Page 1: How to be an "A" student in physics


staying ahead of the pack........

Although the main purpose of education is to train people to think

clearly about problems in life, no doubt most students do not care

about finding the best methods for carrying on their chief


It is obvious that musicians, athletes, or even good footballers develop

techniques appropriate to their activities. Obviously, there is a proper

way to study. The purpose of this article is to call to the attention of

beginning physics students methods for effectively studying physics.

A proper mental attitude toward the material to be studied is the

primary requirement. You must earnestly want to learn. Unless you

make up your mind to do a good job in your physics work, this write-up

will not help. Unfortunately, a made up mind alone will not help.

Learning physics takes work. This guide points out how you may work

effectively but it cannot tell you of short cuts because there are none.

Try out the various methods and then develop a system of study that is

suited to you.



Page 2: How to be an "A" student in physics


staying ahead of the pack........

Although the main purpose of education is to train people to think

clearly about problems in life, no doubt most students do not care

about finding the best methods for carrying on their chief


It is obvious that musicians, athletes, or even good footballers develop

techniques appropriate to their activities. Obviously, there is a proper

way to study. The purpose of this article is to call to the attention of

beginning physics students methods for effectively studying physics.

A proper mental attitude toward the material to be studied is the

primary requirement. You must earnestly want to learn. Unless you

make up your mind to do a good job in your physics work, this write-up

will not help. Unfortunately, a made up mind alone will not help.

Learning physics takes work. This guide points out how you may work

effectively but it cannot tell you of short cuts because there are none.

Try out the various methods and then develop a system of study that is

suited to you.



Page 3: How to be an "A" student in physics

xperience has shown that people who went to school have a liberal, tolerant, and

understanding attitude toward life, and are more able to make a significant Econtribution to human welfare than those without formal schooling. Furthermore,

because background is wide, such people are able to lead full and rich lives and to enjoy

many kinds of things. ln

essence, such people are

likely to be capable and

hence they deserve to

hold responsible (and

well-paid) positions.

he professions

require not Tonly specific

technical training but

also tolerance and the

ability to think clearly.

A university is an ideal

place to obtain such

training, while a

secondary school provides the foundation for a university.

ood character is made up of many worthy qualities, including self-discipline,

reliability, honesty, tolerance, and the ability to get along with other people. It Gshould be the primary aim of all students to develop these characteristics. There

are many opportunities to do so: for example, studying even when there is no immediate

prospect of an exam.


light and desk space that is free from distractions, including radios and pictures of girl friends or boy

friends. Study with all your mind, keep at it; reject

interruptions from anybody. The time you save will

enable you to enjoy occasional outing sessions Physics is the basic physical science. It deals with

without worrying because you aren't studying.such things as mechanics (force, energy, motion),

There are 168 hours a week. Of these 168 hours you sound, heat, light, electricity, and atomic structure.

will be asleep for about 60, dressing and eating for In physics, perhaps more than in any other subject, it

about 20. If you take Saturday afternoon off for is necessary to develop an ability to analyze

�runs�, consider Sunday morning and afternoon as problems, to reason logically, and to discriminate

time off from studying, and have two four-hour dates between important and irrelevant material.

a week, you have about 68 hours a week for work. If Consequently, efforts to memorize physics are

you are in class for 20 hours, you still have 48 hours practically worthless. For most students physics

for study. involves many new concepts. To master physics

It seems like a tremendous amount of time, doesn't takes work, and time. Although you must decide how

it?�especially considering that you've taken off half much time you can devote to physics, i hope you will

of Saturday and most of Sunday. Just where does all learn enough from this discussion to develop a good

system of studying. You must realize that a school

cannot educate you. You must do that for yourself.

he most important requirement for effective

study is the proper mental attitude and a Tdriving desire to learn. Picture to yourself as

clealy as possible the consequences of your failure to

learn�inferiority feelings, opinions of family and

friends, lowered income throughout life because of

incompetence. Then think of what may happen if you

do particularly well�respect from family and

friends, possible scholarships, offers of jobs leading

to important and responsible positions.

Get interested in the subject by learning something

about it, tying it in with other courses, talking it over

with fellow students.

Go to class; be alert. Perhaps you will develop more

enthusiasm for the course if you sit in one of the front

rows, where you will be forced to pay attention.

Find yourself a quiet place to study, with plenty of




he time go? A great deal of it is lost in ten-and

twenty-minute idle discussions, time wasted during

the twenty minutes while you wait before a class and

so on. It is up to you whether you want to make good

use of these numerous ten; twenty, or thirty-minute

intervals. I'm not urging that you never take a minute

off to �enjoy life�, but there is certainly no harm if

you use your time too efficiently.


