  • 7/27/2019 How God Expresses His Power



    Hebrews 3 verse 7

    1 Peter 4 verse 12

    James 1 verse 2 to 4 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for

    you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its

    full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

    Mathews 18 verse 6; But whoso ever offends one of these little ones

    St Luke 8 verse 18; having eyes, see ye not and having ears, hear ye not? And do ye not


    John 9 verse 1 to 3; the man who was born blind since birth.

    John 5 verse 5; And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years.

    John 11 verse 4 Lazarus sick

    Act 16 verse 16; Paul and Sillas in prison Because of the soul the prisoner

    Acts 28 verse 3 to 6 bitten

    Daniel 3 verse 8; Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego ; Daniel 6 verse 4

    Numbes 11 verses 1 to 5 Murrmuring of thechidren of Israel

    Numbers 13 the 12 messengers

    Numbers 14 verses 11 to 12 Gods anger is kindled

    Numbers 16

  • 7/27/2019 How God Expresses His Power


    PARADOX 0206

    10 See? We are wanting to know what is Truth, what is the hour that we're living.


    26 There's something about the--where you go, what church you go to, and what teacher

    teaches you. Do you know that? It--it's got something to it. Therefore, we ought to seek out

    the very best that we can find, so we're getting the best; not because it's sociable and so

    forth, but the real Bible teaching.

    Par 4 Hebrew Chapter 2

    35-14 Then you see, God doesn't deal with organizations. He doesn't deal with groups of

    people. He deals with individuals. He reveals Himself to individuals.

    And when God makes a--a promise in the Bible... (I see a man here in a wheelchair.) WhenGod makes a promise, He's guilty of that promise unless He brings it to pass. And God's

    guilty when He makes a promise. And the Scriptures are guilty until They're fulfilled. See?

    They're--they're right there as a--as a statement that God has made. And It's got to be

    fulfilled or God's guilty. See?

    38-32 And then when we see those things take place, that we do see take place and done, we

    should never let these things slip. We just let it go through our fingers. That's what's the

    matter with the great Pentecostal church today. They've let the very cream of the crop slip

    through their fingers, when they had it in their hands. But look what they done. They donelike the rest of the churches. "They've run in the gain--in the way of Korah and perished--in

    the way of Cain, and perished in the gainsaying of Korah."

    41-48And we ought to give the more earnest heed to these things which we... heard,

    lest anytime we'd... let them slip.

    48 God likes to fellowship with His people. But we won't stand still long enough for Him to

    fellowship with us. We're so busy skipping about from place to place, and so much...

    54 How shall we escape? If Elijah's voice brought destruction because he was a angel of the

    Lord, how will we escape when the Voice of Christ speaking too? Or how can we fail when

    you're prayed for, if it's the Voice of Christ? If Christ ordained His Church to pray for the

    sick, and the Church does what He says, He--for them to do, then how can it ever fail? It

    can't. You can fail, but it can't fail. And as long as you keep it, it'll take you through.

    If you fail, you fail by yourself; you just get away from the Word. But as long as you stay

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    with the Word, It can't fail. For the word of the prophets did so-and-so, how much more

    will the Word of Christ be?

    72 And to think, two thousand years has passed. Atheists has raised, and infidels, and

    skeptics, and agnostics. But today that same Jesus confirms His Word in the same manner by

    those who hear Him. "Hear Him" don't mean just to hear a sermon. That means, hear Him.

    74 And when we see Him come down to continue to confirm His Word, how shall we

    escape if we sucker to some church, or some organization, or denomination, or some little

    pet theory of our own. You'd better turn loose. For every sin received a just recompense

    under the angels, how much more when the Son of God is speaking from the heavens to

    make manifest His Word. How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? Oh, my.

    46-84 Certainly. How shall we escape if we neglect such? You neglect to eat, you'll die. You

    neglect to turn a corner, you'll wreck. If you neglect to milk the cow, she'll go dry. You

    neglect your teeth, you'll have to have them all pulled out. Certainly. You pay for your


    115 Oh, we need to seek the will of God, not the favor of your neighbor, not the favor of

    your children, not the favor of your husband or your wife; but seek the will of God. You do

    that first. Then everything else, the will of the wife and the will of the children, will fall right

    in with it. But place God first.

