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19th Century Timeline

1862 1864

Homestead Act- a U.S. law that provided 160 acres in the west to any citizen or intended citizen who was head of household and would cultivate the land for five years; a law whose passage led to record numbers of U.S. settlers claiming private property which previously had been reserved by treaty and by tradition for Native American nomadic dwelling and use; the same law strengthened in 1889 to encourage individuals to exercise their private property rights and develop homesteads out of the vast government.

Sand Creek Massacre- Most of the Cheyenne had peacefully returned to Colorado’s San Creek reserve for winter but General S.R. Curtis sent a telegram to militia colonel John Chivington that read “I want no peace till the Indians suffer more.” So Chivington and his troops descended on the Cheyenne and Arapho camped at Sand Creek; the attack at dawn on November 29 killed over 150 inhabitants, mostly women and children.


Bessemer Process- A cheap and effective process for making steel.

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Transcontinental Railroad- a railroad line linking the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the U.S.


Oliver Kelley- On November 15, he laid the groundwork to build a new foundation for American agriculture through the organization of the Grange, of which he was the first secretary.


Buffalo Soldiers- they were the original members of the U.S. 10th Cavalry Regiment of the U.S. Army formed on September 21 at Fort Leavenworth Kansas.

National Farmer’s Alliance- It was started by the Grange and was an agrarian economic movement; farmers joined together to decrease debt, poverty, and low crop prices through education, economic cooperation and organizing, and asserting their power in electoral politics.


John D. Rockefeller- He founded the Standard Oil Company and aggressively ran it until he officially retired.

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Telephone- most dramatic invention unveiled by Alexander Graham Belland and Thomas Watson; it opened the way for a worldwide communications network

Battle of Little Big Horn- an armed engagement between combined forces of Lakota, Northern Cheyenne and Arapho tribes against the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the U.S. Army.


Gilded Age- the period following the civil war. The term was coined by writers Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner in “The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today” satirizing an era of social problems hidden by a thin layer of gold.

Jim Crow Laws- state and local laws in the U.S. that mandated racial segregation in all public facilities in southern states of the former Confederacy.


Credit Mobilier- the exposed deception by the Union Pacific of over charging construction costs to taxpayers and manipulating the share prices of Crédit Mobilier of America.


Nez Perce- Native American people living in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States who got in a war with the U.S. Government.

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Colored Farmer’s Alliance- a group of black farmers who formed their own alliance to fill their needs.


Dawes Act- broke up reservations and gave some of the reservation land to individual Native Americans-160 acres to each head of household and 80 acres to each unmarried adult.

Samuel Gompers- he founded the American Federation of Labor and served as that organization’s president until his death.


Eugene V. Debs- he was a member of the Democratic Party and was elected as a Democrat to the Indiana General Assembly.

William Randolph Hearst- he was an American newspaper publisher who built the nation’s largest newspaper chain and whose methods profoundly influenced American journalism.

Haymarket Affair- the aftermath of a bombing that took place at a labor demonstration on Tuesday May 4th at Haymarket Square in Chicago.

Interstate Commerce Commission- a regulatory body in the U.S. created by the interstate commerce act. The original purpose was to regulate railroads to ensure fair rates, to eliminate rate discrimination, and to regulate other aspects of common carriers.

Mugwumps- Republican political activists who bolted from the U.S. Republican Party by supported Grover Cleveland.

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Sherman Antitrust Act- this act made it illegal to form a trust that interfered with free trade between states or with other countries


Sherman Antitrust Act- First measure passed by the U.S. Congress to prohibit trusts.

Ghost Dance- a religious movement which was incorporated into numerous Native American belief systems.

Wounded Knee- On December 28, the Seventh Cavalry rounded up about 350 starving and freezing Sioux and took them to a camp at Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota. The soldiers made them give up their weapons. A shot was fired and within minutes, the Seventh Cavalry slaughtered 300 unarmed Native Americans including several children; the soldiers left the bodies to freeze on the ground.


George Eastman- he was an American innovator and entrepreneur who founded the Eastman Kodak Company and invented roll film which was the basis for motion picture film.

Booker T. Washington- he was the dominant leader in the African American community in the United States.

Populist- a member of a United States political party formed primarily to represent agrarian interests and to advocate the free coinage of silver and government control of monopolies


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Omaha Platform- The party program adopted at the formative convention of the Populist Party held in Omaha, Nebraska on July 4th.


Plessy vs. Ferguson- a case in which the supreme court ruled that separation of the races in public accommodations was legal, thus establishing the “separate but equal” doctrine.


Pullman Strike- a nationwide conflict between the new American Railway Union and railroads that occurred in the United States.


Ragtime- an original musical genre that had a syncopated or “ragged” rhythm.

“Cross of Gold Speech”- delivered by William Jennings Bryan at the National Convention in Chicago on July 9th. In the speech he supported bimetallism.

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Literacy Test- the government practice of testing the literacy of potential citizens at the federal level, and potential voters at the state level.


Orville and Wilbur Wright- they built the world’s first successful airplane and the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier-than-air human flight on December 17th.


W.E.B. Dubois- one of the co-founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

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