Page 4: How to be an "A" student in physics

xperience has shown that people who went to school have a liberal, tolerant, and

understanding attitude toward life, and are more able to make a significant Econtribution to human welfare than those without formal schooling. Furthermore,

because background is wide, such people are able to lead full and rich lives and to enjoy

many kinds of things. ln

essence, such people are

likely to be capable and

hence they deserve to

hold responsible (and

well-paid) positions.

he professions

require not Tonly specific

technical training but

also tolerance and the

ability to think clearly.

A university is an ideal

place to obtain such

training, while a

secondary school provides the foundation for a university.

ood character is made up of many worthy qualities, including self-discipline,

reliability, honesty, tolerance, and the ability to get along with other people. It Gshould be the primary aim of all students to develop these characteristics. There

are many opportunities to do so: for example, studying even when there is no immediate

prospect of an exam.


light and desk space that is free from distractions, including radios and pictures of girl friends or boy

friends. Study with all your mind, keep at it; reject

interruptions from anybody. The time you save will

enable you to enjoy occasional outing sessions Physics is the basic physical science. It deals with

without worrying because you aren't studying.such things as mechanics (force, energy, motion),

There are 168 hours a week. Of these 168 hours you sound, heat, light, electricity, and atomic structure.

will be asleep for about 60, dressing and eating for In physics, perhaps more than in any other subject, it

about 20. If you take Saturday afternoon off for is necessary to develop an ability to analyze

�runs�, consider Sunday morning and afternoon as problems, to reason logically, and to discriminate

time off from studying, and have two four-hour dates between important and irrelevant material.

a week, you have about 68 hours a week for work. If Consequently, efforts to memorize physics are

you are in class for 20 hours, you still have 48 hours practically worthless. For most students physics

for study. involves many new concepts. To master physics

It seems like a tremendous amount of time, doesn't takes work, and time. Although you must decide how

it?�especially considering that you've taken off half much time you can devote to physics, i hope you will

of Saturday and most of Sunday. Just where does all learn enough from this discussion to develop a good

system of studying. You must realize that a school

cannot educate you. You must do that for yourself.

he most important requirement for effective

study is the proper mental attitude and a Tdriving desire to learn. Picture to yourself as

clealy as possible the consequences of your failure to

learn�inferiority feelings, opinions of family and

friends, lowered income throughout life because of

incompetence. Then think of what may happen if you

do particularly well�respect from family and

friends, possible scholarships, offers of jobs leading

to important and responsible positions.

Get interested in the subject by learning something

about it, tying it in with other courses, talking it over

with fellow students.

Go to class; be alert. Perhaps you will develop more

enthusiasm for the course if you sit in one of the front

rows, where you will be forced to pay attention.

Find yourself a quiet place to study, with plenty of




he time go? A great deal of it is lost in ten-and

twenty-minute idle discussions, time wasted during

the twenty minutes while you wait before a class and

so on. It is up to you whether you want to make good

use of these numerous ten; twenty, or thirty-minute

intervals. I'm not urging that you never take a minute

off to �enjoy life�, but there is certainly no harm if

you use your time too efficiently.


Page 5: How to be an "A" student in physics


Ysychologists say that if you overlearn

material (i.e., study it somewhat longer

than is necessary just to understand it),

ou learn more physics by studying it you will remember it later with ease.

for an hour a day than by studying it Furthermore, overlearning and review show you

for ten hours on a week end, and it where you are weak and give you a chance to clear

takes less time. Furthermore, you will get more up the weak points.

from the middle-of-the-week classes Don't get Physics can be learned by seeing, hearing, reading,

behind. Keep up with your work. It's much easier writing, and talking.lean to talk physics over with

to learn your lessons from day to day than it is to your friends. An excellent study procedure is for

half-learn them all at once on the day before the two students to study a week's material together

exam. and then give each other an oral exam on it.

Plan to study physics as soon after class as Trying to explain something to a critical friend

possible, while you still remember things that will show if you really know it. Don't delude

probably will be forgotten twenty-four hours later. yourself by saying, �I know it but I can't explain

You may find it a good idea to study physics when it,� for if you really understand it, you can explain

your mind is fresh, before you work on subjects it.

requiring less concentration.

