Page 1: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel







HKAA Honorary Member Interview: Rose Chan

香港汽車會榮譽會員專訪: 陳嘉桓

Page 2: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號

Tel 電話: (852) 3583 3638 | Fax 傳真: (852) 3583 4120 | e-mail 電郵: [email protected] | Web 網址: Hours Emergency Hotline 24小時緊急服務熱線 (852) 3583 3628 | Car Inspection 驗車部 (852) 3583 3628 | Insurance 保險部 (852) 3583 3616Membership 會員部 (852) 3583 3615 | Auto Transport 汽車船運 (852) 3583 3619 | Motorsports 賽車活動部 (852) 3583 3618 The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Hong Kong Automobile Association. © All rights reserved October 2012


HKAA Honorary Life Presidents 香港汽車會永遠榮譽會長

Philip George TAYLOR 戴禮賢

Robin HAUSER 侯思

Anthony NEDDERMAN 李達文

Barry Fegan WILL

Lawrence K. K. YU, BBS, MBE, JP 余錦基太平紳士

Simon K. S. MAK 麥錦誠

Duffy C. N. WONG, JP 黃鎮南太平紳士

Jackson Y. T. HO, MH 何懿德

Michael J Dudley RUSHWORTH 韋詩域

Laurence L. T. HOU 侯勵存

Martin P. K. HONG 康寶駒

Wesley W. H. Wan 雲維熹

Governors 會監

Robin HAUSER 侯思

Anthony NEDDERMAN 李達文

Duffy C. N. WONG, JP 黃鎮南太平紳士

HKAA General Committee 2012/2013 香港汽車會 2012/2013 常務委員會

President 會長

Lawrence K. K. YU, BBS, MBE, JP余錦基太平紳士

Vice Presidents 副會長Laurence L. T. HOU 侯勵存James Y. H. KONG 江日雄

Honorary Secretary 義務秘書Ian Foster 霍思達

Honorary Treasurer 義務司庫Aldo C. K. YUNG 容自強

Committee Members 常務委員Danny S. CHAU 仇偉冠

Julian K. H. CHEUNG 張劍雄John C. KOH 許文法

Paul S. H. LAW 羅少雄Ringo Y. P. LEE 李耀培

LIU Keung 廖強Wesley W. H. WAN 雲維熹

Danny C. M. WONG 黃志敏Lincoln K. Y. YU 余錦遠

Advisor 顧問 . Technical 機械技術

TANG Wing Hong Madison 鄧永漢

National Motor Sport Council 香港汽車會賽車事務委員會

Lawrence K. K. YU, BBS, MBE, JP 余錦基太平紳士

Laurence L. T. HOU 侯勵存James Y. H. KONG 江日雄Wesley W. H. WAN 雲維熹

Danny C. M. WONG 黃志敏

Honorary Member榮譽會員

Jean TODT 約翰。托特Rose Ka-Woon CHAN 陳嘉桓

CHAN Pak Cheung 陳百祥 Carat CHEUNG 張名雅CHEUNG Siu Fai 張兆輝

CHIN Ka Lok 錢嘉樂 Marvel CHOW 周定宇 HUI Koon Man 許冠文Aaron KWOK 郭富城

Leon LAI 黎明 MIU Kiu Wai 苗僑偉

Jennifer SHUM 岑杏賢Alan TAM 譚詠麟

Eric TSANG 曾智偉 WONG Yat Wah 黃日華

Jacqueline WONG 黃心穎 YAM Tat Wah 任達華

CONTENTS04 DRIVEN by the President06 DRIVEN by MOK-SAN08 DRIVEN by Interaction – Letters to Editor10 DRIVEN by Honorary Member Rose Chan14 DRIVEN by Honorary Academy Award18 Quick Car Tips22 DRIVEN by Car Lover - Ford Focus ST2.026 DRIVEN by Car Lover - Lexus RX450h29 AGM Nomination Notice 201330 DRIVEN by Baby Car Seat33 HKAA News36 HKAA Activities Review40 DRIVEN by Tips for Driver42 HKAA Affiliated Clubs News43 DRIVEN by Privileges

Page 3: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

踏入 2013癸巳蛇年,我謹代表香港汽車會祝大家新年行大運,各位車主路路亨通!

新一年本會喜事重重,剛過去的一月我們在將軍澳東港城舉辦了 95 週年「百年願景 齊驅共創」慶祝活動,獲得社會各界鼎力支持。藉著今次與眾同樂的週年盛事,大眾市民可以認識到本會的發展和成績,我亦深感欣慰。本會服務市民近一個世紀,不遺餘力增加市民對賽車運動的認識,積極推廣駕駛安全,同時為駕駛者爭取權益和提供優質服務。展望今年,本會將會繼續努力在業界發光發亮,努力向政府爭取興建一個試車場,令香港擁有一個推廣高級駕駛技巧的場所。我希望日後大家只要有車牌或擁有汽車,都可以在試車場享受賽車活動的樂趣。試車場能夠加強市民對汽車的認識之餘,亦能提高駕駛技術和交通安全意識,有助應付突如其來的交通意外。


Dear Valued Members,

On behalf of the HKAA, I wish you a happy Chinese New Year, and hope you have the best of luck in the Year of the Snake, as well as a year full of safe and pleasant rides.

The new year brings with it an array of joyous events. On 13 January 2013, we marked the organisation’s 95th anniversary with a gala event entitled “Driving HK Motoring into the 100th Year”, and we are proud of the support it received from the public. The event successfully showcased the HKAA’s development and achievements: from promoting motor racing and road safety, to standing for drivers’ rights and providing quality services, the HKAA has served the people of Hong Kong with distinction for nearly a century.

Looking ahead, we will continue to promote the rights and interests of drivers and car owners, such as petitioning the government to construct Hong Kong’s �rst test track, which I hope will let future driving licence holders and car owners experience the excitement of racing. Such a venue will promote advanced driving skills, broaden automotive knowledge and help enhance awareness of road safety, leading to fewer accidents on the road.

Lawrence K.K. Yu, BBS, MBE, JPPresident

DRIVEN by the President


Page 4: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

China Dragon Motor Racing Club 華龍賽車俱樂部

Classic Car Club of Hong Kong (1989) Ltd. 香港老爺車會

Collectors Car Club of Hong Kong Ltd.香港珍藏車協會有限公司

Formula Racing Development Ltd.方程式賽車發展有限公司



Ghiasports Profile Ltd.基亞運動推廣有限公司

Hong Kong Kart Club Ltd. 香港小型賽車會

Hong Kong Land Rover Club香港越野路華四驅車會

Hong Kong MX Club Motor Sports 香港越野電單車運動總會

Mini Race Car Club Ltd. 迷你賽車會有限公司

Porsche Club Hong Kong Ltd. 香港保時捷會

Supercar Club Hong Kong Ltd.香港超級跑車會

The Motor Sports Club of Hong Kong Ltd. 香港賽車會



事實上,電子道路收費計劃的效用頗成疑問,例如每天必定要駕車進入中環接載大企業老闆的車輛,根本不會因為高昂的附加費而減少進入收費區。至於本港污染空氣最大的元兇來自舊款柴油車。根據特區行政長官發表 2013 年施政報告,在環保的議題上提到全面淘汰舊柴油商業車輛,並建議預留 100 億元,以資助方法,按污染程度分階段淘汰歐盟前期及一至三期共八萬多輛高污染柴油商業車,以配合 2015 年及 2020 年的減排目標,亦提議為日後新登記的柴油商業車設定 15 年的退役期限。不論公眾環保又或者為生意著眼點來看,我們皆支持資助及淘汰車齡太舊或不附合歐盟排放標準的商業車,以減少汽車廢氣粒子及氮氧化物的排放,保障本港市民的身體健康。



Dear Members,

The Environment Bureau has once again proposed the implementation of Electronic Road Pricing ( “ERP” ). The HKAA supports the idea that those who use a resource should bear the brunt of its cost, but Hong Kong car owners already struggle under a string of “punitive” taxes and disincentives, including the Motor Vehicle First Registration Tax and annual licence fees, as well as a fuel tax that nearly doubles the price of fuel. The launch of ERP would present an unfair increase of this burden.

The passage of ERP will have a chilling effect far beyond private car ownership. With fuel costs and vehicle maintenance expenses already surging, the transportation industry will be hard-pressed to make ends meet under the proposal. The result will be an increase in operating costs that will inevitably be passed onto consumers, to become in turn a leading trigger of inflation.

It’ s also highly doubtful that ERP measures will have the desired effect. For example, we believe that in highly commercialised areas such as Central, car owners will continue to use private vehicles regardless of high tolls. Such tolls and fees do not address the primary culprit behind air pollution, which is older vehicles powered by diesel fuel. The government acknowledged this issue in the 2013 Policy Address, with the proposal that $10 billion be set aside for subsidies to progressively phase out over 80,000 pre-Euro and Euro I - III diesel commercial vehicles, in order to meet the 2015 and 2020 emission reduction targets. A service life limit of 15 years on newly registered diesel commercial vehicles was also proposed. We applaud the government for putting forth these new measures to reduce the overall emissions of particulates and nitrogen oxides, which will create a healthier environment for all our citizens.

With so many factors still to be examined, we also urge the government to learn the lesson of our neighbours, and listen to public opinions before making any rash decisions.

Wilson Mok Chief Executive

HKAA Affiliated Clubs : (In alphabetical order)香港汽車會屬會 : (以字母先後次序排列)

Page 5: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

DRIVEN by Interaction - Letters to Editor


1Q: Nowadays, anyone can check out a car owner’s information by paying $45 to the Licensing O�ces of the Transport Department. I feel this infringes on the privacy of car owners. What is the HKAA’s stance on this issue?

A: Some believe that allowing the public to check a car owner’s information enhances transparency and accessibility to information, and helps to crack down on illegal and corrupt activities. However, we think that allowing people to access information for such a small fee infringes on the privacy of car owners. Information may even be used for illegal purposes or sold for pro�t. Therefore, we do not agree with the current practice, and suggest that the government review and change it.

2Q: In the recent Policy Address, the proposal to phase out older diesel vehicles through subsidies has caused heated discussions. Does the HKAA have any suggestions on easing the environmental impact of motor vehicles?

A: The HKAA has always supported environmental protection. In our opinion, regardless of this speci�c proposal’s success or failure, the proposal to phase out diesel vehicles is an important step towards the target. We also believe that the promotion of green vehicles is very important, and to that end would like to see a reduction in the tax levied on the purchase of electric vehicles. Other measures the government could take towards this end include providing subsidies to encourage the public to purchase more electrical cars.

3Q: As a driver, how do I direct my comments on speed limits to the HKSAR Government?

A: The HKAA is a member of the Speed Limit Review Working Group of the Transport Department. In the group’s last meeting, held in January 2013, the speed limit of three roads were discussed and results were as follow: (1) since the radii of the two road bends near Tai Koo Shing are quite short (less than 200m), the suggestion to raise the speed limit of the Island Eastern Corridor to 80km/h was rejected, and the current speed limit of 70km/h will remain; (2) since raising the limit may encourage drivers to speed and lead to more accidents, the speed limit on Lung Cheung Road near Phoenix House will remain 70km/h; (3) with the re-opening of the Frontier Closed Area on Sha Tau Kok Road has come an increase in road tra�c and a growing number of weekend bicyclists, with a subsequent increase in bicycle-related accidents, so the speed limit of Sha Tau Kok Road has been lowered from 70km/h to 50km/h.

4Q: What should I pay attention to when taking my vehicles in for regular inspection?

A: According to current regulations, all private cars manufactured six or more years ago must undergo an annual inspection. This includes veri�cation of the information on the Vehicle Registration Document, testing of exhaust emissions, tyres and brake performance, and so forth. If the vehicle fails inspection, the owner must �x the defects and pay an additional fee to arrange a re-examination. To avoid this added expense, an owner may choose to have a vehicle examined and repaired at a private garage before the annual inspection. Older vehicles generally require more expensive repairs.

5Q: I'm told parking on a slope may leave my car more prone to accidents. What can I do to minimize that risk?

A: Whether you park on a �at road or a hill, you should always engage the hand brake before switching o� the engine. When you park facing downslope, put the car in reverse gear. When facing upslope, put it in �rst gear. You should also turn the steering wheel so that the front wheels are perpendicular to the road, in order to prevent the car from slipping downslope.

Page 6: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel


If you have any suggestions and criticisms, please send to us by e-mail: [email protected] or by fax: 3583 4066.如 有 任 何 意 見,歡 迎 發 表 或 提 問,請 電 郵 至[email protected] 或傳真到 3583 4066。

3Q: 作為駕駛人士,我想請問現時特區政府有否設立發表道路車速事宜的渠道?

