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    ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 48, N. 6, December 2005

    Key words Holocene – Sybaris – coastal prograda-tion – uplift – subsidence

    1. Introduction

    [13] E)fech=j d’ e)sti\n [e)n] diakosi/oij stadi/oij )Axaiw=nkti/sma h( Su/barij duei=n potamw=n metacu/, Kra/qidojkai\ Suba/ridoj: oi)kisth\j d’ au)th=j o( )=Ij[oj] (Elikeu/j.tosou=ton d’ eu)tuxi/a| dih/negken h( po/lij au(/th to\palaio\n w(/ste tetta/rwn me\n e)qnw=n tw=n plhsi/one)ph=rce, pe/nte de\ kai\ ei)/kosi po/leij u(phko/ouj e)/sxe,

    tria/konta de\ muria/sin a)ndrw=n e)pi\ Krotwnia/taje)stra/teusen, penth/konta de\ stadi/wn ku/klon sune-plh/roun oi)kou=ntej e)pi\ tw=| Kra/qidi. u(po\ me/ntoitrufh=j kai\ u(/brewj a(/pasan th\n eu)daimoni/ana)fh|re/qhsan u(po\ Krotwniatw=n e)n h(me/raije(bdomh/konta: e(lo/ntej ga\r th\n po/lin e)ph/gagon to\npotamo\n kai\ kate/klusan.

    [13] Next in order, at a distance of two hundred stadia,comes Sybaris, founded by the Achæans; it is between tworivers, the Crathis and the Sybaris. Its founder was Is ofHelice. In early times this city was so superior in its goodfortune that it ruled over four tribes in the neighborhood,had twenty-five subject cities, made the campaign againstthe Crotoniates with three hundred thousand men, and itsinhabitants on the Crathis alone completely filled up a cir-cuit of fifty stadia. However, by reason of luxury and in-solence they were deprived of all their felicity by the Cro-toniates within seventy days; for on taking the city theseconducted the river over it and submerged it.(Strabo, Geography, VI, 1)

    Geology versus myth: the Holocene evolution of the Sybaris Plain

    Luigi CucciIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Roma, Italy

    AbstractHistorical accounts handed down the legend of the ancient Sybaris, defeated and submerged by the Crotoniates whodiverted the River Crati on the town. This paper deals with the reconstruction of the Holocene evolution of theSybaris Plain, through a number of geological and geomorphological observations. In particular, I found i) ∼1 m/yrhorizontal coastal progradation rate since Greek times (2.4 kyr BP), possibly since Neolithic (7.0 kyr BP), mainlyoriginated by active alluvial deposition and subordinately by regional uplift; ii) evidence of striking modificationsin the surface hydrography of the plain during the last 2.5 kyr, with repeated fluvial captures of the Crati andCoscile rivers testified by ancient historians and geographers, recent maps and archeological accounts. In addition,datings and archeological information from 7 sites in the plain provided iii) ∼0.6 mm/yr mean uplift rate during thepast 11.2 kyr, that confirms the substantial continuity of this regional process with upper Pleistocene; iv) local, highvalue of subsidence (0.5÷2.0 mm/yr) affecting the Sybaris main archeological area. Subsidence is not recorded be-fore 4000 years BP and is caused by deposition of fine, highly compressible sediments at the transition betweenmarine and continental environment; v) no evidence of a fault-induced contribution to the subsidence, whilst thereis the grounded possibility that man-induced subsidence prevailed in the last century; vi) widespread active conti-nental deposition in the area. Local rates of deposition are relatively lower (1.5 mm/yr) at sites where subsidenceis not observed, and range between 2.5 mm/yr and 3.5 mm/yr in the main archeological area. There is also evidenceof a clear decrease of the sedimentation following the Mid-Holocene flex of the fast trend of sea level rise. Thesedata suggest that the Holocene evolution of the Sybaris Plain is due to the progressive eastward migration of theland-sea boundary, probably active since the Mid-Holocene (∼7.0 ka). Repeated floodings, regional uplift and rel-ative sea-level changes produced the eastward expansion of the plain, subsidence locally slowed it down. There-fore, geology first allowed the creation of Sybaris, then caused its destruction.

    Mailing address: Dr. Luigi Cucci, Istituto Nazionale diGeofisica e Vulcanologia, Via di Vigna Murata 605, 00143Roma, Italy; e-mail: [email protected]

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    Dramatic geological events often do help his-tory to turn into legend. Catastrophic floods,megaearthquakes and great volcanic eruptionsare the geological foundations that supportmythological structures such as the Deluge andAtlantis. As from the tale of Strabo, one of thegreatest geographers of antiquity, we learn thesudden and tragic fall of the flourishing Sybaris,destroyed and submerged by enemies comingfrom the rival town of Croton. The vanishing ofthe city and the long quest for its archeologicalruins nourished an halo of mystery aroundSybaris, and only in the late 60’s was systematicsearch of the site rewarded. As we will see, thehistory of the ancient town is written in the sed-iments of the homonymous plain, and the mostlikely reason for its final disappearance comesfrom unfavourable geological processes. Thispaper presents a reconstruction of the Holoceneevolution of the Sybaris Plain, a story of land up-lift, sea-level changes, rivers’ inundations, andlocal subsidence.