When you study, really study. Much of your time HOW TO MAKE NOTESmay be lost in funny thinking, daydreaming,

You do not go to class to get a good note. The following blind alleys of thought, and just plain

main reason for your going to class is to learn loafing. (Sometimes the prospect of an

something. Do not overemphasize the notes to the examination provides a good incentive; can you

extent that you neither see nor hear the teachings. provide yourself with an artificial incentive?)

Psychologists say that writing notes contributes While you are studying, keep personal worries off

something to the learning process, in addition to your mind. If you have a personal problem, get

the fact that the written notes make some mental some good advice, think it over, then make your

impression. Therefore you must have a note in decision and stick to it.

your own handwriting. This serves as a learning Be critical. Do not believe what you read unless it

tool, as well as helps in reviewing for exams. makes sense to you.

While the material is still fresh in your mind When you finish a paragraph, think about its main

(preferably within a few hours after class), go over idea. Say it out loud or write it down. When you

your notes and fill in the empty spaces ,add to the finish the page, ask yourself what was on the page.

explanations. Pick out the important statements in It may have seemed simple when the author wrote

the notes and the important formulas; then it, but can you put it in your own words? You may

underline them with a pencil for easy reference. It have to do so in an exam.discuss with yourself

is likely that in a whole term's work there will be (you are not being crazy ,you are being smart)

fewer than twenty important formulas you must �better to do it than to count the ceiling during an

know. But remember it is the method of applying exam.

them that really matters.


because formulas without definitions mean nothing.

One of the very effective methods of studying

physics is to work problems. You may have in mind

merely a general idea of some point and hence

delude yourself into thinking you understand it.

Only when you can do a quantitative problem

without hesitation, however, and work directly to

that correct solution, is it certain that you understand

the subject. If your textbook does not have enough

problems, get another text or one of the many books

of physics calculations. If you solve problems ahead

of the class, you may have opportunity to ask

questions in class about parts you do not


In working problems, it is very important to do the

work in an orderly manner:

1. Read the problem carefully twice.

2. Reduce the problem to its essentials.

3. Picture ,draw and label a suitable

diagram.(very important)

4. List the given quantities and the required


5. Put down some relevant principles (usually

in mathematical form).

6. Analyze the problem, think about it,

correlate the various factors, bring out some useful


7. Check the problem.

8. Check the units.

9. Look critically at the answer. Does it seem

like a reasonable answer?

10. Look up the answer in the answer book.

11. If your answer is correct, review the

problem; otherwise correct the problem and then

review it.

Perhaps not every step is needed in every problem,

but most of the steps are useful in the majority of

the problems you will have to work

Be sure you know what the symbols stand for,


ENGLISHay special attention to definitions. Although

in common terms such as force, energy, Pwork, and power often are used

synonymously, all of them have distinct, different

meanings in physics. Learn these meanings.

All students should own and use a good dictionary.

Definitions are important not because they may be

asked for in an examination but because a clear and

concise understanding of the meaning of a defined

quantity is essential to an understanding of it. Do

not merely repeat the words in the book to yourself

but study to understand the subject so that you can

give the definition in your own words.

Don't expect too much. A thing may have a

terrifying name (such as a prolate spheroid) but may

actually represent something simple (a football).

The sentence following a difficult one may clear up

the trouble.


Page 6: How to be an "A" student in physics


Ysychologists say that if you overlearn

material (i.e., study it somewhat longer

than is necessary just to understand it),

ou learn more physics by studying it you will remember it later with ease.

for an hour a day than by studying it Furthermore, overlearning and review show you

for ten hours on a week end, and it where you are weak and give you a chance to clear

takes less time. Furthermore, you will get more up the weak points.

from the middle-of-the-week classes Don't get Physics can be learned by seeing, hearing, reading,

behind. Keep up with your work. It's much easier writing, and talking.lean to talk physics over with

to learn your lessons from day to day than it is to your friends. An excellent study procedure is for

half-learn them all at once on the day before the two students to study a week's material together

exam. and then give each other an oral exam on it.

Plan to study physics as soon after class as Trying to explain something to a critical friend

possible, while you still remember things that will show if you really know it. Don't delude

probably will be forgotten twenty-four hours later. yourself by saying, �I know it but I can't explain

You may find it a good idea to study physics when it,� for if you really understand it, you can explain

your mind is fresh, before you work on subjects it.

requiring less concentration.

When you study, really study. Much of your time HOW TO MAKE NOTESmay be lost in funny thinking, daydreaming,

You do not go to class to get a good note. The following blind alleys of thought, and just plain

main reason for your going to class is to learn loafing. (Sometimes the prospect of an

something. Do not overemphasize the notes to the examination provides a good incentive; can you

extent that you neither see nor hear the teachings. provide yourself with an artificial incentive?)

