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Page 1: History of islam


History of Islam

Page 2: History of islam

Table of contents

The symbolThe spread of IslamMecca and medinaArabian peninsula mapTrade routes /trade centersOriginsReligion5 pillarsIslamic lawsGeography of Muhammad /Muhammad's family

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The Symbol of Islam

The star and crescent (moon and star)represent Islam

They have this flag to spread there religionThey have other symbols too

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The spread of Islam…

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It all started when Muhammad started preaching

Muhammad spread the religion to Mecca and medina

He first went to Mecca and the they followed him to medina

When Muhammad started to get closer to Mecca the rulers started to hear about the religion and began to threaten Muhammad

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When Muhammad went to medina he became spiritual and political

Muhammad house became the first mosqueMedina is home of the kabala ( they believe

that The old name of medina is yathrib

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Its located in the southwest corner of Asia

In this location its very dry and hot

There's a lack of water there

They had to go through there to go to there trade center

Arabia peninsula map

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The routesThe routes

The Arabian people had to take these routes to trade

They had to take camels because they can last days without water

The camels were very useful

The trade centers were located in Africa, Arabia, Europe, and Asia

Trade routes

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A man named Muhammad bought a new religion to the Arabians.

He started this religion when one day he went to a mountain and prayed

He said that a angle had came to the mountain were he was praying and told him message sent from god

The angle told him to tell othersThat’s when Muhammad became a prophet

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The Quran is book with the exact messages that god sent to Muhammad by an angle named Gabriel

The beliefs of the Muslim are that there are only one god and that is god-Allah

The Muslims say that if the Quran is written in another language it wont say the exact

words that god sent down.

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The 5 Pillars (religion)

The five pillars which are five acts of warship required to all Muslims

1:Faith (Shahadah)2:daily prayer (salah)3:donation to charity (zakat)4:fasting-going with out food or water (sawm)5: visit mecca where the pilgrimage is(the


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Islamic laws

If you followed another religion they accepted you but you just had to pay fee

Another word for Islamic laws is shariahYou need to follow all rulesThey might be strict because you cant owe

nobody money or else you sinYou cant gamble or drink alcohol or else u sin

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*almost didn't find a pic because there's not much images of Muhammad face because he was perfect for the Muslims and no pic describes him*

Muhammad parents died when little he had to live with his grandfather and uncle

Muhammad married a woman her name was Khadija

Muhammad had 6 daughters he was a loving father

Geography of Muhammad

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*NO picture found* When Muhammad died he was 60 and Khadija was 75 that means she was older

They were long distance cousins

They had children

Geography of Muhammad and Khadija

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بك أبوThat is how you spell

Abu-Bakr in Arabic

After Muhammad's death Abu-Bakr who was the dad of his wife took his position and became a prophet

He did after two years of being a prophet he died, he was assassinated

After the death of Muhammad

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فاطمةThat’s how you spell Fatimah in Arabic

Fatimah was born 605She grew up in the

city of meccaShe left with her

father to medina <to spread the religion

She is important because she prayed with her father

Fatimah Daughter of Muhammad

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Fatimah continues

She was very loyal to her father.She lasted days with hunger and other

hardships with him as they preachedFatimah marries ail cousin of her fatherAfter Abu bakr died ali wanted to be the next

prophet but failed

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