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Homeopathic Medicines for Influenza 

By Dana Ullman MPH, CCH


(Excerpted from Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants, Tarcher/Putnam)


NOTE TO READERS:  All homeopathic medicines are listed by their Latin names in order for manufacturers and users to be as precise as possible on the original source of the medicine. Please note that homeopathic medicines are legally recognized as drugs (usually "over-the-counter drugs," that is, drug that do not require a doctor's prescription due to their widely recognized safety).  Homeopathic medicines are most effective when they are prescribed for the unique syndrome of symptoms the sick person has, not just the name of the disease s/he has.  Because of the need for this degree of precision, the more knowledge the user has on how to select the individually determined medicine, the better the results with homeopathic medicines.   

To determine the best dose and potency, it is best to get a homeopathic guidebook such as the one listed above as the original source of this information.

To purchase INDIVIDUAL homeopathic remedies, you will need to call us at 510-649-0294.  We represent several leading American, British, and European homeopathic pharmacies.  Please let us know if you prefer your remedies from Hahnemann Labs, Helios, Boiron, or Standard.  Please let us know which potency or size of bottle you want (we generally recommend 6C or 30C for those people who are relatively new to homeopathy)...and you'll need to let us know whether you want pills/pellets or

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a "liquid dilution" (please know that only select homeopathic pharmacies sell liquid dilutions).  We can help you make some of these determinations on the phone, though we cannot provide advice on which remedy to get, unless you wish to pay for a short or long consultation with our owner, Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH. We will do all we can to serve you.



This information below is not only applicable to children but to most people with influenza.



Children with fevers higher than 103.5 degrees (orally) that do not respond to these remedies or general home care within six hours should obtain medical care. Infants less than six months old should receive medical care for any fever higher than 101.5 degrees. Infants less than two months old should receive medical care for any fever. Also, when a child has any fever with extreme irritability, lethargy, and mental confusion along with stiffness of the neck, seizures, recurrent vomiting, or labored breathing, seek medical care immediately.

ACONITUM: This medicine should only be considered within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms. These children experience a sudden onset of fever with chills. They become easily chilled from uncovering and get the chills shortly after getting in bed. They have a rapid and hard pulse, and either have a flushed face or one that alternates between being pale and being red.

ANAS BARBARIAE: Controlled scientific studies have proven this remedy effective in treating the flu. It is particularly

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effective if it is taken during the first 48 hours of onset of the flu. Some homeopaths consider it a generic homeopathic remedy for the flu, though other homeopaths find that it is primarily helpful when the flu has a rapid onset, bursting headache, a painful cough, or when flu symptoms begin after being exposed to a cold wind.

Arsenicum: These children have a rapid onset of a high fever, along with a weak but restless feeling. They are apt to have a concurrent headache, cold, sore throat, digestive disorder, or most commonly, diarrhea. They have great thirst but only for sips of water at a time. They are very chilly.

BELLADONNA: A distinguishing symptom of children who need this medicine is a flushed face and reddened mucous membranes, especially lips and gums. They have a sudden onset of high fever with a hot head and cold extremities. Parents can feel a radiating heat from the child's head. The children have a dry heat (without perspiration), a strong and bounding pulse, and may see hallucinations when their eyes are closed. They toss and turn in their sleep and may suffer from scary dreams.

BRYONIA: When children have a slow onset of a fever that is typified by body aches which are worse by motion, this medicine should be considered. These children have a great thirst for cold fluids. They are aggravated by warm rooms and warmth and prefer cool rooms and open air. They have a dry mouth and great thirst, especially for cold drinks. They tend to have a headache in the front part of their head which is aggravated by any motion. These children are irritable and are averse to sympathy.

Eupatorium perfoliatum.: A characteristic symptom of children who need this remedy is aching in the bones which is worse from motion. These children may experience chills at any time, but the chills tend to be worst in the morning between 7 and 9 a.m. and are preceded by a thirst and great soreness, especially

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of the back. Despite their chilliness, they crave cold drinks and even ice cream.

Ferrum phos: This medicine is primarily for the first stage of fever. The fever does not have the suddenness or intensity related to Aconitum or Belladonna, nor the degree of weariness of Gelsemium or the irritability of Bryonia.

