Page 1: How did you use new media technologies in

4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I used new media technologies in all stages of my coursework. In the construction, I used video editing software ‘Adobe Premiere 10 to compile and edit my video. Using this software was not easy as it kept on freezing without us saving our work. However, once we knew this was going to happen, we made sure we saved our work so we wouldn’t lose it. After we got use to the problem, everything started running a bit smoother. We were confident in using the software and the different effects.

Page 2: How did you use new media technologies in

I used ‘Photoshop’ to airbrush some of the pictures on the CD digipak and the advert. I was very familiar with the software as I had to use it for GCSE media, to do my magazine, so I did know how to do some things on there. We also used to airbrush photos and to add backgrounds in. Paint was used to add the CD digipak together and to save it as a picture file. We also used Microsoft word to crop pictures out and to save our advert as a file also.

Page 3: How did you use new media technologies in

PowerPoint I used to create PowerPoint presentation to add to slideshare to put on my blog. When doing research and planning, I used the internet and it’s services like YouTube that offer me music videos that I can analyse using ‘Microsoft Word’. I also used ‘Wordpress’ to present my work electronically as a blog. I also used ‘Prezi’ to present some of my work on my blog. This shows that I’m capable of using a variety of different new media technologies.

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