Page 1: home; great grandson of a friend of Donna Jansen; Dori you travel and stay in a motel or hotel and do not use your shampoo,


Christian sympathy is extended to the family of Ruth King who passed

away on January 1. Her funeral was held this past Friday at First Presbyterian.

Church Chix meets on January 9 at 6:00 p.m. at Gippers. Sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.

The annual youth ski trip will be held January 26-27 and we hope you will join us! Details are still being worked out, so watch our Facebook page and/or our website for updates. And let Loni McCormick or Bobbi Holl know if you are interested in attending.

The Outreach Committee reminds everyone of the drive to collect winter

items for the kids at Tank Elementary School. First Pres aims to keep those kids cozy with a collection of hats, mittens, scarves, long underwear, jogging pants, jackets, snow pants, and boots - all of which can be gently used; as well as new underwear, socks, chapsticks, and tissues. Please place the items - by January 31 - on the table at the back of the sanctuary, we'll deliver them on February 1. Thank you!

You could be the next Souper Bowl of Caring King or Queen of First

Presbyterian Church by entering your favorite soup on Sunday, February 4 (Super Bowl Sunday)! Soups will be served and voted on during a luncheon after worship. Last year, the Souper Bowl of Caring raised $471 for the Pantry! Please consider entering your best soup and join us for our luncheon to support this worthy cause.

There will be no Sunday School during the month of January. For Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth Grade - join us February 11 at 10:00 a.m. We use Bible stories from the Revised Common Lectionary, age-appropriate learning activities, and challenge our children to put their faith into action and grow in their self-understanding as Christians.

If you travel and stay in a motel or hotel and do not use your shampoo, conditioner, lotion or bar soap, please bring them back and give them to the Pantry if they are not opened. They will be gift wrapped for distribution. They are also looking for toothbrushes and toothpaste.

UPCOMING EVENTS January 26-27 Youth Ski Trip February 4 Souper Bowl of Caring February 11 Sunday School Begins


Henry Akerboom, Moraine Ridge; Ginney Amen, Woodside Oaks; Don Carmichael, Froedtert Hospital; Allen Collins, Manor One; Cathy Crelin, friend of Nina and Don Lundin; Marje Crowl, home; Johnny and Tracie Davis, home; Gladys Dehne, friend of Leah Mott; Loren Dunn, home; Marjorie Holmes; Meredith Ingram; Lauren, Connie’s friend; Ben and Rita Mach; Maureen McCotter-Grun, fr iend of Donna Jansen; Carol Mickelson, home; Lauren Miller, great niece of Mary Ginnebaugh; Derek Morrissey, great grandson of a friend of Donna Jansen; LuAnn Nelson, daughter-in-law of Dori Nelson; Ginny Nixon, home; Bob Olsen, former member; Iner Osgood, home; CJ Olson, South Korea; Kathryn P, friend of Donna Jansen; Richard Parkinson, home; Pat Piaskowski, home; Cathy Rennells, home; Rosa, Connie Greenawald’s cousin; Sherry, sister of Connie Greenawald; Tom, friend of Connie Greenawald; Heather, Megan Siewert’s sister; Marian Turk, Verona; John and Marilyn Van Langendon, home; Keith Wallace; Vivian Wallace, home; Peggy Wolfe, Renaissance; Uraba Presbytery and churches in Colombia, South America; the churches in Gnozdovo and Yartsevo, Russia.


Today Hispanic Pentecostal Church 1:00 p.m. Home Communion 1:15 p.m. Monday, January 8 Finance and Administration Committee 6:00 p.m. Stewardship Committee 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 9 No Staff Meeting Food Pantry 10:00-12:00 Early Headstart/Afternoon 3:00 p.m. Church Chix at Gippers 6:00 p.m. Christian Education Committee 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, January 10 Youth Group 6:30 p.m. Thursday, January 11 Basic Cooking Techniques LLI 9:00-12:30 The Commoners 11:00 a.m. Esther Circle 1:00 p.m. Sunday, January 14 Chancel Choir Rehearsal 8:45 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. No Sunday School Hispanic Pentecostal Church 1:00 p.m.

Page 2: home; great grandson of a friend of Donna Jansen; Dori you travel and stay in a motel or hotel and do not use your shampoo,


January 7, 2018 10:00 A.M.

Bold indicates congregational participation *Indicates congregation standing, as you are able.


