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  1. 1. Home Remedies By: Jose Moreno & Irving Lopez1
  2. 2. Home Remedies for Acne Everyone wants clear skin, below we show you four home remedies for acne that actually work. Tomatoes/Tomato Pulp: The acidity in tomatoes helps skin dry up acne. Plus the tomato has vitamins (A,C and K) and lycopene, which can be found in many acne healing medications. All you hav+e to do is grind or mash up the tomato into a pulp consistency and apply like a facial mask. You can also, slice one open and simply place it on the problematic areas of your face. But you must repeat the process regularly and you'll begin to see the difference.Honey and Cinnamon: Honey is an unprocessed antibacterial agent that kills bacteria and eliminates acne. And cinnamon has beneficial properties from essential oils in cinnamon bark, allowing it to be an anti-clotting and anti-inflammatory agent to the skin. You need to combine the two and create a face mask to aide your skin in repairing damage. 2Lemon Juice: We all know how lemons are very high in acidity. Not only does this allow pimples to dry out, but it also kills acne bacteria. Lemon is known to provide a calming effect to the skin and the vitamin C content maintains healthy and glowing skin.BeforeAfter
  3. 3. Upset Stomach Whether you're gassy, constipated, nauseous, or have indigestion, you should try these home remedies to make an upset stomach feel better. Rice Tea : To get rid of an upset stomach or stop diarrhea, make a rice "tea." First you boil 1/2 cup of rice in six cups of water for about 15 minutes. Then you strain out the rice, after you flavor the water with a bit of sugar or honey and drink it warm.3Heating your Stomach: All you have to do is place a hot water bottle or heating pad on your upset stomach. The heat increases blood flow to the skin surface and transfers the perception of pain from inside your stomach to the outsideCRAP Diet: Crap Diet stands for "cherries, raisins, apricots, and prunes," which are all fiberfriendly foods that should get your system moving and ease your upset stomach. So if you're feeling constipated, try the CRAP diet.CRAP Diet Example
  4. 4. Headache We have all gotten head ache at least once in our lives and we know how bad and painful they can be. Here are a few home remedies you can try at home to handle a head ache 4Peppermint and lavender oils footbath: Basically the hot water draws blood to your feet, easing the pressure on the blood vessels in your head. Also by adding a few drops of peppermint and/or lavender essential oils, the aroma will provide soothing relief. Brew chamomile tea: All you have to do is put one chamomile tea bag to a cup of boiled water. Next allow to steep, covered, for 10 minutes. You could sweeten with honey, if. Then take a few minutes to sip the hot tea slowly while sitting in a quiet spot. Chamomile tea is said to have compounds that help ease pain and relax you. Thyme and rosemary oil head rubs:Researchers discovered that thyme and rosemary oils contain carvacrol, a substance that acts as a COX-II inhibitor, much like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, do. For this home remedy you basically, dab a drop or two of thyme or rosemary essential oil on your forehead and on each temple. Then you rub gently into the skin, and sit quietly for several minutes to let this home remedy work.
  5. 5. Sore Throat Most of the times a sore throat can be the first sign of a cold. Fluids: Simply Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated is very important, especially when you're sick and your throat is irritated or inflamed. You should be drinking enough fluid so that your urine is light yellow or clear. This keeps your mucous membranes moist and better able to combat bacteria and irritants like allergens, and makes your body better able to fight back against other symptoms.5Saltwater gargle: . You simply need to dissolve a half teaspoon of salt in one cup of water. Then you just simply gargle the liquid, but remember to spit the water out after gargling. If you dont like the salty taste you could add a small amount of honey to sweeten the mixture. Studies have shown that gargling warm salt water several times a day can loosen mucus, helping to flush out irritants or bacteria and reduce swelling in the throat.Tea: Non-herbal teas whether they're made with black, green, or white leaves contain antioxidants which strengthen immunity and ward off infection. A warm cup of herbal tea can offer immediate, soothing relief for a sore throat. To boost the effect you could add a teaspoon of honey. Honey has antibacterial properties that may help you heal faster.Infected Sore Throat
  6. 6. Fever A fever is a part of the body's defense against infection. Although a fever is not an illness, if it exceeds temperatures of 104F, it can become very dangerous. Here are 5 remedies you can try at home to cure you fever. Sponge down: If you dont feel like showering you could just use a moist towel to cool off instead . You simply soak small towels in cool water and dab them over your body. Leave a cloth on your forehead to soothe any discomfort caused by the fever. Just like the bath you will benefit from the further cooling by evaporation.Fruit diet: There are some nutrients in some foods can feed the bacteria that are causing your illness and the fever. This means its best to fast while you have the fever. Instead eat lots of fruits because they are packed with antioxidants which seem to reduce fevers.6Take a bath: A way you could stop and cool off a fever is by taking a cool shower or bath. The water will help cool the skin and will evaporate as you soak, cooling you even more.Keep Hydrated: Drink water frequently throughout the day. Your body needs plenty of liquids to fight the illness in your body, especially if you are fasting.This women is curing her fever using a home remedy method .
