  • 1. Hack it! Marketing To The Social Graph

2. 3. 4. How Old Spice Mesmerized, Caressed, Made Love To and Hacked The Social Graph
5. In Two Days
15 Million +
YouTube Views
1/2 Million +
Facebook Fans
68,000 +
Twitter Followers
6. 50 Million Impressions
$1.4 Million
Broadcast TV
Promoted Tweets
7. It just gives you a glimpse of
where the world is going
Patrick Picheette, Google CFO
8. Input
TV Commercial
Old Spice Website
YouTube Channel
Promoted Tweet
9. Output
Blog Postings
Twitter Replies
Video Comments
Facebook Likes
10. Its All In The Flow
11. Input
Video Responses
Twitter Replies
Facebook Updates
Digg Submission
12. Good Ole Days
13. Look Ma, Were Integrated!
Thanks John! Buy Old Spice!
Hey, Cool Video!
Old Spice
14. Hacking The Graph
15. Sucker 1: Perez Hilton
16. Sucker 1: Perez Hilton
17. Sucker 2: Kevin Rose
18. Sucker 2: Kevin Rose
19. Sucker 3: Ashton Kutcher
20. Sucker 3: Ashton Kutcher
21. Sucker 4: 4chan
22. Sucker 4: 4chan
23. Sucker 5: Joe Blow
24. Sucker 5: Joe Blow
25. Hacking The Graph
26. Dont Steal Build
Dude, Who Jacked
My Idea?
27. The Spectrum
28. These tools don't get socially interesting until they get technologically boring. It isn't when the shiny new tools show up that they are used to start permeating society, it's when everyone is able to take them for granted...
Clay Shirky, Smart Dude From A TED Video
29. In The Year 2012
Everything Is Social
Personalized Experiences, Gaming, Rewards, Advertising
Everything Is Mobile
Accessible, Global, Cheap, Native Apps, HTML5
Everything Is Connected
APIS, OpenID, Shared Connections, Data Portability, Google TV
Everything Is Tracked
Analytics, Behavioral, Contextual
30. Your Turn!
Get In A Group
Groups Of 5, 45 Minutes Of Collaboration
Select A Brand
Choose A Brand You Want To Apply Input And Output Flow To
Select A Product
Choose A Product For The Brand, Launch It, Refresh It, Whatever
And Hack It!
In 10 Minutes, Walk Us Through Your Hack And Discuss
31. Questions?

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