  • 8/13/2019 How to Backup WhatsApp Chat Log From iPhone to Computer


    How To Backup WhatsApp Chat Log From

    iPhone To Computer

    Locating The iPhone SMS Backup File

    Once the backup is stored on your computer. Youll have to look for the file named

    3dd!e"#$%ce%&&&'33(e)d)(3(3*"e)!a3d%& . The file should be located in the following

    paths, based on the version of the operating system.

    Windows ! or &

    The file should be at: +S hard dri,e - .sers - /0our username1 - App2ata - oaming -

    Apple Computer - Mo$ileS0nc - Backup4

    Inside this Backup #older, you will have one or more folders named with random numbers andletters. hoose the most recently modified folder.

    Inside that folder, you will be able to find 3dd!e"#$%ce%&&&'33(e)d)(3(3*"e)!a3d%& where you can then copy out and store elsewhere for safe keeping.

    5iewing The SMS Backup File

    !ith this "#" file, you can head over to http:$$$ where you can upload

    your file and choose to e&port it to Microso#t +##ice 67cel8 HTML or P2F. Once the file hasbeen uploaded and e&ported, you will be able to ,iew all the SMS9s 0ou sent.

    '4 Backup and 67tract WhatsApp 2ata

    :ote;#ake sure that you create an unencrypted backup file as the e&tractor in the second part ofthis guide cannot handle encrypted backup files.

  • 8/13/2019 How to Backup WhatsApp Chat Log From iPhone to Computer


  • 8/13/2019 How to Backup WhatsApp Chat Log From iPhone to Computer


    This program will auto%locate the location of your backup files. If your folder is not in the

    located folder, click the drop%down and '"elect another backup folder and locate your i(hone

    backup folder.

    )fter locating the backup files, click on 67pert Mode.

  • 8/13/2019 How to Backup WhatsApp Chat Log From iPhone to Computer


    Then, click on ')pplication to e&pand it. *ind 'net.!hats)pp.!hats)pp and tick on the bo&

    ne&t to it. Then click on 67tract selected.

  • 8/13/2019 How to Backup WhatsApp Chat Log From iPhone to Computer


    The e&tracted files will be placed in a folder named ')pplication. The ')pplication folder can

    be located at the directory you chose after clicking '+&tract selected earlier.

    efore we go further, search #or ead WhatsApp Chat Histor0

    "o far, we have e&tracted !hats)pp data from our i(hone files. To read the chat history on the

    computer, we must first e7tract it #rom our WhatsApp data.

  • 8/13/2019 How to Backup WhatsApp Chat Log From iPhone to Computer


    To e&tract, first download !hats)pp -tract. +&tract !hats)pp -tract to a folder which is

    convenient for you.

    You will see a 'hat"torage.slite in the !hats)pp -tract folder. eplace it with 0our own

  • 8/13/2019 How to Backup WhatsApp Chat Log From iPhone to Computer


    )fter installing (hyton, go back to the !hats)pp -tract folder and search for '5install

    pyrypto.bat. 6un it 7or right click and 'run as administrator8.

    Then, run '!hats)pp9&tract9iphone.bat.

  • 8/13/2019 How to Backup WhatsApp Chat Log From iPhone to Computer


    Once it is done, it will open in your browser and all your !hats)pp chat history will bedisplayed.

    licking on the 'ontact ame will direct you to the chat history with that contact.

  • 8/13/2019 How to Backup WhatsApp Chat Log From iPhone to Computer


    The ;T#< file will be stored in the !hats)pp -tract folder, so you can refer back to that for

    future use.

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