
How much do you know about Greenwich, england

How much do you know about Greenwich, englandBy: Kaelee Fay

How Much Do You Know About Greenwich, England?By : Kaelee Fay Oct. 19 2010


The zero degree's latitude or the Prime Meridian passes through this land called, Greenwich, England. Prime Meridian

The Royal Observatory shown here is where lots of people go and find information. Royal ObservatoryLatitude and Longitude are invisible lines that pass through the earth.

Latitude And LongitudeGMT and GMATGMT (Greenwich Mean Time) helps you know what time it is an the time zones and also daylight savings time.GMAT or (Greenwich Mean Astronomical Time) also means the same thing as GMT. A Little Bit of HistoryGreenwich was divided into the two Poor Law Unions of Greenwich East and Greenwich West from the beginning of Civil Registration in 1837. Which is a marriage license.


HousingHousing in Greenwich is much like ours.

ConclusionGreenwich England is Famous for the line passing trough it or the Prime Meridian, and the Royal Observatory is also famous. We are just the same here and they are just like us with housing, colleges, and towns. Thank You For Watching Work Cited

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