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I have chosen to create a short presentation about moral strength, because a segment of people - who represent the foundation of society have made a mistake once or twice in their lifetime:

-for ex: by choosing a profession or education that doesn’t apply to or for them; And one of those 2 things will make them maybe realise after 5, 10, 15 or 20 years, that they have made a mistake. And some of them consider that “it is too late now!”, “I am too old...”, or other excuses, that makes them fell good, remaining in the comfort zone. Meanwhile other try to overcome the crisis searching for solutions, and after they find it, they apply it.


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It is not too late to Start Over !!!


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...redefine yourself !


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... To change your current situation !


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Education &



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...Life changing decision !


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... Improve Your mental health

-by thinking positive !


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Shield your morality:

-by strengthen your decisions and life objectives !


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To make you realise, that it is never too late !

That, you can do anything !

You can realise your dream by fighting for it, believing in it !

You can accomplish your task/objective or project much easier and much faster by believing in yourself.


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In politics, there was no ascension without no self-confidence !

Society, did not build itself by the power of the law, but by the power of the people, who created the law & government ...

As you know the economic market isn't always on top; it is fluctuating, down-up, up-down, it falls and it rises. (Of course, there are lots of reasons why, but the main fact is, that it goes up again.)


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The fluctuation between good and evil, success and fail, cataclysmic event and rebirth of nature...

Nature finds a way to rise again.

From the “ashes we rise”

Where it is dark, ... “There is light” / “hope”


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...Have the power to change it all. ...Matter to your family, friends,


...Are at your best when you do what you feel, what makes you special, what makes you click, what makes you evolve... .

... Forge your character and spirit ! ...Shape your morality and belief !


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1. The psychological & philosophical importance of Morality.

1.1 The definition of Morality. 1.2 Moral challenging.

2. The concept of Morality.

2.1 The definition of concept Morality. 2.2. Key Questions. 2.3 How much does Moral strength counts ? 2.4 What is the moral strength ?


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3. The analysis of morality.

3.1 The link between morality and indoctrinated human behaviour .

3.2 The difference between morality and faith.

4. Conclusion : At the end of this presentation, you will learn or establish:

4.1 Who are you ? 4.2 Learn How will you be able to

succeed/overcome and accomplish your problems-tasks ?

4.3 How will this help you?


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1.1 The definition of Morality.Ask yourself....

What is morality? What is my morality? What is the source of what keeps me going? What makes me stand out? Do I know? Do I know myself ? If so.... What is my limit? How much pressure can I take at work, in an educational environment, at home with my family or friends or even with my kids?


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Morality is the shield someone has. “If a warrior has no shield, the risk of failing in battle is at a maximum stage”.

So ... Ask yourself this: If I don't have a shield, how much hits can I take? From all segments that life throws at me, from the people around me, who are my family, friends, colleagues, kids, neighbours, my loved one; From the economical segment, like the bank for example, and from a professional perspective, the pressure from the multitasking work, etc... even the effectiveness of a loved one's death.


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So morality is like a shield. If you have a shield you are protected from harm.

What is your shield? Do you know what keeps you pumped? Do you have a killer motivation? What is your reaction when you get up in the morning . (When you hear the alarm –What is your reaction? Sadness because you are going to the same workplace and doing things over and over again; Neutral- at the edge of the comfort zone, from the X to Y hour, standard implication at work, or issues like :


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“the task it is not done, but I already passed my work program, so I will complete it tomorrow”, etc...) Or are you happy/positive? Are you smiling when you get up ? Thinking of your fresh new day start, thinking what a great day you are going to have, thinking of how fast can you complete your task so you can do another one, or help a colleague with a problem he or she has.

So... What is the key concept of: what is morality exactly?


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For others ... Is their belief: in God, religion, or a spiritual belief, or even in the ancient gods (there are people who still believe in them ), for others is the calling - from a military perspective, but not only, someone can have a “calling” in different domains.

For others is providing security and comfort for their family, for others: is just for them (if she or he is single).


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So... if you want to accomplish your task, if you want to overcome your situation, if you were in that moment when you failed that extremely that you fell down, you were in your knees, didn't know what to do next, how to change or overcome the income of the situation, if you became desperate...

My friend.... My presentation viewer... If you were in that position, that happened because you did not have a shield, you did not have a strong morality. Your door, was opened, for the uninvited. Your psychological security was at risk!


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Why moral challenging? What is the difference between those 2 elements?

Because after you established what is yo morality, what drives you to success, what defines you, by knowing who you are. After the analysis of your profile and after the identification process of your morality. Then you have to walk some steps, like in the:


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education segment: the steps from school to PhD;

or like in the professional segment: the steps from entry to senior.

Or like the life cycle: the steps from teenager to adulthood.

Moral Challenging requires those steps too!

After you established and identified what represents your morality. Then you have to challenge it. Gain experience. Gain strength.


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Forge it ; Mold it ; Shape it ; Try to break it, by challenging it to face odds you didn't think before you can resist to face them. In other words, after you found out how to build your shield ..., build it ! And use your shield! Enter all the battles life has, try to crack it. When you reach the knowledge of knowing who you are, and when you identified your true moral shield ... Then my friend... My presentation viewer ... You became worthy of what you possess. “Like Thor’s Hammer: Only the worthy can pick it up”.


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That means self-confidence. That is the power of morality, and with it, you can overcome every situation, every problem, every crisis, every solution-braking thought, every income you expected to put you back on your knee.

Because, now you cannot bend, now, you have a shield, now, you know what is exactly that you want to do, now you know that nothing can brake you, and missdirect you from you’re path of succes and glory.


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2.1 The definition of concept Morality.The concept of morality relies on moral

strength, think of it like a puzzle, and in this logical theme, we have pieces that are connected to each other. For example: work-education-health-faith-stability from all perspectives (economical, psychological, sociological, etc.)


