Page 1: Holiday Giving Poll November  14,  2012

Holiday Giving PollNovember 14, 2012

Telephone survey of 1,010 U.S. Adults 18 years and older on November 8-11 2012 conducted in ORC International’s CARAVAN® survey using a landline-cell dual-frame sampling design. Margin of error is +/- 3.1 percentage points at the 95% confidence level.The report includes data from a similar poll conducted September 29 - October 2, 2011.

Page 2: Holiday Giving Poll November  14,  2012

People are most likely to donate to a local charity. At the same time, nearly half have donated to a national charity

2During the past 12 months, have you donated money to any of the following types of charities?








A charity that focuses its services on your local community

A charity that provides services all across the nation

A charity that helps people who share your values, culture, orbackground

A charity that focuses its services in another community outside ofthe one where you currently live

A charity that has helped you or your family or friends

A charity the provides services in other countries

Other charity

74% indicated that they made a donation to at least one charity.

Page 3: Holiday Giving Poll November  14,  2012

Most popular donation methods are giving to people collecting in public places, countertop canisters, and mailing checks

3During the past 12 months, have you donated money to a charity in any of the following ways?








0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Giving money to someone asking for donationsin a public place

Putting money in a countertop canister

Mailing a check

Using your credit card to donate at a charity’swebsite

By giving money through a social medianetwork or platform

Sending a text msg to make a donation that wasadded to your cell phone bill

Giving your credit card number over the phone

Page 4: Holiday Giving Poll November  14,  2012

Variations in Donation Methods

4During the past 12 months, have you donated money to a charity in any of the following ways?

Older donors (45 and over) are more likely to prefer mailing a check (68% compared to 32% for donors 44 and younger).Seniors (65 and older) are less likely to donate at a charity’s

website using a credit card (12% for donors 65 and older compared to 23% for donors under 65).

Older donors (55 and over) are less likely to donate by sending a text message (4% compared to 12% for donors 18 to 54 years old).

The youngest donors (18 to 34 years old) are more likely to give money to someone asking in a public place (73% compared to 50%

for donors 35 years and older).

Page 5: Holiday Giving Poll November  14,  2012

One in ten reported donating in response to an email from a charity

5During the past 12 months, have you donated money to a charity directly in response to any of the following?





Email directly froma charity

Email you receivedfrom a friend

Post you saw insocial media

Email solicitationfeaturing a celebrity

One in four (24%) were influenced by an email or social media post.

• 31% for those aged 18-34

• 37% for people in the Northeast

• 34% for those with incomes of $75,000 or more

Page 6: Holiday Giving Poll November  14,  2012

Sponsored runs, walks and bike rides are most likely to elicit donations.Half would donate if a friend talked with them in person about a charity

If a friend wanted to encourage you to donate money to a charity, on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 means “Definitely would not” and 5 means “Definitely would,” how likely you would be to donate if your friend asked you in each of these ways? The [first/next] way is. . .Table shows top two boxes.









0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Posting about the charity on social media

Asking you to sponsor them for taking an action like getting atattoo or growing a mustache

Sending you an email about the charity

Asking for you to sponsor them for an action to emphasize thecharity’s mission, like living below poverty level for a week

Asking you to attend a fundraising event

Talking to you in person about the charity

Asking you to sponsor them for a walk, run or bike ride

Top Two Box Score

Gender differences• 63% of women and 54% of men

would donate if asked to sponsor a friend for a walk, run, or bike ride.

• 42% of women and 29% of men would donate if invited to attend a fundraising event

Page 7: Holiday Giving Poll November  14,  2012

Variations in What Encourages People to Donate

7During the past 12 months, have you donated money to a charity in any of the following ways?

Older donors (55 and over) are less likely to entertain a request to sponsor someone for a walk, run, or bike ride (51% compared to

62% for those 18 to 54).Seniors (65 and older) are less likely to be influenced by a friend

who spoke to them in person about the charity (29% compared to 56% for those 18 to 64 years old).

Seniors (65 and older) are less likely to donate if a friend asked them to attend a fundraising event (17% compared to 39% for

those under 65).Seniors (65 and older) are less likely to donate if asked by a friend

to sponsor them for taking an action to emphasize a charity’s mission (15% compared to 35% for those under 65).