    2. Archeological settlements in the plain

    The most ancient traces of human coloniza-tion found in the region date back to the Neolith-ic (8000-4000 years BP) and to the Bronze Age(4000-3000 years BP) (Paladino and Troiano,1989); remains of hamlets and necropoles duringthese periods were located along the belt of hillsbordering the Plain, at some tens of meters eleva-tion a.s.l. (fig. 1). These small villages increasedand prospered also in the subsequent Iron Age(3000-2800 years BP). The Archaic Era markedthe time when the broad and fertile plain becameattractive for human settlement: in 720 B.C.Achæan people of Doric descent from the Pelo-ponnese region found Sybaris right at the centreof the plain, close to the sea and between theCrathis and Sybaris rivers (currently Crati andCoscile rivers), which at the time had separateoutfalls. The fast-growing town reached severalhundred thousand inhabitants but in 510 B.C. itwas completely destroyed following the war

    Fig. 1. Map of the study area: location of the Sybaris archeological site (founded in 720 B.C.) and of otherarcheological settlements between the Neolithic and the Iron Age (8000-2800 years BP) in and around theSybaris Plain. Solid thick lines mark the three main rivers flowing in the Plain. The location of the modern Sibariand of the most important villages in the area is also shown.

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    Geology versus myth: the Holocene evolution of the Sybaris Plain

    against the Crotoniates. The site was subsequent-ly reoccupied in 444 B.C. with the foundation ofthe Hellenistic colony of Thurii which lasted un-til 203 B.C. Finally, in 194 B.C. the Romancolony of Copia was deduced on the same site ofThurii. Evidence of full activity of the city centrewas still witnessed during the I century A.D.;subsequently, a slow decline initiated that lastedup to the V-VI century A.D., when the site waspermanently abandoned (Paladino and Troiano,1989).

    3. Geodynamic and geological outline

    Geological and geophysical evidence in theCentral Meditarranean region (see, among oth-ers, Ogniben et al., 1975; Scandone, 1979; Ma-linverno and Ryan, 1986; Westaway, 1993;Gvirtzmann and Nur, 1999; Argnani, 2000; Jo-

    livet and Faccenna, 2000; Nicolich et al., 2000)supports a geodynamic model that assumesNNW-SSE slow convergence between Eurasiaand Africa-Adria continental plates. Similarly,the tectonic evolution of the Calabrian Arc iscommonly referred to such plates’ convergence.The model also assumes southeastward rollbackof the subducting slab located beneath theSouthern Tyrrhenian Sea and well defined byseismicity distribution (Gasparini et al., 1982;Anderson and Jackson, 1987; Giardini andVelonà, 1991; Amato et al., 1993; Selvaggi andChiarabba, 1995), tomographic images (Selvag-gi and Chiarabba, 1995; Cimini, 1999; Lucenteet al., 1999; Barberi et al., 2004), and Aeolianvolcanism (Barberi et al., 1973). Complex dy-namics associated with subduction and rollbackproduced throughout the Calabrian Arc back-arcextension, widespread uplift, and relative subsi-dence in the major tectonic basins where main-

    Fig. 2. Geological and geomorphological sketch of the study area (modified from Cotecchia, 1993). Geologi-cal legend: 1 – alluvial plain (Holocene-Upper Pleistocene); 2 – marine terrigenous and fan deltas deposits (mid-dle Pleistocene-upper Pliocene); 3 – Campania-Lucania carbonate platform (Mesozoic); 4 – igneous and meta-morphic rocks of the Calabride Complex (Paleozoic). Geomorphologic legend: a – Thickness (in meters) of thealluvial deposits; b – Modern riverbed; c – Paleo riverbed; d – Holocene dune. A star marks the location of theSybaris archeological sites.

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    ly normal seismogenic faults accommodate in-ternal deformation.

    Located in the northeastern Calabrian Arc,the Sybaris Plain is one of the several alluvialplains that border the Italian Peninsula and thewidest one in the Calabria Region (fig. 2). Theplain is bounded on the landward side by thePollino Chain to the north, and by the Sila Mas-sif and the northern Crati Basin to the south andwest. The Pollino Chain is mainly formed byMesozoic limestones and dolomites of theCampania-Lucania carbonate platform, whileigneous and metamorphic rocks of the Cal-abride Complex formation constitute the SilaMassif (Bigi et al., 1983; APAT, 2004). From astructural point of view the Plain is a grabenoriginated during Pliocene-lower Pleistocenetimes (Ambrosetti et al., 1987); however, someevidence indicates that the fault systems bor-dering the graben are no longer active (Cucci,2004), especially in the eastern half of the plaincloser to the Ionian Sea.

    During Upper Pliocene-Middle Pleistocenethe former Sybaris Basin was progressivelyfilled by fan deltas (Colella, 1988) and marineterrigenous sediments (fig. 2); these depositsare the terrains into which a well-developedsuite of marine terraces is cut throughout thearea, providing evidence for sustained upliftsince upper Pleistocene times (Bordoni andValensise, 1998; Cucci, 2004; Lambeck et al.,2004). An active submarine delta similar to themiddle Pleistocene ones is presently developedat the mouth of the Crati River (Colella andNormark, 1984).

