
Hombres y mujeres en la sociedad actual: Men

and Women throughout History

El título no deja de ser algo

engañoso ya que la información

que aquí vamos a daros gira,

fundamentalmente, alrededor

de la vida e inquietudes de

mujeres que han destacado por

su faceta pública en países de

habla inglesa o de otras que

hacen su aportación de manera

anónima pero que sin su fuerza

y su esfuerzo los avances y

conquistas por la igualdad


En todas las épocas, han

surgido figuras que han

intentado romper con esa idea

de que nacer mujer es nacer

con menos oportunidades.

Hemos elegido a dos mujeres

que ya han hecho Historia y

que, en nuestra opinión, deben

ser ejemplos para encontrar el

auténtico camino hacia la


Las mujeres que hemos elegido

son: Mary Robinson y

Emmeline PankhurstY aunque

centremos nuestro estudio en

la vida y significación de Mary

y Emmeline no debemos

olvidar que tanto una como

otra contaron con la

colaboración de su familia,

empezando por sus padres y

hermanos y siguiendo con sus


Dominio público en Wikipedia Dominio público en la Wikipedia

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1. Mary Robinson y Emmeline Pankhurst

Mary Robinson

Mary was born in 1944 in Ballina (Ireland) . Her father was a doctor

and so was her mother. She was the only girl in a family of five.

She attended school in Dublin and then she studied law at Trinity

College in the same city. She went to Harvard where she earned a

Masters in Law. In 1969 she became the youngest professor of law at

Trinity College.

She married Nicholas Robinson, a Dublin solicitor, and they had

three children. Her marriage at first met familial disapproval

because her husband was a Protestant.

Some years later she became a famous lawyer and member of the

Irish Senate (1969-1989). She won the 1990 presidential election as

an Independent candidate nominated by the Irish Labour Party.

Robinson has been Honorary President of Oxfam International since

2002, she is the president of the International Institute for

Environment and Development (IIED) and is also a founding member

and Chair of the Council of Women World Leaders. Robinson's newest

project is the Ethical Globalization Initiative, which promotes fair

trade and development, more humane migration policies and better

responses to HIV/AIDS in Africa. The organization also promotes

women's leadership and supports capacity building and good

governance in developing countries.

In 2004, she received an Award from Amnesty International for her

work in promoting human rights and in 2006 she was awarded the

prize “Principe de Asturias” of Social Sciences.

Vamos a comprobar lo que hemos entendido del texto y poner verdadero o falso.

Actividad de lectura

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Verdadero Falso

Verdadero Falso

Verdadero Falso

Verdadero Falso

Verdadero Falso

Mary Robinson fue presidenta de Irlanda durante diez años. Desde 1980 a 1990

Empezó a dar clases como profesora de derecho en Harvard en 1969

En la actualidad es presidenta de honor de Amnesty International

En el año 2004 recibió un premio de Amnistía Internacional por su trabajo en losderechos humanos

El IIED es una organización internacional de lucha contra la discriminación

Mary Robinson................................. the president of the Republic of Ireland andUN High Commissioner. (BE)


Has been

She ..................................... the President of Ireland from 1990 to 1997. (BE)


Pregunta Verdadero-Falso

Elige el tiempo que corresponda

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Has been

She ......................................... Law in several Universities. (TEACH)


Has taught

She ......................................... UN High Commissioner from 1997 to 2002. (BE)

has been



Emmeline Pankhurst (née Emmeline Goulden. Manchester 1858). Her father was asuccessful businessman with radical political beliefs and her mother was a

passionate feminist .

When Emmeline was 15 she was sent to Paris to finish her studies. Back toEngland she married Richard Pankhurst, a barrister and an activist in radicalcauses, especially in women's suffrage.

Richard died in 1898, leaving Emmeline with four children.

In 1903 with her daughters Christabel and Sylvia and other three women she foundedthe Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU).

From 1907 to 1914 Emmeline and her two daughters struggled for vote. They werearrested several times and even sent to prison but Emmeline's actions inspired manyother women to follow her example.

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Emeline Pankhurst

Imagen en Flickr de Dullhunkk con licencia CC

Para comprobar si has entendido las cuestiones fundamentales del texto vamos ahora ahacer una Autoevalución del mismo, intentando entresacar los hechos más importantesde la vida de Emmeline Pankhurst.

Who founded the WSPU?

Emmeline Pankhurst and some friends

Emmeline Pankhurst alone.

Emmeline Pankhurst, her daughters and three other women.

Pregunta de Elección Múltiple

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In 1913.

In 1907

In 1918.

Who died in 1928?

Emily Davison

Emmeline Pankhurst

Lloyd George

Te damos el vínculo que lleva a la página del IIED, el organismo que hoy en día presideMary Robinson y que se encarga del desarrollo sostenible:

Información sobre el IIED

Para ver a Mary Robinson en un fragmento de una entrevista te damos un vínculo quelleva a la página inicial de Ethical Globalization Inititiative: Realizing Rights:

· Página de Ethical Globalization Inititiative: Realizing Rights, con entrevista deMary Robinson


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2. Mujeres para la historia I

Pero no todas las mujeres han sido o fueron o son tan afortunadas como Mrs. Robinson o Mrs.Pankhurst. Aún hoy, hay mujeres que sufren discriminación en casa y en sus trabajos, e incluso en lacalle. Mujeres sobre las que no puedes leer en páginas webs especialmente creadas para ellas peroque cuyas vidas son tan heróicas como las de Mary Robinson o Emmeline Pankhurst. O puede quemás.