Page 8: Holiday Giving Poll November  14,  2012

Friends are the most trusted source of information about charitiesSocial media is the least trusted source of information about charities

8How much would you trust the following sources of information about charities you might consider donating to? Please indicate your level of trust using a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 indicating a very low level of trust and 5 indicating a very high level of trust. How much do you trust . .Table shows top two boxes.







Information from a friend

The charity’s website

Information from the charityasking for a donation

A television news report

A newspaper article

Information about the charitythat you’ve seen on social


Top Two Box Score

• 34% of women and 26% of men would trust the information they received from the charity requesting the donation

• 57% of respondents earning $75,000 or more would trust the information they received from a friend

• 42% of respondents earning $75,000 or more would trust information from the charity’s website

Page 9: Holiday Giving Poll November  14,  2012

Half of Americans are planning on donating to charity during the holiday season, compared to 57% in 2011.

Compared to 2011, charities can expect fewer donations and smaller amounts this yearPlanned Donation Among Those Who Will Donate 2011 2012Less than $50 39% 46%$51 to $100 29% 25%More than $100 25% 24%Not Sure 8% 4%

Any Donation during Holidays

57% 52%


Page 10: Holiday Giving Poll November  14,  2012

Donors are cutting down on all types of donations.

Compared to last year, are you more likely, less likely or about as likely, to donate to charity in the following ways? 10






















By giving your credit card number over the phone

By giving money through a social media network or platform

By sending a txt msg to make a donation that will be added toyour cell phone bill

By using your credit card to donate at a charity's website

By mailing a check

By giving money to someone asking for donations in a public place

By putting money in a countertop canister

More Likely About as Likely Less Likely

Page 11: Holiday Giving Poll November  14,  2012

One in six donated to a political cause. 90% say this will not reduce their end-of-year

donations to charity.



Donated Money To Polit-ical Cause?

Yes No




Will Reduce End of Year Donations?

Yes No Not Sure

Over the past 12 months, have you donated money to a political candidate, a political party, or any similar group? If Yes, will your donation to a political cause or candidate reduce the amount of money that you donate to charity between now and the end of this year?


Page 12: Holiday Giving Poll November  14,  2012

One in five donated to help Hurricane Sandy survivors.Most expect that this will not reduce their end-of-year donations to charity.




Donated to Help Survivors of Sandy?

Yes NoNot Sure

Over the past week or so, have you donated money to help the survivors of Hurricane Sandy? Will your donation to help Hurricane Sandy survivors reduce the amount of money that you donate to charity between now and the end of this year?





Will reduce End of Year Donations?

Yes NoNot Sure

Page 13: Holiday Giving Poll November  14,  2012

In-person and direct mail requests for donations are most effective.

13What would be most effective way for a charity to ask you to donate money? Would it be. . . (Select the one best way.)

In person, 43%

By sending a letter, 33%

By sending an email, 7%

By telephone, 4%

Through Facebook or social media, 3%

Don’t Know, 10%

Page 14: Holiday Giving Poll November  14,  2012

Donors are most comfortable being asked in person or by direct mail

14And which type of request are you most comfortable with? Would it be. . . (Select the one best way.)

In person, 42%

By sending a letter, 37%

By sending an email, 6%

Don’t Know, 6%Through Facebook or social media, 4%

By telephone, 5%

• Women are more comfortable then men with direct mail requests

• This option was selected by 41% of women and 32% of men.

Page 15: Holiday Giving Poll November  14,  2012

Social media mentions of charitable donations reflect well on the donor and prompt actions.Seven in ten would go to the charity’s website to learn more.


Belong to Social Network

Yes No

None of these

Repost your friend's request for a donation

Donate money yourself

Have more respect for this person as a friend

Ask your friend to tell you more about the donation

Go to the charity's website or FB page to learn more about the charity

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%







Actions taken if a friend posted about a charitable donation

Do you participate in any online communities or social networks, such as Facebook or Twitter? If one of your friends donated money to a charity and then posted a story in social media about why he or she supported the charity, which of the following actions would you be likely to take? (YES/NO to each) Would you. . .


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