Page 1: Holstein Steer Calf Management and Buying Considerations(f d l b h i li t)(feed, labor, housing,supplies, vet) Compare this to increased value. 8 Cost per Pound of gain on 2 milk replacers


Holstein Steer Calf Holstein Steer Calf Management and Buying Management and Buying


Maria Bendixen Maria Bendixen Clark County Dairy and Livestock Agent Clark County Dairy and Livestock Agent

Key Things With Steer Calves Key Things With Steer Calves

Calf HealthCalf HealthCalf Mortality is a big expense in a dairy steer Calf Mortality is a big expense in a dairy steer operation.operation.Loss of efficiency in gain from less than ideal Loss of efficiency in gain from less than ideal health is a big risk. health is a big risk.

Cost per pound of gain Cost per pound of gain p p gp p gMainly based on housing and nutrition Mainly based on housing and nutrition factor to controlEasiest factor to control

Page 2: Holstein Steer Calf Management and Buying Considerations(f d l b h i li t)(feed, labor, housing,supplies, vet) Compare this to increased value. 8 Cost per Pound of gain on 2 milk replacers


Calf MortalityCalf MortalityPercent of calf deathsPercent of calf deaths

Cause of DeathCause of Death PreweanedPreweaned WeanedWeanedCause of DeathCause of Death PreweanedPreweaned WeanedWeanedScours, diarrheaScours, diarrhea 62.162.1 12.312.3Respiratory problemsRespiratory problems 21.321.3 50.450.4Joint or navel problemsJoint or navel problems 1.71.7 1.41.4Lameness or injuryLameness or injury 0.50.5 6.46.4Calving problemsCalving problems 4.14.1 ----Other knownOther known 3.43.4 13.513.5Other UnknownOther Unknown 6.96.9 16.016.0

Source: USDA National Animal Health Monitoring System, June 2003

What are your biggest risks? What are your biggest risks? Keep RecordsKeep RecordsEvery calf that is lostEvery calf that is lost

Origin /Calf ID

Age /DOB

Disease /


Treatment Result IGG

Every calf that is lost Every calf that is lost or sick should be or sick should be recorded.recorded.Include Include

Origin Origin Age Age

Smith #112

2 days Scours Electrolyte Death Poor

John #57

4 weeks Resp Neuflor® cure Ex


9 days Scours Electrolyte cure Ex

Disease or problem Disease or problem IGG level IGG level Other?Other?

Page 3: Holstein Steer Calf Management and Buying Considerations(f d l b h i li t)(feed, labor, housing,supplies, vet) Compare this to increased value. 8 Cost per Pound of gain on 2 milk replacers


Calf Immunity Calf Immunity The Number One Defense The Number One Defense

Test for calf immunity by checking IgG Test for calf immunity by checking IgG (immunoglobulin G) levels(immunoglobulin G) levels(immunoglobulin G) levels.(immunoglobulin G) levels.Calf serum IgG is a direct measurement of calf immunityDo not buy calves with poor IgG levels.Do not buy calves with poor IgG levels.If you are raising your own calves sell or flag and If you are raising your own calves sell or flag and

t h th l ith I G l lt h th l ith I G l lwatch the calves with poor IgG the calves with poor IgG levels.Total proteins is an indirect measurement of IgGTotal proteins is an indirect measurement of IgG

What will it costWhat will it costTotal Proteins 25 cents for tubes and $160 Total Proteins 25 cents for tubes and $160 for a refractometer.for a refractometer.Clinics will test total proteins for around Clinics will test total proteins for around $1.00 $1.00 On farm IgG tests range from $3.75 to On farm IgG tests range from $3.75 to $4.50 and will give you either a positive or $4.50 and will give you either a positive or negative meaning IgG level at least 10 on negative meaning IgG level at least 10 on a positive reading and below for a a positive reading and below for a negative reading. negative reading. IgG Lab Test in the $25.00 range IgG Lab Test in the $25.00 range

Page 4: Holstein Steer Calf Management and Buying Considerations(f d l b h i li t)(feed, labor, housing,supplies, vet) Compare this to increased value. 8 Cost per Pound of gain on 2 milk replacers


