  • Imagine that you are a young student. You have the bright idea that you would like to find out how the physics or astronomy you are learning was discovered, so you start searching for a book or a website to help you out. Lots of sources discuss Einstein, Heisenberg, Shapley, or Feynman. A student might conclude that no women, no African Americans, and no Hispanic Americans contributed much to the scientific enterprise. Of course, that student might note more generally that few people whose ancestors came from outside of northern Europe seem to be part of the exciting stories of modern science.

    If this student is African American or female or from one of the other under-represented minorities in science, he or she will not see role models in science with whom they can identify.

    With the opening of AIP’s Teaching Guides on the History of Women and African Americans in the Physical

    Sciences, teachers and students now have a place to begin to discover the richly diverse heritage of science. They can explore the contributions of women and African Americans to the Manhattan Project, astrophysics, string theory,

    and spectroscopy. They can discover the critical roles played by women in the development of computers and their application to physics. They can develop a deeper understanding of the role of women scientists in promoting opportunities in science, or of African-American physicists in debates about science education at the time of W.E.B. Dubois and Booker T. Washington. And

    maybe that boy or girl will be inspired to apply for science or engineering at a university. And maybe students generally will begin to change their preconceptions about race, gender, and science.

    At the very least, the goal of the AIP History Programs in this project is to reflect the wide array of historical developments in science in which women and under-represented minorities have participated. It is a corner of history that needs to be brought to light. Of course, there are already some sources to turn to: History Makers comes to mind as especially well done. Our sources for

    the Teaching Guides are acknowledged and provide a means for the curious to make the effort to go deeper. Our goal in this resource is to make these stories as accessible as possible.

    Both Teaching Guides include lesson plans and illustrations. Many of them include supplementary materials of

    AIP Launches New Teaching Guides: The History of Women and African Americans in Physics

    By Greg Good, Director, Center for History of Physics


    In this issue...

    Vol. 47, No. 1 • Summer 2015

    AIP Member Societies: Acoustical Society of America • American Association of Physicists in Medicine • American Association of Physics Teachers • American Astronomical Society • American Crystallographic Association • American Meteorological Society • American Physical Society • AVS: Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing • The Optical Society • The Society of Rheology

    (Continued on page 2)

    AIP Launches New Teaching Guides: The History of Women and African Americans in Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    Spencer Weart Awarded 2015 Abraham Pais Prize: “Understanding the Impacts of Global Warming: a History” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    2014 Recent Additions to the Niels Bohr Library & Archives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    Reimagining Einstein for Students and Teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    Discovery in the Photo Archives: Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    AIP Grant Helps to Preserve and Improve Access to the O. W. Richardson Papers at the Harry Ransom Center . . 5

    A Grant-in-Aid Recipient’s Letter of Thanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    Physics Heritage & Promise: Special Initiatives Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Documentation Preserved: New Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    Documentation Preserved: New Finding Aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    Cover Image: Interns and graduate students worked on the 2014 Teaching Guides on African Americans in the Physical Sciences. Left to right: SPS interns Simon Patane (Vassar College) and Jacob Salkind (Shippensburg University) with graduate students Sharina Haynes (University of South Carolina) and Serina Hwang Jensen (University of Maryland).

  • 2 History Newsletter | Summer 2015

    different kinds: newspaper articles from the time, reminiscences of scientists, quotations from oral history interviews, video clips, and more. Our goal is to provide resources that teachers can readily pick up and incorporate into their classroom lessons.

    These Teachers Guides are the result of, so far, two intensive summers of work by interns and graduate research assistants. In 2013, Fiona Muir (Society of Physics Students Intern from Manchester UK) and Emily Margolis (now in the Ph.D. program in history of science at Johns Hopkins University) researched and wrote the Teachers Guide on the History of Women in the Physical Sciences. In 2014, SPS interns Jacob Salkind

    (“Teaching Guides”, continued from page 1) (Shippensburg University) and Simon Patane (Vassar College) joined graduate students Sharina Haynes (University of South Carolina) and Serina Hwang Jensen (University of Maryland) to produce the guide on African Americans in the physical sciences. For ten weeks, these teams worked hard to uncover important stories and imagine effective ways to tell them. The result is over 40 lesson plans.

    In summer 2015 another team of four will join the History Center to test, revise, and extend the existing two guides. The Teaching Guides at this time are “beta” versions—trustworthy in their historical accuracy, but open for feedback and improvement. In July the Center for History of Physics will

    sponsor a one-week workshop with half-a-dozen teachers. The teachers will offer their insight into what works in the classroom, what works with students of different ages and backgrounds, and potentially new units to be researched and written. We are also exploring a web-means for teachers to easily upload class activities such as role-playing and hands-on units. Teachers who want to offer feedback in the meantime can email me at [email protected].

    During the months between summer teams, our in-house web designer will incorporate suggested changes and additions into the lesson plans. And in the summer of 2016, we will turn toward telling the stories of Hispanics in the physical sciences. ■

    Women in Physics History1. Collaboration and Competition:

    Scientific Couples in Physics and Astronomy

    2. The Journal of Williamina Paton Fleming

    3. She is an Astronomer: Experiences of Contemporary Women Astronomers

    4. Inge Lehmann: “The Only Danish Seismologist”

    5. Case Study of Women Astronomers: Susan Jocelyn Bell Burnell (1943– ), Radio Astronomer

    6. ECHO Women in Science and Engineering Project George Mason University

    7. Debates: Should These Women Have Won a Nobel Prize?

    8. The Girls of Atomic City: The Untold Story of the Women Who Helped Win World War II

    9. Case Study of Women Astronomers: Ellen Dorrit Hoffleit (1907–2007), American Astronomer

    10. Case Studies of Women Physicists: Lise Meitner (1878–1968), Austrian Nuclear Physicist

    11. Women of NASA

    12. Almost Astronauts: The Story of the Mercury 13

    13. Struggle for Employment: Anti-Nepotism Rules in the Academy

    14. Strategies and Compromises: Women in Astronomy at Harvard College Observatory

    15. Subtle Discrimination

    16. L’Oreal-UNESCO Women in Science Laureates 2013

    17. Invisible Scientists: Women in Physics and Astronomy

    18. Outcasts and Opportunities: The Effects of World War II on the Careers of Female Physicists

    19. Something to Celebrate: The American Physical Society’s “Woman Physicist of the Month”

    20. Let’s Hear it for the Girls: L’Oreal UNESCO Laureates

    African Americans in Physics History1. African American Physical Scientists and the Military