A: 香港汽車會是香港運輸署道路速度評議會成員

之一,我們出席了於 2013 年 1 月舉行的會議,會

中共商議了三段道路的速度限制,結果如下 : (1)

由於近太古城兩個彎位半徑較小(少於 200m),故

此港島東區走廊車速限制提高至 80km/h 的動議被

否決,保留為 70km/h;(2) 因提高速度限制有可能


龍翔道近豐力樓一段保留現時 70km/h 的車速限制;

(3) 鑒於沙頭角公路的部份禁區路段於早前解禁,該



斷上升,因此沙頭角公路的車速限制則由 70km/h

降至 50km/h。

4Q: 為車輛作例行檢查時,有甚麼需要特別注意?

A: 按現行規定,車齡六年或以上的私家車須每年

進行例行檢查,包括核對車輛登記文件上的登 記資






5Q: 司機在斜路上泊車容易發生意外,究竟有甚麼地方要多加注意?

A: 事實上,不論把車停在平路還是斜路,司機都





1Q: 現時市民只要向運輸署牌照部繳付 45 元便可查看車主資料,我認為這侵犯了車主私隱,香港汽車會是否有同感?

A: 雖然有人認為,車主資料開放讓市民查詢是增







2Q: 在剛推出的施政報告中,更換柴油車資助計劃引起全城熱論,不知道香港汽車會對汽車環保問題又有何建議?

A: 香港汽車會向來十分支持改善環境質素,我們







Page 7: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

DRIVEN by Honorary Member Rose Chan


In love with free driving Rose Chan

嚮往自由自在的駕駛感受 陳嘉桓

Page 8: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

DRIVEN by Honorary Member Rose Chan


Rose Chan has spent a great deal of time in the limelight in recent years. This high-flying model turned movie star has solid kung fu training, which offers plenty of opportunities in show business. It was the encouragement of another woman though, Rose says, that led her to seize the opportunity to get her driving licence. “She told me that girls need to learn to drive, as part of growing up and learning to be independent. Girls can even be car enthusiasts and think of a car as our ‘other half’, just like men do!” These words impressed Rose, and inspired her to get her driving licence.The Hong Kong Open Wushu Championships silver medallist received more congratulations recently, as she also became an honourable member of the HKAA.

A novice on the roadDespite her unassuming ‘girl next door’ appearance, Rose is a thoroughly capable and modern young lady. Since her family didn’t own a car, she didn’t think much about driving when she was younger, nor did she drive much after getting her licence. It was having a GPS installed that finally gave Rose the confidence and encouragement to drive more. “Initially I wasn’t very good at driving and didn’t recognise roads well. After the GPS was installed, that was when I began to really enjoy driving.”

Building character through drivingAccording to Rose, she has blossomed into a seasoned driver. “I like driving with the windows down. It’s comfortable and relaxing. And it’s fun driving my friends and family to picnic.” She’s also adamant about the types of car that she prefers. “I like compact models because they are more convenient, especially when parking. And I like low-key, not too showy ones. I’m also interested in classic cars, and thinking about getting one next time I change cars.”

Rose practised Wing Chun and was coached by an apprentice of Master Ip Chun. This background gives her a competitive streak and an interest in areas traditionally seen as masculine, such as racing—which she is keen to participate in. “I think racing is a good way to challenge myself and boost my courage. I was excited when I was told the HKAA organises racing events from time to time. It would be great to compete with others on the racetrack one day. ”

A passion for drive toursWhile Rose may appear more sophisticated than most girls her age, she’s just as curious about the world and dreams of exploring it. “I am adventurous and I want to see more of the world, experience the wonders and different cultures.” With her hope of seeing the world in her own car, it must thrill Rose to know that the HKAA organises quite a few drive tours every year!

Looking ahead in 2013, Rose intends to focus on movies, TV dramas and modelling, trying new things and seeking more opportunities to showcase her talents. Just as one must practice driving skills, Rose intends to improve her acting through work, so as to make her name and gain greater recognition from the audience.

Page 9: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel


陳嘉桓 (Rose) 近年人氣急升,除了參演電影亦擔任模特兒,加上自

幼習武的背景,為年紀輕輕的她帶來多元化的發展。而 Rose 與車的


孩子滿 18 歲一定要考車牌,這樣才可照顧自己。而且女孩子也可以


Rose 把這番話牢記在心,早年已考得車牌,向獨立自主的人生邁進



新手愛上路外表清純的 Rose 給人鄰家女孩的感覺,卻又有硬朗獨立的一面,或

許就是現代女性的最佳寫照。小時候家中沒有車,Rose 直言最初對

車沒太大概念。真正鼓勵 Rose 經常駕車的,原來是導航系統:「初



賽車考膽色開始駕車後,Rose 覺得自己長大了,處事更加成熟:「平日最喜歡


郊遊。」那麼 Rose 喜歡甚麼車款?小妮子的答案不失風範:「我喜歡



貴為詠春大師葉準的徒孫,Rose 對賽車這個傳統上屬於男人的世界




夢想自駕遊雖然 Rose 外表比同年女孩成熟斯文,對身邊的事物仍然充滿好奇,


體驗不同的新事物。」Rose 希望將來可以到世界不同地方自駕遊,

香港汽車會亦有定期舉辦自駕旅遊團,相信 Rose 一定大感興趣吧﹗

展望 2013 年,一向勤奮上進的 Rose 將繼續投入工作,在劇集、電


示才華。正如駕車技術必須多加練習才能夠純熟,Rose 也希望透過


DRIVEN by Honorary Member Rose Chan

Page 10: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

DRIVEN by Honorary Member Rose Chan


Page 11: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

HKAA Honorary Academy Award


A l b e r t P o o n i s undoubtedly a legend in the long h is tory of the Macau Grand Pr ix, the motor racing event most familiar to the people of Hong Kong. Dubbed the “godfather of Hong Kong motor racing” , Albert was not only a distinguished racer who competed in most Macau races, he

was also the Macau Grand Prix winner in 1964 and its Guia Race (short circuit) winner in 1985.

The Hong Kong Automobile Association recently recognised Albert with the Honorary Academy Award to pay tribute to his remarkable achievements. In this issue of Driven, Albert shares his winning formula in motor racing and gives advice to up-and-coming drivers.

Margin of Error“It is really against my principle to give advice to those who intend to race. Tel l ing people to dr ive fast i s a l ready endangering life and properties.” Advocating his “Safety First” philosophy of motor racing, Albert stressed, “These comments are purely for reading only and one has to exercise discretion when questing for speed.”

Albert points out that there is no single set of rules for driving a vehicle to the utmost of its capabil i t ies. Different road conditions require different approaches. This is most clear in racing, where conditions can change in an instant. “For a racer, the basic approach to a corner, finding its apex and power out are fundamentals and should be adhered to. In addition, one should give oneself a certain margin of error in case the road condition or one’s vehicle changes due to wear and tear.”

With a career spanning decades, Albert has competed in countless races. Leaving margin of error is his key to

An interview with HKAA’s Honorary Academy Award winner: Albert Poon專訪香港汽車會 終身成就獎得主 - 潘炳烈

Hong Kong’s Racing Great on the Keys to His Long and Illustrious Career香港車神殿堂級秘技縱橫半世紀!

Page 12: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel


encountering minimal accidents. His cautious attitude also allowed him to emerge victorious even at an advanced age. In 2003, Albert was competing in the 50th Macau Grand Prix, in a mini car race. He showcased tremendous skill and stunned the audience by outracing drivers half his age from Britain, Japan, Hong Kong and Macau to win the pole position.

Thorough PreparationAlbert has competed in major racing events in Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia, winning more trophies than any other Asian racer. But he didn’ t accomplish this feat by adopting an all-or-nothing mentality. He won races with tactics mirrored by his mild disposition: cautious on the course and well-prepared before the race. “In racing basically the idea is the same, which is how to get from point A to point B at the most convenient line and time, bearing in mind that there are other racers doing the same thing. Therefore it is prudent during one’ s practice to find different lines through a corner. How to put your foot down a fraction of a second quicker without losing the car balance so that you can exit the corner at a slightly higher speed in order to charge down the next corner with the ability to dive through the other competitors.”

On attacking the corner, Albert added, “All racing cars are basical ly the same thing, with the spr ings carrying the suspension and the ability to corner without losing control. Hence all vehicles must be set up on the approach to a corner. This is to say that the spring should be compressed so that it can carry the weight of the vehicle through the corner. To do this, one jerks the steering slightly more than one should on the approach. The springs will then be set up to attack the corner and the driver should maintain this posture with the balance of power and steering. This is very similar to the recently popular ‘drifting’ , whereby the rear wheels are broken free by the applying of handbrake. But in a racing scenario, this is not the quickest way to round a corner. Of course a drifter and a racer have entirely different sets of equipment in the form of vehicles.”

Albert believes that to be a good racer, one should have a thorough understanding of automobiles. “Invariably, successful drivers are the ones who can impart sufficient vehicle tuning feedback to the mechanic who maintains the vehicle. Just saying that the vehicle is not fast enough is not good enough. How is the vehicle not fast enough - when you are coming out of a corner or at its top speed? This allows the mechanic to tune the vehicle for low end power or for high end power. With computerization and variable cam timing these days, this can be tuned but only when you have given the tuner your requirements. A fast driver may require more top end whereas a slowly driver could improve with better torque.”

Complete Game PlanFrom 1983 on, the Macau Grand Prix would be held as a Formula Three event. Albert has since taken part in the Guia Race, winning the short circuit event in 1985. In 1996, the 60-year-old clinched a memorable fifth place with his Peugeot 405 despite keen challenges from top competitors from Europe and Japan. Knowing the track well helped Albert to achieve great success in this prestigious race.

“I remember walking the entire Macau circuit before I ever raced there. You don’ t want to wonder what lies around the next corner. You should know. Attacking a corner too early, you have to back off; attacking it too late will be ending up in the barriers,” said Albert.

Full preparation, a complete game plan and staying prudent are what made Albert an all-time great in Hong Kong’ s racing history. But Albert stresses that responsibility is paramount when it comes to racing. “If you want to race, you should race with responsibility and that is not to cause an accident or create one yourself. To win is the name of the game but one must win with a sporting mind and not be responsible for an accident with other competitors.”


年度盛事的歷史中,香港第一代專業賽車手潘炳烈 (Albert) 絕對是個

代表人物,他不但是參加澳門賽次數最多的車手,更曾奪得過 1964 年

冠軍及 1985年東望洋大賽短程第一名,是當之無愧的「香港賽車之父」。

最近,香港汽車會向獲獎無數的 Albert 頒發終身成就獎,藉此向他的

非凡成就致敬。今期 Driven 特意走訪 Albert,讓這位縱橫賽車壇數十年







Albert 指出,賽場上不能「一本通書讀到老」,因為跑道的情況千變萬化,






Page 13: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

HKAA Honorary Academy Award


馳騁車壇數十年,Albert 參加過無數比賽,入彎次數自然亦多不


意外,甚至在花甲之年仍能多番揚威賽場。記得在 2003 年,寶

刀未老的 Albert 出戰第五十屆澳門大賽,還在首日的迷你車迷會



充分準備Albert 在澳門、馬來西亞、新加坡、菲律賓、泰國和印尼所贏得









對於入彎的控制技巧,Albert 補充:「其實每部車的構造基本都一







要成為一個好車手,Albert 相信必須要對自己的戰車瞭如指掌,






大局在握澳門格蘭披治在 1983 年改由三級方程式競逐,Albert 亦於這年起改為參與東望

洋房車賽。除於 1985 年成為短程冠軍外,1996 年 Albert 以年屆六十之齡,駕

著一部前英國房車賽 (BTCC) 的標致 Peugeot 405,在歐日高手如林的戰況下勇

奪第五名,亦令人記憶猶新。能在這塊「福地」中屢獲佳績,與 Albert 對於場地




的掌握瞭然於胸,才能有勝算。」Albert 回憶說。


風範。不過 Albert 強調,賽車畢竟是危險的運動,在場上固然應該全力爭勝,但



Vern Schuppan (No. 9 March 722) is on the front row for his first Macau Grand Prix in 1972. Alongside him are Albert Poon (No. 66 Brabham BT30) and John Macdonald (No. 11 Rondel Brabham BT36).

*This picture is excerpted from the magazine, which named REWIND

Vern Schuppan (No. 9 March 722) 在 1972 年他的第一次澳門格蘭披治大賽排在第一排位置。靠在旁邊的是潘炳烈 (No. 66 Brabham BT30) 及 John Macdonald (No. 11 Rondel Brabham BT36)。

* 這圖片摘自 REWIND 雜誌

Page 14: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

Quick Car Tips 奇難雜症小貼士

18 19

Buying a Pre-owned CarWhether you’re looking for your first car or upgrading your current ride, the decision to buy pre-owned car shouldn’t be made lightly. In this issue of Driven, the HKAA’s technical advisor Mr Tang Wing Hong Madison offers advice to empower your search.

