Page 1: How Old is - Torrance...• JUU ads published In both TOR- •lANCV HERALD and LOMTTA • Rate* (or combined circulation*, ... '22 Chevrolet Tour.....$176.0 11.4 So. Catalina. Phone


[CLASSIFIED1 Advertisementsm —————— - ——————— :- -—• JUU ads published In both TOR- •lANCV HERALD and LOMTTA

• Rate* (or combined circulation*, ^Roth. papers: ^Bhu Insertion, per word —— _ to ^fwo Insertions, per word ____ I* H-hree Insertions, per word —— IHo ^••onr Insertions, per word —— So H Minimum ad, 12 words. • Display Classified, 80o per Inch. • Bight lines to Inch. Estimate SIX BjRDINABT words to the line. In Hit&ls and figures count as words ^fcll adl with white space computed ^Lt rate of 80c per Inch. H Classified Ad Columns close: • pox Tuesday Edition, 6:80 P. M Kfonday. H For Friday Edition, 5:90 P. M Hrhursday. • Phone Torrance 200. • Phone Lomlta 102.

• CLASSIFICATION •No. Heading • I ANNOUNCEMENTS • 1 Funeral Notices • 1 Cards of Thanks H 1 Lodge Notices • i Lost and Found • | Business Directory • 1 Personal •s Travel Opportunities • t Business Opportunities •lO financial 111 For Rent: Houses, Furnished 111 For Rent: Houses, Unfurnlsbei 111 For Rent: Apartments and • Flats, Furnished •M For Rent: Apartments and • V Flats, Unfurnished • l» For Rent: Rooms, Furnished •l< For Rent: Rooms, Unfurnished • 17 For Rent Garages •il For Sale: Automobiles and Ac- • cessories •11 For Sale: Furniture and House- • hold Goods Hit For Sale: Horses and Livestock • IE For Sale: Miscellaneous • M Help Wanted: Male • rates by the month. Phone 167-J • IT Help Wanted: Female • IS Help Wanted Male and Female • St Situations Wanted • 10 Wanted To Buy •11 Wanted To Rent • 12 Wanted: Miscellaneous • it Real Estate: Improved • H fteal Estate: Unimproved • U For Lease • M Oil Properties, Leases, Royal- • ties, etc.-,. • IT Income Property • II Real Estate for Sale or Trade I II Musical Instruments 1 10 Miscellaneous

1 6 Business Directory

1 D. C. TURNER1 In lUppaport's Store 1 Expert Shoe Repairer 1 Makes Old Shoes Look New

1 7AJTS Window Cleaning Service — 1 House, store, office. Reasonable, 1 Phone 201-M. 2104 Oramercy.

1 HEMSTITCHING, Mrs. King, 2287 1 West Carson St, 1 block west of 1 high school.

NURSING. Mrs, Joe White, 867 1 Narbonne Ave., Lomlta. Phone | 34 -J.

GET YOUR ROOFS FIXED before winter, ganders Bros. Roof Co., llyl. Box 32-A, Hermosa Beach.

10 Financial

LOANSRefinancing ' Building Very Easy Monthly Payments


333 Pacific Mutual Bldg., Los Angeles

MONEY TO BUILD Or on Homes Already Built


Pacl/fc Coast Building Loan Association, 333 Pacific Mutual Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.

11 For Rent: Housee Furnished

FURNISHED HOUSES for rent, all modern, 112.50 per month. 1448 Carson St ,

ONE-ROOM BUNGALOW; mod­ ern improvements; garage. 1812 Gramercy.

THREE-ROOM furnished house on Cota St., *16 a month. Call at 1432 221at St., Torrance Park, or 1209 H El Prado, Torrance. Tel. 130-W.

TWO-ROOM HOUSE for rent; J15 a month, water paid. 1654 Car­ son St.

FOUR-ROOM furnished house with garage, $27.60; or 1H acres with house, JS6. 215th St. and Hoover Ave. B. A. Peturson.

1ft For Rentt Housee Unfurnished

{fQ& RENT— Modern 5-rootn bouse JpU Korage. Owner, 1055 Rlver- Mdu-Rudondo Blvd., Strawberry

Mult ROOMS and bulh. garage, (ISO. month, 809 Baitoi-l. Apply tlTO (iraiiKToy, Torrunce.

