
HN1104Personal Skills and IT

Session 8

Interpersonal Skills(Teams & teamwork)

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Exercise - Belonging

Team work experience Groups of 5/6 make a list of all the teams, formal and

informal to which each person has belonged or belongs

15 min

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DiscussionThe scribe

Did the scribe volunteer or was s/he volunteered?

What criteria were used for selection? What skills are needed to function well in

a team?The chair

Who took the lead/chaired the discussion?

What qualities are need to lead teams?

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Discussion - the team

Who spoke the most? Were your ideas adopted…adapted…rejected? Who questioned the ideas? Who supported the ideas? How were differences of opinion handled? Did anyone not contribute? Who should ensure that all team members

contribute? Why is it important that all team members


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Teams and you

Everyone has belonged or will belong to various teams throughout life

Different teams have different sets of rules Automatically part of some teams Other teams you have to apply to Formal or informal Family or social life OR business life or

the work place

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Teams and you cont.

Good interpersonal skills importantRoles will varyIndividuals

Recognise own strengths and consolidate them

Learn to be flexible to meet the common good

Acknowledge weakness and work towards improvement

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Democratic/Egoless Teams 1

(a) Structure (b) Communication paths

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Democratic/Egoless Teams 2Democratic - one team designated team


Free exchange of ideas Increased job satisfaction

DisadvantagesCommunication overheadWeaker individual responsibility & authorityPromotion

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Chief Programmer Teams 1

(a) Structure (b) Communication paths

Librarian Programmers Back-upprogramconsultant

Chief Programmer

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Chief Programmer Teams 2

Chief ProgrammerMakes all major technical decisionsResponsible for product & scheduleAdministrative & technical support

AdvantagesSensitive programming areasTraining ground for junior programmers

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Hierarchical Teams 1

(a) Structure (b) Communication paths

Junior programmers


Project leader

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Hierarchical Teams 2

PL manages the projectCP provides technical expertiseAdvantages

Limits communication pathsGood training groundSuited to large hierarchical developments

DisadvantagesPromotion to the level of incompetence

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Teams - defining teams

Research - at Henley Management centre by Dr. Meredith Belbin (1969-79) Examined the pattern of team members

during the playing of a business game Successful teams showed a capacity for

working in 8 clearly defined roles Using psychometric tests that identified the

role each member would play, research team were able to predict the performance of the team

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Chairman - presides over the team and co-ordinates its effort , often team leader but not always

Shaper - shapes application of the team effort; more personal input than chairman; pushes activities forward to generate decisions and actions

Plant - source of ideas and imagination for the team; critical of other peoples ideas, prefers his own; needs controlling and reminding of the team goal

Monitor/evaluator - analyst of the group; not an idea originator but keeps team on the right track

Team Members

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Company worker - practical organiser of the group; turns ideas of the Plant and Shaper into tasks

Resource investigator - knows a man who can

Team worker - mediator; manages conflict, sorts out difficulties, soothes egos; uncompetitive

Finisher - progress chaser; focuses people on the next deadline

Team Members cont.

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Team issues

Things to think about during the next exercise: Does the task have clear objectives? Within the team is there:

Co-operationConfrontation Willingness to listen to others Sharing of informationFull participation

Is there appropriate leadership?

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Exercise - The Zin Obelisk

An information sharing exerciseInstructions #Teams 5/6Information cards (25 min)Answer and rationaleReview sheet

Concentrate on points 1-5

Rich Text Format

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Exercise - Team Review

Individually complete a team self review sheet (5

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Development & Use of Interpersonal Skills

Two concepts Good interpersonal skills,

communications and relationships stem from mutual respect (the ‘OK Corral’)

Whilst one person has rights, so do others (‘bill of rights’)

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Read ‘Stances: the OK Corral’ Represents the way a person (or

persons) relates to others Reflects the attitudes, thoughts, feelings

and behaviour in force at any one time

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Exercise cont.

Read ‘A bill of rights’ Fundamental approach to communication

which stems from basic human rightsEveryone has the same rights and exercising

one’s own rights must not cause the infringement of someone else’s.

One has the right to choose not to be assertive

Exercise - Are we both OK? Rich Text Format

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Team work Vs. Collusion/Plagiarism

Team work - people working together to capitalise on the full potential of each individuals talents.

BEWARE - unless the course work specification states ‘this is a team course work’ you should not work together on assessed material

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CollusionThe conscious collaboration, without official

approval, between two or more students in the preparation and production of work which is ultimately submitted by each in an identical or substantially similar form and/or is represented by each to be a product of his or her individual efforts.

Also occurs where there is unauthorised co-operation between student and another person in the preparation and production of work which is represented as the student's own.

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The representation of the work, written or otherwise, of any person, including another student, or any institution, as the candidates own. Examples: verbatim copying of another’s work without

clear identification and acknowledgement close paraphrasing of another’s work by

simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation without clear identification and acknowledgement…….

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Plagiarism cont.

unidentified and unacknowledged quotation of phrases from another’s work

deliberate and detailed presentation of another’s concept as one’s own.

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What will happen

Collusion and plagiarism are not acceptable and will be investigated

Any questions?

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