    The upper part of the plain is filled by sev-eral hundred meter-thick Holocene alluvialgravels, sands and silts (fig. 2), mostly originat-ed by the three main rivers Crati, Coscile andRaganello.

    4. Relative sea-level change in the NorthernCalabrian Arc

    Relative sea-level change throughout theCalabrian Arc can be considered the combina-tion of eustasy, isostasy and tectonics. Alternat-ing glacial and interglacial periods result in eu-static fall and rise of global sea level; worldwide

    relative sea level curves (Lajoie et al., 1991;Bassinot et al., 1994; Waelbroeck et al., 2002;Siddal et al., 2003) indicate ∼120 m postglacialeustatic rise in global sea level due to Late Pleis-tocene-Holocene melting of former ice sheets.Following the Würm glaciation the most rapid(∼10 mm/yr) eustatic rise occurred between 20-18 ka and 8-6 ka (Mid-Holocene), with continu-ing slower rise (1.5-2.0 mm/yr) thereafter (Lam-beck et al., 2004).

    Regional control on relative Holocene sealevel is provided by glacio-hydro-isostaticmovements due to the variable loading and un-loading of ice and sea water masses on the crustduring glacial cycles (Peltier and Andrews,1976; Lambeck and Johnston, 1995). Estimatesof the probable magnitude of isostatic effects inthis sector of the Northern Calabrian Arc lie inthe range of 1-2 m and of 4-7 m additional sealevel rise since 2 ka and 6 ka, respectively(Lambeck and Bard, 2000; Lambeck et al.,2002, 2004). Recently, Morhange et al. (2001)and Lambeck et al. (2004) published sea levelcurves that include both eustatic and glacio-hy-dro-isostatic contributions for the CentralMediterranean region.

    Rapid uplift has been affecting the Calabri-an Arc and the Sybaris region since late Pleis-tocene. Although a general consensus on thedriving mechanism and on the time of onset ofthe uplift process is still lacking, a number ofstudies converge on assigning ∼1 mm/yr as ref-erence uplift rate in the Northern Calabrian Arc.In particular, Westaway (1993) suggested ∼1mm/yr rate in the plain since 360 kyr merely onthe basis of geomorphological correlations withnearby regions, whilst Cucci and Cinti (1998)calculated an average rate of 0.67 mm/yr duringa maximum age interval of ∼0.6 Ma, and of0.85 mm/yr for the Holocene at the Calabria-Lucania border (∼50 km north of the Plain). Re-cently, Cucci (2004) calculated a 0.98 mm/yrrate over the last 124 kyr in the northern part ofthe Plain and suggested a comparable trend ofuplift for the Holocene. Moreover, analyzingdatings from a core by Cherubini et al. (2000),Lambeck et al. (2004) find that the 0.87 mm/yrtectonic rate estimated by Bordoni and Valen-sise (1998) on the basis of MIS 5.5 is likewiserepresentative of the Holocene. South of the

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    Geology versus myth: the Holocene evolution of the Sybaris Plain

    Sybaris Plain, the nearest estimates of uplift re-fer to the Crotone area (∼100 km faraway)where Gliozzi (1988) found 0.83 mm/yr of up-lift rate since 123 ka, and Lambeck et al. (2004)calculated a rate of ∼1.15 mm/yr on a raisedHolocene paleoshoreline formerly observed byPirazzoli et al. (1997).

    5. Novel geomorphological observations in the Sybaris Plain

    5.1. Evidence of coastal progradation since Mid-Holocene

    Coastal progradation in the study area orig-inated both by active deposition and by tecton-ic uplift. However, given the significant slopeof the sea bottom (2-3º) and the relatively slowuplift rate (≤1 mm/yr), the tectonic contributionto shoreline advancing is small (≤0.05 m/yr).

    On the contrary, coastal progradation origi-nated by active alluvial deposition is witnessedthroughout the region at least since 800 B.C. InSouth-Eastern Basilicata (∼50 km north ofSybaris) the ancient Greeks who colonized thearea also made accurate maps of the coastline(Adamesteano, 1974; Westaway, 1993). Itemerges that the Holocene terrace in Basilicatais currently up to 2 km wider than in 800 B.C.,with a consequent maximum rate of horizontal

    progradation of ∼0.7 m/yr. In the study area, thefinding of a towpath at the Casa Bianca arche-ological site (fig. 3) suggests the presence dur-ing the Thurii period (2400 years BP) of a placefor ship maintenance very close to the coevalcoastline, 2.0 to 2.5 km inland from the modernsea: this provides a mean progradation rate of∼0.9 m/yr. Further evidence of a generalprogradation of the coastline in the northernsection of the plain is supported by the presentposition of the two medieval towers of observa-tion set between the Crati River and the villageof Trebisacce (fig. 3); these towers, built forwarning and defence purposes next to theshoreline during the first half of the sixteenthcentury (Faglia, 1984), are now located ∼400 maway from the beach: this provides an approxi-mate mean rate of horizontal progradation of0.8-0.9 m/yr. More recent maps indicate thatthe delta of the Crati River has been progradingat a rate of 1.8 m/yr since 1789 A.D. and 2.0m/yr since 1935 A.D. (fig. 3).