    2. African Americans in Astronomy and Astrophysics

    3. African Americans and the Manhattan Project

    4. Bending Time and Space: Dr. Ronald Mallett and his Quest to Build a Time Machine

    5. “The Black Scientific Renaissance of the 1970s–1990s:” The Legacy of African American Scientists at Bell Laboratories

    6. Dr. Elmer Imes and Spectroscopy

    7. Dr. Sylvester James Gates, Jr. and the Quest to Discover How Nature Works

    8. “Follow the Drinking Gourd:” Astronomy and the Underground Railroad

    9. Historical Detective: Edward Alexander Bouchet and the Washington–Du Bois Debate over African-American Education

    10. Meet Four Pioneering African American Astronauts

    11. The National Society of Black Physicists

    12. The Night Sky by Another Name: Orion, Osiris, and African Mythologies

    13. The Physical Sciences at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

    14. Physicist Activist: Dr. Elmer Imes and the Civil Rights Case of Juliette Derricotte

    15. “The Physicist’s War:” Dr. Herman Branson and Scientific Training of African Americans during World War II

    16. “The Real McCoy”: African American Inventors in History

    17. The Tuskegee Weathermen: African-American Meteorologists during World War II

    18. Two Perspectives on African Americans in Physics in the 1960s

    19. “When Computers Wore Skirts:” Katherine Johnson, Christine Darden, and the “West Computers”

    Teaching Guides on Women and Minorities in the Physical Sciences

  • Summer 2015 | History Newsletter 3

    Spencer Weart presenting his Pais Prize lec-ture. Credit: Photo courtesy of Steve Benka.

    Spencer Weart, retired director of AIP’s Center for History of Physics, has received the 2015 Abraham Pais Prize for History of Physics. The prize is awarded annually and was established in 2005 by the APS Forum on the History of Physics and by AIP to recognize outstanding scholarly achievements in the history

    of physics. Weart is being recognized “For foundational contributions to the intellectual progress, institutional underpinnings, and public impact of the history of physics, from nuclear physics to condensed matter to climate change.” He presented the Pais Prize Lecture, “Understanding the Impacts of Global Warming: a History,” at the March APS meeting. The following is an abstract of his talk:

    The idea that fossil fuel emissions might cause global warming was first proposed around the end of the 19th century, and for the following half century it sounded like a good thing. In the 1950s, confirmation that warming really might be coming led to more varied speculations. Scientists could only state possible problems in vague terms. First on the list were sea-level rise and a threat to food supplies. New items were added through the 1960s and 1970s, ranging from the degradation of natural ecosystems to threats to human health. Experts in fields from forestry to economics, even national security,

    pitched in to assess a variety of possible consequences. It turned out to be impossible to make solid predictions, given the differences from one region to another and the ways human society itself might try to adapt to the changes. In the 1990s, lengthy technical studies abandoned specific predictions of impacts to address “vulnerabilities” under different likely “scenarios.”

    Researchers also began to explore the risks and consequences of extreme weather events like droughts and floods. By around 2000 the major likely impacts were well understood. Now the task was to pin down the specific risks in each of the many different regions, ecosystems, and human systems. Meanwhile actual impacts began to appear, such as changes in species ranges and unprecedented deadly heat waves. Nearly all experts now understood that civilization faced a monumental challenge.

    An extended version of the talk may be found at ■

    Spencer Weart Awarded 2015 Abraham Pais Prize: “Understanding the Impacts of Global Warming: a History”

    By R. Joseph Anderson, Director, Niels Bohr Library & Archives

    2014 Recent Additions to the Niels Bohr Library & Archives By Amanda Nelson, Associate Archivist

    This year’s additions to our archival collections include records of the AIP Publishing Division Publishing Policy Committee reports, over 43 TB of AIP Publishing Peer X-Press backup files, an addition to the American Physical Society (APS) Southeastern section records, the Astrophysical Journal administrative files from the American Astronomical Society (AAS) and our annual addition to the AVS records and the Gravity Research Foundation (GRF) essay contest winners. We also received two sets of personal papers from Philip C. Fisher on his work with x-ray astronomy and Ted Gibbs Berlincourt on his work with superconductivity, the Office of Naval Research, and the Secretary of Defense.

    Furthermore we received audio-visual collections for the recorded sessions of the APS Forum for History of Physics (FHP) at their annual meetings, three video recordings from the American Crystallographic Association (ACS) for sessions from their annual meeting and an acceptance speech for the Ken Trueblood Award, and the master tapes for AIP News Service Division’s Discoveries and Breakthroughs Inside Science.

    As always, we received many smaller collections for our manuscript biographies, institutional histories and miscellaneous physics collections. These included highlights in the history of the physics department

    of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, autobiographical notes of Johannes M. Burgers from J. V. Sengers, lecture notes by Joanna Russ, a copy of Albert Einstein’s Last Will and Testament, the journal publishing censorship practices during World War II of AIP Publishing, the board game Disintegration, lecture notes of a class taught by D. H. Douglass, and a speech given at the Conference on 40 years of Ion Chemistry honoring Carl Lineberger’s 70th birthday by Lewis Branscomb. ■

    Visit us online

  • 4 History Newsletter | Summer 2015

    In The Einstein Revolution, we examine Einstein as a thread that ties together an understanding of the twentieth century from history and technology to visual art, film, and beyond. No scientist has generated as much controversy and interest as Einstein. His theories changed our understanding of the nature of atoms, time, light, and space. However, his theories had a reach far beyond the realm of the scientific.

    The Einstein Revolution not only features a varied wealth of content, but being a MOOC it welcomes a diverse, global audience as well. We wanted to cover a broad array of historical inquiry, and we recognized the need to build our course to meet the needs of two distinct audiences: learners looking for the holistic view and learners interested in only one aspect or discrete area of Einstein’s life. Consequently, we chose to ensure that each lesson could be

    viewed on its own, without the context of the others.

    To help our learners navigate our MOOC, we built an alternative-learning map that allows students to find the content of interest quickly. This map will allow learners to quickly find videos by topic or lesson. If you’re just interested in the

    artistic component, for example, it should be a breeze to find the lessons that matter most to you.