What is the risk involved with What is the risk involved with Holstein Bull calvesHolstein Bull calves

A calf that is lost at 20 A calf that is lost at 20 days old. days old. Calf Value $ 100.00Calf Value $ 100.00Feed for 20 days Feed for 20 days $37.80 $37.80 Labor $50.20Labor $50.20Housing andHousing andHousing and Housing and equipment $4.00equipment $4.00Vet Costs $ 16.40Vet Costs $ 16.40Total Loss $208.40Total Loss $208.40

Numbers adapted from A. Zwald, T. Kohlman, and P. Hoffman, University of Wisconsin Cost of raising dairy replacements

IgG and Calf Performance IgG and Calf Performance

Page 5: Holstein Steer Calf Management and Buying Considerations(f d l b h i li t)(feed, labor, housing,supplies, vet) Compare this to increased value. 8 Cost per Pound of gain on 2 milk replacers


How to Measure IgG How to Measure IgG Concentrations Concentrations

Blood serum is the Blood serum is the most accurate testmost accurate testmost accurate test.most accurate test.Testing can be done Testing can be done by your on farm by your on farm Veterinary labs can Veterinary labs can give your more give your more precise information.precise information.Total Protein is not as Total Protein is not as accurate but is more accurate but is more practical and cheaper.practical and cheaper.

Scours Scours Proper nutrition and sanitation are keyProper nutrition and sanitation are keyImprove sanitationImprove sanitationImprove sanitation Improve sanitation Improve nutrition higher fat levels and quality will Improve nutrition higher fat levels and quality will help with with scours.Improve disease resistance Improve disease resistance Check and know total protein levels in all calves Check and know total protein levels in all calves Only purchase those that have acceptable levelsOnly purchase those that have acceptable levelsOnly purchase those that have acceptable levelsOnly purchase those that have acceptable levelsTreat early don’t “wait and see how he does”Treat early don’t “wait and see how he does”Keep calves isolated.Keep calves isolated.

Page 6: Holstein Steer Calf Management and Buying Considerations(f d l b h i li t)(feed, labor, housing,supplies, vet) Compare this to increased value. 8 Cost per Pound of gain on 2 milk replacers


Evaluating Milk Replacers Evaluating Milk Replacers Best Ingredients Best Ingredients

ProteinProteinLess than Ideal Less than Ideal IngredientsIngredientsProtein Protein

skim-milk proteinwhey proteinsred blood cell protein

Energy / Fat Energy / Fat

Ingredients Ingredients Protein Protein

Modified wheat proteinssoy proteinsSpray-dried, whole egg proteinsfish, blood and meat-soluble proteinsLard


soluble proteinsEnergy / Fat Energy / Fat

Hydrogenated Hydrogenated vegetable oil vegetable oil Liquid Vegetable oil Liquid Vegetable oil

Evaluating Milk Replacers Evaluating Milk Replacers

Increased fat content will help to prevent Increased fat content will help to prevent scours. scours. Increased protein increases growth.Increased protein increases growth.Medicated milk replacers should be used Medicated milk replacers should be used in situations where the records show a in situations where the records show a history of scours in the operationhistory of scours in the operationhistory of scours in the operation. history of scours in the operation. When using medicated milk replacers feed When using medicated milk replacers feed the recommended amount.the recommended amount.

Page 7: Holstein Steer Calf Management and Buying Considerations(f d l b h i li t)(feed, labor, housing,supplies, vet) Compare this to increased value. 8 Cost per Pound of gain on 2 milk replacers


Gain EvaluationGain EvaluationOn Milk Replacer On Milk Replacer

Effect of milk replacer feeding rate on calf growth and milk replacer protein levels.