Before You BuyStep 1: Determine your needs Along with obvious factors such as size, seating and storage, don’t forget to take into account issues like cylinder capacity (cc) and horsepower. If you need a family car for everyday use, for example, consider a 1500CC 4-door family sedan or a 7-seat MPV.


Step 2: Conduct your own 10-point inspection Before you commit to a car, conduct a complete examination for any potential issues.

Buying a Pre-owned Car

HKAA Technical Advisor Mr. TANG Wing Hong Madison香港汽車會機械技術顧問 ─ 鄧永漢先生

Tips: You should purchase only from a reputable dealer or seller. It’s a serious purchase, so don’t hesitate to ask questions.


Finally, bring an auto savvy friend with you when shopping for a per-owned car. He or she will be able to tell during the test drive whether the car is in good shape. You can also ask the company to send the car to the HKAA for a thorough check-up; you’ll receive an impartial and professional report to help you make sure that the per-owned car you get is safe and reliable.





Check the vehicle registration documents and confirm ownership.

Check the interior for comfort.

Take a test drive to see how it handles.

Check the car’ s body for damage.

Check the chassis.

Check for strange noises.

Check the engine.

Check the transmission.

Check the braking system.

Check the steering system.











1. Take note of the maintenance period and whether the terms and condit ions st ipulated on the contract are reasonable.

2. Verify that the vehicle licence and registration

documents are valid. You should be clear about the transfer procedures before you begin.

3. It can be difficult to insure lost or stolen cars, or vehicles that were once badly damaged. Check the relevant documentation thoroughly to avoid unknowingly purchasing an uninsurable car.

4. To find out whether a car has previously been damaged, have it tested by the HKAA or a garage you are familiar with.

5.Ownership transfer and payment should proceed simultaneously.

Page 15: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

Quick Car Tips 奇難雜症小貼士

18 19

Buying a Pre-owned CarWhether you’re looking for your first car or upgrading your current ride, the decision to buy pre-owned car shouldn’t be made lightly. In this issue of Driven, the HKAA’s technical advisor Mr Tang Wing Hong Madison offers advice to empower your search.

Before You BuyStep 1: Determine your needs Along with obvious factors such as size, seating and storage, don’t forget to take into account issues like cylinder capacity (cc) and horsepower. If you need a family car for everyday use, for example, consider a 1500CC 4-door family sedan or a 7-seat MPV.


Step 2: Conduct your own 10-point inspection Before you commit to a car, conduct a complete examination for any potential issues.

Buying a Pre-owned Car

HKAA Technical Advisor Mr. TANG Wing Hong Madison香港汽車會機械技術顧問 ─ 鄧永漢先生

Tips: You should purchase only from a reputable dealer or seller. It’s a serious purchase, so don’t hesitate to ask questions.


Finally, bring an auto savvy friend with you when shopping for a per-owned car. He or she will be able to tell during the test drive whether the car is in good shape. You can also ask the company to send the car to the HKAA for a thorough check-up; you’ll receive an impartial and professional report to help you make sure that the per-owned car you get is safe and reliable.





Check the vehicle registration documents and confirm ownership.

Check the interior for comfort.

Take a test drive to see how it handles.

Check the car’ s body for damage.

Check the chassis.

Check for strange noises.

Check the engine.

Check the transmission.

Check the braking system.

Check the steering system.











1. Take note of the maintenance period and whether the terms and condit ions st ipulated on the contract are reasonable.

2. Verify that the vehicle licence and registration

documents are valid. You should be clear about the transfer procedures before you begin.

3. It can be difficult to insure lost or stolen cars, or vehicles that were once badly damaged. Check the relevant documentation thoroughly to avoid unknowingly purchasing an uninsurable car.

4. To find out whether a car has previously been damaged, have it tested by the HKAA or a garage you are familiar with.

5.Ownership transfer and payment should proceed simultaneously.

Page 16: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel


Quick Car Tips 奇難雜症小貼士



由於車輛設有不同的汽缸容量(Cylinder Capacity, 又俗稱cc),因此購買































1) 留意車行提供的保養時間、買賣合約列出的保養細節和保證條款


2) 核對行車證、牌簿資料是否與車輛相符,過戶手續要清楚。

3) 由於賊贓、失車或曾受嚴重撞毁的車,都會影響上會。故購買二


4) 如要證明二手車的內部是否曾被損壞,較為穩妥的做法是找相熟


5) 付款時,車輛過戶和付款應同時進行。

[email protected]。簡歷內容應包括以下資料:姓名(中文及英文),出生



CV by e-mail with a recent photo to [email protected], including the following particulars : full name (in English and Chinese), date of birth, age, qualifications, working experience, past experience in motor sport (if any but not essential), contacting e-mail, mailing address, contacting phone number (office, and mobile).

Page 17: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

DRIVEN by Car Lover

On its surface, the Ford Focus ST is essentially a beefed-up version of the classic Ford Focus. With five doors and a hatchback, it’s fairly conservative in appearance, and appeals as an everyday use car. It’s also a car for enthusiasts, however, as it features a number of noticeable upgrades over its predecessor, both in the details and in overall performance.

The Focus ST incorporates Ford’s proprietary high-output 2.0L EcoBoost technology in its 2,000cc engine, delivering 250PS horsepower, 345Nm torque, a top speed of 248 km/h and a 0 -100 km speed of 6.5 seconds – one of the best in its class. The Focus ST’s 6-speed manual transmission has been specially optimized to match engine performance; together with its power-assisted steering and torque steer compensation, they give the model improved responsivity, almost no perceptible turbo lag, and quick steering for smoother turns and easier hugging of corners. The highly stable and uniquely tuned suspension seems especially suitable for Hong Kong’s road conditions, offering better grip, balance and overall handling of the road. This improved performance is backed by enhanced


safety features as well, including a three-mode Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and six airbags (dual front and side curtain).

For enthusiasts, a special thrill: when revved over 3,000 rmp, the engine rattles just enough to give the car a distinctive and satisfying growl.

Enthusiasts should also be well satisfied with the physical appearance of the Focus ST. Its prominent one-piece grille features a distinctive and ‘cool’ hexagonal mesh, which coincidentally also better ventilates the engine than standard grilles. The deep central splitter of the front spoiler is framed by small motorsports-inspired spoiler blades, which with the integrated roof spoiler enhance the sportiness of the car’s silhouette.

Inside, the Focus ST boasts a high-contrast sport cockpit, with roomy Recaro seats and a metal racing-inspired clutch, brake and accelerator pedals. A wide range of touches enhance this

2013 Ford Focus ST 2.0

Text : Mr James Kong, HKAA Vice President撰文:香港汽車會副會長江日雄先生

Page 18: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

motorsport feeling, such as specially designed 18-inch Y-spoke painted aluminum wheels, a remote keyless entry system, a Z-shaped handbrake and a multi-function audio display with 4.2" TFT screen.

As the first global performance car launched by the Ford Sport Technology (ST) division, this exciting next generation ‘pocket rocket’ has proved itself a contender, with superior handling, impressive design and outstanding performance. Already a bestseller in Europe, the first batch in Hong Kong also sold out, and the second batch, a 2013 version, is poised to adjust in price. The Focus ST is offered in a range of colour options, while a trendy metallic option is also available at a premium, making it a real deal that delivers excellent performance and all-around value. I believe that the Ford Focus ST has certainly exceeded the expectations of even an enthusiast.


全新 Ford Focus ST 是福特經典系列 Ford Focus 的高性能版本,亦是

該車廠的王牌車系之一,以大馬力輸出及優越操控見稱。Focus ST 為五



新款 Focus ST 改配 2.0 公升 EcoBoost 渦輪增壓引擎,雖然是 2000cc

引擎,但性能強勁,最大馬力達到 250PS,峰值扭力則提升至 345Nm,極

速高達 248km/h ;由起步至 100 公里時速只需 6.5 秒,在同級車款中

表現出類拔萃。Focus ST 精心設計的六速手動波箱,將引擎的優越性能

進一步推向極致,加上先進的動力輔助轉向 (power-assisted steering)

及扭力轉向補償校正 (torque steer compensation),令轉向反應流暢靈

敏,Turbo Lag 極少。轉向比率屬於「快軚」一類,從極左至極右為 1.8 轉


Page 19: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel


DRIVEN by Car Lover

Focus ST 極適合香港在路面駕駛,其懸掛表現極佳,避震效果柔和,能



電子車身穩定控制 (ESC) 及六安全氣袋等。

作為跑車迷,一定會對 Focus ST 的引擎聲響相當滿意,因為當引擎達到

3000 轉以上時,就會發出高性能跑車獨有的震撼「咆哮」聲,能為車主帶


Focus ST 車身外型相較平實,但精細的造工與設計卻令它表現出高性




車廂布局前衛緊湊,並配有雙色 Recaro 桶型跑車椅、多功能跑車皮軚


內部的跑車個性更矚目,標配設備也非常出色,如 18 吋 Y型合金輪圈、

免匙啟動系統、Z 型手掣及多功能音響系統連 4.2 英寸 TFT 螢幕等,全


全新 Focus ST 是福特汽車第一輛在全球發售的高性能汽車,ST 是

Sports Technologies的簡稱,故車身上的「ST」 徽章是卓越性能的象徵。

而事實上,這輛福特新一代的「袖珍火箭」(pocket rocket) 從操控、設計

到性能均備受讚賞。Focus ST 目前在歐洲非常暢銷,在香港首批早已售

罄,第二批 2013 年版本雖然價格有所調整,仍然深受歡迎。此外,Focus

ST 特設多種顏色選擇,顧客亦可以選配車系專屬的金屬色 (Metallic

Colour),讓汽車外型更時尚吸引。綜合各方面優勢,最新 Focus ST 絕對


Page 20: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel


DRIVEN by Car Lover

Loved by many Hong Kong car enthusiasts, the Lexus RX series was one of the most popular and best-selling SUVs of 2012. In recent years, the series rolled out an array of high-performance hybrids, which have won rave reviews around the world. In this issue, we tested the latest version of the RX450h. We found the luxury SUV to be exceptionally comfortable for drivers and passengers alike, while also offering dynamic driving performance.

The all new RX450h, a powerful all-wheel drive, is powered by Lexus Hybird Drive that combines a 3.5-litre V6 engine and a front-mounted electric motor. It delivers a maximum output of 299PS while achieving a class-leading fuel consumption of 15.6 km/L and ultra-low emissions. The car comes with a Electranically-controlled Continuously Variable Transmission (E-CVT), delivering a smoother drive and faster response to driver input and gear switching.

On the move it’s comfortable, powerful, quick and smooth, and corners well thanks to precise steering and good body control. When travelling uphill, you can feel the power of its 3500cc engine. It’s also well suited to the Hong Kong environment, which often features congested and stop-and-go traffic.

This hybrid setup allows electric-only driving, a combination of petrol/electric, or full petrol engine. Beyond the engine and the motor, there’s a nickel metal hydride battery pack tucked neatly under the second-row seats. When the vehicle brakes, some of the energy is captured and sent to the battery pack. With the petrol engine and electric motor working in tandem to boost speed, the RX450h maintains steady and precise, delivering easy and comfortable handling.

Lexus RX450h撰文:香港汽車會委員張劍雄先生

Text by: HKAA General Committee Member Mr. Julian Cheung

Page 21: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel


The Lexus RX450h surrounds the driver and passengers in exceptional world-class comfort and opulence, with a luxuriously crafted interior cabin born from a synergy of innovation and technology. Stylish amenities include a multimedia display that provides important, easy-to-read information like climate control, navigation, rear parking and more with crystal clarity. In addition, the Second Generation Lexus Remote Touch enhances user-friendliness and ease of operation.

By linking together Bluetooth and GPS technologies with the multi-purpose Head-up Display for navigation, speed, audio streaming and climate control, the RX450h ultimately gives you a technologically advanced system to ensure a smooth and safe journey. Jewel-like LED headlamps also enhance vision while arrowhead-shaped LED daytime running lamps add a touch of exquisite glamour.

The new Lexus RX450h is equipped with a Panoramic Glass Sun-roof - another environmentally conscious feature, allowing the car to absorb sunlight while insulating against heat on hot days.