    72 But now we're going into deep water, deep water, where it'll make you drown if you--if

    you're not a good, fattened up Christian. 70 disciples

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    53 God has to give you a little something once in a while to kinda meeken you up a little,

    you know (That's right.), kinda make you realize that He's the Boss. Oh, isn't He wonderful

    (Yes, sir.), just glorious.


    You've got to have a battle. If everything comes lazy, why, you're... What are you

    overcoming? They overcome by the Word of God and their testimony, the Blood of Christ.

    You've got to overcome something, and you've got to have some obstacles. And people that

    different, and fuss with you, and tell you you're holy-rollers, and things, you--that's put

    before you, it's a trial. If you haven't got that, then you're not even in the battle. What did

    you join the church... What did you join the Army and get training for? To lay around, strutup and down the streets and show off? That's the way some Christians act, that we want to

    be looked up to. You ain't going to be looked up to. You're going to be looked down on.

    "For all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecutions." Pick up the Sword, cut

    everything free from you, and keep going on.


    138 God loves to bring you in trouble. He loves to put trouble down and see what you'll do

    about it. So He just stopped up the Red Sea, and the first thing you know, marched them

    right out into this place, then sent Pharaoh after them. See how God likes to do it? He lovesto display His power and love. He's God, and He just loves to show you Who He is. Amen.

    And the trouble of it is, today, people say, "Oh, them days is past." No. How can God

    display Himself, when you're taught such stuff as that? But God loves to manifest Himself

    God said, "What you so scared about? Didn't you believe what I did down there? What you

    so worried about? Why do you make Me angry?"

    When they got down there, Moses went out and interceded to God. God just opened up the

    Red Sea and they walked across; closed the enemy in. That's the way God does it. Don't get

    scared. Don't get all excited. Don't be flusterated. You provoke God.

    143 Could you imagine? God with His--with His sanctified, holy people, led them right out

    in this trap, then got them out of that trap and led them right out here where there's no

    water; when He could've took them some way, where there was water. Why, He could just

    made a river all the way along if He wanted to; He could've broke every mountain into joy,

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    spurting water fifty feet in the air, if He wanted to. Sure, He could. But if He done that, it'd

    been too easy. Oh, my, blessed be the Name of the Lord.

    108-144 "Why did God let this happen, Brother Branham? Why did God..." God's doing

    that. Let Him alone; just walk on. That's God's business.

    "The footprints of the righteous are ordered by the Lord." Yes, sir. What difference does it


    "Lost all my money, Brother Branham." Well, bless God anyhow.

    "Oh, I did this, and this happened, storm blowed in my house."

    Bless God anyhow. "The Lord give, the Lord taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord."

    Just keep walking on; it's all the glory of God; God knows what He's doing.

    156 Said, "If I closed the Red Sea behind and drown them Egyptians, can't I do something

    about this water? What do you make Me angry about? Oh, your unbelief, you provoke Me to

    anger, because of unbelief."

    161 When God does anything, He expects the nation to grab it. But instead of that, "You

    know, oh, well, I don't know about that." See? He expects the people to get it. If you're

    concerned enough, set down with the Scripture, go through it and search it back and forth,

    and see if it happened, if it's predicted to come to pass and so forth. Then you'll get it.


    166 But, look, that's what's the matter with this nation, today. Signs and wonders has crossed

    through this nation. What do they do? Continually turn their back on it. And He said, "I'll

    sware that I'll not let them enter into the land they started to."

    What's the matter with these big churches today? Their unbelief has provoked God.

    Hallelujah. He's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham. He tried to give the Gospel

    to them, and they hardened their hearts. They cult themselves, and they made little

    denominations, and "We believe this and nothing else." And God couldn't move in. Where

    they at today? Setting on a sideline.

    112-168 God's little faithful group is moving right along with signs and wonders. He's

    putting them to the test. Every son that cometh to God must first be tried and tested: child


    174 Don't you let this same Gospel, that was preached back yonder in signs and wonders,

    and the Pillar of Fire led them... And when these things go to taking place again, don't you

    fall by the wayside by unbelief, to go to doubting, for their carcass fell in the wilderness.

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    180 But now, we who are to move into a dispensation... And don't you harden your heart.

    Don't you act like they did in the days of provocation, when they provoked God. How did

    they do it? Not by living immorally.