    Two more observations can be made regard-ing the period prior to the Archaic Era, both in-dicating former backward positions of the shore-line compared to the following ones. Firstly, thethree archeological sites of Francavilla M., Spez-zano Albanese and Trebisacce (fig. 1), that werepermanently occupied between the MiddleBronze Age and the Early Iron Age (3600-2800years BP), provide indirect evidence of a coast-

    Fig. 3. Evidence of coastal progradation in the Sybaris area. A small table next to each site shows the estimat-ed progradation and the time interval over which the corresponding progradation rate was calculated.

  • line never behind those settlements during thatperiod. The second observation comes from theNeolithic site of Favella della Corte, that datesback to ∼7000 years BP (Paladino and Troiano,1989), and probably represents the first attemptof a permanent settlement within the Plain (figs.1 and 3). Geoarcheological prospections and re-mote sensing analyses (Tiné and Traverso, 1993)revealed a paleoenvironment similar to a marshywetland, with the neolithic hamlet located on alow fluvial terrace, surrounded by a Paleo Cratibed and not far from the sea. With the archeolog-ical site presently located ∼7 km from the mod-ern sea it is possible to calculate an approximatemaximum rate of progradation of 1.0 m/yr. It isinteresting to note that the time of settlement ofFavella della Corte roughly corresponds to theflex of the fast trend of sea level rise followingthe last glacial period (e.g., see the sea levelcurve of Lambeck et al., 2004 in fig. 8), thus in-dicating the earliest term when positive coastalprogradation outpaced sea level changes andsuggesting the farthest distance of marine ingres-sion during Mid-Holocene.

    5.2. Modifications of the surface hydrography

    Most of the rivers in the Calabria Regionare currently affected by highly variable sea-sonal regimes, exceptional solid load, andepisodic dramatic floods. Not coincidentallythen, the surface hydrography of the plain hasbeen marked since historical times by strikingchanges. In the case of the Crati and Coscilerivers it has been possible to reenact the shiftsof their outfalls assembling information fromancient historians and geographers and more re-cent maps and archeological accounts.

    According to Herodotus, Strabo and Plinythe Elder the two rivers had distinct mouths un-til 510 B.C., whilst in the following century theywere no longer separated (Thucydides, ThePeloponnesian War, VII, 35, 1). No informationwas handed down for the next twenty centuries,during the long period of unhealthy environ-ment and medieval economic decline. The firstreport following this period is the Tabula novaItaliæ by M. Beneventanus, who mapped onesingle Crati-Coscile riverbed in 1508 A.D. (fig.

    4a). Then, we find that Alberti in 1525 A.D. ac-curately describes two different riverbeds, butsoon afterward the Crati and Coscile rivers areonce again connected in Mercatore’s (1554A.D.) and Gastaldi’s (1561 A.D.) maps. In thefollowing two centuries two outlets are unani-mously reported by many historical and geo-graphical accounts: among these, the ones byMagini in 1608 AD (fig. 4b), by the Ty-pographia Seminarii in 1699 A.D., and the mapby Rizzi-Giannoni in 1771 A.D. which is thelast of this series. Finally, the present pattern ofthe two rivers is first described in the CartaGenerale del Regno di Napoli, Foglio 26, edit-ed in 1789 A.D. (fig. 4c). From that time forththe Crati and Coscile rivers join ∼6 km from theIonian Sea and show one single mouth.

    Noticeably, the comparison between mapsof different epochs provides evidence that themost striking surface modifications belong tothe Crati River. The higher length of the latter,its extremely irregular regime and its higherslope especially (2.7‰ against 1.9‰ over 10km flow upstream of the confluence) are mostlikely reasons that concur to this process ofcyclic fluvial capture toward the Coscile River.Further evidence supporting deep changes in themorphology of the Plain is testified by infraredaerial photo interpretation performed by Guer-ricchio and Melidoro (1975) who found signifi-cant traces of paleo riverbeds, fossil dunes andancient marshy areas presently silted up.

    6. Below the ground at the Sybarisarcheological site

    6.1. Archeological excavations

    Archeological excavations off the left bankof the Crati River have led to the discovery ofthree superimposed levels of occupancy, thatindicate continuous habitation between the 6thand the 1st centuries B.C.: the Archaic Sybaris,the Hellenistic Thurii and the Roman Copia(fig. 5). The remains are observed over a broadzone including the Parco del Cavallo and CasaBianca areas closer to the river, and the Stombiarea located 2 km northwest (fig. 6). Thesethree sites display an unequal sequence of lev-


    Luigi Cucci

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    Geology versus myth: the Holocene evolution of the Sybaris Plain







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    Fig. 5. Ideal section at the Parco del Cavallo archeological site (modified from Cotecchia, 1993); the section isrepresentative of the ground beneath the surface. The draft is not in scale.

    Fig. 6. Topographic map of the Sybaris archeological sites and adjacent areas, with the location of the bore-holes and of the samples described in the main text. The map also reports the location of the IGM geodeticbenchmark.

    Luigi Cucci

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    Geology versus myth: the Holocene evolution of the Sybaris Plain

    els that are possibly related to different geomor-phological conditions. Excavations have foundall three historical levels only at Parco del Cav-allo; at Casa Bianca there are no remains of theArchaic Sybaris, which instead is the only set-tlement at Stombi.