T%O NEW HOUBKS. 2 bedrooms, inodorn, ulonu In. 1*0 mouth, w»tnr paid Chas. Vondermlie, 1911 Car«op.

13 For Rent: Apartments and Flats Furnished

FOR RENT I FURNISHED APARTMENTS 3 rooms and bath, all modern Corner Sartorl and Arllngto Streets.


Phone 99-J. Brighton Hotel.

DANDY NEW APARTMENT, com pletely furnished. Bargain price Only one left; hurry! Inquli Apt 6, Edison Bldg.

I-ROOM APARTMENTS, fur nlshed; hot and cold water; ga rages. Inquire Apt. H or K, California Court, 1006 Sartorl.

VACANCY at Leldy Homes; 122.6 per month. Corner 219th am Western Ave., Torrance.

THREE-ROOM apartment and ga ragre. 1229 Arlington. 79-J.

14 For Rent: Apartments and Flats, Unfurnished

THREE-ROOM DUPLEX, with ga rage. Apply 2027 Gramercy.

20 Board and RoomROOMS 12.60 up; table board S1.2

per day. National Hotel. 172 Artisan St., opposite Union Too

21 For Sale: Automobiles and Accessories


|||j MOTORS ^

Used Cars'23 Ford Coupe ....-...$276.0 '23 Ford Coupe ..........$350.0 '24 Essex Coach ........$675.0 Hudson Speedster ......$450.0 '22 Chevrolet Tour.....$176.011.4 So. Catalina. Phone 316

Redondo Beach, Calif.OPEN EVENINGS

Household GoodsNEW SHIPMENT of open stock

white dishes and graniteware Big values at Lewis Ripple Fur nlture Store, 1927 Carson St Torrance.

24 Poultry and Pet Stock50 WHITE LEGHORN yearlln

hens, 81 ea«h. Green house, cor ner Hoover and Wilmlngton St east of . Torrance.

25 For Sale: MiscellaneousCOLUMBIA GRAFONOLA and rec

ords. Very cheap. 1547 Cypres St., Lomlta.

FOR SALE — Bluo reed Uoyd car riage; reasonable. 811 Portola.

FINE QUINCES, »1 and $1.25 a box. 1477 Cypress St., Lomlta.

BARGAIN— 30-foot sail boat with small motor; 10-ft. beam, cabin good for deep sea fishing o pleasure. Cash sale, $1000. Write"Bubbles," P. O. Box 607, Tor ranee. Calif.

29 Situations WantedWORK WANTED — Housekeeping

preferred, or factory work. Mrs. Butler, National Hotel, Torrance.

WANTED — Typing to do at home. Phone Gardena 961, or call 16320-A Carlyle St., Gardena.

EXPERIENCED practical nurse wants situation. Call 2165 Sierra St Torrance

30 Wanted to BuyWANTED — Real estate. List your

properties with the Nell) Realty Company. 8-2»-tf

31 Wanted To RentWANTED — Houses to rent.

We have' a long list' of people who want to rent houses in Torrance. Tor­ rance Investment Co., Phone 176.

33: Real Estate: ImprovedFOR HOMES IN LOMITA, and for

fire, compensation and automo­ bile Insurance, see

J. W. WELTE 1144 Narbonne LomrU

Across from School

UNFINISHED HOUSE, large lot, paved street, Lomlta. Small down payment, balance easy. Would accept car, piano, or furniture as part. -Owner, 1111 CabrlUo, Ban Pedro. Phone 2070.

FOR SALE — Stucco house and ga­ rage, Just finished. $3000. Owner on premises Sunday. 682 North Sartori.

34 Real- Estate: UnimprovedTOR SALE— Lots 1 und 2, Block

89, DomliiKUfg Tract"; block of contcmi>luti!<l HliopH (if Santa Ke unit ntur rutlruud. Make me an nftiT. Owner, Mis. II. O. Hardily, 1601, North Jlilli I'l;u:i-, llhmlnit- llliil. Alltliainu-

34 Real Estate: UnimprovedGOOD BUYS

$2000Buys high east front lot, 60z 140, on Cota, south of Redondo. Ideal location. Terms.

