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How to be an Emotionally

Intelligent Leader

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Overview Achieving better business results, communicating better, and managing conflict, requires the ability to

manage emotions in a positive and constructive way.

Leaders need to become more self-aware, and develop their ability to recognize their own emotions and

how they affect thoughts and behaviour.

They need to be able to self-manage, control impulsive feelings and behaviours, and adapt to changing


They need to become socially aware, understand the emotions, needs, and concerns of other people, pick

up on emotional cues, and recognize the power dynamics in their team members and colleagues.

They need the ability to develop and maintain good relationships, communicate clearly, inspire and influence

others, work well in a team, and manage conflict.

This highly interactive workshop develops a leader’s skills and talents in emotional intelligence.

Learning Session Objectives By the end of this workshop, leaders will have learned:

1. How to develop a human/business plan

2. How to use four caring responses

3. Why interactions fail

4. How not to get hooked by others behaviour

5. About the six programs of behaviour

6. How we communicate to others

7. Words to use and some to avoid

8. About our impact on others

9. How we collect feelings

10. How to deal with difficult situations and reduce stress

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Learning Session Benefits Leaders will develop the skills and abilities to:

1. Increase self-confidence, communicate effectively with others, and achieve business objectives 2. Manage emotions in a healthy way, so reducing stress levels 3. Develop, and maintain good interactions with others, so enabling good customer and staff relationships

and minimise conflict

Learning Session Outline Understanding the Human/Business Plan – Exercise in identifying human needs that need to be satisfied when communicating with ourselves and with others . Developing four caring responses – How, when and where to deliver responses, and practising the skills with others Identifying why personal interactions fail – Exercise in understanding our own behaviour towards others Don’t get ‘hooked’ – Developing responses that keep you ‘unhooked’ and minimise your level of stress The six programs of behaviour – Understanding human behaviour and how we influence the behaviour of others How we communicate to others – Developing our verbal and non-verbal skills Some Words Are Better Than Others – Identifying words to use and some to avoid. Your impact on others – Exercise in identifying general characteristics about ourselves and others that may be annoying

Different programs – Using the “way it is model” to understand values, attitudes and perceptions Collecting feelings – Exercise in identifying the internal negative feelings that may make you stressed and how to deal with them

Defusing other people’s emotions – How to deal with conflict and difficult situations

Method This program can be run to suit the needs of your business. It is primarily designed to be delivered in

workshop fashion.

However, it can be delivered effectively as a half-day seminar, or one-hour keynote speech.

The workshop is highly interactive. It includes team exercises, group discussion and skill practise/role playing.

Participants are encouraged to raise real life situations and discuss the challenges they face.

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Your Learning Event Leader Alan Fairweather, The Motivation Doctor, is an International Speaker, New Business Consultant and

Successful Author.

Alan did the job of a manager in four different organisations, over 15 successful years. He knows the real

challenges that managers face every day, motivating their teams, and delivering business results.

He originally trained as an engineer before a career in Sales and Management.

He formed his speaking, consulting and learning business in 1993 and for the past twenty years has been

running seminars and workshops in the UK, US, Europe, Middle East and South East Asia.

His books are available worldwide through Amazon and other retailers.

Books Alan is the author of three books including - ‘How to be a Motivational Manager’ – ‘How to Manage Difficult People’ – How to Make Sales When You Don’t Like Selling’ These are available worldwide through Amazon and other book retailers.

He is based in the UK and The Philippines, and works throughout Asia. Gallup defines a highly motivated and engaged worker as one who has “heightened emotional connection” with his or her organisation, leading to greater effort in getting the job done. The only way to develop that emotional connection is for an Emotionally Intelligent Leader to communicate with each staff member on a human level as well as a business level.

Find out how - Take action now Contact Alan at: [email protected] Or by phone at: +63 (0) 917 5175191

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