
How does your media product represent social groups

How does your media product represent social groups

Jessica Pattrick


Social Group Defined

Front Cover Analysis

Contents Analysis

Double Page Spread Analysis

Competitor Comparison

Social group

A social group is a collection of people who interact with each other and share similar characteristics and a sense of unity.

New Affluent Workers and Emerging Service Workers: These are my two chosen social groups I feel fulfil the purpose of my pop-genre magazine effectively.

New Affluence WorkerThis class group is sociable, has lots of cultural interests and sits in the middle of all the groups in terms of wealth.

This class is youthful and economically secure without being well off.

They have high scores for emerging culture, such as watching sports, going to gigs and regularly using social media.

They do not tend to participate in highbrow culture such as classical music and theatre.

They are likely to come from a working class background.

Many of them will live in old manufacturing centres of the UK in the Midlands and North West.

They have an average house value of 129,000

Emerging Service WorkersThis class group is relatively poor but are young and have big social and culture lives, therefore the money they have is spent on music and arts.They have a relatively poor economic capital, but reasonable household income.

The emerging cultural capital is higher for this class than for any other class, indicating a high degree of cultural engagement in youthful musical, sporting and internet activities, but highbrow cultural capital is low.

Typical occupations include bar staff, chefs, nursing auxiliaries and assistants, assemblers and routine operatives, care workers, elementary storage occupations, customer service occupations and musicians.

They have an average household income of 21,000

They have a significant number of social contacts, who tend have moderate social status.

Front cover analysis

The name VIBE can be defined as:1. A person's emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others.OR2. Someone who enjoy oneself by listening to or dancing to popular music.OR3. To transmit or give out (a feeling or atmosphere).All of which visually link to my targeted social groups as new affluent and emerging social workers as theyre likely to go gigs, which relates to the second definition, and the atmosphere of gigs, which they attend, relates to the first and third.

My feature article photograph portrays a 17 year old girl who strongly represents the two social groups by her youthful image and choice of a sparkly dress which portrays the groups culture of clubbing and partying.

The bright and bold colours of my front cover represent my social groups as they can represent the bold colours of lights at clubs or parties which they would attend regularly. analysis

I designed my contents page purposely with this layout as I had considered the way that affluent workers and emergent service workers read articles due to them not being a highbrow culture. From this, I knew that they like to take there time a prefer more visual representations. Because of this I made my contents a double page but included lots of photos, almost one from every artist mentioned to make my page in general, very visual. However I also included a lot of information for each artist, so that my social groups can take there time to read about each artist if they wish too before reading the actual article.

I included the names of many different artists and band, and capitalised and bolded them, so that they stand out to my social groups which would draw them in as they are the types of people that my social groups would know and be interested in.

The picture of the artist on stage in the review column was placed purposely as my social groups are likely to go to concerts so would be interested in seeing reviews of concerts, that they might have even been at themselves.

Double Page spread analysis

The large photo on my double page spread shows a girl holding a guitar in a recording studio, this is appealing to my social groups as they are serious and passionate about listening music and making music, as is the star shown. The bright lighting and acoustic guitar in her hand portrays the magazine genre of pop. My article content is an interview of the star pictured about recording her new album and about going on tour. My social groups are people that are interested in new and upcoming music and music events so this would strongly appeal to them. The questions are in bold and underlined to make the article clear and simplistic for my groups to read and know what theyre reading about.

I included a Must Know column with facts and figures about the new upcoming album, such as where it was produced and who produced it as I know that my targeted social groups would not only be interested in the music itself, but also how it was created as they are serious about making music themselves. This gives them information on who they could contact if they were to try and produce something themselves, and also how to go around doing it.


Mixmag use bright colours such as bright pink which represents their social groups (New Affluent Workers) culture of partying and clubbing as bright colours connote their state of mind and energized way of life, as well as representing bold, bright lights of nightclubs where this social group would spend a lot of their time. There is a lot of negative space which is due to the social group not being a highbrow culture, so Mixmag have decided to keep it very simplistic and visual.

DJ magazine have a cover star that strongly represents their social group (New Affluent Workers.) As the cover star seems to be somewhere like a nightclub in this photograph the social groups can relate as it is a similar way of life to them. The stars facial expressions is a visual representation of how the group feel when theyre clubbing so can engage even more. As the group are passionate about this kind of music they probably know who Magda is, so therefore is someone that they can connect too but also look to as who they would like to be.

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