    Finally, we recognized and have seen that many in our audience would be teachers themselves. To that end, we have produced a teacher support document for anyone taking the

    Reimagining Einstein for Students and Teachers By The Einstein Revolution Course Team

    course interested in utilizing pieces as a supplement. The teacher support document aims to provide an overview of the course from multiple perspectives and some guidance on where we believe the content may be useful. It can be downloaded at

    We didn’t just develop the resource for teachers; our design process from the beginning included the goal of being easily incorporated in a blended or “flipped” classroom. While this has proven true in our experience, we hope it holds true for you if you

    choose to use the material in a blended environment.

    Overall, we hope that this purposeful design process provides all of our learners a deeper, more enriching experience for the content of interest to them. Join us in The Einstein Revolution, which can be accessed at ■

    Discovery in the Photo Archives: Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory By Savannah Gignac, Assistant Photo Librarian

    Dutch physicist and Nobel laureate Heike Kamerlingh Onnes was born on September 21st, 1853 in Groningen, Netherlands. Kamerlingh Onnes’ experiments focused on how materials reacted when cooled to nearly absolute zero. These studies included Kamerlingh Onnes’ being the first person to liquify helium and his 1911 discovery of superconductivity.

    Kamerlingh Onnes served as professor of experimental physics at the University of Leiden from 1882 to 1923. In 1904, he founded a large cryogenics laboratory. He became highly regarded in the scientific community for inviting other researchers to the lab. This laboratory is now known as Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory.

    A recent discovery in AIP’s Emilio Segrè Visual Archives revealed an album of snapshots from daily life in the laboratory. These images depict the facilities, experimental lab equipment, and staff portraits. The album reveals an amateur photographer’s experience visiting the laboratory and its staff members. A Dutch phrase commonly seen throughout this historic photo collection is, “door meten tot weten”

    roughly translated to “knowledge through measurement,” a motto of Heike Kamerlingh Onnes. Other highlights include the illustrations drawn on the walls of the lab alluding to scientific experiments. To see these images, visit and type “kamerlingh” in the search box. ■

    Outdoor view of Kamerlingh Onnes Labora-tory in Leiden, Netherlands. Credit: Photo courtesy of AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives..

    Four unidentified men working in a laborato-ry (or instrument making shop) at Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory. Credit: Photo courtesy of AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives.

  • Summer 2015 | History Newsletter 5

    AIP Grant Helps to Preserve and Improve Access to theO. W. Richardson Papers at the Harry Ransom Center

    By Joan M. Sibley

    Thanks to support from the History Programs of the American Institute of Physics, the Harry Ransom Center at The University of Texas at Austin has completed a one-year project to prepare an online finding aid for the O. W. (Owen Willans) Richardson Papers and improve collection housing for long-term preservation. The Richardson Papers form part of the Center’s History of Science holdings, which also include papers of the Herschel Family and Albert Einstein.

    The Richardson Papers were originally processed during the 1960s and described on over 8,000 catalog cards, which were reproduced in A Catalogue of the Sir Owen Richardson Manuscript Collection in the History of Science Collection, The University of Texas (1968). The new finding aid replicates and replaces information previously available only through the catalogue, offering the first online electronic, searchable description of the Richardson Papers.

    The 153-page finding aid was created in accordance with current archival practices and cataloging standards and includes a biographical sketch, scope and content note, series descriptions, and a detailed folder-level container list, plus three indexes that further reveal the contents of the papers: an Index of Works by O. W. Richardson (600 items), an Index of Correspondents (nearly 1500 names), and an Index of Works by Others (over 1200 items).

    O. W. Richardson (1879-1959) was the English physicist best known for his work on thermionics and the discov-ery of Richardson’s Law, for which he was awarded the 1928 Nobel Prize in Physics. The rehoused papers now oc-cupy 114 boxes (49 linear feet) and in-clude research notes and manuscripts of his writings, both published and unpublished; his outgoing and incom-

    ing correspondence; manuscripts and proofs received from his colleagues; and papers, theses, and dissertations from his students.

    In addition to Richardson’s work as a researcher, the papers also document his role as an educator and his work with students and faculty at several colleges and universities, his professional activities at conferences and in scientific organizations, as well as his work for various government agencies, especially during World War I and the years preceding World War II.

    Richardson’s contributions to several branches of physics—photoelectricity, spectroscopy, ultraviolet and X-ray radiation, the electron theory, and quantum theory—are well documented in the papers. His correspondence files include letters from many distinguished physicists (almost all Nobel laureates in physics prior to 1950 are represented), chemists, electrical engineers, mathematicians, and other

    scientists. Among Richardson’s most frequent correspondents in the papers are Edward Victor Appleton, Niels Bohr, William Henry Bragg, Percy Maurice Davidson, Clinton Joseph Davisson, Gerhard Heinrich Dieke, James Hopwood Jeans, Ernest Rutherford, Frederick Steell Robertson, George Paget Thomson, and J. J. Thomson.

    The papers also include family correspondence, especially with his brothers-in-law, Clinton Joseph Davisson, Oswald Veblen, and Harold A. Wilson. In addition to renowned scientists, the papers also include materials from many lesser-known figures who may be of interest.

    The Ransom Center offers more than 50 fellowships annually to encourage the use of its collections by funding research visits ranging from one to three months with stipends of $3,000 per month. Also available are $1,200 to $1,700 travel stipends and dissertation fellowships with a $1,500 stipend. ■

    A 1914 letter from Niels Bohr in the Richardson Papers. Credit: Photo courtesy of Joan M. Sibley, the Harry Ransom Center at The University of Texas at Austin.

  • 6 History Newsletter | Summer 2015

  • Summer 2015 | History Newsletter 7

    A Grant-in-Aid Recipient’s Letter of Thanks

    19 January, 2015

    Dear Dr. Good,

    I am writing to inform you that, last August, I submitted my major research paper to Dr. Katharine Anderson, my supervisor in the Graduate Program in Science and Technology Studies at York University. It was reviewed, accepted, and I proceeded to graduation and convocation last October with my Master of Arts in STS.The paper is titled “Smashing Atoms and Expectations—Entrepreneurial Science and the Dawn of Publicly-Funded High-Tech Venture Capital at Robert J. Van de Graaffs High Voltage Engineering Corporation” and much of the information within came from the research I conducted at AIP. I was able to present portions of the paper at Comell University, York University, Brock University (at the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science (CSHPS) annual conference) , and at The National Academies in DC via the STGlobal Consortium Conference for graduate students—thrilling experiences all.