Calculating Cost per Pound of Gain Calculating Cost per Pound of Gain

Weight Gained Weight Gained ________________ = Cost / Lb of Gain________________ = Cost / Lb of Gain

Cost of RaisingCost of Raising(f d l b h i li t)(f d l b h i li t)(feed, labor, housing,supplies, vet) (feed, labor, housing,supplies, vet)

Compare this to increased valueCompare this to increased value

Page 8: Holstein Steer Calf Management and Buying Considerations(f d l b h i li t)(feed, labor, housing,supplies, vet) Compare this to increased value. 8 Cost per Pound of gain on 2 milk replacers


Cost per Pound of gain on 2 milk Cost per Pound of gain on 2 milk replacers.replacers.

If a 22/20 Medicated Milk replacer costs $1.45 a pound or $72.50 a bag p $ gCalves should gain 1.5 lbs a day and Consume 1.45lbs of replacer.Cost Per Pound of gain is $1.40 pound.

If a 28/20 Medicated Milk repacer costs $1.67 a pound or $83 50 a bagpound or $83.50 a bag Calves should gain 2.8 lbs a day and consume 2.67 lbs of repacer.Cost Per Pound of gain is $1.59 pound

Starter Starter

Offer starter to calves on day oneOffer starter to calves on day oneF d hi h lit t t d l tF d hi h lit t t d l tFeed high quality starter and clean out Feed high quality starter and clean out pails often. pails often. High protein starters will improve rate of High protein starters will improve rate of gain. gain. Do the cost per pound of gain calculation Do the cost per pound of gain calculation on the starter / Replacer combination. on the starter / Replacer combination. Calves should eat 2 lbs of starter before Calves should eat 2 lbs of starter before being weaned being weaned

Page 9: Holstein Steer Calf Management and Buying Considerations(f d l b h i li t)(feed, labor, housing,supplies, vet) Compare this to increased value. 8 Cost per Pound of gain on 2 milk replacers


Respiratory ProblemsRespiratory Problems

Pneumonia and other respiratory diseases Pneumonia and other respiratory diseases ti t bl f t lfti t bl f t lfcontinue to cause problems for most calf continue to cause problems for most calf

raisers.raisers.What are some of the things that can help What are some of the things that can help prevent pneumonia in calves?prevent pneumonia in calves?

Preventing PneumoniaPreventing PneumoniaProvide well Provide well

til t d f ilititil t d f ilitiAvoid buying Avoid buying

llventilated facilitiesventilated facilitiesKeep calves dry Keep calves dry and welland well--beddedbeddedFeed enough milkFeed enough milkAvoid noseAvoid nose--nose nose

calvescalvesMinimize Minimize weaning stressweaning stressVaccinate damsVaccinate damsGive an Give an

contactcontactKeep age groups Keep age groups separateseparate

immunity boostimmunity boost

Page 10: Holstein Steer Calf Management and Buying Considerations(f d l b h i li t)(feed, labor, housing,supplies, vet) Compare this to increased value. 8 Cost per Pound of gain on 2 milk replacers



If Calves are in a calf barn proper If Calves are in a calf barn proper til ti t b hi dtil ti t b hi dventilation must be achieved.ventilation must be achieved.

This too, is not as simple as it sounds... This too, is not as simple as it sounds... Why?Why?Air flow may be great in the alley.Air flow may be great in the alley.Adequate air flow is typically not achievedAdequate air flow is typically not achievedAdequate air flow is typically not achieved Adequate air flow is typically not achieved within the pen.within the pen.

Where he livesWhere he lives

Page 11: Holstein Steer Calf Management and Buying Considerations(f d l b h i li t)(feed, labor, housing,supplies, vet) Compare this to increased value. 8 Cost per Pound of gain on 2 milk replacers


Air QualityAir QualityTypical outdoor air Typical outdoor air 100100--1,000 cfu/m1,000 cfu/m33

Well ventilated office buildingWell ventilated office building 1 0001 000 30003000Well ventilated office building Well ventilated office building 1,0001,000--30003000

Well ventilated livestock buildingWell ventilated livestock building 10,00010,000--30,00030,000

Poorly ventilated calf housingPoorly ventilated calf housing 300,000+300,000+

Some barns may even exceed several million live Some barns may even exceed several million live organisms per cubic meter of air!organisms per cubic meter of air!

