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How Magic Works 

Everything is energy. 

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change

form. Magic is a form of natural science, working with

energies, understanding them and directing them in

conjunction with the will of the practitioner to bring about

needed change.

All matter is made from protons, neutrons and electrons -

which in turn are made up of quarks - or vibration waves. We

use magic to send out a vibrational signal to the universe

to attract or repel energy depending on our desires.

Of course we do this on a daily basis every single day

through various means.

Verbal -“Can you get me a cup of coffee honey”


Written - well you’re reading this aren’t you. 

Non-verbal - Everyone remembers the ’stare of doom’ from an

angry parent, dressing to impress, fragrancing the home to

make it inviting etc.

All of these methods are designed to elicit a response. When

we cast a spell we are either sending a message e.g.

healing, banishing - or we are looking to receive a desired

response e.g. inspiration, love/friendship, prosperity etc.

In both cases, a magic spell is designed to create a signal

that will project or attract the required effect. By using

tools with a similar or complementary vibration we can

produce a stronger, more focused signal.

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An everyday example:

If we went for a job interview we would wear smart clothes,

choose a pleasant aftershave/perfume, apply neutral make-up

and adopt a professional demeanour.

All of these steps are usual in themselves, but combined,

result in a focused approach to the job interview – 

increasing the chances of success.

In magic the most common tools that are utilised are herbs,

crystals, rituals, the petitioning of deities, incense, oils

and colours to name but a few.

So how do we know this works?

Through thousands of years of experimentation, story telling

and record keeping, this information has been passed from

generation to generation. The simple truth is that if these

tools did not work, then their use would not be remembered.

Often referred to as correspondences, this information is

now readily available in books and on the internet.

Once the appropriate tools have been selected, they need to

be used in a way that harnesses the personal power of the


Many people ask 'How long will it take a spell to work?'

the success and/or failure of any spell depends on several

factors, so there is no concrete answer, but generally

spells take about 21-28 days to take effect, bear in mind

that the results may not been seen immediately.


*Moon Phase - the moon affects our planet, our bodies and

our moods, choose the correct phase for casting your spell.

New Moon to rid; Waxing Moon to increase gain; Full Moon for

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power, success and important spells; Waning Moon to rid

*Correct Material and Supplies - the supplies that you

use should correspond with each other e.g. candles, herbs,

oils; all of the ingredients and tools that you use should

have a vibration that is related to what you are trying to


*Mental Condition - You must have faith in yourself and

be in the right frame of mind to cast a spell. Your mood

should reflect the spell you are casting - for example you

should not cast a Love Spell when you are angry. Believe in

your work and have no doubts. You cannot expect a spell to

work if you do not believe it will.

*Universal Will - The Universe has a tendency to give us

what we need rather than what we want in life, so a spell

may manifest within days or after a couple of months.

*Re-enforcement - Before during and after your spell

remain positive about the outcome, this re-enforces the

energies you have already sent out. If you want an

employment spell to work, you need to go out and actively

seek employment - you cannot sit at home and expect a job to

drop into your lap, instead you need to HELP the spell by

giving it opportunities to manifest.

Positive thinking = positive outcome.

If after 28 days have passed and you feel you've seen no

outcome there is nothing to stop you from repeating the

spell; use divination techniques such as pendulum dowsing or

card readings to look for reasons why the spell may not have

manifested in that time.

It is important to keep records of your magical workings,

you will find these notes to be useful for future reference

and/or help you refine your techniques.

It is also important to remember the Law of Attraction i.e.

like attracts like - any energy that you send out will

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eventually return to you, so think carefully before sending

any destructive signals. T S Elliot put it perfectly when he

said “Do I dare disturb the universe?”

Before undertaking any magical act, ask yourself this

question and if you are unsure then go back to the books,

discuss the options with friends or forum members.

Pay attention to your personal energy and intuition, when

the time is right - send your magick, and let the universe


Feedback on this Lesson 

Blessed Be, Thank you for the Lesson Remembered. It’s

always refreshing to read a post like this. I copied and 

saved it for Future. Sending Love, Light and Peace, Blessed 

Be, Your sister, Becki  

I didn't have the words before to explain this and you

did it so well! 

Thank you for sharing! 

Blessed be. 


Recommended Reading 

Book of Spells – by Soraya 


Spells and Formulas by Ray Marlborough 

Cunningham’s Book of Shadows – by Scott


Real Energy by Bonewits/


True Magick, Beginner’s

Guide by Amber K 

Spell for Lesson 1 

Magic Peace Bath 

You will need:

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Rose Petals

Draw a bath for yourself.

Pour a tablespoon or so of milk into a large bowl of water

and say:

'Water ripples on the breeze...'

Add several rose petals (fresh or dried) to the bowl of 

water and milk.

Say: 'Thistledown flies through the air...'

Stir the water, milk, and rose petals with the index finger

of your right hand. Say:

'Silent as the mighty seas...'

Gently pour the mixture that you have created into the bath.


'Peaceful here without a care.'

Step in. Bathe for as long as you wish.

Let the water absorb negative thoughts and worries.

Allow yourself a few moments of healing peace.

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