Lexus RX 車系在香港一向有不少捧場客,去年更成為豪華 SUV 銷量

之冠。近年推出的新 Lexus RX 系列,均以節能環保的 Hybrid 混能車姿


對 RX車系中 Lexus RX450h 進行測試,而我們發現,這款 Lexus 新車


Lexus RX450h 擁有 3500cc 引擎,採用 Lexus 油電混合動力系統,是


置引擎,E-4 電子四輪驅動系統。配合 3.5 公升 V6 24 氣閥引擎及電動

馬達,最高總馬力總輸出高達約 299PS,但同時耗油量達致 15.6km/L,

Page 22: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

DRIVEN by Car Lover

為同級豪華 SUV 最低。Lexus RX450h 不但配上了電子控制無段變速

(E-CVT),而且自動波裝有 +/- 波 ,令轉波相當穩定及流暢,轉向時更是隨心


在我們的試車過程中,Lexus RX450h 表現出優越的性能,行車穩定,舒適寧

靜;以 3500cc 引擎而言,上斜路時馬力十足,表現十分輕鬆順暢,就算在香


Lexus RX450h 的 3.5 公升引擎在配配合電動馬達後,節能優勢大大提升,特


池去帶動。一般情況下,當 RX450h 以正常速度行車時,是利用電池來供電行




Lexus RX450h 具有豪華寬闊的內櫳設計與先進的科技設備,包括高清多媒體

顯示屏,所有重要資料如冷氣、導航、後泊顯示等都一目了然;另採用第 2 代

的遙距觸感操控儀 (Second Generation Lexus Remote Touch) ,操控車廂內


Lexus RX450h 還特別裝有多功能投射顯示屏 (Head-up Display),可以在車



RX450h 更會利用內置的GPS 功能,配合投影器使用,給司機提供清晰的汽車

轉向、箭咀及距離等資料。RX450h 同時還配備 LED 日行燈 (LED Daytime

Running Light) 及全新頭尾燈組,令駕駛者獲得更先進方便的駕駛體驗。




Page 23: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

AGM Nomination Notice 2013


11th April 2013

Dear Members,


In accordance with the provisions of article 22.2 of the Articles of Association of the HKAA, one-third of the current General Committee Members shall retire at the 2013 Annual General Meeting which is to be held on Thursday, 25th July, 2013.

Nominations are being invited for election to fill the vacancies. Nomination Forms can be down loaded from this web-page, and are also available at HKAA Offices (G/F, 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong, and Marsh Road, Wanchai Reclamation, Hong Kong). The Closing Date for nomination has been fixed to be on Tuesday 14th May, 2013. Completed nomination(s) should be delivered by post or by hand to the Association’ s Headquarters at 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong before 5:00 p.m. on that date. Pursuant to the provisions of article 22.5.1, nomination(s) to the General Committee shall be in writing and signed by a proposer and a seconder, both of whom should be valid members of the Association, and endorsed by the candidate by way of confirmation of his consent to act if elected.

In accordance with the provisions of the same article, a candidate shall be at the time of his nomination have been a member in a good standing for a period of not less than two years from the date of his admission to membership. Details of the forthcoming election procedures will be separately announced in due course. Thank you for your attention and co-operation.

Ian FOSTERHon. Secretary


2013/2014 年度常務委員會選舉通告


現歡迎會員提名參選人參選下任委員會委員。提名表格可在本網頁下載,也可往香港汽車會辦事處 (香港九龍彌敦道391號地下及香港灣仔馬師道新填地)索取。根據會章第二十二條第五‧一節條文所定,常務委員會委員的提名必須以書面提出,由一位提名人及一名和議人簽署,兩人均須為香港汽車會合格會員。有關的提名並要得到參選人的書面贊同,說明當選後會參與會務。













常務委員會上限人數Maximum No. of Members in the General Committee

常務委員會現役委員人數No. of Members for the time being

任期屆滿之常務委員:江日雄先生、霍思達先生、李耀培先生及黃志敏先生Committee Members retiring by rotation:Mr. James KONG, Mr. Ian FOSTER, Mr. Ringo LEE, and Mr. Danny WONG.All of them being eligible, o�er themselves for re-election.

常務委員會上限空缺Maximum No. of vacancies

2013 / 2014 年度常務委員會代補空缺VACANCIES IN THE 2013/ 2014 GENERAL COMMITTEE

Page 24: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

Child safety and vehicles: choosing an appropriate car seatThe use of child safety seats and restraints to protect young passengers while travelling is increasing among Hong Kong parents. For advice on selecting and using one of these seats, the HKAA interviewed Kelvin Koo, director of Dickinson Group Ltd, the sole agent of Cybex in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau.

Raising awareness of child safetyAccording to Kelvin, a great number of Hong Kong parents simply aren’t aware of the importance of proper child restraints in a vehicle. “Many parents are under the mistaken impression that simply holding their child or sharing a seat belt is sufficient. In the event of an accident, however, an unrestrained child may be ejected from the vehicle if the parent is unable to hold onto them or react in time. Sharing a seat belt with a child is also a poor choice, as the adult may accidentally crush or harm the child.”

30 31

兒童安全座椅 大有學問

While more parents are becoming aware of the need for child safety seats, Kelvin says Hong Kong itself should look to the example set by its international neighbours. “Compared to other developed countries, Hong Kong lacks comprehensive laws and regulations to protect our children when they’re in a vehicle. It’s time we took measures to educate our citizens on this critical safety issue.”

Meticulously designed to meet safety requirementsKelvin suggests that when choosing a child safety seat, parents should first ensure that the seat is well tested and internationally accredited. Cybex’s Juno-Fix, for example, was rated the best of its group in tests conducted by Stiftung Warentest, Germany’s Consumer Council and Foundation, in June 2012.

The choice of model is also dependent on the age and weight of the child who will be using it. “Child safety seats aren’t just for babies,” Kelvin reminds parents. “As a matter of fact, all small children should ride in one.” Seats on the market are categorised by weight and age for children from infancy up to age 12, and many European countries now require that all children under 150 cm in height use safety seats.”

With these factors in mind, parents can also select a model that goes with the style of their car. “Child safety seats are now very common in foreign countries. Not only are they safe and functional, but many are designed with fashion in mind. Cybex, cooperate with a German fashion brand, Lala Berlin to design a special collection.

Proper use for peace of mindAfter choosing an appropriate child safety seat, it’s equally important that parents use it correctly. Kelvin points out that parents must follow the instructions included and ensure that the seat is properly buckled in at all times. Quality safety seats usually indicate through colour or sound that the seat is properly secured.

An easy securing mechanism is a great convenience for parents, especially with today’s busy lifestyle. “There are rear-facing, forward-facing and booster seats, and each has a different anchoring system. Recently the International Organization for Standardization launched ISOFIX, a brand new attachment method that requires no seat belt and is easier and safer than traditional methods. Cybex products have adopted this new standard.”

Finally, Kelvin says that Cybex is inviting local celebrities to help spread the word and impress upon Hong Kong citizens the need to use child safety seats every time their children are in the car.

Baby Car SeatDickinson Group Ltd. , Mr. Kelvin Koo

德璟泰實業有限公司 , 顧鎖全先生

DRIVEN by Baby Car Seat

Cybex – manufacturer of premium child safety seatsCybex is a leading German supplier of child safety products. Upholding safety, design and function as its core production values, Cybex’s high-quality products are top sellers in Europe and the first choice of Hong Kong celebrities such as Miriam Yeung and Cecilia Cheung. Cybex’s child safety seats are approved by the standards of ECE, 44/04 and highly recommended by the Hong Kong Consumer Council’s Choice Magazine.

* Information provided by Cybex



港及澳門 CYBEX 嬰兒產品的總代理 Dickinson Group Ltd 的董事顧鎖

全 (Kelvin) 先生為我們作詳盡的講解。

意識不足 值得關心汽車安全座椅是兒童行車安全的一大保障。可是,Kelvin 認為本港家





雖然不少本港家長開始明白到兒童安全椅的重要性,但 Kelvin 認為社



千挑萬選 符合安全Kelvin 建議,選購兒童安全座椅時,家長首先要了解該座椅是否經過

測試及持有國際認証。如 CYBEX Juno-Fix 就在德國消費者協會及基

金會 Stiftung Warentest (06/2012) 組別 I 的測試中獲得冠軍。這個測

試是分數低 , 評價愈高。

Page 25: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

Child safety and vehicles: choosing an appropriate car seatThe use of child safety seats and restraints to protect young passengers while travelling is increasing among Hong Kong parents. For advice on selecting and using one of these seats, the HKAA interviewed Kelvin Koo, director of Dickinson Group Ltd, the sole agent of Cybex in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau.

Raising awareness of child safetyAccording to Kelvin, a great number of Hong Kong parents simply aren’t aware of the importance of proper child restraints in a vehicle. “Many parents are under the mistaken impression that simply holding their child or sharing a seat belt is sufficient. In the event of an accident, however, an unrestrained child may be ejected from the vehicle if the parent is unable to hold onto them or react in time. Sharing a seat belt with a child is also a poor choice, as the adult may accidentally crush or harm the child.”

30 31

兒童安全座椅 大有學問

While more parents are becoming aware of the need for child safety seats, Kelvin says Hong Kong itself should look to the example set by its international neighbours. “Compared to other developed countries, Hong Kong lacks comprehensive laws and regulations to protect our children when they’re in a vehicle. It’s time we took measures to educate our citizens on this critical safety issue.”

Meticulously designed to meet safety requirementsKelvin suggests that when choosing a child safety seat, parents should first ensure that the seat is well tested and internationally accredited. Cybex’s Juno-Fix, for example, was rated the best of its group in tests conducted by Stiftung Warentest, Germany’s Consumer Council and Foundation, in June 2012.

The choice of model is also dependent on the age and weight of the child who will be using it. “Child safety seats aren’t just for babies,” Kelvin reminds parents. “As a matter of fact, all small children should ride in one.” Seats on the market are categorised by weight and age for children from infancy up to age 12, and many European countries now require that all children under 150 cm in height use safety seats.”

With these factors in mind, parents can also select a model that goes with the style of their car. “Child safety seats are now very common in foreign countries. Not only are they safe and functional, but many are designed with fashion in mind. Cybex, cooperate with a German fashion brand, Lala Berlin to design a special collection.

Proper use for peace of mindAfter choosing an appropriate child safety seat, it’s equally important that parents use it correctly. Kelvin points out that parents must follow the instructions included and ensure that the seat is properly buckled in at all times. Quality safety seats usually indicate through colour or sound that the seat is properly secured.

An easy securing mechanism is a great convenience for parents, especially with today’s busy lifestyle. “There are rear-facing, forward-facing and booster seats, and each has a different anchoring system. Recently the International Organization for Standardization launched ISOFIX, a brand new attachment method that requires no seat belt and is easier and safer than traditional methods. Cybex products have adopted this new standard.”

Finally, Kelvin says that Cybex is inviting local celebrities to help spread the word and impress upon Hong Kong citizens the need to use child safety seats every time their children are in the car.

Baby Car SeatDickinson Group Ltd. , Mr. Kelvin Koo

德璟泰實業有限公司 , 顧鎖全先生

DRIVEN by Baby Car Seat

Cybex – manufacturer of premium child safety seatsCybex is a leading German supplier of child safety products. Upholding safety, design and function as its core production values, Cybex’s high-quality products are top sellers in Europe and the first choice of Hong Kong celebrities such as Miriam Yeung and Cecilia Cheung. Cybex’s child safety seats are approved by the standards of ECE, 44/04 and highly recommended by the Hong Kong Consumer Council’s Choice Magazine.

* Information provided by Cybex



港及澳門 CYBEX 嬰兒產品的總代理 Dickinson Group Ltd 的董事顧鎖

全 (Kelvin) 先生為我們作詳盡的講解。

意識不足 值得關心汽車安全座椅是兒童行車安全的一大保障。可是,Kelvin 認為本港家





雖然不少本港家長開始明白到兒童安全椅的重要性,但 Kelvin 認為社



千挑萬選 符合安全Kelvin 建議,選購兒童安全座椅時,家長首先要了解該座椅是否經過

測試及持有國際認証。如 CYBEX Juno-Fix 就在德國消費者協會及基

金會 Stiftung Warentest (06/2012) 組別 I 的測試中獲得冠軍。這個測

試是分數低 , 評價愈高。

Page 26: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

另外,家長亦應根據子女的體型和體重標準選擇款式。Kelvin 提醒家長:



至 12 歲兒童的座椅應有盡有。現時,部份歐洲國家就規定身高不足

150 厘米的兒童亦必須使用兒童座椅,以策安全。



而CYBEX更與德國時裝品牌LALA BERLIN合作,推出一系列特別版。」

適當使用 安心放心除了選購安全椅外,適當使用安全椅同樣舉足輕重。Kelvin 建議,每次





DRIVEN by Baby Car Seat

前向等安裝方法。ISOFIX(International Organization for Standardization

Fix) 為國際標準化組織制定的一種較新的安裝方法,比傳統的方法簡單,

出錯機會自然較低,而 CYBEX 亦採用這連接系統。」

為了讓香港市民進一步了解兒童安全座椅對保障小朋友重要,Kelvin 表

示 CYBEX 日後會邀請本地名人向公眾介紹有關資訊。

明星級兒童安全椅CYBEXCYBEX( 賽百斯 ) 為德國著名的嬰兒用品公司,以安全、設計與功能為

產品的核心理念,歐洲銷量第一。CYBEX 的兒童安全座椅產品符合聯

合國歐洲經濟委員會第 44/04 規定的安全標準,亦在香港消費者委員



*以上資料由 CYBEX 提供

Page 27: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel


The HKAA Introduces New Car Care Services香港汽車會

新增汽車保養服務The HKAA is all you need to keep your car in perfect condition! The HKAA has launched a series of car care services to offer you full maintenance and support 24/7, 365 days a year, so every drive is a pleasant one! Refrigerant ReplacementFront Air Vent ReplacementAir Conditioning Vent ReplacementEngine Oil ReplacementTyre Replacement – CarsTyre Replacement - Vans

Hotline: 3583-3628

保養愛驅,只需AA! 香港汽車會現推出一系列汽車保養服務,

為您全年 365 日 24 小時提供全方位支援,安心享受駕駛樂趣!