    The archeological site is located at the centreof the Plain (figs. 1 and 6), where the alluvial de-posits that fill the upper part of this depressionreach the maximum thickness of ∼400 m (Cotec-chia, 1993) (fig. 2). Holocene barren depositsnormally consist of sands and coarse sands, al-though locally in the upper part of the sequencelenses of finer clays and coarser gravels can beobserved. Some rare levels with peats are foundat various depth. Lithologies and grain size indi-cate environments of deposition passing fromthe littoral through the intertidal to the fluvio-deltaic zone, with episodic marshy areas.

    A clear surface of discontinuity on top of thesands marks the separation with a blackish pale-osol above (figs. 5 and 7); this probable erosion-al surface represents the oldest level of occupan-cy, as the paleosol contains organic remains,

    fragments of terracotta and paving. This level iscovered by silty deposits with peat levels typicalof a lagoon environment and by sandy andclayey silts originated by fluvial inundations.

    At present, the ground level throughout thearea lies at an elevation of 3-5 m a.s.l. (fig. 5);the oldest archeological level, corresponding tothe Archaic Sybaris, is found up to 3.5 m b.s.l.,whilst the Roman Copia level is at −0.5 m alti-tude (fig. 5). Before the excavations all thearcheological remains lay below the watertable, about 0.8-1.5 m below the surface; afterthe diggings a well-point system has been de-pressing the ground water level at the archeo-logical site just below mean sea level.

    6.2. Datings from cores at the archeological site

    Late Pleistocene regional uplift rates andclear evidence of modern active coastal progra-dation and dramatic changes in the surface hy-drography in the plain are a first contribution toreconstruct the Holocene history of the site and

    Fig. 7. Stratigraphies of the six boreholes in the archeological area, with the location of the dated samples andtheir calibrated radiocarbon ages (in years BP). The position of the Sybaris and Thurii-Copia levels is also indi-cated.

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    to evaluate how uplift, subsidence and over-flooding affected this area. To collect informa-tions concerning the period between the Mid-Holocene and historical times, six boreholeswere chosen among those drilled in the lastdecades in and around the Sybaris area forarcheological and geological investigations.These boreholes (hereinafter BH) report 14C dat-ings of peat levels, carbon frustules and fossilsthat were found between +0.20 m and −54.90 maltitude (see table I that summarizes the 14C dat-ings). Figure 6 illustrates the locations of thecores, of the archeological areas and of the ne-olithic site of Favella della Corte. Figure 7shows the logs of the BH along with the cali-brated radiocarbon ages of the samples collect-ed (all the datings were originally not calibrat-ed 14C ages) and the age of the archeologicallevels.

    BH 1-2-3 (fig. 7) were firstly presented byCherubini et al. (2000); two of them are locat-ed within the main archeological area, the thirdone was drilled ∼2.5 km WNW from it, in thewestern part of the Stombi site (fig. 6). Fivesamples (numbered S1 to S5) from peat andmarsh deposits in the depth range −2.75÷÷−54.90 m below present sea level yielded 14Ccalibrated ages in the interval 3.4÷11.2 kyr BP(table I).

    BH 4-5-6, carried out by Guerricchio andMelidoro (1975) as support to the archeologicalexcavations, are located in the Stombi, Parcodel Cavallo and Casa Bianca areas (fig. 6). Acharcoal sample (S6) found at −1.35 m depthb.s.l. in BH4 at the base of the paleosol corre-sponding to the Archaic Sybaris (fig. 7) was ra-dio carbon dated at 2.6 ka (table I), comparableto the age of the archeological level. The Helixsample S7 in BH5 (fig. 6) provided a 14C cali-brated age of 1.5 kyr BP (table I); this shell wasfound at +0.20 altitude in a level immediatelyabove the Thurii-Copia remains (fig. 7), so thatit postdates the human ancient frequentationand indicates the period of permanent abandon.BH6 provided Cerastoderma lamarcki shellsthat were radio carbon dated at 0.8 ka (fig. 6and table I); also this sample (S8) was found (at−2.15 b.s.l.) in the upper part of a paleosol thatcovers the Thurii-Copia pavement (fig. 7). Sim-ilarly to the Helix sample from BH5, the Ceras-toderma shells indicate a change in the environ-ment which turned into marshy or lagoonalconditions after the site was abandoned (arche-ologically set during the V century A.D. by Pal-adino and Troiano, 1989).

    In the area one more available dating isfrom a wooden sample (named S9) observed byCotecchia et al. (1969) at +2.60 m in a peaty

    Table I. Summary of the data related to the samples in the Sybaris archeological area. The observed elevationis expressed in meters above or below mean sea level. The corrected elevation of S7 is shown in italics (see al-so the main text and fig. 8). All radio carbon dates were calibrated using the Stuiver et al. (1998) calibrations.The net uplift or subsidence is calculated as the difference of the elevations between the dated sample and thecorresponding point on the paleo sea-level curve in fig. 8.

