the Committee. The composition of the fringe rate was reviewed

with the Committee. We have been under-recovering for a number of years.

Future agenda items include: Invoice review.

The next meeting will be December 15th

at 8:30 a.m.

Peterson moved and Pittman seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was

adjourned at 9:29 a.m.

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12/15/11 – The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Chairman Chip Simones. Present were

LeRoy Peterson, Jerry Kosin, Rod Rommel and Mel Pittman. Staffs present were: Chad Johnson,

Alan Thoner, Jim Harris and Sue Gerdes. Excused: Ray Dohm.

#2 Chair called for public comments. None were received

#3 Minutes from 11/17/11. Motion made by Peterson/Kosin to approve the minutes. Motion carried.

#4 The Committee reviewed the vouchers and payrolls.

#5 Staff training needs. Office Manager attended the West Central District Office Managers Meeting.

#6 CTH K Project ID 311.K2 Plat. Pittman/Rommel moved to approve the updated plat. Motion


#7 CTH K Project ID 311.K2 Relocation Order. Pittman/Rommel moved to approve the relocation

order. Motion carried.

#8 Closed Session. At 8:37 a.m. a motion was made by Rommel/Peterson to convene into closed

session pursuant to Sec. 19.85(1) (e) Wis. Stats. for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the

purchase of public properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public

business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session: a) CTH K Project ID

311.22K2 Parcel 9 Jurisdictional Offer and Award of Damages, b) CTH K Project ID 311.22K2

Parcel 21 Jurisdictional Offer and Award of Damages. By roll call vote, this was unanimously


#9 Return to open session. At 8:43 a.m. a motion was made by Peterson/Kosin to return to open

session. By roll call vote, this was unanimously approved. Actions are as follows: A motion to

approve a) the jurisdictional offer and award of damages for Parcel 9 and b) the jurisdictional offer

and award of damages for Parcel 21 as presented was made by Peterson/Pittman. Motion carried.

#10 Pierce County ATV Assn. A motion was made by Peterson/Kosin to deny the request for an

ATV route on CTH B. Motion not carried as follows: Peterson/Kosin yes, Simones/Rommel

opposed, Pittman abstained. Further consideration deferred to a future meeting after the parks have

reviewed the matter.

#11 WCHA Equipment Operator Training Program. Kosin/Peterson moved to adopt the WCHA

Training Program, as it is encouraged by our insurance rep. and will enable us to work on future LFA


Staff Reports

Commissioner Chad Johnson stated that CTH A project is complete, parcels are being acquired on

CFH F, and if all goes well, the bridge replacement will start in late May 2012 continuing through

early November, Right of Way acquisition continues on CTH K & U. It is anticipated the CTH U

bridge work will start around July 1st, and an update for the winter maintenance budget was given.

Accounting Manager Sue Gerdes reviewed an invoice with the committee.

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Future agenda items include: Bridge Structure Assessment Bids, Annual review of Highway

Commissioner, and request for ATV route on CTH B.

The next meeting will be January 19th

at 8:30 a.m.

Kosin moved and Pittman seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was

adjourned at 9:25 a.m.

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