  7. 7. Cuts, Scrapes and Burns Cuts and burns can be really painful unpleasant and might take a long time to heal. Here are a few ways to help speed up the healing process at home yourself. Potatoes for burns: Immediately after you get burned cut a raw potato in half and place it on the burned area. The pain will be instantly relieved, and the healing begins. This works because potatoes are full of moisture which helps wick away the heat from your skin. They help moisturize the traumatized area this provides immediate relief, plus they contain several vitamins that encourage quick healing.7Cayenne Pepper for cuts: Cayenne pepper is incredibly high in capsaicin. It dulls the nerve endings and sends messages to the brain to slow down pain impulses, and it stop bleeding by clotting the blood. You just sprinkle some ground cayenne pepper on a bleeding open wound, then wrap a bandage around it. Leave this bandage on for an hour or two. The bleeding is stopped, and the pain is dulled.Honey for both: Honey is a great remedy for burns, as it helps bring out the heat, lessening pain. Its also moisturizing, so it will encourage the skin to heal faster. And for scrapes and minor lacerations, its a highly effective antimicrobial, which reduces the chances that cuts and scrapes will get infected. You just slather it on and wrap a bandage. Make sure to change the bandage every 4-6 hours until healed.
  8. 8. Heartburn For those who have experienced it, we know that nothing ruins a great meal like heartburn. Aloe: You should drink 1/2 cup before your meals, but look for brands that say the laxative component has been removed. Aloe vera juice reduces inflammation, so it quiets down any inflammation that is in the esophagus as well as the stomach.8Baking soda: You need to mix between 1/2 and 1 teaspoon of baking soda with a glass of water. Because it's a base, it helps neutralize heartburn. But avoid making baking soda your go-to remedy if you regularly have heartburn because its high in salt and could cause side effects like swelling and nausea.Chewing gum: To eliminate heartburn you can chew gum after a meal. Chewing gum stimulates the salivary flow rate, Any acid that gathers in the gut is washed away and cleared more quickly. The clearance of acid stops heartburn symptoms.Did you know that Heartburn doesnt really happen in the heart?
  9. 9. Bruises Bruises happen when you hit your self hard, blood vessels near your skin's surface break and blood leaks into the surrounding tissue. This causes a nasty looking black-and-blue mark which will remove on its own with time, here are some things you can do speed up the process. Leech: You can apply a live leech, it will remove the surface blood in a bruise in a few seconds. The leech's saliva also acts as a mild painkiller, so you won't feel the bite. To remove it simply apply rubbing alcohol or petroleum jelly. This is only recommended if you can be sure that the leech is farm-raised and free of disease.9Ice the area: By putting something cold on the bruise it will reduce swelling and help it heal more quickly. If you do this as soon as possible, so that you can stop the bruise from spreading so far. Wrap the ice bag in a towel or T-shirt, and lay it over the bruise.Rest: Its recommended to take the day off both to prevent further injury and give your bruise a chance to heal. Because working your muscles increases blood flow to that area.
  10. 10. How To Cure A Fever Video tch?v=01zs8673HyY10
  11. 11. Bibliography www.myhomeremedies.com11
  12. 12. THE END12

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