Vamos a leer sobre ellas aquí. El texto trata de las dificultades que tienen algunas mujeres paraasistir a encuentros o para luchar por sus derechos.

FOUND = En este caso es el pasado del verbo FIND= ENCONTRAR. Recuerda

que hemos visto que FIND es un verbo irregular FIND-FOUND-FOUND

HARD = Duro aunque aquí lo traduciremos po: Difícil

EVEN THOUGH = Aunque, incluso, a pesar de (que)...

THEY HAD BEEN TOLD NOT TO= esta oración lleva el verbo en voz pasiva,

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algo que no has estudiado todavía, y la podemos traducir por: Se les había

dicho que no/se les había prohibido. Si la pasamos a voz activa sería algo

así: Their husbands had told them not to attend the meeting.

THRIVE = Prosperar, enriquecerse, florecer.

WHOLE = completo, total

Could the women attend the meeting on gender and regeneration easily?



Please, choose between these two sentences the one that supports your answer toquestion 1

Some of the women found it hard to get permission from their husbands tocome. And some came even though they had been told not to.

Hull has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in England

Why is the women’s centre in Preston Road doing well?

Because there are many unemployed people

Pregunta de Elección Múltiple

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Because of local women's efforts.

Many other women in the world are following the example of those in Preston Road



Please, Choose the sentence that supports your answer to question 4

The Preston Road story is echoed in poor and deprived areas around the world,where women have decided to get together

They are armed only with the power of an idea: to be successful

Vete a esta página: Hull City Council pica en el enlace Adult Community LearningProspectus 2008-2009 y verás los cursos que se les ofrecen a los adultos en Hull en elaño 2008-2009

Y en esta otra página Preston Road Women Centre . Encontrarás información sobre el“Women’s Centre” en Hull

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2.1. Mujeres para la Historia II

Ahora vamos a leer la carta de una madre que quiere volver al mercado laboral y alguna de lasrespuestas que recibe a su pregunta final.

Sharing housework

Letter sent to a magazine by Maria Smith on 28th March 2002

Hello, I'm a mother of three young children who has recently returned to study

in order to be prepared to go "back to work"as soon as I find a suitable job.

I am an educator in the area of gender equity and I'm studying issues that

confront women returning to work. The biggest of these, and for all mothers,

seems to be how to get Dad to take on a fair load of housework.

My husband is great at playing with the kids or taking them to the park, or the

cinema or even taking them to bed and telling stories before they fall asleep! but

I'm feeling really frustrated about convincing him that he needs to think of other

details, those that make housework boring and repetitive.

I know there's an enormous quantity of literature about finding the work home

balance but I can't find much which takes up that issue in a practical,

constructive, educational manner. So... Can you, please, give me ideas about

how can one teach partners to share domestic responsibilities - like cleaning the


Thanks for your responses

And here are some of the answers she has received. Some are serious but others are... just jokes!

Serious answers

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Not so serious...

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But... in case it doesn’t work you can do as the lady in this joke:

Viñeta vista aquí , autoría desconocida

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3. Resumen

En este Tema no vas a adquirir nuevos conceptos. Sí vas a afianzar algunos ya conocidosespecialmente relacionados con el uso de los tiempos de pasado simple y pretérito perfecto.

Trabajarás básicamente la comprensión y expresión escritas y orales y tendrás que aprender un buennúmero de palabras nuevas.

Es, pues, este un tema de auténtico uso de la lengua como vehículo de comunicación.

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4. Para aprender hazlo tú

Lee el siguiente texto y contesta a las preguntas (No olvides que debes usar frasescompletas –sujeto + verbo+ complementos- en tus respuestas)

Surprise! Men do as much work as women do!

Everyone knows that women work more than men. In fact, most of them combinework at the home and at the office. But according to a recent study, this is just a myth,because it's just not true that women carry a heavier load.

Three economists, Michael Burda of Humboldt University in Berlin, Daniel Hamermeshof the University of Texas, and Philippe Weil of the Free University of Brussels prepareda questionnaire that was passed to people in 25 countries all over the world. Some ofthe countries are rich, like the United States and Germany, some are poor, like Beninand Madagascar, and some are in the middle, like Hungary, Mexico, and Slovenia. Thequestions were about how people spent the hours of their day.

In most rich countries men spend more time on market work –work outside the housewith a salary- than women and women spend more time doing housework and childcarethan men; but if we add the hours that men and women spend doing marketwork andhousework we will get very similar results.

While men and women spend about the same time working in rich countries, womendo work more than men in poor countries. And the gap widens as countries get poorer.

Read the complete article at:

QUESTIONS1.- Do men in poor countries do as much housework as men in developped countries?


2.- Do the most recent studies on the topic demonstrate that women work more hoursthan men?


3.- In which countries do the three economists that prepared the questionnaire on howpeople use to spend the hours of their day work?


4 y 5 .- Do you agree in that in very poor countries women work harder than men?

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