Page 1: Holly and Zoha’s Dream Million $ Christmas Trip By Holly & Zoha

Holly and Zoha’s Dream Million $ Christmas Trip

By Holly & Zoha

Page 2: Holly and Zoha’s Dream Million $ Christmas Trip By Holly & Zoha


Million Dollar Dream Xmas Vacation

• To spend our $1,000,000, we had a dream Xmas party. We took 200 party guests (including Mrs. Brown) to Las Vegas flying first class there and back. We rented 100 suites at the Bellagio Hotel, saw the O’ Cirque du Soleil show, witnessed Celine Dion preform, took a Grand Canyon chopper tour, and had a day at the spa. Our Major Categories were:

• Entertainment

• Transportation/Hotel/Airline

• Food

• Gifts/ Souvenirs 2

Page 3: Holly and Zoha’s Dream Million $ Christmas Trip By Holly & Zoha

EntertainmentTo entertain our guests we saw Celine Dion perform in the second row, the amazing world famous show O’ Cirque Du Soliel, took a Grand Canyon chopper tour, and went to the spa.

Page 4: Holly and Zoha’s Dream Million $ Christmas Trip By Holly & Zoha


EntertainmentItem Quantity Unit Price Total Price

O Cirque Du Soliel Show (Tickets) 200 $260.00 $52,000.00

Celine Dion Show (Tickets) 200 $275.00 $55,000.00

Grand Canyon Chopper Tour 200 $340.00 $68,000.00

Spa 200 $325.00 $65,000.00

Total $240,000.00

Average Price

Whehooo! You made it to $10,000!

Page 5: Holly and Zoha’s Dream Million $ Christmas Trip By Holly & Zoha

For our dream Christmas Trip, we took 200 party guests (including Mrs. Brown) to Las Vegas for one weekend. We all flew (Las Vegas and back) in first class, got metro cabs and limo rides to go to all our activities, and stayed in suites at the Bellagio Hotel.

Transportation, Airline, and Hotel

Page 6: Holly and Zoha’s Dream Million $ Christmas Trip By Holly & Zoha


Transportation/Hotel/AirlineItem Quantity Unit Price Total Price

Las Vegas Plane Tickets (To and From) 200 $1,300.00 $260,000.00

Limo Rides 2 $600.00 $12,000.00

Bellagio Hotel Suites 100 $940.00 $94,000.00

Metro Cab 200 $130.00 $26,000.00

Total $392,000.00

Average Price

Whehooo! You made it to $10,000!

Page 7: Holly and Zoha’s Dream Million $ Christmas Trip By Holly & Zoha

FoodFor both nights, we ate dinner at the amazing Picasso Restaurant. For both breakfasts, we ate at the Bellagio Breakfast Buffet.

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Item Quantity Unit Price Total Price

Picasso Dining Reservations 200 $100.00 $20,000.00

Breakfast at Hotel 200 $100.00 $20,000.00

Picasso Dining Reservations 200 $100.00 $20,000.00

Breakfast at Hotel 200 $100.00 $20,000.00

Total $80,000.00

Average Price

Whehooo! You made it to $10,000!

Page 9: Holly and Zoha’s Dream Million $ Christmas Trip By Holly & Zoha

GiftsAt the end of the trip, we gave each guest a Mac Book Air as a gift. We also gave each person $140 in souvenir spending money.

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Gifts/ SouvenirsItem Quantity Unit Price Total Price

Mac Book Airs 200 $1,300.00 $260,000.00

Souvenirs 200 $140.00 $28,000.00

Total $288,000.00

Average Price

Whehooo! You made it to $10,000!

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Final SpreadsheetMajor Category Total Price

Food $80,000.00

Gifts/Souvenirs $288,000.00

Entertainment $240,000.00

Transportation/Airline/Hotel $392,000.00

Total $1,000,000.00

Average Price

Whehooo! You made it to a million!

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Major Category Circle Graph

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Entertainment Circle Graph

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