    Sample Altitude (m) Altitude Age Marker Net uplift/ Rate of uplift/error (±m) (cal years BP) subsidence (m) subsidence (mm/yr)

    S1 −7.00 ±3 3356±111 Peat −3.79 −1.13S2 −6.30 ±3 3535±99 Peat −2.58 −0.73S3 −2.75 ±3 5442±146 Peat 4.14 0.76S4 −37.50 ±3 9399±134 Peat 0.47 0.05S5 −54.90 ±3 11221±482 Peat 10.66 0.95S6 −1.35 ±3 2643±216 Charcoal 0.87 0.33S7 0.20 (−1.80 ) 0 1471±164 Helix ≤−0.72 −0.49S8 −2.15 +0/−2 804±170 Cerastoderma −1.58 −1.97S9 2.60 ±3 620±118 Wood 2.89 4.67

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    level resting on sand deposits along the coast-line, 6 km SE of the main archeological area(fig. 6). This sample gave a calibrated radio car-bon age of 0.6 ka (table I), although the authorsstate uncertainties on the origin of the peatylevel, whether it was a paleosol or a plant accu-mulation driven by surficial waters.

    7. Uplift, subsidence and overflooding in the plain

    7.1. Uplift

    It is now possible to reconstruct the Holo-cene morphological evolution of the plain on thebasis of the 14C datings and the geomorphologi-cal data already described. The first step is to de-termine if the coastal area was affected duringthis period by vertical tectonic motions such asregional uplift and/or local subsidence. Suchtectonic contribution is evaluated as the differ-ence between observed local sea level positionsand predicted Holocene sea level curve for thesame site; in this case, we adopted the curve byLambeck et al. (2004) shown in fig. 8 as i) it ac-counts for eustatic and glacio-hydro-isostatic ef-fects and ii) it is specific for Southern Italy. Thelocal sea level positions are provided by the dat-ed samples; therefore, the amount of effectivetectonic displacement is simply given by thegraphical distance between the data points andthe predicted sea level curve in fig. 8.

    Uncertainties associated with the dated sam-ples as paleo sea level indicators are generallylimited (table I). Peat and charcoal samples ofmarshy environment (samples S1 to S6 and S9),usually representing upper limits to sea level,were collected near the lower part of the de-posits (Cotecchia et al., 1969; Cherubini et al.,2000) where the effects of compaction are neg-ligible; therefore, the error bars adopted in thiscase are between +3 and −3 m. Although thepulmonate gastropod Helix can be observedover a very wide range of altitudes, in the caseof sample S7 we can infer a minimum altitudeof 2 m above the ancient sea level, i.e. the min-imum height of survival of this mollusk in anenvironment adjacent to the coastline; this val-ue will provide a maximum tectonic uplift rate

    for this sample. Finally, mollusks Cerastoder-ma lamarcki define a typical lagoonal environ-ment bottom, and the error associated with thepaleo depth of sample S8 is estimated between0 and −2 m.

    Figure 8 shows the comparison betweenpredicted sea level curve by Lambeck et al.(2004) and elevation of the 9 aged samplesfrom the Sybaris area. The observed data pointsshow contrasting signals that reflect non uni-form response to local and regional processes.The first observation is that S3-S4-S5 oldersamples concordantly indicate uplift; thesesamples come from the same borehole and pro-vide a mean uplift rate of 0.59 mm/yr. A furtherconsideration concerns S4 and its relatively lowuplift rate (0.05 mm/yr, table I) when comparedto the other samples from the Stombi site; apossible explanation of this value is that S4 isthe only sample coming from a thick level ofpeat deposit, that might have undergone pri-

    Fig. 8. Comparison of Holocene predicted sea-lev-el curve for Calabria and observed data (solid circleswith error bars). The empty circle is the uncorrectedobserved value for S7, i.e. the only sample that is notdirectly referred to an ancient sea level. For samplesdata see table I (sea-level curve from Lambeck et al.,2004).

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    mary compaction after deposition, with a con-sequent decrease of the total uplift of the datedlevel. Anyway, even disregarding this last ob-servation, the mean uplift rate of 0.59 mm/yr issimilar to that calculated by Cucci and Cinti(1998) and slightly lower than that observed byBordoni and Valensise (1998) and Lambeck etal. (2004). Samples S3 to S5 are located in theStombi area, some kilometers off the mainarcheological area (fig. 6); S6, which is placedin the same locality, is the only other samplethat displays positive signal (0.33 mm/yr, tableI). Therefore, the evidence is that in the Stombiarea the Holocene rates of uplift are of the sameorder of magnitude as those calculated or sug-gested by several authors in the adjacent areasas a regional process. The second piece of evi-dence is that regional uplift is the only signalrecorded between ∼11 ka and ∼5 ka (S3-S4-S5);it is still recorded far from the archeologicalarea at 2.6 ka (S6), a strong suggestion for up-lift being an ongoing process.

    The last observation concerns sample S9,which provides an uplift rate (4.67 mm/yr, tableI) that is apparently nonconforming with theother signals. The level that hosted the peatsample rests upon backshore sands and is cov-ered by seaward dipping sands originated bystorm waves (Cotecchia et al., 1969); these ob-servations, along with the uncertainties on theorigin of the peat level (see Section 6.2), allowus to hypothesize that the sample was deposit-ed at some altitude above the ancient sea levelso that the uplift rate calculated over such ayoung sample is clearly misleading.