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Brand yourself with the experience that life throws at you. Even if, it is a “thing” that you didn't want, or even if it hurts you, or even if, it made you fall on your knees.

Rise... Rise again... Because this time you have the experience you need, the knowledge, from defeat, you learn strategy. So STOP now, what you are doing and rise, go and overcome your fear, gain the power of yourself, of the situation that made you bend. Now you have the pieces to complete the puzzle.


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Stop wasting your hard worked money on product “x” or on “Y” psychologically opinion and analysis. Not everyone is in full capacity of work, or fully committed to solving problems, or issues, or to find solutions for someone in need of them, or just to help someone. Some of them are there just to stay in the neutral zone, mentioned above.


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Are the answer to all your problems !


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Have the power !


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Can do it !!!


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So can you...

If you want proof that God exists, a sign, something that can make you change your belief or faith. Well, my friend first you have to believe, to have faith.

If you want respect, YOU have to give respect!


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It is that simple.Try it !Do it !


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What do you have to loose?

I will tell you: Nothing! You have only to gain!

What you have to gain?

I will tell you again: Experience, Knowledge, eventually moral strength and power.


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You are Special! You have Talent ! You are unique ! You make the world go round ! Not the


Yes !!! I know what I am talking about !!! People started to make money, not the other way around. People were the first here !


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Before thinking of morality, first, you need to know: who you are!

So... Who are you ? Do you know yourself? Can you create you’re own profile? From a

psychological and sociological perspective?

Before thinking of morality, you first need to know for what you fight in life! What is your purpose? What can you achieve ? Can you follow your mind and heart?


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You need that shield by your side. When you walk outside your door. You are not going to work, or to get an education, or to do your daily routine, to fulfil your objectives.


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No!No, your not!How come ?


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Because when you walk out that door, you are going to war. You are facing everything life throws at you. And YOU are alone. You have to fight in this life battle alone in order to succeed. To unlock the other level! You can not trick your way! That is impossible. Those who do... Have no chance in the life battles.


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To gain victory!

To conquer every bit of opportunity you get!

You will receive information ... Knowledge, wisdom. Because some day you will have another perspective, you will understand things that you could not understand them before. You will now know how to shape your life work. To give it colour ! To transform it into your masterpiece!

Because YOU are an artist, and YOU need to feel that, you need to embrace that.


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Who am I ? What does make me stand out? What makes me do what I do! What pushes me? Am I confident in myself? Do I think positive? Do I thurst myself in the decisions I

make? Can I achieve greatness? What is my moral impact?


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How strong am I ? How strong is my morality? Am I sure, that I am fighting for the

right cause! Is this who I am ? How does the work I do, impacts on

others? Is that my true moral strength? Is that

my shield? If so... What are you waiting for? Use your faith as your sword! Take your shield and your sword, and embrace for the impact of what life throws at you.


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That you have to win !!!!

Veni, vidi, vici ! I came, I saw, I conquered ! -

Gaius Iulius Caesar

Moral strength44

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Moral strength depends very much on how you see things. How you judge them. How you create your own pattern .

You have to believe you can. You have to know you can. You have to understand the fact that you

can. For example: At this section, I can

recommend you to listen or read about Norman Vincent Peale.


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He is talking about how can someone strengthen his character, his morality by shielding the individual with the power that god gave him, ... to you.

As I said above , for some... It is God, or religion, for others even the ancient Gods, or the power of success, or the security of comfort.

You can do what your mind is set on! You are built for that !

You are created for this! To evolve! It is in your DNA, to achieve greatness!


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“When God sees you doing your part, developing what He has given you, then He will do His part and open doors that no man can shut”

-Dr.S. Adelaja


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3.1 The link between morality and indoctrinated human behaviour .

Before I will tell you what is the link between those 2 elements, first I want to be clear what is indoctrinated human behaviour.

I can not indicate how many did not follow their dream, for example dream job, or the university they had to attend to, or the best decision someone took.


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Did something in life that they thought it is the right thing. Without thinking is that the best decision ? Is that what I want in life?

Is that my dream job? Is that what I see myself doing at the age of 40 or 50, because you are going to do it 20-30 or even 40 years. So choose carefully.

There are people who went to a different education they had to attend.


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For example: Someone is good at art. So that someone is going to attend to a University who offers art study. But maybe he would have made a great singer, or a doctor, or a chemist, or a teacher.

You have to know yourself, your abilities, your limits, your target, your objective in life ... So you can go and take it, fight for it, accomplish it, win it, brand it into your soul-spirit.

In that place that makes you fight for. So.. When you are questioning yourself ... Think what are you fighting for ?


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is referring to the indication of the best decision you can make with the power of self-confidence, with the power of positive thinking. With the power symbolised in your shield and the strong faith you have which is your sword.

So stop thinking what if ? And start today !


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Well .. I have told you about morality and I have told you about faith, the difference is that they are connected like the puzzle I mentioned above. It is a bridge to your objective. Those two main facts are your allies in the battle you are fighting.

So stop thinking on how can I do it, and start doing it! Start moving in the direction you feel that brings you peace, comfort and security.


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At the end of this presentation you will know:

4.1 Who are you ?4.2 Learn How will you be able to

succeed/overcome and accomplish your problems-tasks at hand ?

4.3 How will this help you?


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If this presentation helped you any way... Help me by sharing it, so others can see and

maybe can receive the same help you did. This is an actual problem -solving solution on

human mentality and behaviour. So if you liked my presentation: please Like & Share it. Do not keep the info. to

yourself. Show others the new perspective you saw here. The new thing you’ve learned.


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The task ahead of you, is never as great as the power behind you.


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Created & written - by Felix Ciumpileac


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