



If you're struggling to lose weight, you're not alone. There is so much controversy around obesity and weight management that it's easy to become confused and frustrated. With all this misinformation, disinformation and outright nonsense being reported daily about weight issues, it's no wonder that the US is currently facing a national health crisis.

  That's why Michael Thurmond from the TV series "Extreme Makeover"

created the Six Week Body Makeover system. Michael has over 25 years of experience with using simple and effective dietary and exercise programs that really do give quick, tangible, and long-lasting weight loss results.


Q. Why does the 6 Week Body Make Over plan work?

  Because Michael realizes that everyone's body is different so he

designed a weight loss system that is completely tailed to each individual client's needs.

  So if you are tired of trying diet after diet after diet without seeing

lasting results, if you're done with eating prepared meals that cost a fortune and don't even taste good, if you've had enough of starving yourself to lose weight just to gain it all back again, then it's time to try a 6 weeks weight loss program that really works!


Q. How do I get started with the 6 Weeks Body Makeover?   The first step is to complete the questionnaire which will allow you to

determine your body “blueprint”. Based on your personalized results, you will develop a Custom Eating Plan which will include five to seven meals each day. A set of 6 week body makeover recipes are included to help you with your meal planning.

  Your meals will incorporate the correct foods to stimulate your

metabolism so that you can retain and gain muscle tissue while you lose body fat quickly, safely and naturally. And you will also set up a Fitness Program to complement your eating plan and supercharge your weight loss by doing precise, targeted exercises several times per week.


Q. What makes this program more effective than all the others I've tried?

The Six Week Body Make Over is the only 6 week body challenge that is based on Michael Thurmond's 4 basic principles:

"1. The only way to lose weight and change your body is through diet and exercise.

2. The only way to lose weight with diet is by eating more of the foods that work with your unique body.

3. The only way to change the body with exercise is not by killing yourself but to exercise correctly for your unique body.

4. The way the preceding three points are dealt with so that results are guaranteed is by customizing a program to the individual. No two people are the same. It will work because the entire program is customized to you! We know what works for each person."


Q. Does this weight loss program include any special foods or supplements?

No, one of the great things about this particular diet plan for losing weight is that you eat normal foods you already love, the kind you can find at your local supermarket. You don't need to spend your money on special foods and you certainly don't need any weird or expensive dietary supplements to meet your 6 week weight loss goals.

  After all, you already know what happens when you rely on those sorts

of fat loss gimmicks – as soon as you stop taking the diet pills and buying the prepacked diet food, your weight goes right back up. Why not stop that vicious cycle and try a system that is based on eating real foods to get real results?


Q. I have a medical condition or an injury. Is this 6 week weight loss plan suitable for me?

Before starting this or any other diet and exercise program, you should always consult with your doctor. If you are taking any medications, or have any known food allergies, be sure to review the your meal plan with your physician to make sure there are no foods that might interact with your medicines or trigger an allergic reaction.

If you have any physical restrictions, check to see if the recommended exercises are suitable, or if they need to be modified or substituted in order for you to work out safely.


Q. Does this program really work?

Honestly, the 6 Week Body Makeover will work if you will. How much you get out of it depends on how well you follow your meal plan and exercise program. While we can't promise you a beach body in 6 weeks, work hard, and you can also get great results:


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