$2500Buys H aero with good 3-room modern house, chicken house, garage. Renting for $20.00 and royalty $26.00 to $80.00 per month. Only $600 down and $36.00 mo. This Is a good buy.

$2000Buys H acre, good location. Royalty $26.00 to $30.00 per mo.

$3250Buys new 4 -room modern stucco house on CabrlUo. $600 down. Lot 60x127.2.

10 AcresOn Carson, ripe for subdividing, price Is right and big money In this soon as Carson is paved, which has been ordered.

$1600 Buys fine lot on Martina, close in. This Is under the market. Paving paid. ,

$2750 Buys new 4-room, bath. Lot 40xl50,close In. $600 down and $36.00 per mo.

$550Buys close-in- lot. $60.00 down and $16.00. 40x160.

$800Buys large corner lot, 60x180. Water and electric lights. $100 ' down and $2°6 per mo. When lot Is paid for, will build 4- room house and finance 100% on terms.

$5000 Buys one of the best homes on Amapola; 6-room, bath, oak floors, 2 large bedrooms, nook, patio, garage, chicken house - and yard, beautiful flowers and shrubbery. This is an ideal home. Party wants to leave and cut the price' for quick sale.

We have a complete list of rentals. Come and see us.


38 Real Estate for Sale or Trade

payment exchange bungalow court; furnished; income $180 month. Price $16,000. Write X, Torrance Herald.

OWNHR has good business, vacant and Improved residence property in .Torrance to exchange. Long Beach vacant preferred, or Holly­ wood. S. C. Brown, 1948 North Rodney Drive, Tel. 693-898, Holly­ wood.

Try Our Want Ads for Best Results



Baked Egg in Cereal. — Baked egg In cereal Is simply leftover cereal mixed Into milk, placed In Indi­ vidual baking dishes, an egg broken Into a depression made by a tablespoon In the center of- the dish. This Is dotted with butter and baked or boiled until the egg is set Milk may be added at the table, where the egg Is beaten.

Stuffed Baked Cabbage in To­ mato Sauce.— Scoop out a small head of cabbage, removing outer leaves. Grind up scooped part and leftover meat. If more meat is de­ sired the cabbage center may be cooked separately or made Into slaw. Onions, seasoning' of salt and pepper and an egg If desired to hold tho mixture together more solidly.

Fill the cavity with the meat and rice, macaroni, or any adaptable leftovers, pour tomato sauce over and bake until- well done. Buttered bread crumbs browned on top add to the appearance of the dish, which is nourishing and economical.

Favorite Icing. — Cream one "tea­ spoon butter, add powdered sugar, thin with coffee Infusion and a Cew drops of almond flavor. Alter­ nate sugar and thinning until de­ sired amount Is made.

PEPPERMINT ICE CREAM Nothing tastas quite so good

for dessert in hot weather ai ice cream. Peppermint ice cream is a little different from the uiual and may, just suit your family or guests. Scald two cup* cream with one-half cup sugar and one-half oup powdered red and white pep­ permint stick candy. Chill, add one pint cold cream, and freeze as usual.

Toasted Gimmes.— Take ground round steak, seasoned and thinly spread on buttered bread, and broil until done. Fold together two pieces, toast bread, and serve hot.

Eye Wonders. — As many eggs asdesired may be used. Take one egg and flour to make fairly stiff batter, pinch of salt, sugar to taste, a dash of cinnamon or nut­ meg, and drop Into hot fat from fork.

These form queer shapes and are crisp contrast 1 , to the.raapje fluff which Is glorified tapioca In cof­ fee and milk, flavored with mapl<^ sprinkled with chopped nuts.

The hot chocolate coffee is left­ over coffee used as a basis for hot

Hare is a delicious dessert

hot weather: Sake an angel

food cake. Whan cooled thor­ oughly out in squares. Stem and waih frssh stntwbtrriss. Sweeten and mash. L«t stand one hour on ica. At time of serving mix thoroughly with vanilla ica cream, pour ovar sngal food, and serve at onca.