    I would like to thank the Friends of the American Institute of Physics for their generous grant-in-aid. It enabled me to visit the Centre’s Niels Bohr Library & Archives to investigate Van de Graaff, his colleagues, his accelerator, his corporation, and the state of physics during that time; and to listen to audio tapes and hear the voices of his peers. I also consulted photographs from the Emilio Segrd Visual Archives and took a trip into DC to conduct research at the Smithsonian Institution Archives and at the National Museum of American History Library. None of these visits would have been possible without the generosity of the Friends. I was able to do quality research for my major research paper and for the biography on Van de Graaff that is now under way.

    I would also like to thank you Greg and to thank Joe Anderson, Orville Butler, Melanie Mueller, Savannah Gignac, and Stephanie Jankowski for their attention, assistance, kindness, and helpfulness. It was a wonderful experience that I shall never forget. Thank you all so much.

    Best regards,Edward Fenner, MAScience & Technology StudiesYork UniversityToronto, Canada

  • 8 History Newsletter | Summer 2015

    Physics Heritage & Promise: Special Initiatives Campaign

    The History Programs of AIP are seeking to raise $2,000,000 to build capacity by strengthening programs that currently have partial support, and to ensure the sustainability of these programs for the long term. The programs include the Science Heritage Public Lecture Series, Grants-in-Aid, Grants-to-Archives, and the Emerging Technologies Fund.

    • We intend to use a portion of the funds toward fully endowing the Lyne Starling Trimble Science Heritage Lecture Series. The series was partially endowed at $100,000 by Dr. Virginia Trimble and will be fully endowed at $500,000. The lecture series is an important step in disseminating a humanistic perspective on science.

    • The Grants-in-Aid and Grants-to-Archives programs fund research and collections in the history of physics and allied sciences. These programs have assisted more than 250 scholars to produce over 45 publications and helped archives make 69 major collections available for research. They are partially funded by AIP. The Institute aims to complete the endowment of these programs through this campaign.

    • The Emerging Technologies Fund allows AIP History Programs to keep current with digital technologies that are emerging at an ever-increasing rate. The goal is to support projects such as in-house digitization of the rarest and most fragile books, allowing researchers around the world to access the information housed within AIP’s collections.

    Why are these projects important? We have developed an international reputation as a model for preserving and making known the history of physics, astronomy, and allied sciences. AIP History Programs support the community of historians and science writers who produce books, films, and other media products, and they provide interesting and authoritative science information for the public. These programs embody the core of how we remain successful at supporting the history and future of the physical sciences for both scholarly and popular audiences.

    Why now? The AIP History Programs celebrated our 50th anniversary in 2012. During our first 50 years, we amassed great contributions to the physical and the allied sciences within the walls of the Niels Bohr Library & Archives—and that was just the beginning. Our most formidable challenge is preserving, presenting, researching, digitizing, disseminating, exhibiting, and expanding them. These initiatives help us preserve YOUR legacy into the next century.

    Help us preserve the past and fuel the future. Donate today to the Physics Heritage & Promise campaign. For your convenience, you may use the attached envelope. For more information on our various funds and naming opportunities, contact the AIP Development Office at [email protected] or at 301-209-3139.

  • Summer 2015 | History Newsletter 9

    University of Toronto. University Archives. 120 St. George St., Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A5, Canada

    Oral history interview with Elizabeth Allin. Collection dates: 1993. Size: 3 tapes (3 hours).

    Donald A. MacRae papers. Collection dates: 1933–1989. Size: 0.46 linear meters.

    J. N. Patterson Hume papers. Collection dates: 1941–1997. Size: 3.68 linear meters.

    Robert William McKay papers. Collection dates: 1922–1965. Size: 1.72 linear meters

    (8 boxes).

    McLennan/Parks Family papers. Collection dates: 1883–1990. Size: 3.37

    linear meters.

    Martin Alfred Peacock papers. Collection dates: 1933–1950. Size: 0.56 linear meters

    (4 boxes).

    Boris P. Stoicheff papers. Collection dates: 1950–2008. Size: 12.32 linear meters

    (98 boxes).

    University of Toronto Department of Astronomy records. Collection dates: 1964–2003. Size: 1.92 linear meters (4


    Carnegie Institution of Washington. Department of Terrestrial Magnetism.

    Documentation PreservedCompiled by Melanie Mueller

    Library and Archives. 5241 Broad Branch Road NW, Washington, DC 20015, USA

    Carnegie Institution Department of Terrestrial Magnetism World War II-era records. Collection dates: 1941–1952, undated. Size: 2 records boxes, 2 photo

    album boxes, and 1 document box.

    Carnegie Institution Department of Terrestrial Magnetism instrument photograph collection. Collection dates: 1909–circa 1956. Size: 24.5 linear feet (24

    photograph album boxes, 33 binder

    boxes, 27 glass plate negative boxes, 7

    negative boxes).

    Colgate University. Case Library. Special Collections Department. Hamilton, NY 13346-1398, USA

    Donald Keith Berkey papers. Collection dates: 1950–1965. Size: 4 cubic feet.

    Colgate University Department of Physics and Astronomy records. Collection dates: 1929–1991. Size: 2.2 cubic feet.

    Ernest Fox Nichols papers. Collection dates: 1893–1925. Size: 0.3 cubic feet.

    Columbia University. Oral History Research Office. Box 20, Room 801 Butler Library, New York, NY 10027, USA

    Reminiscences of Joseph Kaplan: oral history. Collection dates: 1960. Size: Transcript: 82 pages.

    Reminiscences of Sir Robert Alexander Watson-Watt: oral history. Collection dates: 1961. Size: Transcript: 568 leaves;

    Audio recording: 2 reels.

    Reminiscences of Sir Robert Alexander Watson-Watt: oral history. Collection dates: 1964. Size: Transcript: 121 leaves.


    Our report of new collections or new finding aids is based on our regular survey of archives and other repositories. Many of the collections are new accessions, which may not be processed, and we also include previously reported collections that now have an online finding aid available.

    To learn more about any of the collections listed below, use the International Catalog of Sources for History of Physics and Allied Sciences at You can search in a variety of ways including by author or by repository.

    Please contact the repository mentioned for information on restrictions and access to the collections.

    James Stith (right) in uniform watching a student working on equipment in a classroom at West Point, NY. Students unidentified. Photo courtesy of AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives.

  • 10 History Newsletter | Summer 2015

    Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Butler Library, 6th Floor East, New York, NY 10027, USA

    Samuel Devons papers. Collection dates: 1959–2004. Size: 63 linear feet (42 boxes).