更換雪種 港幣 $299更換車頭風格 港幣 $299更換冷氣風格 港幣 $399更換機油 港幣 $550 起房車輪胎 每條港幣 $450 起客貨車輪胎 每條港幣 $600 起


Apply for HKAA Travel Insurance and Home

Insurance with Our New 24-hour Online Application

全新旅遊保險及家居綜合保險 24小時網上投保

Instant Application Instant Payment Instant Policy


Travel Insurance Coverage Personal accident and medical

expenses covered up to HK$1,000,000 No excess payment Covers activities such as skiing, scuba

diving, water skiing, bungee jumping and more

Home Insurance Coverage Personal Liability: Up to

HK$5,000,000/year Household Contents: Up to


For details of coverage, please refer to the policy documentation.Hotline: 3583-3616

即時投保 即時付款 即印保單

網址 :

旅遊保險全面保障 醫 療 費 用 及 個 人 意 外 保 障 高 達 港 幣

$1,000,000 無自負金額 保障滑雪、水肺潛水、滑水、笨豬跳等活動。

家居綜合保險 「個人責任」:

高達港幣 $5,000,000/ 年 「家居財物」:

高達港幣 $1,500,000/ 年

有關承保之具體內容,以保單內容為準。查詢熱線 : 3583-3616

Technical Service 技術部

Insurance 保險部

Insurance 保險部


HK$299HK$299HK$399HK$550-upHK$450-up eachHK$600-up each

Receive a Free Gift with Your New HKAA Motoring Insurance Policy投保香港汽車會汽車保險

即送豐富禮品Enrol in HKAA motoring insurance now to enjoy free rewards, including a coupon for a detailed wash and vacuum or for oil replacement from our technical service team.

Hotline: 3583-3616 *Available for new policies only.


查詢熱線:3583-3616 * 優惠只限全新保單。

Page 28: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel


HKAA Facebook Page

香港汽車會 FacebookVisit and ‘Like’ our Facebook page today and we will waive your HK$300 new member entrance fee. This is a l imited time promotional offer, so don’ t miss this opportunity to save on membership! Hotline: 3583-3601


現凡於推廣期內在香港汽車會的 Facebook 專頁按”LIKE”以

示支持,即可獲減港幣 $300 入會費。立即行動!


Welcome Gifts Worth up to HK$4,166 for New Life


即送高達港幣$4,166 禮品

Become a life member of the HKAA and you can enjoy all the benefits and services we offer, with the annual subscription permanently waived.

Package 11. A VICTORINOX Travel Gear 20″ luggage valued at HK$3,150;2. A coupon for a detailed car wash & vacuum, valued at HK$128; and3. An HKAA limited edition life membership car badge, valued

at HK$888.


Package 21. A brand new full HD driving recorder, valued at HK$2,380; or a brand new GPS system, valued at HK$1,980;2. A coupon for fuel, valued at HK$500; and3. An HKAA limited edition life membership car badge, valued at HK$888.

Offer valid until: 31 July 2013Hotline: 3583-3615




1. 瑞士 VICTORINOX 20 吋旅行箱 ( 價值港幣 $3,150);及

2. 專業洗車吸塵服務劵 ( 價值港幣 $128);及

3. 香港汽車會限量版永久會籍徽章 ( 價值港幣 $888)。


1. 最新型號全高清行車記錄器 ( 價值港幣 $2,380) 或

衛星導航系統 ( 價值港幣 $1,980);及

2. 入油現金劵 ( 價值港幣 $500);及

3. 香港汽車會限量版永久會籍徽章 ( 價值港幣 $888)。

優惠期至 2013 年 7月 31 日


Membership 會員部

Membership 會員部

Join the HKAA Through Our Car Inspection Service and

Save HK$700!經二手車驗車入會即減港幣 $700 !

When you sign up for HKAA membership through our secondhand car inspection service, we will waive our HK$200 membership entrance fee and give you a HK$500 discount on your car inspection fee.

Offer valid until: 31 July 2013Hotline: 3583-3615

現凡經二手車驗車並同時入會,即減 港幣 $200 入會費及港

幣 $500 二手車驗車費。

優惠期至 2013 年 7月 31 日



Page 29: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel


旅行箱Launched by the Swiss in 1999, VICTORINOX Travel Gear has been well received by customers all over the world. This premium collection is made from high quality mater ials and backed by permanent warranty. Lightweight and durable, these stylish items are the first choice of frequent overseas and business travellers.

Starting today, HKAA members will enjoy a promotional discount on VICTORINOX Travel Gear. The showroom offers several series to suit your tastes and style. Visit the HKAA showroom today to make your selection!

Hotline: 3583-3601

瑞士 VICTORINOX 旅行箱自 1999 年推出至今,一直深受世界

各地的顧客愛戴。VICTORINOX 旅行箱由高質量物料製成,品



由即日起,香港汽車會會員可以優惠價購買 VICTORINOX 旅




HKAA Showroom 香港汽車會陳列室


How high are Hong Kong fuel costs?香港油價有多高?

We all know it’ s pricey to fill up in Hong Kong, but exactly how pricey does it cost? Let’ s compare prices between other regions with Hong Kong, where due to heavy taxes, the price of one litre of unleaded petrol is approaching HK$17. This ranks Hong Kong as 12th in the world, almost on par with European countries known for high fuel prices, such as Holland, Norway and France! It’ s also the highest price in Asia, far exceeding Singapore, South Korea and Japan, and is 2.5 time the US price. No wonder many Hong Kong car owners are feeling the pinch when it comes to keeping a car.

Price of unleaded petrol per litre*Rankings Country/region Price of leaded petrol per litre (HK$)1 Turkey $19.893 Holland $17.975 Norway $17.477 France $17.2712 Hong Kong $16.5615 UK $16.3619 Germany $16.0653 Singapore $13.3357 South Korea $13.2368 Japan $11.9274 Thailand $11.3175 Australia $11.3180 Canada $11.8084 China $11.5087 Brazil $11.40100 India $9.49112 Vietnam $8.38120 US $6.97126 Malaysia $5.65134 Qatar $1.82135 Saudi Arabia $1.51136 Iran $0.90137 Venezuela $0.20

* Source:, based on data in February 2013. Only selected countries/regions are listed.

我們都知道香港油價高昂,但究竟高到甚麼程度?今期我們就將香港油價與世界各地主要國家 / 地區作比較。原來在重稅之下,目前香港每公升近 17 元的無鉛油價,已高踞全球第 12 位,力追荷蘭、挪威及法國等油價最高的歐洲國家!香港的油價不但冠絕亞洲,遠超新加坡、南韓及日本等國家,更比出名油價低廉的美國高出近 2.5 倍,難怪香港很多車主都有感養車艱難!

每公升無鉛汽油售價 *售價位列 國家 /地區 每公升 無鉛汽油售價 ( 港幣 )1 土耳其 $19.893 荷蘭 $17.975 挪威 $17.477 法國 $17.2712 香港 $16.5615 英國 $16.3619 德國 $16.0653 新加坡 $13.3357 南韓 $13.2368 日本 $11.9274 泰國 $11.3175 澳洲 $11.3180 加拿大 $11.8084 中國 $11.5087 巴西 $11.40100 印度 $9.49112 越南 $8.38120 美國 $6.97126 馬來西亞 $5.65134 卡塔爾 $1.82135 沙地阿拉伯 $1.51136 伊朗 $0.90137 委內瑞拉 $0.20

* 資訊來源參考 2013 年 2 月數據,上圖只列出部份國家/地區。

Page 30: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

HKAA Celebrates "Driving HK Motoring into the 100th Year"名人匯聚齊賀香港汽車會 95週年

The HKAA organised its “Driving HK Motoring into the 100th Year” exhibition at East Point City in Tseung Kwan O from 11 January to 13 January 2013. This event marked the association’s 95th anniversary and showcased our rich history, including our contributions towards drivers’ rights, road safety and motorsports.

The kick-off ceremony was held on 13 January in association with Metro Broadcast, and was officiated by special guest Mr Yau Shing-mu, the Under Secretary for Transport and Housing of The Government of HKSAR. Many other celebrity guests attended to show their support, including artists such as Mr Michael Miu, Mr Oscar Leung, Ms Sire Ma and Ms Rose Chan, as well as famous racers Mr Marchy Lee and Mr Kenneth Ma. The event included performances by acclaimed singers, road safety-themed games and the award ceremony for the N2000 Class of the Hong Kong Touring Car Championship 2012, presented by famous racer Mr Charles Kwan.

This gala event both celebrated and advanced the HKAA’s ongoing mission to inform the public about motorsports, road safety and the services offered by the HKAA, including 24-hour emergency assistance, car care and inspection services, and driving tours. We look forward to the next 95 years, and the opportunity to improve and grow along with the drivers of Hong Kong.

為慶祝成立95週年,香港汽車會於今年1月11至13日在將軍澳東港城舉辦「百年願景 齊












HKAA Activities Review


Page 31: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

HKAA Activities Review


Page 32: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel


Page 33: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

HKAA Activities Review


Making Streets Safer at the 2012 Wan Chai District Road Safety Fun Day「灣仔區道路安全繽紛日」 提高市民道路安全意識

On 5 January, the “Celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the HKSAR – 2012 Wan Chai District Road Safety Fun Day”, co-organised by the HKAA and the Development, Planning and Transport Committee of Wan Chai District Council, was held at Southorn Playground. This entertaining event included a driving game with radio-controlled cars intended to teach attendees the importance of road safety, and a ceremony to announce the winners of a road sign T-shirt design competition. Participants in both the open category and parent-child category put their creativity to the test creating colourful T-shirt designs that incorporated road signs to offer an innovative approach in road safety promotion.







Page 34: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

DRIVEN by Tips for Driver


● 使用左邊行車線駛進迴旋處及發出左轉燈號

● 沿迴旋處外線行駛並繼續發出左轉燈號直至離開為止

●  Approach in the tra�c lane on the left and signal left

●  Keep travelling along outer lane of the roundabout and continue to signal left to leave

● 使用右邊行車線或左邊行車線駛進迴旋處

● 不要發出燈號● 經過選定出口之前的所有


● 駛出迴旋處時,留意在你


●  Approach in the tra�c lane on the right or on the left

●  Do not signal●  After passing all exits

before the one you want, signal left to leave

●  Pay attention to vehicles crossing your path when leaving the roundabout

● 使用右邊行車線駛進迴旋處及發出右轉燈號● 沿迴旋處內線行駛● 繼續發出右轉燈號,經過選定出口之前的所有出口之後,才發出左轉燈號直至離開為止● 駛出迴旋處時,留意在你面前越過的車輛●  Approach in the tra�c lane on the right and signal right●  Keep travelling along inner lane of the roundabout●  Continue signalling right until pass all exits before the one you want, and then signal left to leave●  Pay attention to vehicles crossing your path when leaving the roundabout

迴旋處使用守則知多少How Much You Know About Rules of Using Roundabouts

Page 35: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel


*This source is excerpted from the lea�et, which named Road Safety Bulletin*這資料摘自道路安全通訊

Page 36: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

HKAA Affiliated Clubs News


The Classic Car Club of Hong Kong (CCCHK) was established in 1979 by a group of local and expat enthusiasts, under the umbrella of the HKAA. Since those early days the HKAA and CCCHK have enjoyed a close relationship, especially at present as the CCCHK’ s Chairman, Ian Foster, is also serving as the Honorary Secretary on the HKAA’ s General Committee.  One of the first events to be held by the Club in 1979 was a classic car show in Central, a tradit ion that has now continued for 33 years. On Sunday 21st October 2012, CCCHK held its annual show and Concours d’ Elegance on Chater Road in Central. They were again very fortunate to have sunshine and blue skies all day long. This helped to swell the number of visitors to what is now recognised as one of the best classic car shows in S.E. Asia. The variety among the 90 cars on display was diverse, with the oldest being a 1920s Ford Model-T. There were examples of the once very popular VW Beetle and Morris Mini, and a wide range of British sports cars from the 1960s and 1970s like the Triumph TR3, MGA, and Jaguar E-Types. There were also American ‘muscle cars’ of the 1970s and 1980s l ike the Ford Mustang, and an assortment of Rolls Royces, Ferraris, Porsches, and Lotuses. The CCCHK judges had a difficult time choosing a winner from the 30 high quality Concours cars but eventually chose the 1952 Aston Martin DB2 to be this year’ s ‘Best Overall’ . The CCCHK appreciates the support of the Hong Kong Government which allows a short-term lease on this prime location each year, and enables them to present Hong Kong’ s cultural motoring heritage to the rest of China. Ian Foster’ s goal is to ensure that Hong Kong is recognised as the focal point for classic car appreciation and preservation in Greater China. If you are interested in classic cars, keep an eye on upcoming events on the CCCHK’ s website

CCCHK's Annual Chater Road Show


( and come along to Chater Road in late October 2013 to see the greatest annual display of classics in Hong Kong and China.

