Page 1: Honors Student Lesson Plan Template

Miss Lefsky

English 9H

Team Lesson Plan Template: du Maurier’s “The Birds”

Text-to-world & text-to-text connections

Team member names:

Plans for Thursday & Friday, December 12th and 13th, 2013

Unit: du Maurier’s “The Birds”: Why the apocalypse? Studies on man’s relationship with nature past, present, and the future

Core Content Standards:

RI.9-10.2. Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.

RL.9-10.7 Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic mediums, including what is emphasized or absent in each treatment (Central idea connection between “The Birds” and your text-to-world/text-to-text piece)

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Board Necessities:

Essential Questions:

Lesson Title: “

Do Now:

Central idea that your assigned piece from The Kinsky Times and du Maurier’s short story share (can be selected from your debriefing packet from last week):

Objective of the Lesson:

Students will be able to:

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Procedure: (Describe the step by step events that will transpire in this lesson as well as the teaching tools to be utilized (in the form of appropriate media, film clips, power point, worksheets, art, music, class discussion etc.))




Team “You be the teacher” scoring sheet:

1. The team submits 1 comprehensive lesson plan that includes essential questions, the common central idea, a title, a do now, a student objective, and that outlines the step-by-step activities that will transpire

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2. The team engages and interacts with the class as they share knowledge about their assigned connection piece and the relevancy to “The Birds” unit.


3. The team makes a clear central idea connection between their assigned piece and a central idea that du Maurier appears to be exploring in her short story. The team uses specific details from each text in their lesson.


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