Page 1: Holy Innocents’ Catholic Primary School Newsletter...2020/05/07  · tables; sports equipment storage container; improvements to the school hall; plus much more.. st How Does It

Dear parents, carers and pupils,

This weekend we are expecting to hear news from the government about the relaxing lock-down conditions. I know

that we will all have mixed feelings about this. As soon as I know any details I will be in touch about how the school will reopen safely.

This week, many of you will have hopefully received a phone call from a member of staff to see how you are getting on. It is so important to keep communicating during these times.

From the feedback I have received, I know that some families are struggling with the home learning. It is important

that children have some structure to their day and complete the tasks set for them by their teacher. If you are experiencing difficulties however, please make use of the class Dojo system to communicate with your child's

teacher. If the work is too difficult or you are unsure about it, don't worry, try something else instead. It's important that children do not weaken their confidence as this will be a greater hurdle to overcome when normal school

resumes. Some children have reported back that they have been unable to make contact with their classmates since the lock

down began. I would encourage them to make use of the Purple Mash email system on which they can message

their friends safely. This system is monitored by each class teacher. Tomorrow marks the 75th Anniversary of Victory in Europe Day, the beginning of the end of World War Two - many

of us will have seen the old news footage of the joyous celebrations in London and throughout the country after almost six years of hardship and suffering. It is important that we teach our children about this landmark and of all

the many hundreds of thousands of people who gave their lives so that we could live in freedom. Although we

cannot celebrate together at the moment, let's remember to mark the occasion in our homes in some way!

During the month of May, we give special honour the Our Lady, mother of Our Lord and ask for her intercession at this most difficult of times.

Queen of the Holy Rosary - Pray for us

Queen of Families - Pray for us

Queen of Peace - Pray for us.

Take care, stay safe & God Bless,

Mr Langford, Head Teacher

Take care and God Bless, Mr Langford

Head Teacher

Holy Innocents’ Catholic Primary

School Newsletter @HolyInnocentsCP

Thursday 7th May 2020

Tomorrow, Friday 8th May is a Bank Holiday marking the 75th anniversary of VE Day when the

guns fell silent at the end of the II World War in Europe. Jack Birch (Year 2) sent in these

fantastic pictures to commemorate the day.

Just to remind you that the school will be completely closed on this day.

Page 2: Holy Innocents’ Catholic Primary School Newsletter...2020/05/07  · tables; sports equipment storage container; improvements to the school hall; plus much more.. st How Does It

Sunday 10th May 2020

Click on this this link:


Assembly w/c 11th May 2020 Click on this link:

w/c 11th May 2020

Click on this link:

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child

Health has useful resources for parents and

carers during this unusual time.

Click on the link to access:


Try some of their activities! Send in what you

have done to

[email protected]

Page 3: Holy Innocents’ Catholic Primary School Newsletter...2020/05/07  · tables; sports equipment storage container; improvements to the school hall; plus much more.. st How Does It


Please check your child’s class page on the school website to see what fun learning is in store for

next week! All new timetables will be found under home learning pages:

Don’t worry if your news hasn’t been shown yet – look out for it in

next week’s newsletter!

Harry (Year 5) at home reading and

cooking up a treat!

“Daniel K-L (Year 1) has been doing his best

with home learning”, his mum writes, “and

he misses school and wanted to share a

picture with his friends. He made a junk-

model from empty cereal boxes and loo roll

holders. He then decided to paint it up.”

Jessica (Year 6) has put in lots of effort creating this

PowerPoint presentation for her recent Geography task on

‘Threats to the Ecosystems.’

Year 6 were inspired by South

American Art and even made

their own play dough.

Amos (Reception

Class) has been

baking, going for


doing BBC Bitesize

and created a

puppet show too.

Page 4: Holy Innocents’ Catholic Primary School Newsletter...2020/05/07  · tables; sports equipment storage container; improvements to the school hall; plus much more.. st How Does It

Arav and Anaya (Reception Class) want to say that they are missing everything about school and hope to be

able to see everyone soon. They write: “This week we have been doing some Indian dancing (Garba) which

is normally done around October during our Diwali festival. We wanted to do something different and

asked mum and dad if we could do some Garba on the garden as the weather was so nice. This week it was

Grandma's birthday and we helped mummy make a special cake and then we made a birthday card for her.”

Daddy then delivered the cake and card to her house while being careful to keep a distance.

Naisha (Year 2)’s shares a picture she drew. Her dad wrote in: “Naisha has been trying to keep herself involved and ensuring that she is spending time to learn. Major Highlights for her this time : Naisha has completed all the 53

Year 2 My Maths assignments during the holidays

She has worked this week on Geography and learning about the Solar System, Continents and Oceans” Fantastic job Naisha!

