  • 1. Im quite an active person, so to pick one activity was very hard. I decided to choose surfing because I only started a year ago and the journey is still new and challenging. Because of scuba diving I feel very comfortable in the water.

2. However surfing is very different to scuba diving as one requires an enormous amount of physical strength in surfing , in scuba diving one mostly requires mental strength and control. Such as the ability to identify your fears and control it. 3. For example a cross current that separates you from your diving group could easily result in panic and over exertion. To avoid this you can STOP, BREATH AND identify the fear in this case being separated from the group and then decide on the necessary course of action. To release your buoy and slowly ascend while locating the dive masters buoy and re-join the group to continue enjoying the dive. 4. Physical strength is not something easily attainable when one has a demanding desk job. So it requires planning, dedic ation and perseverance. I have realised watching seasoned surfers does not show you what to do to become a better surfer. 5. When I paddled out to the backline at Muizenburg for the first time, it was 9 degrees Celsius, I was freezing and it had just started to rain. I turned around to look at the beach and saw a beautiful rainbow high in the mountains. I feel that surfing has allowed me the unique opportunity to admire nature, soak it up and free my imagination. To test my limitations and forget about yesterday and tomorrow and rather focus or right now. 6. The only way to become a better surfer is to take responsibility for my own improvement, similar to the work environment. These were my goals when I started: 1. To study the waves i.e. weather, current, wind. This influenced my decision of when to surf which wave. In the workplace this can be related to studying my work environment, the economics and politics to ensure I make the right decisions. 7. 2. To build strength doing other activities such as swimming to improve my paddling and running to increase my fitness. In the workplace this relates back to ensuring other important factors in my life such as my family, friends, and health are also being taken care of. Work life balance helps me perform better. 8. 3. To be prepared and have the right equipment such as wetsuit, booties, wax and the right size surfboard. Similar to being on time and prepared for meetings or important and difficult conversations. 9. 4. To face my fears and just do it! When Im about to catch that wave the wave and it seems as if Im jumping from the 3rd floor of a building I tell myself that Im prepared and ready! This is about seizing each situation as an opportunity to learn and grow. A difficult situation can teach me more than an easy one. I am willing and I am able. 10. Lastly and most importantly, surfing has helped me to seek like-minded groups that share knowledge, experiences, stories, laughs and turns on the waves.This has helped me realise the impact I have on others in the water and on land.

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