香港老爺車會於 1979 年由一班本地和居港的外籍老爺車迷創立,當時為香


車會會長霍思達 (Ian Foster) 先生同時兼任香港汽車會常務委員會的義務秘



該活動一直舉辦至今,已有 33 年歷史,成為車會的一個重要傳統。2012

年 10 月 21 日,車會於中環遮打道舉行每年一度的老爺車展,今年更首屆

舉行最優雅老爺車選舉 (Concours d’Elegance),當日天公造美,參觀人

數眾多,場面精彩熱鬧,被視為東南亞最佳老爺車展之一。在場展出的 90

輛老爺車款式琳琅滿目,當中最古老的老爺車為二十年代的 Ford

Model-T,其他突出的車款包括曾經風靡一時的 VW Beetle 及 Morris

Mini;一系列六七十年代的英國跑車有 Triumph TR3、 MGA 和 Jaguar

E-Types;而七八十年代美國「大馬力車」(muscle car) 代表則有 Ford

Mustang;著名品牌如 Rolls Royce、Ferrari、Porsche 和 Lotus 的車款亦有

參展,令車迷大飽眼福。至於參與最優雅老爺車選舉的 30 輛老爺車,造型

款式都典雅獨特,讓老爺車會的評判難以抉擇,最後選出了 Aston Martin

DB2 成為今年的總冠軍。





(,以了解即將舉行的各項老爺車活動,亦可於 2013

年 10 月底親臨遮打道,見證這個中港一年一度最大型的老爺車展。

HKAA Affiliated Clubs News

Page 37: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

DRIVEN by Privileges




埃克森美孚 ESSO香港汽車會會員現獲邀申請Esso私人客戶咭,憑咭到指定Esso油站或Feoso油站入油,即可獲享以下特別優惠ExxonMobil Hong Kong (EMHK) Ltd and BOC Credit Card (International) Ltd (the 'Company') are proud to bring you, Hong Kong Automobile Association (HKAA) members, the new Esso Private Label Card .The Esso Private Label Card is a credit card which can be used for fuel or retail purchases at any Esso or Feoso Service Station in Hong Kong.So SIGN-UP TODAY for the Esso Private Label Card to enjoy exclusive discounts and offers below:Synergy F-1: HK$1.5/litreSynergy 8000: HK$1.3/litreSynergy Diesel: HK$0.7/litre申請方法 :1. 申請表可於香港汽車會網站下蛓 或到香港汽車會九龍總部索取。2. 申請人自行將申請表及其他文件副本連同香港汽車會會員証影印本寄回或交回任何 一間中國 ( 香港 ) 銀行分行。[詳情請閱申諘表 ]Application procedures:Step 1: Complete the application form (Download from HKAA website or pick up at HKAA Kowloon Headquarters) and.Step 2: Complete the application form with supporting documents and a

copy of your HKAA membership card. Send it directly to any braches of Bank of China (HK) or mail it to BOC Credit Card Ltd, (for details, please refer to the application form).

Address: BOC Credit Card Ltd, 3/F, Bank of China Centre, Olympian City, 11 Hoi Fan Road, West Kowloon, Hong Kong地址 : 香港西九龍海輝道 11 號奧海城中銀中心三樓


挑戰者 CHALLENGER•憑咭惠顧「三重特亮水晶車蠟」服務特價 $900 ( 原價 $1,200-$1,500)•憑咭惠顧「城市精英」12 個月汽車美容護理計劃 8 折 ( 原價 $3,360)•憑咭惠顧「保養易」汽車維修保養計畫 75折 ( 原價 $6,000-$9,000)* 優惠只適用於私家車款

Benefits Detail:•Special price: $900 on Challenger “System-Plus Formula Paint Sealant” Service (original price: $1,200-$1,500)•20% off on Challenger “City Expert” 12-Month Car Detailing & Protection Program (original price: $3,360)•25% off on Challenger “Service Easy” Auto Repair & Maintenance Plan(original price: $6,000-$9,000)*Offers are only applicable to private car models

優惠期至 / Valid Until: 31/12/2013查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2512-8305

車樂園 CARSLAND贈予首次惠顧之客戶 :惠顧以下其中一項服務便可享 HK$200 優惠券1. 白金護理2. 車內及尾箱滅菌處理 條款及細則 :1. 必須出示有效的香港汽車會會員證。 2. 此優惠不能轉讓、兌換現金及不獲現金或其他形式找贖。 3. 本優惠不能與其他折扣優惠及推廣活動同時使用。 4. 如有任何爭議,車樂園保留最終決定權。

Customer for first time usage:Use the following service can get HK$200 coupon.1. Platinum treatment.2. Inner and Rear Compartment Disinfection. Terms & Conditions:1. Must present the valid HKAA membership card. 2. This offer is not transferable and not redeemable for cash. No change will be given either in cash or in other form. 3. Only one coupon can be used per visit or purchase of service and cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts, coupons or promotions offered by Carsland. 4. Carsland reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute arising from this coupon.

優惠期至 / Valid Until: 31/12/2013地址﹕香港北角堡壘街 10 號Address: 10 Fort Street, North Point, Hong Kong查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2994-9999


Benefit Details: Enjoy 3% discount when present HKAA’ s membership card Purchase over $300(discount price), you can become our VIP member

(Original price $500), after join our VIP member you can enjoy extra discount and birthday gift.

Valid until further notice Address: Room 501, Kai Tak Commercial Building 66-68 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong

優惠詳情 : 凡出示香港汽車會會員證到本店購物,所有正價貨品均獲 3%折扣優惠。 購物滿港幣 $300( 折實價 ),更可成為我們 VIP( 原價港幣 $500),享有更多折扣優惠及生日禮物等。

優惠有效直至另行通知地址 : 香港中環士丹利街 66-68 號佳德大廈 501 室

查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2850 5040網址 / Web Site:電郵 / Email: [email protected]營業時間 / Office Hour:星期二至星期六 (11:00 am - 8:00 pm) / Tuesday to Saturday (11:00 am – 08:00 pm)星期日及公眾假期 ( 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm) / Sunday and Public Holiday ( 02:00 pm – 08:00 pm)逢星期一休息

加德士 CALTEX香港汽車會會員現獲邀申請加德士能源咭,憑咭到指定加德士油站入油,即可獲享以下特別優惠 :SIGN-UP TODAY for the Caltex StarCard to enjoy exclusive discounts and offers below:0-100L: HK$0.7/litre101L - 300L: HK$0.9/litre>300L: HK$1.3/litre申請方法 / Application procedures:1. 積分不能累積至以上新優惠。2. 以上優惠適用於 Techron 金汽油、Techron 白金汽油及 Techron 柴油。3. 申請表可於網上下載或到香港汽車會九龍總部索取。填妥表格後請寄到下列地址 :香港九龍觀塘 偉業街 223-231 號觀塘 223 B 座 15 樓1. Bonus Point will not be accumulated under the new offer 2. Applicable to Gold Gasoline with Techron, Platinum Gasoline, and Diesel Techron.3. Complete the application form (Download from HKAA website or

pick up the form at HKAA Kowloon Headquarters). After filling up the form please mail it to below address.

Address: 15/F Tower B, Kwun Tong 223, No.223-231 Wai Yip Street Kwun Tong, KLN

中石化(香港)有限公司 SINOPEC (HK) Co. Ltd香港汽車會會員現獲邀申請中石化貴賓咭,憑咭到指定中石化油站入油,即可獲享以下特別優惠We are pleased to announce that HKAA members are invited to apply for the SINOPEC VIP Card and get the following privilege discount in SINOPEC petrol service stations.- SINO X POWER 入油折扣 Discount $1.8/L- SINO POWER 入油折扣 Discount $1.8/L

申請方便快捷所有香港汽車會會員均可申請中石化貴賓咭,只須寫妥中石化貴賓卡申請表格,申請一經接納後,申請人即可免費獲發中石化貴賓卡,此後到指定中石化油站入油及出示貴賓卡,即可享受以上優惠,亦可用現金或信用咭付款,簡單方便﹗Easy to applyHKAA members are invited to apply for a SINOPEC VIP Card. Complete and submit the application form to SINOPEC. Upon approval a SINOPEC VIP Card will be issued to the applicant at no charge. By presenting the SINOPEC VIP Card, HKAA members can enjoy the above privilege discount and payment can be made by cash or credit card.

申請方法 1. 申請人可選擇自行寄回申請表及有關文件副本到中石化(香港)有限公司。 2. 申請人可將申請表及有關文件副本交到香港汽車會九龍辦事處,我們會將所有文件轉交至中石化(香港)有限公司。Application Method 1. Applicant can mail the application form with copies of relevant documents

to the SINOPEC (HK) Co. Ltd.2. Applicant can give the application form with copies of relevant documents

to HKAA, and HKAA will pass those documents to SINOPEC (HK) Co. Ltd. directly.

查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: (852) 3583-3601網址 / web-site:


訂閱 << 高球文摘 >> 可獲優惠價 1 年 HK$400 ( 原價﹕HK$600) 及 附送 Nine Eagles 高爾夫球場果嶺劵乙張。

Special Price of HK$400 for 1 year subscription of Golf Digest – HK Edition (Original Price: HK$600) and a complimentary SkyCity Nine Eagles Green Fee.查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2566-0973


Synergy F-1HK$1.5/litre

Synergy 8000HK$1.3/litre

Synergy DieselHK$0.7/litre


101L - 300LHK$0.9/litre








HK$400訂閱一年 for 1 year

HK$198訂閱一年 for 1 year


香港汽車會會員可以優惠價 HK$198 訂閱 1 年 12 期的車王 +HIM 雜誌,更可獲得迎新禮物。

The subscription price of "Car Plus + HIM" magazine will be HK$198 for a year to HKAA members. And the subscriber will be entitle to a welcome gift.查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2202-5094

15% off折扣優惠 Discount

3% off折扣優惠 Discount

AMAZE• 15% off upon ordering any Amaze floral items • Free Delivery services along MTR route (except Tung Chung line & Airport Express line)

Terms & Condition: 1. Offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers,

discounts and privileges offered by Amaze. 2. All matters and disputes related to the offers shall be subject to the final

decision of Amaze. 3. Must present the valid HKAA Membership Card.

•選購Amaze 花禮品可享 85折優惠。 •以上優惠包括地鐵沿線送貨服務 ( 東涌線及機場快線除外 )

條款及細則 : 1. 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用。 2. 如有任何爭議 Amaze 保留以上優惠之最終決定權。 3. 須出示有效的香港汽車會會員證。

優惠期至 / Valid Until : 31/12/2013地址 : 香港北角英皇道 651 號科匯中心 11 樓 1106 室Site: Unit 1106, 11/F, Technology Plaza, 651 King’ s Road, North Point, Hong Kong查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline : 2189-7473 網址 / Web-site:

Page 38: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel

DRIVEN by Privileges


DANCE WITH ME FITNESS CENTRE優惠詳情 1. 凡出示香港汽車會會員證,可以用優惠價 HK$400 參加 4堂課程 ( 課程由開始第一堂後,須 30天內完成 ) 2. 8堂共$704 ,平均$88一堂,只適用於 星期一至五 早上10時到下午5時的課堂。

如欲升級參加晚上的課堂,須每堂另外加收$50。(請注意此優惠不適用於星期六 ,日及公眾假期 , 並由開始第一堂後須於 30天內完成整課程 )�

條款及細則 1. 優惠 1,只限 15 歲以上女性新會員 ( 從未參與過本中心任何課程 )。優惠 2,只限 15 歲以上女性新會員及現會員2. 須於最少 2天前致電商戶預約 (2377 9228 / 2377 0100) 更改預約須於 1天前通知3. 預約而缺席當放棄論,課節時間請參閱 Dance with me Fithness Center 網址 或致電商戶查詢課程 ( 接線時間 12 pm–8 pm)。開始第一節後,其餘課堂須 30日內完成。。

優惠至 : 31/05/2013地址 : 香港九龍尖沙咀彌敦道 180 號寶華大廈 11 樓全層查詢熱線 : 23779228 / 23770100

HK$400 (4 堂 )折扣優惠 Discount

10% off折扣優惠 Discount

20% off折扣優惠 Discount

10% off折扣優惠 Discount

VENTIQUE BY MABEVENNIBenefit details •20% discount upon presentation of HKAA membership card. •During the special promotion period, there will be additional benefits.Terms & Conditions 1. Required to show a valid membership card of HKAA.2. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotion offer.3. In case of any dispute, VENTIQUE retains the right of the final decision4. VENTIQUE reserves the right to change or cancel the offers / or amend this terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