Manan Agarwal is congratulated for his enthusiastic approach to his

learning this week. Our focus has been Night Pirates and he has

really embraced the topic. He enjoyed the floating and sinking

experiment, making his own predictions and he has produced some

great Literacy work too.

Mrs Harding has been very pleased with the

work being done by her class:

Sofia’s (above) enthusiastic

approach to her learning has

impressed Mrs Harding. She

made a poster and wrote why

Jesus is special to her. She also

did some great literacy work

about what the Ladybird heard.

Well done Annabelle for working on her home learning tasks with

enthusiasm. This is Annabelle working hard on a dissolving

experiment. She has also challenged herself with phonic games

online and continuing her reading at home.

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Ava’s family (Year 1) write “Hope you are all

well! It’s so lovely to get the school newsletter

each week seeing what all the other children

have been up to. Here is a picture of Ava

keeping up with her reading.” Well done Ava!

Emily (Year 2) and Nataly

(Reception) above, have fun

playing at being teachers!

Getting crafty - Nicole (Year 1) and Natalie

(Preschool) above, enjoyed making jellyfish and


Jorge (Year 3) has spent time drawing a lovely

poster giving his gratitude to the NHS and frontline


Shorna (Year 2) has been busy doing art/science experiments this week, using various household products to create volcanic eruptions on the model she made. WOW! She also created home- made slime! For the slime she used shaving gel, glue, food colouring, water and liquid detergent!



Page 6: Holy Innocents’ Catholic Primary School Newsletter...2020/05/07  · tables; sports equipment storage container; improvements to the school hall; plus much more.. st How Does It

The Holy Innocent’s Twitter account is now

reactivated, so keep up with the news as it happens

at :

The school has been open to children of Key

Workers. To see what they have been up to click on

the following link and scroll down to see lots of



Is your child feeling isolated and missing their class


2email is a great messaging service within Purple

Mash which children can use to keep in touch with

others in their class, in a safe way.

All emails will be checked by class teachers and

approved so you know as a parent all communication

is appropriate.

To use it children can simply search for ‘2email’ once

in their purple mash account.

Here you can find a wealth of free,

downloadable resources to help with teaching

and learning at home on the themes of food,

farming and the natural environment. There are

resources for all ages, on a wide range of topics,

and for use indoors or outdoors.

Your child will likely be

spending more time on devices than usual, especially

if doing remote learning.

To help keep your children as safe as possible online, access this interactive guide(link below). It gives you practical instructions on how to set parental controls on the most common devices children use.


Page 7: Holy Innocents’ Catholic Primary School Newsletter...2020/05/07  · tables; sports equipment storage container; improvements to the school hall; plus much more.. st How Does It

Activity: Try colouring in this sheet about staying happy at home! Send in your results!

Page 8: Holy Innocents’ Catholic Primary School Newsletter...2020/05/07  · tables; sports equipment storage container; improvements to the school hall; plus much more.. st How Does It

Thank you so much to everyone who has sent in photos and messages of what they have been up to

whilst staying at home during this unique time. Please keep the content coming for next week’s

newsletter and don’t worry if you have sent something in that hasn’t been shown yet – look out for it in

next week’s copy. Send content marked ‘Newsletter’ to [email protected]. by

Thursday 14th May, 3pm.

Next week we would love to hear from you about:

Your VE day home celebrations

How you’ve been keeping in touch with classmates, friends and family

Your experience of home learning / self-isolation as a parent and or child

A short book review – what have you been reading that you could recommend to others

Letters and pictures thanking the NHS and other key workers

Something you have done which makes you proud

and finally

Do you have a funny story to share about your experience of home learning and self isolation? We like

this one sent in:

Stay in touch!

Stay safe and keep in touch!


The 200 club is a primary fundraising campaign for the PFA. It is a fantastic way to support the school, particularly when our normal fundraising activities are postponed due to the current situation. It would be great to have your support by subscribing, on behalf of your child or children. Past PFA fundraising has enabled the school to provide the following for your child: additional laptops for each class; outdoor activity gym; table tennis tables; sports equipment storage container; improvements to the school hall; plus much more.. How Does It Work Subscribe to pay £5 a month per child. (click on PFA link)

You will then be entered into a monthly draw of two cash prizes. The monthly prizes are (* discretionary amount that the PFA may change based on number of subscribers): 1st Prize – £60*; 2

nd Prize– £40*

Click on the following link to find out more on how to


April 2020 winners:

1st Prize of £60: Elsa Delgado


Prize of £40: Paul Hiscock

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