    7.2. Subsidence

    S1-2 and S7-8 come from the Parco delCavallo and Casa Bianca main archeologicalarea (fig. 6) and all show negative tectonic mo-tion. In particular, S1 and S2 are very close inage and display rates of subsidence of −1.13and −0.73 mm/yr, respectively (table I). SampleS7 corrected for its paleoecological minimumelevation provides a minimum subsidence rateof −0.49 mm/yr, while the highest value of sub-sidence rate is achieved by S8 with −1.97mm/yr. The evidence in this case is that the sub-

    sidence process is rather limited in space to themain archeological area and to the vicinity ofthe Crati River, while it is probably limited al-so in time because the oldest subsiding sampledates back to less than 4000 years BP. Nonethe-less, the values of the subsidence rates in theParco del Cavallo and Casa Bianca sites are re-markable.

    A series of concurring geological causeslikely originated such dramatic phenomenon ofsubsidence. The stratigraphies of the boreholesin the area (fig. 7) along with the evidence ofsustained coastal progradation probably activesince Mid-Holocene testify a rapidly evolvingenvironment of deposition, that in the rela-tively short period of time of a few millenniachanged from marine to continental. Therefore,we can observe in fig. 7 that the oldest archeo-logical level found in BH4 and BH5 (ArchaicSybaris) and in BH6 (Hellenistic Thurii) alwaysrests upon sandy deposits of dune origin thatrepresent a quite stable horizon for human set-tlement. However, the archeological levels areoverlain by sandy silts and silty clays of lacus-trine and lagoonal origin, progressively siltedup and sealed by fluvial floodings. This situa-tion is clearly shown both in BH5, with palus-trine deposits intervening between the Sybarisand Thurii levels, and alluvials covering theHellenistic town, and in BH6, where S8 indi-cates a marshy environment with deposition ofvery fine, highly compressible sediments (fig.7). Not far from these boreholes, S1 and S2suggest that the subsidence process was locallyalready active some centuries prior to the hu-man settlements, probably because of irregular-ities in the topography, with local lowlands andsmall paleovalleys filled by a thicker sequenceof fine deposits.

    BH3 and BH4 are located west of the mainarcheological area and farther from the CratiRiver. The four samples from these boreholes donot show negative tectonic motion; this fact in-dicates that subsidence in the area is a process oflimited extent, originated by fine compressiblesediments deposited either in palustrine envi-ronments or by fluvial inundations. The ∼2 kmlongitudinal distance of BH3 from the Parco delCavallo and Casa Bianca sites suggests that,with ∼1 m/yr rate of coastal progradation, this

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    location likely underwent the same geologicalevents a couple of millennia before the mainarcheological area. Then, if any subsidence lo-cally took place also at the Stombi site, it did notoccur before the deposition of sample S3.

    The evidence that subsidence is associatedwith some lithological characteristics of theHolocene deposits and that it is restricted tolimited sectors definitively excludes its tecton-ic origin. Although regional seismogenic faultshave been described along the southern slope ofthe Pollino Chain (Vittori et al., 1995; Ferreli et al., 1996; Cinti et al., 1997, 2002), in no casedoes the predicted deformation field induced bythose faults affect the study area (Cucci andCinti, 1998). In addition, Cucci (2004) foundno evidence for Holocene activity along twoother structures located closer to the Sybarisarea and precedently quoted as active (Galadiniet al., 2000; Michetti et al., 2000). It is worthmentioning that besides this «lithological» sub-sidence another type of subsidence has beengrowing in recent times that is «man-induced»,as it is originated by haphazard pumping fromground water. As a consequence of this, theIGM geodetic station located 2 km SE of theSybaris area recorded ∼20 cm lowering since1950 (Cotecchia, 1993), with a subsidence rateseveral times larger than the long-term one.

    7.3. Overflooding

    The present elevation of the ground level atthe archeological sites ranges between 2.5 and5.0 m a.s.l.; this surface pattern must not havebeen very different during the time of theMagna Græcia colonies (Paladino and Troiano1989), as ∼2 m is believed to be the minimumheight for settlements safe from periodic flood-ing in a coastal town (Guerricchio and Meli-doro, 1975; Antonioli and Leoni, 1998; Anto-nioli et al., 2004). Therefore it is reasonablethat in the archeological area the velocity ofdeposition since Greek times is comparable tothe rate of subsidence, so as to compensate thelocal negative motion of the ground. The calcu-lated velocities of deposition shown in table IIturned out to be variable at the different localesand not uniform in time. The main archeologi-cal sites show deposition rates in the range2.6÷3.6 mm/yr, estimated by age and depthfrom the ground level of each sample. Compa-rable values (1.9-2.8 mm/yr) are obtained whenthe rates are calculated using the depth and theassumed age of the three archeological levels inBH5-BH6. On the contrary, S8 at Casa Biancanext to the Crati outfall (fig. 6) displays thehighest rate of 5.8 mm/yr, that testifies of an in-crease in the flooding events during the last

    Table II. Mean velocities of deposition in the Sybaris area. Location: PC – Parco del Cavallo; CB – Casa Bian-ca; ST – Stombi. The age of the reference level is rounded to the nearest decade.

