Page 1: Homoeopathy and the Digestive System for Animals

Digestive Upsets

Starting at the top, vomiting remedies are similar to those for humans, Arsenicum being the

usual remedy. Phosphorus is often indicated in animals, because the patient vomits a little while

after eating, but is generally bright, has no lack of appetite, and often happily consumes the vomit

again, only to be brought up a little while later, a symptom not often seen in humans!

A spot of blood in the vomit also can indicate Phosphorus. If vomiting and/or constipation is due

to eating rubbish or raiding the pantry, then Nux vomica is indicated. Vomiting can be treated at

home when the animal is keeping water down, and is better in 24 hours, otherwise a trip to the

vet is needed.

Diarrhoea often responds to Arsenicum. There are many other

remedies for diarrhoea, but with animals I would look at correcting the

diet next. Milk is a common cause (due to lactose intolerance), cereal

(pasta, bread) and cheap dried food.

There are two main remedies for constipation, Nux vomica when there is straining to defecate

and discomfort, and Bryonia when the animal is not straining, but has been noticed to not have

gone recently and is maybe off its food a bit. A pinch of psyllium to each meal is a great way to

prevent constipation. If no results in three days, then an enema at the vet may be needed.

A problem (possibly?) more common in animals than in people is flatulence. Here the prime

remedy is Lycopodium, but a common reason also is cheap dried food and any cereal in

general for dogs and cats, so try a no cereal diet (see Clare’s website articles section, Natural

Diet for Dogs and Cats).

Animals in your family can be as sensitive to the emotional issues that can arise as everyone

else and this can affect their digestive system. Consider remedies such as Ignatia, Phosphorus,

Lycopodium and Pulsatilla, which can be a great help if indicated.

Written in conjunction with Dr Clare Middle who runs a natural therapies only veterinary practice

in Bibra Lake. Ph: 08 9494 1243,

Books and Info Sheet: For more remedy info on treating your animals with Homoeopathy,

download and print our Animal Info Sheet, Digestive Upsets & Constipation Fact Sheet

or refer to our Homoeopathy for the Home Prescriber Book or eBook. We also have excellent

Homoeopathy for Animals Books and Free Information available through our website.

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