GELSEMIUM: This is one of the most common medicines for influenza. These children suffer from great weakness and heaviness of the body. They are sometimes only able to open their eyes halfway because even their eyelids feel heavy. They have general achiness and a headache in the back of the head. They are aggravated by motion, not necessarily because it hurts to move but mostly because they feel so weak that motion exhausts them. They are also chilly and seek to stay warm. One of their unique symptoms is a sense of relief after urination. Another characteristic symptom is their lack of thirst. This medicine is also commonly effective for children who have lingering symptoms, especially fatigue, after having the flu.

INFLUENZINUM: This remedy can be taken once a month during the flu season to prevent onset of this condition. It is also helpful if a child has symptoms that linger after experiencing the flu.

Rhus tox: These children experience achiness and stiffness that is aggravated by rest or by initial motion and relieved by continued motion. Because of this relief from continued motion, they seem restless and toss and turn. Their fever and aches become worse at night and in bed. In addition to stiffness in the back or neck, they may feel aching in the bones. They may also have a dry cough or sneezing which is aggravated by cold or by uncovering. Their fever may alternate with chills. A rare but important keynote symptom of this medicine is a brightly red tipped tongue.


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Richard Robinson advises on the homeopathic treatment and prevention of this common winter illness

One of my first personal experiences of the effectiveness of homeopathy was shortly after I started the long course in homeopathy at the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital some years ago. I had been out for the day one Saturday, and on arriving home began to feel very unwell. I was shivery, hot and cold, with teeth chattering and feeling very weak. I dragged myself to bed with an inward groan, knowing that I would be unfit for anything for the next few days. I still had a clear enough head though, to think that since I was studying homeopathy, now would be a good time to see if these homeopathic remedies actually worked. Since my symptoms appeared to fit the Gelsemium picture I took a pilule of Gelsemium 30c followed by another one half an hour later, and then dozed off. I woke up after an hour and got out of bed – all the symptoms had completely disappeared! I was astounded! I had never had such an experience before – any previous time that I had had ‘flu symptoms like this, they would have been sure to last several days, with or without conventional treatment. I was very impressed!

Influenza is caused by infection with the influenza virus. Uncomplicated influenza is characterised by the abrupt onset of fever, chills, non-productive cough, muscle pains, headache, nasal congestion, sore throat and fatigue. It is usually diagnosed clinically. Not all people affected with the virus become symptomatic – the percentage of infections resulting in clinical illness can vary from 40 to 85 per cent, depending on age and pre-existing immunity to virus.

In temperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere, influenza activity typically peaks between late December and early March. The usual incidence of influenza virus varies yearly and depends partly on the underlying level of the population’s immunity to the particular circulating virus. One study in the USA found an infection rate with or without symptoms of 10 to 20 per cent a

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year, with the highest infection rates in people under 20 years old. Attack rates are higher in institutions and in areas of overcrowding.

The influenza virus is transmitted from person to person through respiratory droplets disseminated during sneezing, coughing and talking. The incubation period of influenza is one to four days and infected adults are usually contagious from the day before the onset of symptoms until five days after the symptoms began. The signs and symptoms of uncomplicated influenza usually resolve within a week, although a cough and fatigue may persist.

Complications include otitis media, bacterial sinusitis, secondary bacterial pneumonia, and, less commonly, viral pneumonia and respiratory failure. Complications are also caused by escalation of underlying disease. In the USA each year, over 110,000 admissions to hospital and about 20,000 deaths are related to influenza. The risk of hospitalisation is highest in people 65 years and older, in very young children and in those with chronic medical conditions.

Homeopathy, however, has a lot to offer, both in the prevention and treatment of influenza. A homeopathic remedy which has been proven in clinical trials to reduce both the duration and intensity of attacks of influenza is Oscillococcinum (also known as Anas barb), which has been used in France for many years and can be bought at nearly any chemist in France. It is not licensed for sale over the counter in the UK but can be prescribed by a registered medical practitioner for individual patients.

The suggested treatment regime is:

At the start of an attack of ’flu, take a dose as soon as possible. Repeat two or three times at six hourly intervals.

For a well established attack of ’flu, take one morning and evening for up to three days.

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“Tailor-made” preparations “Tailor-made” ’flu preparations are produced by many homeopathic pharmacies. For example, one preparation contains the homeopathic dilution of the current influenza virus amongst other things, such as a combination of previous ’flu virus potencies. The recommended dosage is 30c three times per day once a fortnight during the ’flu season. Another example provides a combination of Influenzinum 30c and Bacillinum 30c. The recommended dosage is one dose a week, increased to once a day if in contact with influenza.