Craamad Chippad Beef.— One fourth pound chipped beef, one anc one-halt cups .white sauce, peppe and salt to suit taste. Freshet chipped beef in boiling water If i seems too dry and salty. Add to white sauce made as follows: Tw< tablespoons butter, two tablespoon flour, two-thirds cup water, one third cup condensed milk. Mel butter, stir In flour and mix thor oughly, add milk and water, st r ring until thick and smooth. Adc seasoning. One cup sweet mtlfc may bo used in place of water and condensed milk.

SEWING HINT When stitching thin lawn,

ailk or net for summer dresses or curtains the flimsy material often gathers undar the prassar- foot of the machine. Slip a pieca of paper under the ma­ terial and stitch through it. When the stitching is finished the paper can ba torn away and will laave no trace.

Fig Cookies. — One cupful butter two cupfuls sugar, two eggs sep­ arated, one cupful milk, one tea­ spoon orange extract, one teaspoon rose extract, three and one-ha| teaspoons baking powder, five am one-half level cupfuls flour, one level teaspoon salt. Filling: One pound figs, two level teaspoons grated orange rind, one orange ,one cupful grape juice, one cupfu honey, one cup water.

Method of Making: Cookies- Beat butter and sugar to a cream add yolks of eggs and beat well add milk, extracts, whites of eggs stiffly beaten, and Hour sifted with baking powder and salt. Kneac lightly on a floured board and rol out very thin. Cut into shape and spread half wifh the fig filling place tho other half qn top and bake In a moderately hot oven for fifteen to twenty minutes. Filling: Wash figs and cut them Into dlse put them Into a saucepan with or­ ange rind and strained orange and gripe juice, honey and water Cover and simmer, stirring often until reduced to jam. Turn out to cool.

Strawberry Pie. — Bake a rich p e crust, fill with raw ripe straw­ berries, cover with sugar and whipped cream and serve.

How Old is"V Cj. 9Your otore/—





Torrance Herald\

—————————— : ——————————————— '. _________ , _______ i

So. Cal. Gas Man Elected Head at

Coast ConventionAt Portland yesterday F. J

Schafer, general manager of th Southern California Gas Company was elected president of the Pa clflc Coast Gas Association. W. S Yard of San Francisco was elccte vice-president.

A past president of the Natlona Association of Steam Engineers Mr. Schaefer is also a member o the American Gas Association, th Natural Gas Association, the Call fornla Gaa Research Council, ant

F. J. SCHAFERthe American Association of En glneers. He is chairman of the budget committee of the American Association of Engineers and a member of the distribution com mittee of the American Gas Asso elation.

Mr. Schafer has been connected with the gas industry In Southern California for 27 years, and his knowledge and ability have playei an Important part in the growth o the Southern California Ga* Com­ pany.

Americommercial Takes Over Two

San Pedro BanksWhen the announcement reached

financial circles some months ago of the organization of tho Ameri­ commercial Corporation, business leaders looked forward to the ex­ pansion of the Bank of America and the Commercial National Bank of Los Angeles, which programs have been fully carried out by re- Cent developments.

The announcement comes today of ttie acquisition, through the Americommercial Corporation, for the benefit of these allied interests, of two of the oldest banks in San Pedro. The First National Bank of San Pedro, with deposits in ex­ cess of $2,600,000, and the Harbor Commercial Savings Bank, with more than $600,000 In deposits-, have been acquired. These banks have been outstanding financial In­ stitutions In San Pedro for about 20 years. Their activities Were presided over for many years by Edward Wahar, who recently died, and whose estate controlled the majority of the stock. Mrs. Kath- erlne R. Mohar, his widow, as president of the uan'k. has carried on very successfully the activities of tho two Institutions since his death.

Moneta Girl Weds Oliver W. Leniger

Miss Viola E. Foster of Moneta and^ Oliver W. Leniger were mar­ ried today at the Angelus Temple in Los Angeles,

After a reception this evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Foster, of 1G::0 South Los Angeles street, Moneta, Mr. and Mrs. Leniger will leave for a few days' visit In Santa Barbara.

Mr. Leniger Is employed with the Tolson Transfer Company and he and his bride will make their home here.