    200 O God, open to us understanding. Let our understanding not be like the children of this

    world, for Thou hast said in Thy Word, "that the children of this world are wiser than the

    children of the Light."


    8 No one would have any more respects for John Wesley, Sankey, Moody, Finney, or

    Finney, Knox, Calvin, any of those men, than any of us ministers who appreciate men of

    God, that would have for those men. But you see, we're coming on up. We are not in that

    age. Each one of them served in a different age and in a different measure. We're serving

    God today in a different measure from what they were. If there is a tomorrow, there'll be an

    age, there'll be a Gospel for that age, that'll still advance until the whole thing is complete in

    God, and God becomes one with us.

    127 And when we take our stand, today, when men say these things can't happen, don't be

    fussing with them. That's wrong. Don't fuss with them, but pick up the Sword. Pick up

    what's... You look what's supposed to be this day, when God gave His promise for today.

    Pick This up and go; all the Goliaths will fall under It. It's a paradox. What God's doing

    today is a paradox. How He can, He, only God can do that. All right.

    141 Find out in the Word if it's supposed to be done, and then God's calling you to do it,

    and it'll do it. When you know that it's spoken in the Word to do it, and then God's called

    you to do it, then it'll happen; if your motive and objective is right to God. That's why

    visions take place, why things are going the way... You have to know, and know God

    promised it this hour.

    PROVING HIS WORD(65-0426)

    22 And the very same Spirit that lived amongst the early apostles is living in the church

    today, working the very same things. And as quick as we can recognize that... See, no matter

    how much it's a working, you've got to recognize that and believe that. It won't do one bit of

    good, until you do believe it. But the moment you believe it, your troubles are ended. That's


    82 I don't mean to say you have to separate yourself from peoples. But you have to separate

    yourself from all the gossip of unbelief, and stay away from that. When people says, "Aw,
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    those things don't happen. That's a bunch of lunatic people. There's no such a thing as that

    happening," just close up your ears and walk away. Don't pay any attention to it.


    And Satan can't hurt me then without hurting my Father. You can't hurt that little girl there

    without hurting me; I'll tell you that; can't hurt your children without hurting you. And then

    He's not willing that any should perish or suffer.


    He perverts it. That's what Satan is doing today with the real genuine (listen), to the real

    message of God. He perverts it, makes something else, makes it appear to be something that

    it's not.

    57-0228 A.GREATER.THAN.SOLOMON.IS.HERE_ PHOENIX.AZ THURSDAY_E-21 And always in all ages God has worked through His gifts, gifts of the Spirit. God in

    sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers through the prophets, but in this last

    day through His Son Christ Jesus. Now, noticing, God works in His gifts, and when God

    sends His gifts, those gifts always stand steadfast. They're always attacked by the devil, but

    they hold their color because they are from God. And all the attacks that Satan could put

    upon them will never move one.


    THURSDAY_Don't you think that God, seeing what Satan would be, what Satan would do, He gave to His

    children, and provided for them, the best thing that could be provided for them? To

    knowing what the enemy's attack would be, God fortified His children. See?

    51-0929 OUR.HOPE.IS.IN.GOD_ NEW.YORK.NY SATURDAY_E-11 Let's bow our heads. Heavenly Father, we thank Thee tonight, to know that the great

    Spirit of God which was upon the prophet Elisha, is on earth today still moving on down

    through the sons of God. The great Holy Spirit that was given at Pentecost is here tonight.

    And Thy children, many are weary and worn, been pushed about, all for their own good,their teaching, their child training, to bring them up in the admiration of the Lord. Trials

    worth more than silver and gold, but as it is written, "No chastisement is pleasant for the

    time being."

    But finally when Thy Church becomes to have its training, then they will become adopted

    sons , or placed sons, into the inherit of God which shall inherit all things and be equal in

    the powers and blessings as a Son of God , brothers to Him.

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    That is what Peter said. Is it strange that God wants us to develop a Christ-like character

    that comes through suffering? No sir. And we all have trials . We are all tried and chastenedas sons . Not one but goes through that. The church that is not suffering, and is not being

    tried, hasn't got it--it isn't of God

    Heb. 12:6,

    "For whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth. But if ye be without

    chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons ."

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