Although there are quite a few specific remedies for influenza, the following are the ones I have found most helpful.

GelsemiumThis remedy covers a large percentage of the ordinary, typical ’flu cases familiar to us all. Where often someone feels a bit out of sorts the day before, possibly a little headachy, a little feverish, a bit of vague pain: he goes to bed, does not sleep very well and next morning he feels rotten.

Gelsemium ’flu is rather slow in onset, usually coming on over six to eight hours and produces primarily a feeling of intense weariness. The patient is very dull and tired, looks bleary-eyed and sleepy, with heavy, drooping eyelids being a keynote of Gelsemium.

They feel hot and sticky, and yet have the sensation of little shivers of cold up and down their backs, as if someone had spilt a little cold water down their back. The Gelsemium patient tends to feel shaky, with a tremor in their hands noticeable when they try and lift something and they tend to get very shivery when exposed to cold draughts.

They tend to have an unpleasant headache that is usually throbbing, affecting the back of the head radiating into the neck and there is a generalised aching soreness in the muscles. Despite their sensitiveness and dry mouth, patients with

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Gelsemium ’flu are not usually very thirsty. This lack of thirst is another keynote of Gelsemium.

For potency and dosage I would suggest one 30c up to hourly in the acute stages, reducing the frequency as the symptoms improve, and stopping the remedy when the symptoms clear. This regime would be suitable for the following remedies as well.

BaptisiaI remember taking a telephone call from a patient whom I had been treating for another complaint to say that she had come down with the ’flu, and was there any homeopathic remedy that might help? On asking her to describe her symptoms she said that she felt very tired with her face flushing hot and the rest of her cold. She had throbbing pains in her head which shifted about, her face was flushed and she felt “all puffed up” with a pressure in her head, she found it very hard to concentrate, she said that she felt weird when she stood up, and felt drugged and dopey. I suggested that she try Baptisia. She told me at her next appointment that her symptoms had cleared after a few hours, and that she had been delighted at the response.

This is the classic picture of the Baptisia influenza – generally a more toxic situation than in Gelsemium the symptoms are more intense with mental confusion and feeling befuddled – their faces often appear puffy and swollen, their eyes are heavy, but with a congested, besotted look rather than the drooping eyelids of Gelsemium. Occasionally, one may even elicit the rather bizarre Baptisia keynote of “Feels he (or she) is scattered all over the bed and tries to bring all the pieces together again”.

Bryonia Another telephone call was from a patient whose son had just had to take to his bed with ’flu, again enquiring if a remedy might help. Here the picture was different again – he had shut himself away in his bedroom and was lying still just facing the wall, was irritable and unresponsive, and just wanted to be left

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alone (most unlike the usual junior invalid!). His thirst for large amounts of cold water confirmed the diagnosis of Bryonia and again a few doses of the 30c potency brought about a hasty recovery.

Eupatorium perfoliatum This is another remedy, which can be extremely useful in influenza. Here the most noticeable factor is the severity of the pains which are a severe ache involving all the bones of the skeleton – arms, legs, shoulders, back, hips and particularly the shin bones.

The pains develop very rapidly and the patient often says it feels as if the joints were being dislocated, or as if the bones were broken – it is that type of deep-seated severe pain. Associated with the pain, there is intense restlessness; the patients are always moving to try to ease the aching pain in one or the other of their bones.

Eupatorium patients are always chilly, feeling cold and shivery but paradoxically tend to be very thirsty for ice-cold drinks.

Arsenicum albumProbably the best remedy for “gastric ’flu” influenza with gastroenteritis, vomiting and diarrhoea is Arsenicum album. Here, the patient tends to feel worse between midnight and one o’clock in the morning and tends to have a fever, followed by chills and rigors. The face is hot and patients crave open air, yet the body feels chilled. They feel worse for eating and drinking, but are thirsty for small sips of water. There is a marked restlessness punctuated by collapse or prostration, and the patient tends to have the classical Arsenicum anxiety often out of all proportion to the severity of the symptoms. The sufferer wants company at all times.

Homeopathy, therefore, can be extremely effective in both the prevention and treatment of influenza and as always, is a cheap and safe alternative to the allopathic approach. Perhaps homeopathy should be the approach promoted in the National

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Health Service for the treatment of ’flu rather than the new and very expensive anti-viral drugs that are coming into vogue!