    Fermilab. History and Archives Project Office, MS-109 PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510, USA

    Oral history interview with Roger Dixon. Collection dates: 2013 July 30.

    Tom Elioff collection on the superconducting super collider. Collection dates: 1991–1993. Size: 1.25 linear feet (1 carton).

    Oral history interview with Andrei Gaponenko. Collection dates: 2013 May 16.

    Edwin L. Goldwasser papers. Collection dates: 1968-1978. Size: 1 linear foot (3 boxes).

    Oral history interview with Sergo Jindariani. Collection dates: 2013 June 14.

    Oral history interview with Young-Kee Kim. Collection dates: 2014 February 4.

    Oral history interview with Pier Oddone. Collection dates: 2013 July 2 and 8.

    Oral history interview with Chris Polly. Collection dates: 2013 June 10.

    Harvard University. Archives. Pusey Library. Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

    Bart Bok and Guido Münch lectures in Astronomy 212, fall term. Collection dates: 1954–1955. Size: 1 folder.

    Bart Bok and Harold Ewen lectures in Astronomy 241, fall term. Collection dates: 1954–1955. Size: 1 folder.

    Bart Bok lectures in Astronomy 210. Collection dates: 1952. Size: 1 folder.

    Bart Bok lectures in Astronomy 211, fall term. Col. dates: 1952–1953. Size: 1 folder.

    Bart Bok lectures in Astronomy 211. Collection dates: 1955. Size: 3 leaves.

    Charles Franklin Brooks memorandum on meteorology and climatology at Harvard University. Collection dates: 1945 September 13. Size: 8 leaves.

    Beverly Charles Dunn student and teaching materials. Collection dates: 1937–1948. Size: 3.2 cubic feet (9 boxes).

    Harvard College Observatory forms and notices from the Observatory and Observatory Safety Council. Collection dates: Undated. Size: 8 containers.

    Harvard College Observatory observation log notebooks. Collection dates: 1961–1980.

    Harvard College Observatory records of Boyden Station, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Collection dates: 1907–1956. Size: 7 cubic feet (21 boxes and 2 folders).

    Harvard College Observatory records on standards of stellar magnitude: proposed plans and other records. Collection dates: 1880–1881. Size: 1 folder.

    Harvard College Observatory records relating to expositions and museums. Collection dates: 1892–1902. Size: 2 containers.

    Harvard College Observatory records, letters of condolence to Edward Charles Pickering regarding the death of Willamina Paton Fleming. Collection dates: 1911. Size: 0.1 cubic feet (1 binder).

    Harvard College Observatory scrapbook. Collection dates: 1891–1892. Size: 1 box.

    Harvard College Observatory tabulations of observations and computations. Collection dates: circa 1921. Size: 1 container.

    Harvard College Observatory Office of the Director records. Collection dates: 1973–1989.

    Harvard College Observatory Office of the Director records. Collection dates: 1987–1991.

    Harvard University subscriptions records relating to the founding of the astronomical observatory. Collection dates: 1805–1825. Size: 1 container.

    Harvard University Department of Astronomy syllabi, course outlines, and reading lists in astronomy. Collection dates: 1901–1967, undated. Size: 1 box.

    Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Committee on Geophysics records. Collection dates: 1930–1941 Size: 3 boxes.

    Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics director’s office files. Collection dates: 1964–1986.

    Records of the High Altitude Observatory. Collection dates: 1941–1953 Size: 20 containers.

    John Peter Huchra papers. Collection dates: 1970–2010. Size: 141.06 cubic

    feet (136 record cartons, 1 half-letter

    document box, 8 flat boxes, 1 tube).

    Margaret Walton Mayall papers. Collection dates: 1927–1993.

    Donald H. Menzel Astronomy 206 course notes. Collection dates: 1963. Size: 28 centimeters (1 volume).

    Donald H. Menzel atomic and molecular spectra: Astronomy 206 course notes. Collection dates: 1962. Size: 28 centimeters (140 leaves).

    Donald H. Menzel course notes for Astronomy 155. Collection dates: 1964-1965. Size: 28 centimeters (1 volume).

    Donald Howard Menzel papers (unprocessed accessions). Collection dates: 1901–1988. Size: 2.21 cubic feet (2

    record cartons, 1 document box).

    Elizabeth Weichel Moore papers. Coll. dates: 1929–2007. Size: 0.8 linear feet.

    (New Collections, cont’d from previous page)

  • Summer 2015 | History Newsletter 11

    Robert Vivian Pound miscellaneous papers. Collection dates: Undated.

    Nathan M. Pusey letter to Senator Joseph R. McCarthy regarding Harvard Professor Wendell H. Furry. Collection dates: 1953 November 9. Size: 0.3 cubic

    feet (1 pamphlet folder.)

    Richard Wilson personal archive. Collection dates: 1944-2007. Size: 49 cubic

    feet (49 record cartons).

    Frances Woodworth Wright papers. Collection dates: 1895-1992. Size: 0.5

    cubic feet (1 document box).

    Harvard University. Houghton Library. Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

    Benjamin Peirce correspondence. Collection dates: circa 1835-1880. Size: 9

    linear feet (18 boxes).

    Henry E. Huntington Library. 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, CA 91108, USA

    Friedrich Kurylo collection on Ferdinand Braun. Collection dates: 1901-1987 (bulk 1960-1965). Size: 6 boxes (2,009 items).

    Francis G. Pease papers. Collection dates: 1850-1937 (bulk 1905-1937). Size:

    Approximately 14 boxes (4,250 items).

    Francis Gladheim Pease addenda. Collection dates: 1908-2001 (bulk 1908-

    1937). Size: 1 box (90 items).

    Olin C. Wilson papers. Collection dates: 1930-1990. Size: 34 boxes (4,372 items).

    Fritz Zwicky papers. Collection dates: 1940-1967. Size: 2 boxes (38 items).

    Indiana University. Office of University Archives and Records Management. Bryan Hall 201, 107 South Indiana Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA

    Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy oral history interview with

    Carl Borgmann. Collection dates: 1983 November 10. Size: Transcript: 12 pages;

    Audio recording: 1 cassette.

    Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy oral history interview with John Denton. Collection dates: 1984 December 3. Size: Transcript: 34 pages;

    Audio recording: 2 cassettes.

    Oral history interview with Frank K. Edmondson. Collection dates: 1996 October 30. Size: Transcript: 72 pages;

    Audio recording: 3 cassettes.

    Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy oral history interview with Gilbert Lee. Collection dates: 1983 October 30. Size: Transcript: 39 pages;

    Audio recording: 2 cassettes.

    Walter J. Moore papers. Coll. dates: 1900-1995 (bulk 1985-1995). Size: 2.4 cubic feet.

    Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy oral history interview with Juan Pascoe. Collection dates: 1985 March 23. Size: Transcript: 25 pages;

    Audio recording: 1 cassette.

    J. Craig Venter Institute. Archives. 4120 Capricorn Lane, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA

    J. Craig Venter Institute history of molecular biology collection. Collection dates: 1909-2000. Size: 50 linear feet (102


    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Archives and Records Office. One Cyclotron Road, Bldg. 69-107, MS: 69R0102, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

    LBL Accelerator and Fusion Research Division Bevalac logbooks of Emery Zajec. Collection dates: 1952-1992. Size: 11 linear feet (11 records boxes).

    LBL Accelerator and Fusion Research Division Collider Physics Group correspondence and records of Andrew Sessler. Collection dates: 1970-1990. Size: 2 linear feet (2 records boxes).

    LBL Accelerator and Fusion Research Division Heavy Ion Fusion Accelerator Research Group files of Edward J. Lofgren. Collection dates: 1964-1983. Size: 10 linear feet (10 records boxes).

    LBL Life Sciences Division Biology and Medicine Department research and development files of Hal Anger. Collection dates: 1946-1981. Size: 19

    linear feet (19 records boxes).

    Left to right: Andrew Granato, Gordon Baym, Charles Slichter, and Lillian Hoddeson converse at the History Solid State Physics Meeting. October, 1981. Credit: Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, courtesy AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives.

  • 12 History Newsletter | Summer 2015

    LBL Nuclear Science Division 60-Inch Cyclotron Mechanical Design Group technical records. Collection dates: 1944-1988. Size: 1 linear foot (1 records box).

    LBL Nuclear Science Division 88-inch Cyclotron control room logbooks. Collection dates: 1971-1982. Size: 21

    linear feet (21 records box).

    LBL Office of the Director research and development administrative files of Andrew Sessler. Collection dates: 1973-1980. Size: 26 linear feet (26 records


    Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Institute Archives and Special Collections. M.I.T. Libraries, Rm. 14N-118, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

    James Rhyne Killian papers. Collection dates: 1923-1988. Size: 64 record cartons

    and 12 manuscript boxes.

    National Archives and Records Administration. Pacific Sierra Region. 1000 Commodore Drive, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA

    LBL Engineering Division Mechanical Engineering Bubble Chamber notebooks. Collection dates: 1946-1974. Size: 1 linear foot (1 records box).

    LBL Nuclear Science Division scientist files of Glenn Seaborg. Collection dates: 1961-1975. Size: 21 linear feet (21 records


    North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center, NCSU Libraries. Box 7111, Raleigh, NC 27695-7111, USA

    Roscoe Braham papers. Collection dates: 1863-2011. Size: 53 linear feet (91 archival

    boxes, 6 archival half boxes, 5 archival

    legal boxes, 4 card boxes, 2 flat boxes, 2

    reel boxes and 2 flat folders).

    Thomas S. Elleman papers. Collection

    dates: 1958-2005. Size: 2 linear feet.

    Oral history interview with Raymond

    LeRoy Murray. Collection dates: 1999.

    Size: 0.25 linear feet.

    Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society

    records. Collection dates: 1928-2003.

    Size: 442.75 linear feet.

    United States Weather Bureau, Raleigh

    Office records. Collection dates: 1887-

    1972. Size: 15 linear feet (88 volumes).

    Lloyd Robert Zumwalt papers. Collection

    dates: 1960-1978. Size: 0.75 linear feet.

    Oregon State University. Libraries. Special Collections. Corvallis, OR 97331, USA

    Thomas Heger papers. Collection dates:

    1898-2010. Size: 32 linear feet.

    E. Dale Trout papers. Collection dates:

    1939-1983. Size: 5.2 cubic feet.

    Oregon State University. Libraries. University Archives. Corvallis, OR 97331, USA

    Oregon State University School of

    Oceanography photographs. Collection

    dates: 1970-1972. Size: 0.8 cubic feet (816


    Oregon State University College of

    Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences

    records. Collection dates: 1943-2008.

    Size: 7.66 cubic feet.

    Oregon State University Department

    of Physics records. Collection dates:

    1909-1974. Size: 2 cubic feet and 593


    Oregon State University Sigma Xi

    records. Collection dates: 1932-2001.

    Size: 0.1 cubic feet.

    Princeton University. Department of Rare Books and Special Collections. 1 Washington Road, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA

    Arnold Guyot collection. Collection dates: 1829-1928. Size: 1.93 linear feet.

    Rice University. Fondren Library. Woodson Research Center. P. O. Box 1892, Houston, TX 77001, USA

    Robert F. Curl academic papers. Collection dates: 1981-2008 (bulk 1985-

    1993). Size: 8.0 linear feet (17 boxes).

    Restrictions: Permission to publish

    material from the Robert F. Curl

    Academic papers must be obtained from

    the Woodson Research Center, Fondren


    Space Services Inc. records. Collection dates: 1970s-1990s. Size: 28 linear feet.

    Rockefeller Archive Center. 15 Dayton Ave., Pocantico Hills, North Tarrytown, NY 10591-1598, USA

    International Education Board records. Collection dates: 1923-1960. Size: 37 cubic

    feet (93 boxes).

    Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Archives. Mail Code C-075-C. La Jolla, CA 92093-0175, USA

    Harald Sverdrup manuscripts. Collection dates: 1937-1977 (bulk 1937-1943). Size:

    2.4 linear feet (6 archives boxes).

    Smithsonian Institution. Archives. Capital Gallery, Suite 3000, MRC 507, 600 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20024-2520, USA

    Alexander Dallas Bache papers. Collection dates: 1821-1869. Size: 0.9

    linear meter.

    James Henry Coffin papers. Collection dates: 1848-1884. Size: 0.1 linear meter.

    (New Collections, cont’d from previous page)

  • Summer 2015 | History Newsletter 13

    Smithsonian Institution Meteorological Project records. Collection dates: 1849-1875. Size: 2.5 linear meters.

    Oral history interview with Fred Lawrence Whipple. Collection dates: 1976. Size: Audiotapes : 4 reels (3.5 hours);

    Transcript : 87 pages.