Lago, A., McGuirk, S.M., Bennett, T.B., Cook, N.B., and K. V. Nordlund. Lago, A., McGuirk, S.M., Bennett, T.B., Cook, N.B., and K. V. Nordlund. Calf respiratory disease and pen microenvironments in naturally Calf respiratory disease and pen microenvironments in naturally ventilated calf barns in winter. ventilated calf barns in winter. J Dairy Sci 89: 4014J Dairy Sci 89: 4014--4025. September 12, 4025. September 12, 20062006

Calf HousingCalf Housing


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Calf HousingCalf HousingCalf BarnCalf Barn

w/ Individual w/ Individual PensPens

Firewood? Firewood?

Page 13: Holstein Steer Calf Management and Buying Considerations(f d l b h i li t)(feed, labor, housing,supplies, vet) Compare this to increased value. 8 Cost per Pound of gain on 2 milk replacers


Calf Housing

IsolationDisease Level

Immunity Management

Group Housing

Not Isolated

Disease Level

Immunity Management

These have to increase

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Tips for Successful grouping Tips for Successful grouping

Start with groups of 4Start with groups of 4--5 animals of5 animals ofsimilar size.similar size.

Double group size after a few days ifDouble group size after a few days ifanimals are doing good.animals are doing good.

Regroup animals if some aren’tRegroup animals if some aren’tdoing as well.doing as well.

Calf BarnCalf BarnConvert fromConvert from

Individual to group Individual to group penspens

(No moving calves)(No moving calves)

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Calf Barn Housing – Don’t be mislead•Calf barns can be a successful management environment

•Generally the type of barn has little influence on calf managementGenerally the type of barn has little influence on calf managementsuccess. (Calves spend 90 % of their life 1 ft off the floor)

•Each barn environment will dictate a management level required

•Ventilation and resting surface are very important

• Over-crowding can be impossible to manage

•Ever wonder why large custom calf growers primarily use hutches?

Don’t skimp on beddingDon’t skimp on beddingA generous dry bed of fluffy material such A generous dry bed of fluffy material such

t d t dt d t das straw, coarse saw dust, or wood as straw, coarse saw dust, or wood shavings benefit the calf by:shavings benefit the calf by:

Helping the calf stay cleanHelping the calf stay cleanHelping maintain a fluffed hair coat for winter Helping maintain a fluffed hair coat for winter protectionprotectionActing as a moisture absorption mediaActing as a moisture absorption mediaProviding a cushioned resting surfaceProviding a cushioned resting surface

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Meeting the Challenges of Meeting the Challenges of Raising CalvesRaising Calves

Continuous task with critical control Continuous task with critical control pointspointsDifferent issues for different farmsDifferent issues for different farmsComplex issues between the calf, Complex issues between the calf, environment and peopleenvironment and peopleLots of conflicting adviceLots of conflicting adviceWe know what worksWe know what worksThe small things do count!The small things do count!

Meeting the Challenges of Meeting the Challenges of Raising CalvesRaising Calves

Continuous task with critical control Continuous task with critical control pointspointsDifferent issues for different farmsDifferent issues for different farmsComplex issues between the heifer, Complex issues between the heifer, environment and peopleenvironment and peopleLots of conflicting adviceLots of conflicting adviceWe know what worksWe know what worksThe small things do count!The small things do count!

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Thanks to:Thanks to:

Pat HoffmanPat Hoffman-- Marshfield Ag Research Marshfield Ag Research StationStationStationStationDavid KammelDavid Kammel-- BSE UWBSE UW--MadisonMadisonSandy Stuttgen Taylor County Agriculture Sandy Stuttgen Taylor County Agriculture AgentAgentSchool of Veterinary MedicineSchool of Veterinary Medicine-- UW UW MadisonMadison(A. Lago, S.M. McGuirk, T.B. Bennet, N. (A. Lago, S.M. McGuirk, T.B. Bennet, N. B. Cook and K. V. Nordlund) B. Cook and K. V. Nordlund)

That’s All F lk !Folks!

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