Page 1: How California Safari Went From Zero to Hundreds of Leads Weekly

How California

Safari Began

Receiving 100s

of Leads Weekly

Page 2: How California Safari Went From Zero to Hundreds of Leads Weekly


> Website content was text-heavy and couldn’t hold leads’ interest

> Photographs were low-quality

> Website failed to establish the credibility team faculty had

When we first started working with California Safari, they had a strong but outdated website, with a blocky design and little graphic appeal. To appeal to their target audience - entrepreneurs, enterprising students,

and forward-thinkers, they needed an innovative and well-designed website.

California Safari was created to teach teenagers leadership through an innovative adventure program. The organization promotes an exciting environment that allows attendees to engage with an

extraordinary community and make lifelong connections while educating themselves for tomorrow.



Page 3: How California Safari Went From Zero to Hundreds of Leads Weekly


At Key Di�erence Media, our goal is not to just make your website look amazing - it’s to turn it into a valuable lead conversion tool that will power your campaigns, serve as a ‘center of operations’ for your brand and tell a clear, strong message to your target audience.

With California Safari, we focused on certain elements to convert hot leads and nurture those leads into a strong fanbase.


> Contact page needed to be developed for a higher response rate

> Site design was static and blocky

> Poorly placed lead capture, with no incentives

> No e�ective conversion process (to turn visitors into leads) and no process to nurture those leads

> Not mobile-friendly

Page 4: How California Safari Went From Zero to Hundreds of Leads Weekly


Here are just a few of the things we focused on:

Lead capture. By featuring an appealing o�er for the target market (an action guide to teen leadership programs), we were able to create a strong conversion funnel that took casual visitors into hot leads.

Mobile friendliness. We developed California Safari’s site with a responsive design that displayed well on all devices.

Social media integration. We provided share buttons in strategic areas across the site to encourage visitors to interact with California Safari through several platforms.

We worked with California Safari to build a visually-appealing, responsive website that kept a strong brand image and played to California Safari’s strengths.

Since California Safari’s focus was on building teens’ future, we gave them a forward-thinking website that took advantage of image sliders, interactive photographs, and video content.


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> Friendlier color scheme

> Visually appealing

> Mobile responsive design

> Video and other visual messages

> Sales Focused landing page

> Clear, enticing call-to-actions

> Increased credibility with a variety of well-presented testimonials, a developed faculty page, and a Recognition & Awards page.

Mr Key (Karnika Yashwant) brings a disciplined focus to any business - large or small - who wants

to make the most of the Internet. As co-founder of the People-Centered Internet, I had a lot of

choices for where to go for our youth experience offering at I was very

glad my business partner Denise O'Brien introduced us to Mr Key, and he has been the key to our

progress in outreach and we are working with him on developing meaningful interactions with

potential applicants for California Safari. I like his good judgement and his courage in advocating

for what he believes will work, gentle yet firmly, we are making progress with his guidance. As we

delve into our analytics to improve our offering, we can ask for no better guide than Mr. Key.

Mei Lin Fung, Co-Founder, California Safari.

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Mei Lin Fung, Co-Founder, California Safari.

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Is your website capturing leads and selling them? Or is it nothing but a

deadweight, taking valuable time and resources with

nothing to show for it?

Turn your website into a strong marketing platform that will

convert leads and sell your brand for you.

Get Started

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