    University of California, Santa Barbara. Library. Dept. of Special Collections. Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA

    University of California, Santa Barbara Department of Physics records. Collection dates: circa 1954-1990. Size: 0.2

    linear feet (1 half-size document box).

    University of California, Santa Cruz. Mary Lea Shane Archives of the Lick Observatory. University Library, Rm. 359, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA

    James E. Keeler papers. Collection dates: 1868-1986. Size: 2 document boxes.

    University of Michigan. Bentley Historical Library. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2113, USA

    Detroit Optical Institute notes. Collection dates: 1898. Size: 39 pages.

    University of Minnesota. Charles Babbage Institute. Center for the History of Computing. University of Minnesota Libraries, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA

    Sperry Univac Point of View speech. Collection dates: 1973 November 13. Size:

    Transcript: 18 pages; Audio recording: 1

    audio cassette.

    Oral history interview with Philip Duncan Thompson. Collection dates: 1986 December 5. Size: Transcript: 40 pages;

    Audio recording: 2 audio cassettes.

    University of Michigan. Bentley

    Historical Library. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2113, USA

    Ernest F. Barker papers. Collection dates: circa 1894-1934. Size: 0.25 linear feet and

    1 oversize folder.

    Walter Pinkus papers. Collection dates: 1960-2011. Size: 7 linear feet and 1

    oversize box.

    Juris Upatnieks papers. Collection dates: 1963-1994 (bulk 1965-1979). Size: 7.25

    linear feet and 1 oversize folder.

    University of Missouri–St. Louis. University Archives. One University Boulevard. St. Louis, MO 63121, USA

    University of Missouri–St. Louis Department of Physics records. Collection dates: 1969-1981. Size: 0.5

    linear feet

    University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Libraries. University Archives. Room 308, Love Library. Lincoln, NE 68588-0410, USA

    John W. Weymouth physics and astronomy papers. Collection dates: 1951-1981. Size: 1 box.

    University of Notre Dame. Archives. 607 Hesburgh Library, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA

    Eugene R. Marshalek papers. Collection dates: 1960-2000 (bulk 1970-1985). Size:

    22.5 linear feet.

    University of Wisconsin–Madison. University Archives. Steenbock Library, Madison, WI 53706, USA

    Reid A. Bryson papers. Collection dates: 1949-1970. Size: 37 cubic feet.

    University of Wisconsin–Madison Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic

    Sciences records. Collection dates: 1949-1999. Size: 7 cubic feet.

    University of Wisconsin–Madison Department of Meteorology contracts. Collection dates: 1950-1963. Size: 4 cubic


    University of Wyoming. American Heritage Center. Dept. 3924, 1000 E. University Avenue, Laramie, WY 82071, USA

    K. C. Black papers. Collection dates: 1942-1973. Size: 6.24 cubic feet.

    University of Wyoming. Department of Geology and Geophysics records. Collection dates: 1881-1972. Size: 29.25

    cubic feet, 1 artifact.

    Western Reserve Historical Society. East Blvd., Cleveland, OH 44106, USA

    Matthew Luckiesh papers. Collection dates: 1887-2013 (bulk 1910-1965). Size:

    5.77 linear feet.

    Worcester Reed Warner papers. Collection dates: 1896-1900. Size: 0.10

    linear feet.

    Wisconsin Historical Society. Archives. 816 State Street, Madison, WI 53706, USA

    U.S. Weather Bureau journals, letterbooks, and weather records. Collection dates: 1886-1976. Size: 23.6

    cubic feet.

    Yale University Library. Manuscripts and Archives. Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520, USA

    Sidney Altman papers. Collection dates: 1967-2011. Size: 71 linear feet (89 boxes).

    Walter Jack Cunningham papers. Collection dates: 1941-1987. Size: 6.5

    linear feet (15 boxes).

  • 14 History Newsletter | Summer 2015

    Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Butler Library, 6th Floor East, New York, NY 10027, USA

    George W. Hill papers. Collection dates: circa 1900. Size: 35 items (2 boxes).

    Selig Hecht papers. Collection dates: 1914-1937. Size: circa 1,600 items (7 boxes).

    Walter L. Hildburgh papers. Collection dates: 1892-1900. Size: circa 100 items (3 boxes).

    Arthur Korn correspondence. Collection dates: 1898-1934. Size: 38 items (1 box).

    Seymour Melman papers. Collection dates: 1958-1997. Size: 46 linear feet (circa 16,400 items in 99 boxes).

    William B. Meloney collection on Marie Curie. Collection dates: 1920-1943. Size: 2.5 linear feet (400 items in 5 boxes).

    James S. Pickering papers. Collection dates: circa 1945-1968. Size: 7 linear feet (15 boxes).

    NEW FINDING AIDSRenwick family letters and manuscripts. Collection dates: 1794-1916. Size: 2 linear feet (310 items in 3 boxes and 1 portfolio).

    Fisk University. Library & Special Collections. Nashville, TN 37208, USA

    Elmer S. Imes papers. Collection dates: 1902-1942. Size: 2 boxes.

    Harvard University. Archives. Pusey Library. Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

    Charles Palache papers. Collection dates: 1881-1954. Size: 18 boxes.

    William Henry Pickering papers. Collection dates: 1870-1907. Size: 2 cubic

    feet (9 boxes, 3 folders).

    Nathan Prince papers. Collection dates: 1714-1747. Size: 0.22 cubic feet (1 flat box).

    Harvard University. Baker Library, Harvard Business School, Manuscript Division, Soldiers Field, Boston, MA 02163, USA

    Polaroid Corporation archives. Collection dates: 1937-[ongoing]. Size: circa 4,000 linear feet.

    Harvard University. Houghton Library. Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

    Hermann Helmholtz letters and other papers. Collection dates: 1847-1891. Size: 0.5 linear feet (1 box).

    Andrei Sakharov papers. Collection dates: 1852-2002 (bulk 1960-1990). Size: 57 linear feet (137 boxes).

    George Sarton papers. Collection dates: 1906-1956. Size: 0.75 linear feet (7 volumes).

    Richard Von Mises papers. Collection dates: 1908-1950. Size: 0.5 linear feet (1 box).

    Indiana University. Office of University Archives and Records Management. Bryan Hall 201, 107 South Indiana Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA

    Richard Owen papers. Collection dates: 1834-1890. Size: 1 box.

    North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources. North Carolina State Archives. Raleigh, NC 27611, USA

    Reginald Fessenden papers. Collection dates: 1887-1935. Size: 60.5 feet (38,000 items).