Richard Robinson MB BCh BaO DRCOG MFHom has been practising homeopathy for 11 years. He works at the Nature Cure Clinic in Central London and in private practice at Amersham, Bucks and Boots in Milton Keynes.

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(A Maceration of a Typical Tuberculous Lung introduced by Dr. Burnett)

Has been employed successfully in the treatment of tuberculosis; its good effects seen in the change of the sputum, which becomes decreased and more aerated and less purulent. Many forms of chronic non-tubercular disease are influenced favorably by Bacillinum, especially when bronchorrhea and dyspnea are present. Respiratory pyorrhea. The patient expectorates less.

Bacillinum is especially indicated for lungs of old people, with chronic catarrhal condition and enfeebled pulmonary circulation, attacks of suffocation at night with difficult cough. Suffocative catarrh. Tubercular meningitis. Favors falling off of tartar of teeth. Constant disposition to take cold.

HeadIrritable, depressed. Severe, deep-in headache, also as of a tight hoop. Ringworm. Eczema of eyelids.

AbdomenAbdominal pains, enlarged lands in groins, tabes mesenterica. Sudden diarrhea before breakfast. Obstinate constipation, with offensive flatus.

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RespiratoryOppression. Catarrhal dyspnea. Humid asthma. Bubbling rales and muco-purulent expectoration. Note. This muco-purulent expectoration of bronchitic patients is equally poly-bacillary; it is a mixture of diverse species and hence Bacillinum is truly indicated (Cartier). Often relieves congestion of the lungs, thus paving way for other remedies in Tuberculosis.

SkinRingworm; pityriasis. Eczema of eyelids. Glands of neck enlarged and tender.

ModalitiesWorse, night and early morning; cold air.

RelationshipAntimon iod; Lach; Arsenic iod; Myosotis. Levico, 5-10 drops, follows as an intercurrent where much debility is present (Burnett).

Complementary: Calc phos; Kali carb.

Compare: Its effects seem to be identical to that of Koch's Tuberculinum. Both are useful in the tubercular diathesis before phthisis had developed. In the early stages of tubercular disease of glands, joints, skin and bones. Psorinum. Seems to be its chronic equivalent. Bacillin testium acts especially on lower half of the body.

DoseThe does is important. Should not be given below the thirtieth and not repeated frequently. One dose a week often sufficient to bring about reaction. It is rapid in action, and good results ought to be seen, otherwise there is no need of repetition.

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Tuberculinum and Bacillinum

Posted by Dr Deepak Sharma on April 10, 2012 at 12:00am

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(A Nosode)


Originator of this nosode was Swan, but its therapeutic importance and recognition was given by Burnett.  In 1882, German physician Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch discovered that a preparation of dead Tuberculinum bacilli obtain from the infected pus of lungs could be used to prevent and treat tuberculosis (TB). Between 1885 and 1890, James Compton Burnett conducted a series of experiments using lung tissues infected with Mycobacterium tuberculi from tubercular patient and proved as a homeopathic remedy named Bacillinum, which is used to treat ailments that affect the respiratory tract. Many writers say that there is clinically no difference between Tuberculinum and Bacillinum but it’s not true and I will explain in the last of this lecture.   

Miasmatic Background

It belongs to tubercular miasm. This miasm is a cross link between the Psoric miasm and the Syphilitic miasm, and the

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combination makes a tubercular personality. Other remedies for tubercular miasm are Baryta phosphorica, Calcarea phosphorica Phosphorous, Pulsatilla and Zincum metallicum.

Mental Generals

A combination of psora and syphilis makes the tubercular miasm the Tuberculinum patient can be in real terms called as a wanderer, a nomad. Always keeps on changing, change everything like change places, change doctors, professions etc. that gives a keynote of Tuberculinum that is “DISSATISFACTION”. The only thing that is present on the mouth of these persons is that I want to go somewhere (desire to travel), do something different but when they achieve the things they refuse it. These people are very anxious; there is a strong feeling of discontent whereby the individual can’t ever seem to get settled. They may feel that they are never fulfilled, and they shape their behaviors accordingly. This can evolve into malicious or destructive behavior. Tends to be very intense in nature. They have a constant sense of yearning meaning they are constantly looking for stimulation and a way to make necessary changes. This thought process and behavior may involve changing partners or jobs quite frequently. Tends to be destructive in their behavior, often times because they are working towards a means of fulfilling their need to constantly change things. Contradictory characteristics of Tuberculinum are irritable, insomnia, mania and melancholia sometime depressed sometime cheerful, FEAR OF DOGS AND CATS, desire to use foul languages, curse and swear every time.