Psychologists say that writing notes contributes While you are studying, keep personal worries off

something to the learning process, in addition to your mind. If you have a personal problem, get

the fact that the written notes make some mental some good advice, think it over, then make your

impression. Therefore you must have a note in decision and stick to it.

your own handwriting. This serves as a learning Be critical. Do not believe what you read unless it

tool, as well as helps in reviewing for exams. makes sense to you.

While the material is still fresh in your mind When you finish a paragraph, think about its main

(preferably within a few hours after class), go over idea. Say it out loud or write it down. When you

your notes and fill in the empty spaces ,add to the finish the page, ask yourself what was on the page.

explanations. Pick out the important statements in It may have seemed simple when the author wrote

the notes and the important formulas; then it, but can you put it in your own words? You may

underline them with a pencil for easy reference. It have to do so in an exam.discuss with yourself

is likely that in a whole term's work there will be (you are not being crazy ,you are being smart)

fewer than twenty important formulas you must �better to do it than to count the ceiling during an

know. But remember it is the method of applying exam.

them that really matters.


because formulas without definitions mean nothing.

One of the very effective methods of studying

physics is to work problems. You may have in mind

merely a general idea of some point and hence

delude yourself into thinking you understand it.

Only when you can do a quantitative problem

without hesitation, however, and work directly to

that correct solution, is it certain that you understand

the subject. If your textbook does not have enough

problems, get another text or one of the many books

of physics calculations. If you solve problems ahead

of the class, you may have opportunity to ask

questions in class about parts you do not


In working problems, it is very important to do the

work in an orderly manner:

1. Read the problem carefully twice.

2. Reduce the problem to its essentials.

3. Picture ,draw and label a suitable

diagram.(very important)

4. List the given quantities and the required


5. Put down some relevant principles (usually

in mathematical form).

6. Analyze the problem, think about it,

correlate the various factors, bring out some useful


7. Check the problem.

8. Check the units.

9. Look critically at the answer. Does it seem

like a reasonable answer?

10. Look up the answer in the answer book.

11. If your answer is correct, review the

problem; otherwise correct the problem and then

review it.

Perhaps not every step is needed in every problem,

but most of the steps are useful in the majority of

the problems you will have to work

Be sure you know what the symbols stand for,


ENGLISHay special attention to definitions. Although

in common terms such as force, energy, Pwork, and power often are used

synonymously, all of them have distinct, different

meanings in physics. Learn these meanings.

All students should own and use a good dictionary.

Definitions are important not because they may be

asked for in an examination but because a clear and

concise understanding of the meaning of a defined

quantity is essential to an understanding of it. Do

not merely repeat the words in the book to yourself

but study to understand the subject so that you can

give the definition in your own words.

Don't expect too much. A thing may have a

terrifying name (such as a prolate spheroid) but may

actually represent something simple (a football).

The sentence following a difficult one may clear up

the trouble.


Page 7: How to be an "A" student in physics

f you have done your work carefully from day to day, reviewing for exams can actually be a pleasant

experience. In any case, begin your systematic review for the final exam two weeks before exam Iweek. Plan your work so that the day before the exam you will need to do no more than review the

previously learned and understood material. In that case some hours of work the day before the exam will

be all that is necessary.

During your study, try to anticipate exam questions and plan what your answers should be. If you have a

sufficiently good grasp of the material to be able to make up possible questions and then solve them

without your notes, you are practically assured of an A. This is a very effective kind of study, for in order to

devise good questions you must have studied the fundamental ideas.


any students imagine that they are having trouble with physics when actually the difficulty

may be with their mathematical background which perhaps is too rusty to be useful. You Mshould be able to multiply 8,642 × 9,753 and get 84,285,426; without making a mistake; and

you should be able to do it within two minutes.

You are not good at arithmetic unless you can do it in one minute. (Some modern electronic calculators can

do it in less than a thousandth of a second).Since you cant do physics without maths, you must spend more

time to improve your mathematics.



1. Proper procedure in studying is necessary for effective study.

2. The proper mental attitude�an earnest desire to learn�is the most important requirement for

effective study.

3. Since education is a big investment in time and money, it is worthwhile to examine the reasons for

going to school.

4. The aims of education are to train people to think clearly, to give them a liberal, tolerant, and

understanding attitude toward life.