GATHERING MUSIC “Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern” Georg Phillip Telemann “As with Gladness Men of Old” – Wilbur Held “He Comes to Us As One Unknown” – Michael Burkhardt WELCOME

MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS PRELUDE “Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern” – Johann Rinck LIGHTING OF THE CHRIST CANDLE Jane Bies *CALL TO WORSHIP…………………………………………………Jane Bies In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The Spirit of God swept over the face of the waters; then God said: “Let there be light, and God saw that it was good. At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus was baptized by John. The heavens opened, and the Spirit descended like a dove; then God said: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Let us worship God. *PRAYER OF THE DAY………………………………………………Jane Bies God of heaven and earth, we gather in the name of Jesus to hear your holy Word and to be immersed in your Spirit. Speak to us with grace and truth and pour out your love upon us so that this place may resound with joyful shouts of glory; through Christ our Lord. Amen. *HYMN #159……………………………………"O Sing a Song of Bethlehem" TIME WITH THE YOUNG CHURCH Pastor Randy

CALL TO CONFESSION………………………………………………..Jane Bies PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) ………….…………………….Jane Bies God of all glory, you look from heaven and see us as we are—not worthy to kneel at your feet, not ready to welcome your way. Forgive us, gracious God. In Christ, stoop down to save us; loosen the ties that bind us to sin and set us free to love and serve you. Amen. SILENT PRAYER OF CONFESSION WORDS OF ASSURANCE *RESPONSE IN SONG #137 He came down that we may have love; he came down that we may have love; he came down that we may have love; hallelujah forevermore. *THE PEACE Jesus said: “As the Lord has forgiven us, let us also forgive one another.” The peace of the Lord Jesus be with you. And also with you. We exchange signs of peace.


CHANCEL CHOIR “I Want to Be More Like You” PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION…………………………………………..Jane Bies GOSPEL READING……………………………………………Mark 1:4-11 (Pg. 34) This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, O Christ. SERMON “The Baptism of Jesus” Pastor Randy Argall


*HYMN #490…...………….………..."Wash, O God, Your Sons and Daughters"



THE GREAT PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. It is a right and joyful thing to offer thanks to you, O God… And so with the hosts of heaven we join the everlasting hymn of praise: Hymn #572 You fill our world with glory and light… we offer you our lives in thanks and praise, in unity with Christ our friend and Lord. Hymn #573 Send your Holy Spirit on us here… Through Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor are yours, Almighty God, now and forever. Hymn #574 THE LORD’S PRAYER, pg. 35

SHARING OF THE BREAD AND THE CUP (It is our custom to eat the bread when served and partake of the cup together. Gluten-free bread is available in each tray. The cup contains grape juice.) PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION God of abundance, with this bread of life and cup of salvation you have united us with Christ, making us one with all your people. Now send us forth in the power of your Spirit that we may proclaim your redeeming love to the world and continue forever in the risen life of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. INVITATION TO THE OFFERING………………………………………..Jane Bies OFFERTORY MUSIC “Echo Carol” – John Marsh *RESPONSE #717 For the life that you have given, for the love in Christ made known, with these fruits of time and labor, with these gifts that are your own: here we offer, Lord, our praises; heart and mind and strength we bring; give us grace to love and serve you, living what we pray and sing.

*PRAYER OF DEDICATION………………………………………….Jane Bies

SENDING *HYMN #303…………………………"God the Spirit, Guide and Guardian"

*CHARGE AND BENEDICTION *POSTLUDE “Chorale Prelude on Puer Nobis” – Franklin Ritter


Reader: Jane Bies Audio: Dave Solper Lock Up: Stewardship Committee Ushers: Bill Klass and Harland Merrell Nursery: Judy Exl Choir Director: Allan Russell Organist: Robert Nickel Greeters: Kevin and Patty Kabacinski WELCOME

We welcome families with children and infants to worship. Worship bags

with activities are available for children in the narthex. If your child becomes uncomfortable during worship, please feel free to leave the sanctuary and return at an appropriate time. Our nursery is room 205.

Assistive Listening Devices are available for the hearing impaired. We have two kinds: ear speakers and neck loops (for T-coil compatible hearing aids). Speak to the audio person for help.

Pastor Randy can be reached after hours either by phone at 309-2761 or by email at [email protected]. You can also leave a confidential voicemail at the church’s number, 437-8121, ext. 113.

We ask guests (and members) to sign our friendship pad. Guests please include your address and phone number. If you are sitting at the end of your pew, please tear off the sheet and place it in the collection plate. We greatly appreciate your assistance.

Stewardship Notes

Thank you for all that contributed to the Christmas Joy Offering. A total of $395.00 was given. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this special denominational offering.

The Pantry requests jars of jelly in the month of January. Please place the jar in the shopping cart in the back of the church. Per Capita for 2018 is $35.43 and payments from confirmed members are due by March. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is able to do its mission and ministry work thanks to the generous financial support of individual members and congregations who make up the larger church. It has been said that per capita apportionment is like a utility bill just as we pay for heat, light, water and telephone to remain connected to the utility systems which benefit us all. You may pay your per capita online or use the pew envelopes (please designate “per capita”). Thank you.

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