    Location Borehole Reference level Age of reference Thickness Mean depositionlevel (years BP) of deposition (m) rate (mm/yr)

    PC BH1 S1 3360 12.10 3.60PC BH5 S7 1470 4.10 2.79PC BH5 Sybaris ∼2670 7.60 2.85PC BH5 Thurii ∼2400 4.50 1.87CB BH2 S2 3530 9.30 2.63CB BH6 S8 800 4.65 5.81CB BH6 Thurii ∼2400 4.80 2.00ST BH3 S3 5440 8.75 1.61ST BH3 S5-S3 5780 52.15 9.02ST BH4 S6 2640 3.70 1.40

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    eight centuries in the easternmost, recentlyemerged site. BH3 and BH4 in the Stombi areaexhibit a quite constant mean deposition rate of1.5 mm/yr over the past 5.4 ka; in addition,BH3 also provides a striking 9.0 mm/yr rate be-tween 5.4 and 11.2 ka, the latter date beingclose to the transition (11.5-11.6 kyr BP, Alleyet al., 1993; Gulliksen et al., 1998) between thecold and dry Younger Dryas and the stable,warm, high sedimentation speed Holocene.

    Despite the exceptional solid load transport-ed by the Crati and Coscile, both these riversare not suspended above the surrounding plain;a possible explanation of such behaviour is pro-vided by the contrast that local subsidence ex-erts on alluviation.

    8. Conclusions

    From the data above described, it appearsthat the Holocene evolution of the Sybaris Plainis the result of uplift, subsidence and overflood-ing, each acting with different timing and scale.

    Uplift is confirmed to be the most importantsource of tectonic deformation at the regionalscale, also during the last 10000 years. A mean∼0.6 mm/yr uplift rate was calculated over thepast 11.2 kyr at the Stombi archeological site.Therefore, Holocene rates of uplift in theSybaris area are comparable to Late Pleistoceneones, despite the fact that they are affected bylocal disturbances and are averaged over ashorter time extent. At the smaller scale the re-gional uplift can be considered a uniform steadylift on which local signals originated by subsi-dence, deposition, etc. are superposed.

    Active subsidence originated by depositionof very fine, highly compressible sediments atthe transition between marine and continentalenvironment is superimposed and locally out-paces regional uplift at the Parco del Cavalloand Casa Bianca sites. The rates of subsidencein the main archeological area range between∼0.5 mm/yr and ∼2.0 mm/yr and are calculatedover a period of 0.8÷3.5 ka. The absolute valueof subsidence is even higher than the observedone if it is considered that the subsidence is su-perimposed on widespread rising originated byregional uplift. Subsidence is a relatively recent

    feature as it is observed only in the upper partof the stratigraphic sequence and is not record-ed before 4000 years BP. The limited extent ofsubsidence and the short time elapsed since itsinception confirm the lithological origin of theprocess, that in the last century was possiblyovertaken by man-induced subsidence originat-ed by irrational ground water pumping. On thecontrary, there is no evidence of a fault-inducedcontribution to the subsidence.

    Although negative net tectonic motion lo-cally affects the archeological area, the surfacemorphology of this section of the plain has re-mained almost unchanged, as active alluvialdeposition from the Crati and Coscile riverskept pace with subsidence. Local rates of depo-sition are relatively lower (1.5 mm/yr) at theStombi site where subsidence is not observed,and range between 2.5 mm/yr and 3.5 mm/yr inthe main archeological area. An increase inflooding events during the last eight centuries issuggested by twofold deposition rates at theCrati outfall closer to the sea. Finally, there isevidence of a general slowdown of the sedi-mentation following the Mid-Holocene flex ofthe fast trend of sea level rise.

    Therefore, the Holocene history of the Sy-baris Plain can be envisioned as the result of theprogressive eastward migration of the land-seaboundary. Such coastal progradation, mostlyoriginated by active alluvial deposition, hasbeen working in the area at a mean rate of ∼1m/yr since ∼7 ka, i.e. when the solid load de-posited at the mouth of the main rivers of thePlain (the Crati, Coscile and Raganello rivers)started prevailing on the recovery of the Mid-Holocene sea. This process is confirmed by ev-idence of striking changes in the surface hy-drography originated by the Crati and Coscilerivers, that in the past 2.5 kyr gave place to pe-riodic floodings and cyclic fluvial captures. Inaddition to sedimentation, it is suggested thatregional uplift also provides a minor contribu-tion (≤0.05 m/yr) to coastal progradation.

    Because of the migration of the land-seaboundary, sites that were previously submergedquickly became attractive for human settlement(stable locations, close to the coast and next tothe navigable mouth of a river) about 3000years ago. But only a few centuries afterwards

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    and because of the same process those samesites were isolated, located inland from thecoast and buried several meters beneath theground. The ancient, wealthy Sybaris was oneof these sites.


    Thanks to the Associate Editor of the Jour-nal, Dr. G. Scalera. Thanks also to F.R. Cinti, U.Fracassi and A. Tertulliani for having read andcorrected a first draft of the manuscript. I amgrateful to Dr. P. Montone and to an anonymousreviewer for constructive criticism and com-ments on the paper.


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