Some peculiar symptoms/sensations of Tuberculinum-

As if brain were squeezed with an iron ring.

As if teeth were jammed together and as if there were many teeth in the jaw.

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As if clothes on the back were wet.

Catch cold easily.

Desire to travel.

Desire for meat and sometime for fat.

Great weakness in limbs after dinner.

Shivering when beginning to sleep.

Cold feet in bed.

Sensitive to music. Crushed he would be, everyone is rushing by

 Fear buried alive being.

 Enlarged people are

 People behind him

 Room too large

 Strange everything is

 Delirium that he is ugly

 Dreams shameful

Physical Generals


Headaches with intense neuralgias, everything seems strange, Intense pain, as of an iron band around head, Meningitis. When critical discharges appear, sweat, polyuria, diarrhea.


Persistent, offensive discharge, Perforation in membrana tympani, with ragged edges.

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Desire for meat, All-gone, hungry sensation, Desire for cold milk.


Early-morning, sudden diarrhea, Stools dark-brown, offensive, discharged with much force.


Benign mammary tumors, Menses too early, too profuse, long-lasting, Dysmenorrhea, Pains increase with the establishment of the flow.

Coughs and Acute Bronchitis:

Cough is dry and associated with fever, pain felt in the lungs, and the lymph glands in the neck are enlarged. If bronchitis is present, there is often a shortness of breath, wheezing, and a persistent and painful cough. Shortness of breath, even with plenty of fresh air, Longs for cold air. Broncho-pneumonia in children. Hard, hacking cough, profuse sweating and loss of weight, rales all over chest. Deposits begin in apex of lung .

Arthritic Pains:

Limb pains that move from one part of the body to the joints tend to get tired easily and are sore or restless a majority of the time.

SleepPoor; wakes early. Overpowering sleepiness in daytime. Dreams vivid and distressing.

FeverPost-critical temperature of a remittent type, here repeat dose every two hours (Macfarlane). Profuse sweat. General chilliness.

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ModalitiesWorse, motion, music; before a storm; standing; dampness; from draught; early morning, and after sleep. Better, open air.

Dosage selection

Burnett recommended it to be given in high if there is a strong tubercular element in the case.

Complementary: Psorinum, Sulphur


Tuberculinum should not be given without a most careful cardiac examination.


Differences between Bacillinum and Tuberculinum….

BACILLINUM1. A HOT patient2. More acute in nature3. Transudative, rather dryness is more marked.4. Patients sweat negligible5. Less expectoration6. Patient may be toxic like Baptisia and Pyrogen7. Purulence more, marked, bronchial secretion threatening to occlude the lungs (Dr.Cartier)8. More suffocation9. There is mixed infection.10.No wasting so far been observed.11.Good looking & backward in nature, frightened particularly by dogs(Dr.J.H.Clarke) A case of insanity with pityriasis yielded rapidly to the remedy (Dr.J.H.Clarke)12.Non allergic, herpetic eruption may be cancerous one. Ring wormparticularly over the scalp is suggestive.

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13. Preferably used in children, adult in few cases may be helpful14. Worse in wet weather mostly.15. Mainly sycotic miasm in the back-ground.16. Pre-tubercular diathesis.

TUBERCULINUM1. A CHILLY patient2. More chronic in nature3. Exudative in character.4. Patient is sweaty one5. More expectoration6. Patient is non toxic like Sulph Psorinum, Rhus Tox etc.7. No such8. No such9. There are many infections like carcinosin10.Wasting is the key note (Abrot iod.)11.Patient is blond(Phos, Puls) intelligent, sharp, aggressive,irritable fretful. Malicious, selfish, prefers any artistic activity likeclassical and melodious music drawing, painting, drama etc. cosmopolitani.e. wants to travel (Calc. P, Merc.S)12.Allergic, erythematous and eczematous eruption, plica polonica.13. Mostly used in adult but in some cases children get help from it.14. Worse in dry or wet weather.15. Mainly Psora-sycotic miasm back-ground16.Tubercular diathesis.

Written By: Dr. Deepak Sharma and TEAM

Orbit Clinics

(A growing network of Super specialty Homeopathic Clinics)

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