    Princeton University. Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, 1 Washington Road, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA

    Edwin Plimpton Adams papers. Collection dates: 1900-1945. Size: 1.35 cubic feet (3 boxes).

    Raymond S. Dugan papers. Collection dates: 1921-1940. Size: 2.10 cubic feet (6 boxes).

    Professor of Physics Charles P. Slichter (left) and Graduate Student William C. Holton examine a glass Dewar vessel used to cool materials to within a few degrees of the absolute zero of temperature. The Dewar vessel, large electromagnet (background), and microwave equipment (foreground) are part of a sensitive apparatus used by Mr. Holton for his doctoral research. With it he can study magnetic atoms which are present in nonmagnetic materials in concentrations of one part in one hundred billion. 1960. Credit: Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, courtesy AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives.

  • Summer 2015 | History Newsletter 15

    Donald Ross Hamilton papers. Collection dates: 1946-1970. Size: 19.50 cubic feet (17


    Martin Schwarzschild papers. Collection dates: 1939-1994. Size: 11.4 linear feet (29


    Rockefeller Archive Center. 15 Dayton Ave., Pocantico Hills, North Tarrytown, NY 10591-1598, USA

    Theodore Berlin papers. Collection dates: 1944-1962. Size: 2.5 linear feet (6

    document cases, 1 bound volume).

    John C. Bugher papers. Collection dates: 1926-1966 (bulk 1950-1966). Size: 22 linear

    feet (63 boxes).

    Duncan A. MacInnes papers. Collection dates: 1926-1965. Size: 9.25 linear feet.

    Rockefeller University, President Detlev W. Bronk records. Collection dates: 1897-1976. Size: 211.28 linear feet (52 document

    boxes, 157 record storage cartons).

    Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of American History. Archives Center. MRC 601, 12th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20560, USA

    Paul Armer papers. Collection dates: 1949-1970. Size: 5.0 cubic feet (15

    document boxes).

    Robert Bemer collection on computer standards. Collection dates: 1958-1979. Size: 4.6 cubic feet (10 document boxes).

    Eric Clamons records of the American National Standards Institute X3L2 Committee. Collection dates: 1969-1979. Size: 3.0 cubic feet (10 document boxes).

    Allen Balcom Du Mont collection. Collection dates: 1884-1965. Size: 46 cubic

    feet (84 document boxes, 42 flat boxes, 6

    oversized folders, 25 notebooks, 3 Paige

    boxes, 2 flat oversize boxes).

    Charles Fertig collection. Collection dates: 1979-1985. Size: 1.25 cubic feet.

    Institute for Advanced Study Computer Project records. Collection dates: 1950-1957. Size: 0.7 cubic feet.

    Melvin Kranzberg papers. Collection dates: 1934-1988. Size: 140 cubic feet (359

    document boxes).

    Innovative Lives presentation and interview: Harry Kroto. Collection dates: 2001 October 1. Size: 0.75 cubic feet (4

    boxes of BetaCam SP, Umatic and VHS

    tapes, and audio cassettes).

    Harold R. D. Roess papers. Collection dates: circa 1920-1964. Size: 2.3 cubic feet

    (6 boxes).

    Lewis M. Rutherfurd collection. Collection dates: 1846-1884. Size: 0.3

    cubic feet (1 box, 1 oversize folder).

    Sproul Observatory astronomer photoprints. Collection dates: 1916-1975. Size: 1 oversize flat box.

    C. L. Stong papers. Collection dates: 1952-1976. Size: 12.5 cublic feet (38

    document boxes).

    Kevin M. Tuohy papers. Collection dates: 1897-1959. Size: 1.2 cubic feet.

    Stanford University. Department of

    Special Collections and University Archives. Stanford, CA 94305, USA

    Stephen Henry Schneider papers. Collection dates: 1971-2010. Size: 368.25 linear feet (250 boxes).

    University of California, Berkeley. The Bancroft Library. Berkeley, CA, 94720-6000, USA

    Robert Bigham Brode papers. Collection dates: 1922-1975. Size: 13 linear feet (10 cartons, 1 cardbox, 1 oversize folder).

    Perry Byerly papers. Collection dates: 1941-1974. Size: 8.75 linear feet (7 cartons, 1 oversize folder).

    Robert H. Weitbrecht papers. Collection dates: 1931-1882. Size: 10.8 linear feet (8 cartons, 2 boxes).

    University of Notre Dame. Archives. 607 Hesburgh Library, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA

    John Anthony Poirier papers. Collection dates: 1971-1974. Size: 12 reels microfilm.

    Western Reserve Historical Society. East Blvd., Cleveland, OH 44106, USA

    Warner & Swasey records. Collection dates: 1900-1985. ■

    Spencer Weart (left) conversing with Martin Schwarzschild (right) at an oral history interview. 1978. Credit: Photo courtesy of AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives.

  • Center for History of PhysicsAmerican Institute of Physics One Physics EllipseCollege Park, MD 20740-3843

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    History NewsletterA publication of the American Institute of Physics


    Gregory A. Good, Director, Center for History of Physics

    R. Joseph Anderson, Director, Niels Bohr Library & Archives

    Melanie Mueller, Assistant Director, Niels Bohr Library & Archives

    Chip Calhoun, Technical Services Archivist

    Savannah Gignac, Photo Librarian

    Nancy Honeyford, Senior Library Assistant

    Stephanie Jankowski, Senior Administrative Secretary

    Emily Keithley, Archives Assistant

    Sean McEnroe, Digitization Assistant

    Teasel Muir-Harmony, Post-Doctoral Fellow

    Amanda Nelson, Associate Archivist

    Mary Romanelli, Senior Photo Archives Assistant

    Ada Uzoma, Web Specialist

    Elaina Vitale, Assistant Librarian

    This Newsletter is a biannual publication of the Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics, One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740; phone: 301-209-3165; fax: 301-209-0882; e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]. Editor: Gregory A. Good. The Newsletter reports activities of the Center for History of Physics and Niels Bohr Library & Archives, and other information on work in the history of physics and allied fields.

    Any opinions expressed herein do not necessarily rep-resent the views of the American Institute of Physics or its Member Societies. This Newsletter is available on request without charge, but we welcome donations (tax- deductible) to the Friends of the AIP Center for History of Physics ( The Newsletter is posted on the Web at

    Center for History of PhysicsOne Physics EllipseCollege Park, MD 20740301 209

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