Stipulate Cement For Pavement on

Martina AvenueStipulating the use of cement-

concrete the Board of Trustees Monday night passed a resolution of intention tu pave Mnrtina ave- :iue between 220th street and 1'law del Aino. The action was in re­ sponse to a petition from property owners. Specifications were also adopted. Protests will be heard at 8. p.m. Sept. 8.

Ed Kelly Submits to Another Operation

to the Jared Sidney Torrance Me­ morial Hospital and submit to an­ other operation on his leg Tuesday. It was only of a minor character, liowever, and It la expected that no will be confined for only a short time.

TORRANCE NOTESA jolly party that enjoyed a

luncheon and swim at Hermosa Beach Kriiluy Included Him Lepkln, LttDorn Hall. Forrest MoKlnley. Orvll and Howard Hudson, Mrs. O. W. Hudson, and Mr. and Mm. J. T. Wise.

Mr. und Mis. J. Wallace Tout und Mi1 , und Mm. Ted Frontier returned WttdiiitMiitty from a week's motor tr p to Wuwona I.ods« und Yo- nemlte. The return trip was made v u Del Monte, with stops at vari­ ous points of intercut enroute.

A FFAIRS of the

, HEART~**»By Mr*. Thompson—*-

THE WRONG COURSEDear Mrs. Thompson: I am

madly In love with a young man who has never told mo that ho loved me. I don't know whether lio does or not, but be comes to see me often, and treats me awfully n ce. He also goes out with an­ other girl, and I have heard that he cares for her a great deal. Now [ happen to know that this girl doesn't caro anything for him, and that she .tells things about him be­ hind his back. That girl is my close friend. Very often he comes over when ho knows that we two are going to be together, and en­ tertains both of us. I think I should go to him and tell him that this other girl doesn't care for him, but that I do. I thought one time ho might be going . with her to make mo Jealous. I'm afraid now


Fresh V<: Handled in a Clean, Sani : to your home promptly an

without having to throw h Good to Eat all the time, we deliver promptly.


• AMERICAN HCorner Carson and Gramercy

For 1

SundayFolks come for miles t

.have a number of people v< ton because they can de| FIRST GRADE MEATS at

Are you taking advant not, a trial will convince yc

Best Steer Pot Roast Prime Rib Roast Bee .Round Steak ....................Hamburger.. ............Short Ribs of BeefCompound

AUGUST 20, 1&25he cares for her, and, as I said, sh« doesn't love him at all. Please ad­ vise me. MISS B.

How can you bo so absurd as to imagine for ono minute that 700 should go to the young man to whom you are not engaged and who you merely "think" loves yon. and tell him that he Is mistaken In thinking ho loves anyone else but you. Your close friend has evidently proven equally as at­ tractive as you to him — or per­ haps more so. The only thing you can do is to bo as pleasant as pos­ sible to him, hide your own feel- Ings from both of them, and trust to limn to tell which one he care* for most. There seems no reason to believe that he is paying her attentions to make you jealous or that he is doing anything but flirt- Ing a bit with both of you. Keep your head.

M. T.: Since It was you who ended the acquaintanceship, It la up to you to make the first ad­ vances, but do not be too forward. Do not write him. Whenever you see him, bo cordial, and he will understand that your feeling toward him has changed.

Fruits egetablestary Manner and delivered d fit to use on your table alf of it away. Everything

Phone your orders early;



Deliver 283

four Dinner

o buy meats from us. We ho drive over from Comp- end upon getting strictly Rock Bottom Prices,age of such a market? If >u.

s.. ........ ....18c,20c, 22c!f........................_...................25c...........,...................................30c

18c; 2 Ibs. for 35c..............................................15c

2 Ibs. for 35cPure Leaf Lard, open kettle rendered,

per pound .............................................................. ..........25c

Rock Bottom Meat MarketsL. Ott, Prop.

1639 Cabrillo 1951 Carson

Sport Shirts With Knitted Waist Bands

They are the hotsy-totsy now. Ed Kelly has 'em, of course. Choice of Broad­ cloth in Tan, Blue or White; or French Flannel in Grey, Blue or Tan pat­ terns.


CabrlUo Ave. . TorranceFULL LINE OF





1 » 1 »»

1 I


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