5. Ability to use the English language effectively is one of the single most important reasons for


6. Put special emphasis on learning how to attack problems and on how to apply what you know.

7. Physics, the basic physical science, is fundamental in medicine, science, engineering, and many

present-day social problems.

8. Ask yourself questions about the material while you study it.

9. Study in a place free from distractions.

10. Study regularly, preferably soon after class.

11. In addition to getting details, be sure to get an overall view of the subject.

12. Study to understand the material.

13. Don't believe everything you read; see if it makes sense to you.

14. Review material frequently, both in self-recitation and in discussions with fellow students.

15. Overlearn,overstudy and overread.

16. Seek help from the library, or from a tutor if necessary.

17. If you are a slow reader, see your counsellor, who can suggest corrective procedures.

18. Pay close attention to definitions.

19. Go to class not just to take notes but to learn.

20. In taking notes be sure to include explanations.

21. Have an orderly, well-organized procedure for working problems.

22. Do more problems for practice than the assignment calls for.

23. Review your problems by working them forward and backward and by doing variations.

24. Memorize, for convenience only, a few of the most important fundamental formulas and for the

other material learn to reason from the fundamental ideas.

25. Don't be rusty in basic maths. Practice up (even your multiplications table) where necessary.

26. Keep in mind the physical ideas.

27. Prepare for exams by reviewing material previously learned and digested.

28. Attempt to make up suitable exam questions and then answer them.


6 7

Page 8: How to be an "A" student in physics

f you have done your work carefully from day to day, reviewing for exams can actually be a pleasant

experience. In any case, begin your systematic review for the final exam two weeks before exam Iweek. Plan your work so that the day before the exam you will need to do no more than review the

previously learned and understood material. In that case some hours of work the day before the exam will

be all that is necessary.

During your study, try to anticipate exam questions and plan what your answers should be. If you have a

sufficiently good grasp of the material to be able to make up possible questions and then solve them

without your notes, you are practically assured of an A. This is a very effective kind of study, for in order to

devise good questions you must have studied the fundamental ideas.


any students imagine that they are having trouble with physics when actually the difficulty

may be with their mathematical background which perhaps is too rusty to be useful. You Mshould be able to multiply 8,642 × 9,753 and get 84,285,426; without making a mistake; and

you should be able to do it within two minutes.

You are not good at arithmetic unless you can do it in one minute. (Some modern electronic calculators can

do it in less than a thousandth of a second).Since you cant do physics without maths, you must spend more

time to improve your mathematics.



1. Proper procedure in studying is necessary for effective study.

2. The proper mental attitude�an earnest desire to learn�is the most important requirement for

effective study.

3. Since education is a big investment in time and money, it is worthwhile to examine the reasons for

going to school.

4. The aims of education are to train people to think clearly, to give them a liberal, tolerant, and

understanding attitude toward life.

5. Ability to use the English language effectively is one of the single most important reasons for


6. Put special emphasis on learning how to attack problems and on how to apply what you know.

7. Physics, the basic physical science, is fundamental in medicine, science, engineering, and many

present-day social problems.

8. Ask yourself questions about the material while you study it.

9. Study in a place free from distractions.

10. Study regularly, preferably soon after class.

11. In addition to getting details, be sure to get an overall view of the subject.

12. Study to understand the material.

13. Don't believe everything you read; see if it makes sense to you.

14. Review material frequently, both in self-recitation and in discussions with fellow students.

15. Overlearn,overstudy and overread.

16. Seek help from the library, or from a tutor if necessary.

17. If you are a slow reader, see your counsellor, who can suggest corrective procedures.

18. Pay close attention to definitions.

19. Go to class not just to take notes but to learn.

20. In taking notes be sure to include explanations.

21. Have an orderly, well-organized procedure for working problems.

22. Do more problems for practice than the assignment calls for.

23. Review your problems by working them forward and backward and by doing variations.

24. Memorize, for convenience only, a few of the most important fundamental formulas and for the

other material learn to reason from the fundamental ideas.

25. Don't be rusty in basic maths. Practice up (even your multiplications table) where necessary.

26. Keep in mind the physical ideas.

27. Prepare for exams by reviewing material previously learned and digested.

28. Attempt to make up suitable exam questions and then answer them.


6 7

Page 9: How to be an "A" student in physics

29After exams are returned, always review to see where you were weak, and then clear up the deficiency.

30. Keep in mind your obligations to society as a science student.

31. Be educated, not just trained. .

How many ideas in the Summary on the previous page can you give right now? Perhaps reading it again will be

worthwhile, but before you reread it, see how much of it you can remember now.

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