優惠詳情 •凡出示香港汽車會會員證可享有8折優惠。•於特別推廣期間,會員可獲得額外優惠條款及細則1. 須出示有效香港汽車會會員證。2. 此優惠不可與其他推廣及優惠同時使用。3. 如有任何爭議,VENTIQUE保留所有最終決定權。4. VENTIQUE保留隨時取消有關優惠/或修訂此條款及細則之權利而無須事先通知。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 30/04/2013 地址: 尖沙咀金巴利街1B恆港中心15樓Address: 15/F, Everglory Centre, 1B Kimberley Street, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 27238006

曼佳美 MEGAMANEnjoy 10% discount when present HKAA’ s membership cardTerms & conditions:This coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers or discounts.This coupon cannot be used for discount product.This coupon is valid till 31st December 2013.MEGAMAN® reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute are concerning this coupon.This offer is only available at the following MEGAMAN® Hong Kong concept stores:

於曼佳美專門店出示香港汽車會會員證可享有9折優惠條款及細則: 此優惠不可與其他優惠共同使用此優惠不適用於特價貨品此優惠有效日期至2013年12月31日曼佳美®將保留使用此優惠的最終決定權此優惠只適用於香港曼佳美® 專門店

地址:香港灣仔駱克道188號兆安中心地下G/F, Siu On Ctr, 188 Lockhart Rd, Wanchai, HK 電話 / Tel: (852) 2511 0690 新界沙田鄉事會路138號Homesquare 1樓101號舖Shop No. 101, Level 1, Homesquare, 138 Shatin Rural Committee Road, Shatin, N.T.電話 / Tel: (852) 2634 0090

帝庭傢俱廊ROYAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS GALLERYBenefit details • 20% discount for European furniture, Lighting and FLORENCE figurine.Terms & Conditions:1. All offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers. 2. ROYAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS GALLERY reserves the right of final decision in

case of any disputes.3. Must present the valid HKAA membership card.

•歐洲傢俬、燈飾、FLORENCE雕塑擺設品八折。條款及細則:1. 此優惠不可與其他推廣同時使用。 2. 本公司保留使用此優惠之最終決定權。 3. 須出示有效的香港汽車會會員證。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 31/12/2013地址: 九龍官塘道468號官塘工業中心二期9 樓J室Address: Unit J, 9/F, Phase 2, Kwun Tong Industrial Centre, 468 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2620-0629網址 / Web-site:

香港九龍上海街703號地下G/F, 703 Shanghai Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong 電話 / Tel: (852) 2393 0962

荃灣大壩街4-30號荃灣廣場5樓532號鋪Shop 532, Level 5, Tsuen Wan Plaza, 4-30 Tai Pa Street, Tsuen Wan, N.T.電話 / Tel: (852) 2492 3682

20% off折扣優惠 Discount

2000 FLOWER•15% off for all regular priced itemsTerms & Conditions 1. Must present valid HKAA membership card 2. Offer not valid on Festive Days3. This offer cannot be used In conjuction with other discount•所有正價八五折條款及細則: 1. 須出示有效之香港汽車會會員證 2. 節日除外 3. 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用

優惠期至 / Valid until: 31/12/2013地址:尖沙咀漢口道5-15號223室Address: RM 223, 2/F, Hankow Ctr, No. 5-15 Hankow Rd, TST查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2575-8899網址 / Web-site:

15% off折扣優惠 Discount

15% off折扣優惠 Discount

葡萄園ABC WINES• 15% off original price item below HK$1,000, except special promotion products.Terms & Condition:1. Must present the valid HKAA Membership Card.

• HK$1,000 以下貨品85折優惠,特價品除外。條款及細則: 1. 須出示有效的香港汽車會會員證。

優惠期至 / Valid Until: 31/12/2013地址: 尖沙咀麼地道63號好時中心G22號舖No. G22 ,G/F Houston center ,63 Mody Road, TST地址: 美孚曼克頓山商場G01號舖No. G01, Manhattan Hill Shopping Center, Mei Foo, Kln熱線查詢 / Enquiry Hotline: 2368-4684


• 10%off on all regular-priced item, including flower, fruit, cake, food hamper and baby-gift baskets.Terms & Condition:1. Offer is applicable for regular-priced items. 2. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offer. 3. Must present the valid HKAA Membership Card.

•訂購正價貨品可享有九折優惠,包括鮮花、果藍、蛋糕、食物藍及嬰兒禮藍等。條款及細則 :1. 優惠只限於正價貨品。 2. 不可與其他折扣優惠同時使用。 3. 須出示有效的香港汽車會會員證。

優惠期至 / Valid Until: 31/12/2013查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2861-1111地址 : 香港北角屈臣道 4-6 號海景大廈 B-816C 室Address: B-816C, Seaview Estate, 4-6 Watson Road, North Point, Hong Kong網址 / website:

名牌倉FASHION OUTLETBenefit details Simply visit our Fashion Outlet and present the valid HKAA Membership Card to enjoy EXTRA 10% discount with any purchaseTerms & Conditions1) This offer cannot be used in conjunction with VIP members discount or other offers. 2) This offer is not applicable towards the purchase of”派”and “ShirtStop” clothing. 3) No Fitting. 4) All items are sold in “as-is” condition. 5) Please check purchased items carefully, no exchange, return or refund on all items. 6) Cash payment ONLY. 7) Labels will be cut. 8) In the event of any dispute, Fashion Outlet’ s decision is final. 優惠詳情 憑香港汽車會會員卡於名牌倉購物可享額外 9折優惠

條款及細則 1. 此優惠不能與會員優惠或其他優惠同時使用2. 此優惠不適用於”派”及”ShirtStop”品牌的服裝3. 不設試身 4. 所有貨品按現況出售

優惠期至 / Valid Until﹕ 31 Dec 2013查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2877 6680地址 :九龍觀塘駿業里 8 號世貿大樓 10 樓Address: 10/F, World Interests Building, No.8, Tsun Yip Lane, Kwun Tong, Kowloon.

10% off折扣優惠 Discount


Benefit details 1. All members and staffs of Hong Kong Automobile Association can become

the permanent member of PRICELESS waives of the $50 membership fee.2. All members and staffs of Hong Kong Automobile Association can enjoy all

the discounts listed on the PRICELESS website.3. Apart from the listed discounts, PRICELESS will offer seasonal discounts to all members and staffs of

Hong Kong Automobile Association. Please call for further information.

Terms and Conditions 1. Please provide the required information which will be restricted for PRICELESS order processing

purpose only.2. Orders can be placed either on the PRICELESS website or simply contact PRICELESS by phone calls. 3. Orders that are made by phone, payment can be settled by cash upon receipt of the products4. Once an order is placed, PRICELESS will confirm the order and make delivery within three working days. (PRICELESS reserves the right to change the date of delivery)5. Free delivery will be provided for any purchase over $500, except off-shore Island and outlying of New Territories.6. All transactions are provided solely by PRICLESS without involvement of Hong Kong Automobile

Association.7. In case of any disputes, PRICELESS reserves the right of final decision.

優惠詳情1. 香港汽車會會員及員工均可獲豁免 $50 ‘慳多啲’ 永久會員費。2. 香港汽車會會員及員工均可享有所有 ‘慳多啲’ 網站上各大公司之折扣優惠。3. ‘慳多啲’ 每季均會額外提供香港汽車會會員及員工特選優惠,請致電了解詳情。

條款及細則 1. 香港汽車會會員及員工需提供會員証資料及部份個人資料以供核對身份,所有資料一概保密及只供 ‘慳多 啲’ 處理訂單時使用。2. 可於網上選購或致電 ‘慳多啲’ 落單。3. 電話落單可於交收時以現金支付。4. ‘慳多啲’ 將會於落單後三個工作天內確認及安排送貨。( 供應商有權更改送貨日期 )5. 每次買滿 $500 即可享有免費送貨服務,離島及偏遠新界地區除外。6. 所有交易均經由 ‘慳多啲’ 處理,與香港汽車會無關。7. 如有任何爭議,‘慳多啲’ 將保留最終決定權。

公司地址 : 九龍尖沙咀加連威老道 8A-10 號加威中心 604 室Office Address: Rm 604, Grandmark, 8A-10 Granville Rd,TST KLN 查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2369 0936網址 / Website:


5. 請小心檢查所有貨品,所有貨品不設退換、退貨或退款6. 只接受現金 7. 所有品牌吊牌會被剪掉8. 如有任何爭議,名牌倉持有最終決議權

Appearance Consultant 形象指導

Page 39: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel


恆昌隆燕窩參茸行有限公司HANG CHEONG LOONG BIRD'S NEST & GINSENG LTD• 10% discount for marked price products and 20% off for instant bird's nest.Terms & Conditions:1. Must present the HKAA membership card before purchasing.2. Offer is not valid with any other promotions or privileges.3. Hang Cheong Loong Bird's Nest & Ginseng Ltd reserves the right of final decision in case of dispute.

•正價貨品九折優惠,御之燕冰糖燕窩八折優惠條款及細則 :1. 購買前出示有效的香港汽車會會員證 2. 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 3. 如有任何爭議 , 本公司保留最終決定權

優惠期至 / Valid until:31/12/2013地址 : 香港上環永樂街 62 號地舖Address: G/F, 62 Wing Lok Street ,Sheung Wan ,HK.查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2542-3039網址 / Web-site:


10% off折扣優惠 Discount

10% off折扣優惠 Discount

10% off折扣優惠 Discount

10% off折扣優惠 Discount

10% off折扣優惠 Discount

10% - 20% off折扣優惠 Discount

MANZO ITALIAN STEAK HOUSEBenefit details10% discount on a la carte dining including drinks.Terms & Conditions 1. Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the offer.2. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discount. 3. The offer is not vaild on the following dates: Christmas day & eve, New year day & eve, Valentine’s day, Mothers day.

優惠詳情 自選菜單連飲品九折優惠。條款及細則1. 顧客必須出示香港汽車會會員證方可享用此優惠。2. 此優惠不可與其他優惠一併使用。3. 此優惠不適用於聖誕節及平安夜,除夕及元旦,情人節和母親節。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 01/07/2013Address : Shop 1104, 11/F, Times Square, 1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, HK. Tel: 2735 3980 地址 : 銅鑼灣勿地臣街 1號時代廣場 11 樓 1104 號舖查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 27353980

10% off折扣優惠 Discount

OLIVE, GREEK & MIDDLE EASTERN, SOHOBenefit details10% discount on a la carte dining including drinks.Terms & Conditions 1. Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the offer.2. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discount. 3. The offer is not valid on the following dates: Christmas day & eve, New year day & eve, Valentines day, Mothers day.

優惠詳情 自選菜單連飲品九折優惠。條款及細則1. 顧客必須出示香港汽車會會員證方可享用此優惠。2. 此優惠不可與其他優惠一併使用。3. 此優惠不適用於聖誕節及平安夜,除夕及元旦,情人節和母親節。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 01/07/2013地址 :中環蘇豪區伊利近街 32號地下Address: G/F, 32 Elgin Street, Soho, Hong Kong 查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2521 1608

10% off折扣優惠 Discount

SOHO SPICE, VIETNAMESE & THAI Benefit details 10% discount on a la carte dining including drinks.Terms & Conditions 1. Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the offer.2. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discount. 3. The offer is not valid on the following dates: Christmas day & eve, New year day & eve, Valentines day, Mothers day.

優惠詳情 自選菜單連飲品九折優惠。條款及細則1. 顧客必須出示香港汽車會會員證方可享用此優惠。2. 此優惠不可與其他優惠一併使用。3. 此優惠不適用於聖誕節及平安夜,除夕及元旦,情人節和母親節。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 01/07/2013Address: G/F, 47B Elgin Street, Soho, Hong Kong 地址 :中環蘇豪伊利近街 47B 號地下查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2521 1600

10% off折扣優惠 Discount

CRAFTSTEAK, OPEN FIRE COOKINGBenefit details 10% discount on a la carte dining including drinks.Terms & Conditions 1. Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the offer.2. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discount. 3. The offer is not valid on the following dates: Christmas day & eve, New year day & eve, Valentines day, Mothers day.

優惠詳情 自選菜單連飲品九折優惠。條款及細則1. 顧客必須出示香港汽車會會員證方可享用此優惠。2. 此優惠不可與其他優惠一併使用。3. 此優惠不適用於聖誕節及平安夜,除夕及元旦,情人節和母親節。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 01/07/2013地址 : 中環蘇豪伊利近街 29號Address: 29 Elgin Street, Soho, Hong Kong 查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2526 0999

10% off折扣優惠 Discount

BOMBAY DREAMS, INDIANBenefit details 10% discount on a la carte dining including drinks.Terms & Conditions 1. Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the offer.2. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discount. 3. The offer is not valid on the following dates: Christmas day & eve, New year day & eve, Valentines day, Mothers day.

