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How To Advertise Your Small Business Online With Google AdWords

So you have a small business and you’ve decided that it’s time you advertise it online? It’s time to get introduced to Google


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For a small business, AdWords can be a hugely successful method of driving traffic, marketing your product and ultimately getting increased sales. Why? Because many, many people use Google to search for the products or service they’re looking for. And if you use Google Adwords carefully and sagaciously, you’re website could be one of the first titles they see on the search results page.

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Google AdWords can boost your website traffic, increase leads, and give you a sales lift. However, it does require some adjustment time. We all dislike the term “learning curve,” but it really is about learning to know all the tools at your disposal, and using them to your advantage. Trial and error may be the best way to describe it.

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With Google AdWords, you can: Find new customers to your product or service Target specific users, including mobile users, and specific devices. Reach your customers when they’re looking for products you’re

selling. Reach local customers, if you’re business is regional. Use Google AdWords with Google Analytics to get important

information about your customers, such as what keywords work best, what people are looking for and

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One of the first things you need to understand is that your initial AdWords campaign setup is just that: initial. After that comes repeated testing and tweaking and website optimization, and so forth. It will take time to discover what works for you.

You’ll need to research keywords, track your success, and make adjustments accordingly. This isn’t the kind of “set your oven to 230 degrees and come back in 2 hours” sort of thing. You need to have your hand on the pulse every day.

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Before you start, you should…What are your objectives: Do you want to simply get more visitors to your website? More email sign ups? Actual purchases? The goals you set will determine the direction of your ad campaign.

Keywords:Although Google suggests you can use up to 20 keywords, we recommend you start out with around 5 keywords. The more keywords you run, the more expensive your campaign becomes.

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You’ll also want to select the keywords most relevant to your business. If your business specialty is hiking boots, then your keywords could be “hiking boots” or “trekking boots” but not simply “boots” or “shoes.” The more targeted your keywords are, the more targeted responses you’re likely to get.

Because you (and Google) are interested in people who are more likely to be interested in your specific products, it’s better to be more specific in your keywords than general.

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Don’t assume. Prepare:A common mistake everyone does at one time or another is assumption. In this case, you can’t assume what the customer wants or what keywords they use. Before you commit yourself, and your money, to certain keyword, it’s a good idea to research them. Use Google’s Keyword Planner to try out the words you believe potential customers may use in their searches. What you will see is a list of similar keywords and how much they will cost you per click (CPC).

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Keep it local:If you own a business with a physical location or if you provide an offline service, one of the most effective AdWords strategies is keeping your keywords local.This has the advantage of keeping keywords specific to your region, allowing you to reach highly targeted customers. It can also save you money by preventing your ad from showing up when searches are too general; for instance, when you are too far away for the customer to even visit.You can use, for example, radius targeting to limit the visibility of your ad to, say, 50 miles around Lincoln, Nebraska. You can configure this and other settings under the campaign tab of your Adwords account, under the settings menu.

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Your ad:An ad consists of four integral parts: Headline:Where you’ve got 25 characters to grab the user’s attention. Make sure your keyword is in here. Description lines:You have 35 characters on each line to give the user your USP or reason to click on your ad: huge savings? Free shipping? How does your product or service stand apart? URLClicking on this URL will lead users to your landing page. If your URL is, for example:, make sure the landing page is about men’s loafers.

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Call to Action: Should be clear cup and lead to a direct benefit: Save now, browse, book, get, buy now, reserve, etc.

Example:All Men's Shoes on up to 75% on Men's Shoes!Huge Selection & Deep Discounts.

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Optimize your landing page:First things first: your landing pages (and website in general) should be responsive; meaning, that no matter from which device your customer sees your website – laptop, tablet or cell phone – he should be able to see it completely. Make sure your website meets the user’s expectations made by your ad. Make sure that your landing page or website are optimized for the experience they’re looking for – especially following any promises made on your ad. Make the website easy to navigate: Use tools such as Google Analytics to follow the performance of your website in relation to your ad campaigns.

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Take advantage of Enhanced Campaigns: With the proliferation of different devices: smartphones, laptops, tablets, smart TV’s and more, there’s lots of different possibilities to show your ad. Enhanced Campaigns allows you to tailor your ad so that you can offer different ads to those with mobile and those searching on a desktop PC.

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Find out what your competitors are doing:There are a number of tools you can use to find out how successful your competition is. The Analyze competition feature under the Opportunities tab in the AdWords interface gives you a comparative relation between your AdWords campaign and other advertisers. Use Google Auctions Insight Report to find out who’s competing with you on certain keywords.

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Remember to keep an eye on your ads to see what's working and what isn't. Use reports and analytics, such as the search terms report offered by the Keyword Planner, which details how keywords are performing, so you can adjust your ad accordingly, and make sure you aren’t going over your daily budget. Reports can also show you how many customers are finding your business via your ad, as well as demographic information, like where those customers coming from. Another tool that's available is conversion tracker, so you can easily monitor which keywords and ads are converting into sales or leads.

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Want to advertise on Google AdWords? Try our revolutionary solution!

Ad-Assistant solves the problem of millions of small and medium businesses worldwide who want to break out and advertise online. Ad-Assistant gives SMBs the option of advertising online with no effort or prior knowledge by creating an online advertising campaign from start to finish, including: opening an account, keyword research, budget management, ad and landing page creation, optimization of the campaign and much more.Join Us Today! Want to know more? Contact us at [email protected] today for more information, or visit

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