Page 1: Hot fuzz film opening analysis

Hot Fuzz

Solo Shariff - Hickey


Page 2: Hot fuzz film opening analysis

Extreme long shot is used in order to build suspense up for the

approaching character. The lighting is also used to this effect as

he’s a silhouette, making him an enigma at this point; and both

make the character seem powerful.

You can hear the sound of his shoes once he reaches the Long

Shot to, again, build up more suspense for his reveal.

The camera eventually comes to a Medium Shot to add effect

onto the reveal of this characters face, it also highlights his stern

facial expression that shows the attitude and nature of this

character. Revealing who the actor is hints towards the genre as

Simon Pegg is known for comedy movies.

The camera zooms in to an extreme close up to highlight the

importance of this shot, as it’s the identity of the character; it’s

also when the voice over introduces him. The facial expression of

the man doesn’t change, from reality to photo, either showing

how he hasn’t changed his attitude since joining the police.

Page 3: Hot fuzz film opening analysis

The close up on the shoes resembles a sign of formality, how

they are shiny. It’s a sign of professionalism that reflects

aspects of his character.

He walks formal, another sign of professionalism. The

message of professionalism is added to by the voice reading

out a record of multiple distinctions and achievements.

This ECU is significant because the HF resembles Hot Fuzz

(the movie) and the 777 is relative as it’s a common religious

number. In several religions the combination of three sevens

resembles perfection, or something to that effect, resembling

how he’s meant to be the perfect police officer.

A pan shot is used with a soft focus in order to show how he

stands out amongst the other men he’s in the line up with.

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The long shot is used here to give the full scope of what the

lead and the other men in the line up work towards.

The medium shot is used in the fray of rapid movements with

a soft focus in order to show that, among all the other

candidates, he emerges first showing him as a clear prime

candidate over the other people in the training exercise.

The extreme long shot is used to a similar effect as it was

used before, it shows how it isn’t just the lead who is involved

in the task but you know that he is the most important of all the

people there.

The close up on his face, here, shows his stern expression

again, and is more effective because of how it’s just his eyes

that you see. There are also a lo of flashes in the transitions of

this scene to reflect how it is a violent training exercise.

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The use of subjective view is used at this point to make this

exam seem more intense, putting you in the position of being

one of the people who are taking the exam.

The match on action shot is used here to emphasise the

confidence of the character who had just finished this exam

The main character is put in the middle with the crest in the

background and holding an award. These props are used to

show how he is decorated amongst the other candidates and

clearly displays him as being the main character and most


Camera flashes are used for transitions as it zooms out from

the scene, demonstrates the amount of media focus on the

scene, adding weight to the spectacle and also making the

achievement of the main character seem more impressive.

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The medium long group shot is used three times in different

scenarios. This shows how he is well known among ordinary

people and is coupled with what the narrator says about him.

The camera focuses on the car interior in this shot in order to

reflect the speed of which the car is moving at. The blurred

background outside of the window is what demonstrates this.

The close up is used on his facial expression to reflect the humour

and obscurity of the situation at hand. This is another idea added

to with the narrators voice which describes a situation that seems

rather tedious.

The long shot is used here as it shows several different scenarios

that are all based around a common theme. The effect of the long

shot starting at the same distance and the position of it is

subjective filming to make you feel like you’re in the scene as well

as the other people on the benches.

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The medium shot is used on the line up, here, with a soft focus

on him to show how he’s significantly better than those around

him. It’s also another example of the narrator adding effect on

the scene.

The camera focuses onto a medium shot of this character to

reflect his importance to the scene, of a running record being

broken. It doesn’t focus on the character who broke it as it’s

more effective to show the impression he has on people by his

speed as he runs past in a blur.

The camera often returns to him walking through the police

station which shows how he as an objective in mind as he’s

walking through there, hence the formal stance while walking.

This shot is done through subjective view of the man running, it

is designed to show us how intense the situation he’s in actually


Page 8: Hot fuzz film opening analysis

This shot is used away from the door that the characters come

through to show the reactions of the people in the room, hence

the camera focus being primarily on the face of the man

nearest the camera. The shot also helps to show what the

situation is in the room, such as the two people taped up in a


The camera quickly transitions to the main character at a

medium shot to show his quick reaction as soon as he comes

into the room, and also displays the stern facial expressions

that he keeps up throughout the opening sequence.

This shot is another example of how the camera is coupled

with the narrator to demonstrate just how important the merit of

these achievements were.

Several ECUs are used on top of each other at this point to

reflect the amount of arrests made by the one character, it is

also used because of how it has a direct link to what the

narrator is saying at this point.

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The MLS is used here to show the character entering the office

which was most likely his destination the whole time. It also

demonstrates how he’s kept his formal composure the entire


The match on action shot is used here to reflect his

respectfulness, as he knocks first despite there fact he is most

likely expected.

The previous shot is also used as a graphic match because of

how it transitions to the next scenario and the relevance of his

hand to the following scenario.

The significance of this shot sums up several aspects of the

film. It shows why it is a 15 age certificate and also the genre

as a whole. It shows how it is a crime film, but with comedy

aspects, through the sheer laughable concept of a policeman

being stabbed in the hand by someone dressed as santa.

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The music throughout is upbeat, despite the serious nature the character tries to give off, this goes

to show how it’s a comedy and not as serious as the character would have the viewer believe.

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