優惠詳情 自選菜單連飲品九折優惠。條款及細則顧客必須出示香港汽車會會員證方可享用此優惠。此優惠不可與其他優惠一併使用。此優惠不適用於聖誕節及平安夜,除夕及元旦,情人節和母親節。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 01/07/2013地址 :中環雲咸街 77 號 4樓Address :4/F, 77 Wyndham Street, Central 查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2971 0001

BOUCHON BISTRO FRANCAIS Benefit details 10% discount on a la carte dining including drinks.Terms & Conditions 1. Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the offer.2. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discount. 3. The offer is not available on the following dates: Christmas day & eve, New year day & eve, Valentines day, Mothers day.

優惠詳情 自選菜單連飲品九折優惠。條款及細則1. 顧客必須出示香港汽車會會員證方可享用此優惠。2. 此優惠不可與其他優惠一併使用。3. 此優惠不適用於聖誕節及平安夜,除夕及元旦,情人節和母親節。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 01/07/2013Address: 49 Elgin Street, Soho, Central 地址 :中環蘇豪伊利近街 49號地下查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2525 9300

BLUE SMOKE BAR-B-QUEBenefit details 10% discount on a la carte dining including drinks.Terms & Conditions 1. Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the offer.2. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discount. 3. The offer is not vaild on the following dates: Christmas day & eve, New year day & eve, Valentines day, Mothers day.

優惠詳情 自選菜單連飲品九折優惠。條款及細則1. 顧客必須出示香港汽車會會員證方可享用此優惠。2. 此優惠不可與其他優惠一併使用。3. 此優惠不適用於聖誕節及平安夜,除夕及元旦,情人節和母親節。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 01/07/2013Address :3rd Floor, Grand Progress Building, 15-16 Lan Kwai Fong 地址 :中環蘭桂坊 15-16 號協興大廈 3樓查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2816 9018

CECCONI’S ITALIAN Benefit details10% discount on a la carte dining including drinks.Terms & Conditions 1. Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the offer.2. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discount. 3. The offer is not valid on the following dates: Christmas day & eve, New year day & eve, Valentines day, Mothers day.

優惠詳情 自選菜單連飲品九折優惠。條款及細則1. 顧客必須出示香港汽車會會員證方可享用此優惠。2. 此優惠不可與其他優惠一併使用。3. 此優惠不適用於聖誕節及平安夜,除夕及元旦,情人節和母親節。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 01/07/2013Address: G/F, 43 Elgin Street, Soho, Central, HK地址 :中環蘇豪伊利近街 43號地下查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2147 5500 傳真 / Fax: 2147 9090


Benefit details 10% discount upon presentation of HKAA membership card. Terms & Conditions 1. Customer must present HKAA membership No. while placing order.2. In case of disputes, the decision of 大和燒 shall be final.

優惠詳情 凡出示香港汽車會會員卡可享有 9折優惠。條款及細則1. 請於落單前出示香港汽車會會員證。2. 如有任何爭議,大和燒保留最終決定權。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 31/07/2013Address:Shop 301, 3/F, CTMA Centre, 1 Sai Yeung Choi Street South , Mong Kok地址 : 旺角西洋菜南街 1號兆萬中心 3 樓 301 號舖 查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 35498949

Page 40: HKAA - EaseSales · 2018. 5. 2. · Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道 391 號 Tel


DRIVEN by Privileges


HK$200折扣優惠 Discount

HK$10-$50折扣優惠 Discount


條款及細則 :1. 有效日期由即日起至 2013 年 12 月 31 日 2. 優惠不能兌換現金 3. 此項 HK$200 折扣優惠只可用壹次 ( 每位顧客每套交易計 )4. 請於付款前出示香港汽車會會員卡

Terms & Conditions:1. This discount is valid until 31 December 2013. 2. HK Airlines products cannot be redeemed for cash.3. This discount is valid to be used only for redeeming one time $200 discount (per person per package) 4. Please present HKAA membership card before payment. 5. This discount cannot be used in conjunction with discount under other promotion. 6. These terms and conditions shall not offset the terms and conditions that may be applicable to the

relevant products or services so redeemed. 7. Hong Kong Airlines Holidays reserves the final right of decision on the use of the discount. 地址 : 香港九龍尖沙咀赫德道 8 號 8 樓 C室Address: Flat C, 8/F, No.8, Hart Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2369-8888公司電郵 / Company e-mail: [email protected]網址 / Web-site:

Westminster Travel Ltd. 西敏旅行社 香港汽車會會員可享 : 1. 訂購以下旅遊套票,即享 $200 折扣優惠 ‧自駕旅遊套票 ‧華航精緻旅遊台灣套票 ‧Club Med 旅遊套票

2. 購買獨家「 至尊安心飛」,即享 $100 折扣優惠

條款及細則 : 1. 須出示有效香港汽車會會員證才可享有優惠 2. 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 3. 優惠不可兌換成現金及其他貨品 4. 如有任何爭議,西敏旅行社保留最終行使之決定權

10% off折扣優惠 Discount

PRIME, STEAKHOUSE & WINE BARBenefit details 10% discount on a la carte dining including drinks.Terms & Conditions 1. Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the offer.2. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discount. 3. The offer is not valid on the following dates: Christmas day & eve,

New year day & eve, Valentines day, Mothers day.

優惠詳情 自選菜單連飲品九折優惠。條款及細則1. 顧客必須出示香港汽車會會員證方可享用此優惠。2. 此優惠不可與其他優惠一併使用。3. 此優惠不適用於聖誕節及平安夜,除夕及元旦,情人節和母親節。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 01/07/2013地址 : 尖沙咀柯士甸道西 1號圓方 (Elements)3 樓 R008 號舖Address: Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar, Shop R008, Rooftop Garden, Civic Square, 3/F, Elements, 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2311 3108

10% off折扣優惠 Discount

EDIBLE ARRANGEMENTS HONG KONG Benefit details10% discount on all items and free delivery in central.Terms & Conditions Customer must present HKAA membership No. while placing order.

優惠詳情 全線貨品九折優惠及免費送貨 ( 只限中環區 ) 。條款及細則顧客在訂購時必須提供香港汽車會會員號碼方可享用此優惠。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 31/07/2013地址 :九龍佐敦彌敦道 348 號諾富特酒店地下G05 號Address: G05 Nathan Square, 348 Nathan Road, Jordan, Kowloon 查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2385 1058

15% off折扣優惠 Discount

FINDSBenefit details 15% discount on final bill upon presentation of HKAA membership card. Terms & Conditions 1. Customer must present HKAA membership No. while placing order2. Offer is not valid on Public holiday eves or public holidays.3. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions or privileges.4. In case of disputes, the decision of FINDS shall be final.

優惠詳情 凡出示香港汽車會會員卡 , 可享有 85折全單折扣優惠。條款及細則1. 請於落單前出示香港汽車會會員證。2. 優惠不適用於公眾假期及其前夕。3. 此優惠不可與其他推廣或折扣優惠同時使用。4. 如有任何爭議 ,Finds 保留最終決定權。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 直至令行通知 Until further notice 地址 :尖沙咀金巴利道 39 號帝樂文娜公館一樓Address: 1/F The Luxw Manor, 39Kimberley Rd Tsim Sha Tsui 查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 25229318

15% off折扣優惠 Discount

JASHAN RESTAURANTBenefit details 15% discount dinner a la carte menu for HKAA members and also HKAA staff.Terms & Conditions 1. For dinner dine in only, valid on a la carte menu only.2. Cannot be used with other promotional offer.3. Customer must present HKAA membership card while placing order.

優惠詳情 凡出示香港汽車會會證可享有 85 折晚市優惠。條款及細則1. 只適用於晚市堂食及自選菜單。2. 不可與其他優惠同時使用。3. 請出示香港汽車會會員證以享優惠。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 31/12/2013地址 : 中環蘇豪荷李活道 23號金珀苑 1樓Address: 1st Floor, Amber Lodge, 23 Hollywood Road,查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 31055300

15% off折扣優惠 Discount


JOJO RESTAURANTBenefit details 15% discount dinner a la carte menu for HKAA members and also HKAA staff.Terms & Conditions 1. For dinner dine in only, valid on a la carte menu only.2. Cannot be used with other promotional offer.3. Customer must present HKAA membership card while placing order.

優惠詳情 凡出示香港汽車會會員證可享有 85折晚市優惠。條款及細則1. 只適用於晚市堂食及自選菜單。2. 不可與其他優惠同時使用。3. 請出示香港汽車會會員證以享優惠。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 31/12/2013 地址 : 灣仔駱克道 37-39 號得利樓 2樓Address: 2/F, David House, 37-39 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2527 3776

15% off折扣優惠 Discount

SPICE RESTAURANTBenefit details 15% discount dinner a la carte menu for HKAA members and also HKAA staff.Terms & Conditions 1. For dinner dine in only, valid on a la carte menu only.2. Cannot be used with other promotional offer.3. Customer must present HKAA membership card while placing order. 優惠詳情 凡出示香港汽車會會員證可享有 85折晚市優惠。條款及細則1. 只適用於晚市堂食及自選菜單。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 31/12/2013地址 : 尖沙咀諾士佛臺 1號 2樓Address: 2/F, 1 Knutsford Terrace, Tsim Sha Tsui查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 2191 9880

10% off折扣優惠 Discount

聰嫂私房甜品 ( 銅鑼灣店 )

Benefit details 10% discount upon presentation of HKAA membership card. Terms & Conditions 1. Applicable only in Causeway Bay shop 2. Applicable only when order 2 or more items.3. Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the offer.

優惠詳情 凡出示香港汽車會會員證可享有全單 9 折優惠。條款及細則1. 只適用於聰嫂私房甜品 ( 銅鑼灣店 )。2. 此優惠必須在主餐牌上選購 2項食品或以上方可使用。3. 請出示香港汽車會會員證以享優惠。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 31/12/2013Address: G/F, No. 11 Yiu Wah Street, Causeway Bay, HK地址 :銅鑼灣耀華街 11 號地下查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 22782622

PACIFIC COFFEE COMPANY LIMITEDMust presentation HKAA Membership Card, member is to enjoy the offer of Free Upgrade on drinks (except bottled drinks and juices) at 11 selected PCC Coffeehouses. (Windsor House, Empire Centre, Peak Tower, Festival Walk 3, The One, Stanley, Fashion Walk, Hong Kong Gold Coast, Fenwick Street, Great Eagle Centre & Fortis Bank Tower) Terms & Conditions: 1. Offer is not valid with any other promotions or privileges. 2. Pacific Coffee Company Ltd. reserves the right of final decision in case of dispute.

持有香港汽車會有效之會員證的會員即可在以下 11 間專門店,享有免費升級飲品,樽裝飲品及果汁除外(銅鑼灣皇室大廈 / 帝國中心 / 山頂凌宵閣 / 又一城 / The One/ 赤柱 / 名店坊 / 黃金海岸商場 / 東城大廈 / 灣仔鷹君中心 /灣仔華比富通大廈條款及細則 : 1. 此優惠不可與其他優惠一起使用。 2. 如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。

優惠期至 / Valid Unit: 31/12/2013查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 8108-8500網址 / Website:

5. 優惠不可與其優惠同時使用6. 此優惠之條款及細則不適用於所購買及服 務之附帶條款7. 如有任何爭議,港航假期保留最終決定權

2. 不可與其他優惠同時使用。3. 請出示香港汽車會會員證以享優惠。

HKAA members can enjoy: 1. $200 Discount on packages below: ‧Fly and Drive Package ‧China Airlines Taiwan (Dynasty Package) ‧Club Med Package 2. $100 Discount on our Exclusive AirMed Product

Terms & Conditions : 1. Valid HKAA membership card must be presented to enjoy the offer. offers cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or promotion. 2. Offers cannot be exchanged for cash or other products. 3. In case of any dispute, Westminster Travel Ltd. reserves theright for final decision.

優惠期至 / Valid until : 31/06/2013電郵查詢 / Enquiry e-mail: 自駕旅遊套票及 Club Med 旅遊套票 / Fly and Drive Package & Club Med Package: [email protected] 華航精緻旅遊台灣套票 / China Airlines Taiwan Dynasty Package :[email protected] 至尊安心飛 / AirMed :[email protected] 網址 / website: 地址 / Address: 香港九龍觀塘觀塘道 418 號創紀之城 5期東亞銀行中心 17 樓17/F, BEA Tower, Millennium City 5, 418 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

查詢熱線 / Enquiry Hotline: 自駕旅遊套票及旅遊套票 / Fly and Drive Package & Club Med Package: 2313 9800 華航精緻旅遊台灣套票 / China Airlines Taiwan Dynasty Package: 2313 9881 至尊安心飛 / AirMed: 2313 9770

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